What would America be like if the anti-Abortion types win?

Our welfare state would be bigger.
Closet hanger stocks would shoot through the roof.
Forcing a person to do major things like this to their own body is tyranny.
When all else fails, act like a coward and hide behind the sainted poooooor.

Life's tough, shit happens, wear a fucking helmet.

Not at all. I'm pointing out the fallacy of your system.

If you are going to deny an abortion to anyone, it should be the rich bitch. She can afford to have Biff's baby, even if Biff wasn't good father material. That she can fly to NY to have an abortion while the poor girl can't, is kind of messed up.

So what you want is abortion to be a system of privilege. Rich white women will still be able to get them, poor women of color will be kind of screwed.
I'm just wondering how long God's gonna sit back and let all those babies be murdered?
I would think that if God really cared, he'd step in at some point and do some serious wrist slappin.
I mean seriously....how many innocents will need to die before there's some intervention? 1 million? 1 billion? 1 trillion? 1 quadrillion? 1 quintrillion? 1 sextillion? 1 septillion? 1 octillion? 1 nonillion? 1 decillion? HOW MANY???

What's more important.... free will or the sanctity of innocent life made in God's own image?
What good is free will if it results in profound torture and endless cruelty?
They are celebrating killing a baby on their due date. In Virginia celebrating killing a baby after it was born. Women can make their decision in the first 20 weeks. So no, they are celebrating killing.

If they are having an abortion after week 20, it's because something has gone horribly wrong.

Not because they just "Feel like it".
Yeah right, Martha Plimpton brags about abortion in front of her fans. Said her first one was the best with a cheering crowd. Liberals have cheapened life so much, you have people celebrating killing inocent babie and it's only going to get worse from here.
What I find so bloody amazing, as well as so damn hypocritical are these "small government" types, predominately males, being so fixated on controlling various aspects of a woman's vagina to the point of an obsession. Then in the next breath, these same control freaks claim their damn guns should all be unfettered from any control under law.

An abortion of a non-viable fetus denies the POTENTIAL for a living being. A gun shot through the head or heart of any person ENDS the life of a living being. Time to end this fucking hypocrisy. Women are not chