What would America be like if the anti-Abortion types win?

Are you too young to remember yourself what it would be like, Joe? I'm not. Of course, being female, I probably was more aware of it than you.

If you were a young unmarried woman or girl and found yourself pregnant, the most common answer was to marry--and quick. There was still quite a stigma about bastards at the time. If the young man involved was not willing to go that route, you could "go to visit a relative" in another part of the country for, say, a year or so, during which time you would have the child and place it for adoption.

Well, I'm 57, so I was born before Roe.

I guess the question is, how far do you want to go back. While I agree with your overall comments, the thing was, by 1973, coat hangers and back alley abortions were a thing of the past. Most abortions were performed by OB/GYN's in offices, and they wrote something else down on the charts.

The Justices (including 5 republicans) probably thought they were getting rid of laws that were being routinely ignored by that point, so no one would really object, just like no one had really objected 8 years earlier when they got rid of unworkable contraception laws in Griswald v. Connecticut.

Boy, were they wrong.
Where did you get those facts?
If you were a young unmarried woman or girl and found yourself pregnant, the most common answer was to marry--and quick. There was still quite a stigma about bastards at the time. If the young man involved was not willing to go that route, you could "go to visit a relative" in another part of the country for, say, a year or so, during which time you would have the child and place it for adoption.
I'll give you this: Admitting your ignorance is at least a step towards wisdom. While it obviously took you a long time to equate the sex act to pregnancy, I think you are well outside the norm in this department. Young ladies in the era of which you speak did not "find themselves pregnant", they knew damn well what caused it.
Your insults make YOU look stupid, not me. There is nothing in what I wrote there that should cause you the slightest discomfort. Jumping in with immediate ad hominems just shows you got nothing.
So you're we're going to be overpopulated with poor kids who grow up to be criminals argument is utter bullshit.

Not at all. I'm sorry you didn't understand the argument. It's not just poor kids, it's UNWANTED kids. Kids who grow up with the burden that "you ruined my life you little bastard" because they were raised by people who didn't want them and had no capablity to raise them.

Every child a wanted child.

You seem to forget that my mother was 1/2 Black
This is the 7th or 8th time I've told you that. Are you sure you don't have a brain tumor or dementia

Um, no, I Just don't really believe a fucking thing you say...

But even if I did, the worst kind of racist is the self-loathing kind. This buys you nothing with me. The fact you are willing to throw in with the racists on every issue, whether it be gun control ("it's just the darkies shooting each other, so no problem') or abortion (Oh, my god, we aren't making enough babies to keep up with the darkies) says it all.
Every child a wanted child.

Hear hear!
Funny thing happened 20 years after we legalized abortion. The crime rate started dropping... all those future crooks ended up in medical waste containers and we were all better off for it.
In addition to this being a total lie, I'm pretty sure it qualifies you as an actual Nazi.


Margret Sanger, the patron saint of abortion was an actual and in fact Nazi, so it makes sense.

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, has an ignoble legacy as a racist who addressed the Ku Klux Klan and initiated a Negro Project to reduce the population of poor, uneducated African Americans whom she considered unfit to reproduce themselves. This Margaret Sanger—the real Margaret Sanger—is completely whitewashed in Parenthood propaganda, which deceitfully portrays Sanger as a champion of reproductive “choice.”

Even more incriminating than Sanger’s racism, however, is her close association with Nazism. Sanger was part of a community of American progressives who championed two remedies to get rid of “unfit” populations. The first was forced sterilization, which was Sanger’s preferred solution.

Sanger wanted to make it look like the sterilizations were voluntary. In a 1932 article, Sanger called for women to be segregated from the larger community onto “farms and homesteads” where they would be “taught to work under competent instructors” and prevented from reproducing “for the period of their entire lives.” If the women didn’t want to live this way, they could get out of it by consenting to be sterilized.2

The other progressive solution was “euthanasia,” which basically involved killing off the sick, the aged, and the physically and mentally disabled. One of Sanger’s colleagues, the California progressive Paul Popenoe, called for “lethal chambers” so that large numbers of “unfit” people could be systematically lined up and killed.3

The Nazis learned about these American programs, and enthusiastically adopted them. As Edwin Black documents in his book The War Against the Weak, the Nazi sterilization law of 1933 and the subsequent Nazi euthanasia laws were both based on blueprints drawn up by Sanger, Popenoe and other American progressives.4}

Exclusive – D'Souza: The Hitler-Sanger Connection | Breitbart
Well, those outdated quasi-scientific theories have been in the garbage can for nearly 100 years. So what difference does it make now? Birth control and other female health issues are being offered by an organization which has no doubt done more to prevent abortion than any other. It is not a Hitler-Sanger ideal of forcing human defectives out of the procreation loop.
As Joe says,
Every baby a wanted baby.
So you're we're going to be overpopulated with poor kids who grow up to be criminals argument is utter bullshit.

Not at all. I'm sorry you didn't understand the argument. It's not just poor kids, it's UNWANTED kids. Kids who grow up with the burden that "you ruined my life you little bastard" because they were raised by people who didn't want them and had no capablity to raise them.

Every child a wanted child.

You seem to forget that my mother was 1/2 Black
This is the 7th or 8th time I've told you that. Are you sure you don't have a brain tumor or dementia

Um, no, I Just don't really believe a fucking thing you say...

But even if I did, the worst kind of racist is the self-loathing kind. This buys you nothing with me. The fact you are willing to throw in with the racists on every issue, whether it be gun control ("it's just the darkies shooting each other, so no problem') or abortion (Oh, my god, we aren't making enough babies to keep up with the darkies) says it all.
Every child a wanted child.

Hear hear!

Wanted by whom?

If a 5 year old child is unwanted, are you personally willing to kill that child?

Remember what spawned this, you Nazis with your 4th trimester abortions in New York and Virginia.
So you're we're going to be overpopulated with poor kids who grow up to be criminals argument is utter bullshit.

Not at all. I'm sorry you didn't understand the argument. It's not just poor kids, it's UNWANTED kids. Kids who grow up with the burden that "you ruined my life you little bastard" because they were raised by people who didn't want them and had no capablity to raise them.

Every child a wanted child.

You seem to forget that my mother was 1/2 Black
This is the 7th or 8th time I've told you that. Are you sure you don't have a brain tumor or dementia

Um, no, I Just don't really believe a fucking thing you say...

But even if I did, the worst kind of racist is the self-loathing kind. This buys you nothing with me. The fact you are willing to throw in with the racists on every issue, whether it be gun control ("it's just the darkies shooting each other, so no problem') or abortion (Oh, my god, we aren't making enough babies to keep up with the darkies) says it all.
Every child a wanted child.

Hear hear!

Wanted by whom?

If a 5 year old child is unwanted, are you personally willing to kill that child?

Remember what spawned this, you Nazis with your 4th trimester abortions in New York and Virginia.
Get some information before you post crap like this again. You are embarrassing yourself.
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, has an ignoble legacy as a racist who addressed the Ku Klux Klan and initiated a Negro Project to reduce the population of poor, uneducated African Americans whom she considered unfit to reproduce themselves. This Margaret Sanger—the real Margaret Sanger—is completely whitewashed in Parenthood propaganda, which deceitfully portrays Sanger as a champion of reproductive “choice.”

again, the sad thing is you really believe this crap.

The African American community WELCOMED Sanger's efforts, because while white folks did have access to contraception at the time, poor black communities didn't.

Also- Sanger herself opposed abortion, because in the 1920's, it was a largely unsafe procedure in that wonderful era before antibiotics.

Just like the Jews WELCOMED Hitler's efforts to eradicate them.

You are one sick motherfucker, even as Nazis go.
Convenience and politics. Left wingers don’t really care about abortion. And they really don’t care about women’s safety. If they did they wouldn't keep deregulating the industry’s safety standards.

Bullshit. The "safety standards" having nothing to do with safety, they are to make running a clinic so expensive and troublesome that it isn't worth the bother.
Sure it does. Regulations are in place to make sure non medically trained staff aren’t performing the procedures. And that if something goes wrong during the procedure someone trained to deal with it it available. You know...stuff liberals don’t really care about.
Well, those outdated quasi-scientific theories have been in the garbage can for nearly 100 years. So what difference does it make now? Birth control and other female health issues are being offered by an organization which has no doubt done more to prevent abortion than any other. It is not a Hitler-Sanger ideal of forcing human defectives out of the procreation loop.
As Joe says,
Every baby a wanted baby.

Joe "Negroes wanted to be sterilized" B Stalin is a fucking Nazi, a fiend. You want to hitch your wagon to Himmler level scum like him, have at it.

The abortion industrial complex is indeed founded on quasi-science that has long since been proven false, even idiotic. Ghouls hate science. Science is the enemy that has turned America against the ghouls.

Take the lie about a baby being "a lump of cells." How long AFTER the common use of ultrasound did the abortion industrial complex continue spewing that anti-scientific shit? Any woman who has had a baby knows it's a lie, any father who was in the room during an ultrasound knows the abortion pimps were lying. Yet the assault on science by abortion promoters went on for decades, maybe the ghouls still tell that lie?

Abortion is based on a rejection of science at every level. Ghouls are ignorant fiends seeking profit from death.
So you're we're going to be overpopulated with poor kids who grow up to be criminals argument is utter bullshit.

Not at all. I'm sorry you didn't understand the argument. It's not just poor kids, it's UNWANTED kids. Kids who grow up with the burden that "you ruined my life you little bastard" because they were raised by people who didn't want them and had no capablity to raise them.

Every child a wanted child.

You seem to forget that my mother was 1/2 Black
This is the 7th or 8th time I've told you that. Are you sure you don't have a brain tumor or dementia

Um, no, I Just don't really believe a fucking thing you say...

But even if I did, the worst kind of racist is the self-loathing kind. This buys you nothing with me. The fact you are willing to throw in with the racists on every issue, whether it be gun control ("it's just the darkies shooting each other, so no problem') or abortion (Oh, my god, we aren't making enough babies to keep up with the darkies) says it all.
Every child a wanted child.

Hear hear!

Wanted by whom?

If a 5 year old child is unwanted, are you personally willing to kill that child?

Remember what spawned this, you Nazis with your 4th trimester abortions in New York and Virginia.
Get some information before you post crap like this again. You are embarrassing yourself.

You demand that a child who is unwanted should be killed - this is YOU saying it. Explain how the desire of you Ghouls to kill a baby right after birth is different than the idea that you would happily kill a 5 year old?
Convenience and politics. Left wingers don’t really care about abortion. And they really don’t care about women’s safety. If they did they wouldn't keep deregulating the industry’s safety standards.

Bullshit. The "safety standards" having nothing to do with safety, they are to make running a clinic so expensive and troublesome that it isn't worth the bother.
Sure it does. Regulations are in place to make sure non medically trained staff aren’t performing the procedures. And that if something goes wrong during the procedure someone trained to deal with it it available. You know...stuff liberals don’t really care about.
Those nonsensical rules were struck down by the Supreme Court in 2016. Carry on.
So you're we're going to be overpopulated with poor kids who grow up to be criminals argument is utter bullshit.

Not at all. I'm sorry you didn't understand the argument. It's not just poor kids, it's UNWANTED kids. Kids who grow up with the burden that "you ruined my life you little bastard" because they were raised by people who didn't want them and had no capablity to raise them.

Every child a wanted child.

You seem to forget that my mother was 1/2 Black
This is the 7th or 8th time I've told you that. Are you sure you don't have a brain tumor or dementia

Um, no, I Just don't really believe a fucking thing you say...

But even if I did, the worst kind of racist is the self-loathing kind. This buys you nothing with me. The fact you are willing to throw in with the racists on every issue, whether it be gun control ("it's just the darkies shooting each other, so no problem') or abortion (Oh, my god, we aren't making enough babies to keep up with the darkies) says it all.
Every child a wanted child.

Hear hear!

Wanted by whom?

If a 5 year old child is unwanted, are you personally willing to kill that child?

Remember what spawned this, you Nazis with your 4th trimester abortions in New York and Virginia.
Get some information before you post crap like this again. You are embarrassing yourself.

You demand that a child who is unwanted should be killed - this is YOU saying it. Explain how the desire of you Ghouls to kill a baby right after birth is different than the idea that you would happily kill a 5 year old?
You obviously still have not educated yourself on this. This is all nonsense. I'm not here to play Alice in Wonderland with you.
America would be a much more moral country if we stopped murdering our children on demand, for the sake of convenience.
Convenience and politics. Left wingers don’t really care about abortion. And they really don’t care about women’s safety. If they did they wouldn't keep deregulating the industry’s safety standards.

The only "safety standard" the filthy Liberals would like to have for the murder clinics is a requirement to keep the dumpster's out back lid closed.
You obviously still have not educated yourself on this. This is all nonsense. I'm not here to play Alice in Wonderland with you.

Rejecting scientific fact and outright lying is not "education."

You're here to promote abortion. I suspect most of you here who are zealot ghouls are personally profiting from the abortion industrial complex. Do you have stock in a death camp? Get a commission selling body parts?
“Access to contraception”
Animals in the animal kingdom stop procreating when resources are limited...I’m pretty sure they are aren’t using contraception...They are using intelligence. What does that tell you?

That i really don't want to live like an animal, thanks.

In the animal kingdom, predators pick off the weak and hungry. Sometimes they even eat their own young.

So here's the underlying problem. Most species are designed to just hit replacement levels. For most of human history, the human animal maybe produced five kids to see two live to adulthood. And this was probably the case all the way up until the 19th century.

Now we have anti-biotics... plentiful food, and so on. We can cure a lot of the diseases that picked off kids in centuries past- Smallpox, Polio, Measles are largely unknown.

Which means something has to give..
Your assertion that "more abortion = less crime" is a classic example of not understanding that correlation does not equal causation. If fact, it's so absurd that even the Leftist Wikipedia lumps it in with an equally flawed hypothesis that "unleaded gas = less crime".

Regardless, you've just unwittingly provided even more proof that you are, in fact, a literal Nazi. You openly advocate the destruction of life which you call "prone to crime", so it logically follows that you would have no problem at all exterminating inner city children and young adults who are demonstrably even more prone to crime under your standards.

Well, no. I don't consider fetuses to be people... neither do most people. Even when abortion was illegal, we didn't prosecute it as murder.

If you shitheads were TRULY serious, then you would DEMAND executing not only the doctors who perform abortions, but the women who get them.

Since you don't, you don't consider fetuses to be people any more than I do.
Your assertion that "more abortion = less crime" is a classic example of not understanding that correlation does not equal causation. If fact, it's so absurd that even the Leftist Wikipedia lumps it in with an equally flawed hypothesis that "unleaded gas = less crime".

Regardless, you've just unwittingly provided even more proof that you are, in fact, a literal Nazi. You openly advocate the destruction of life which you call "prone to crime", so it logically follows that you would have no problem at all exterminating inner city children and young adults who are demonstrably even more prone to crime under your standards.

Well, no. I don't consider fetuses to be people... neither do most people. Even when abortion was illegal, we didn't prosecute it as murder.

If you shitheads were TRULY serious, then you would DEMAND executing not only the doctors who perform abortions, but the women who get them.

Since you don't, you don't consider fetuses to be people any more than I do.

So you reject science.

We already knew you were stupid.

Tell us again how "Negroes WELCOMED efforts to have them sterilized?" :eek:

You fucking Nazi pig.
Sure it does. Regulations are in place to make sure non medically trained staff aren’t performing the procedures. And that if something goes wrong during the procedure someone trained to deal with it it available. You know...stuff liberals don’t really care about.

Except why does that require the halls to be a certain width or the parking lots to be so big? Or for the doctors to have admitting privileges at hospitals? None of these things increase safety.

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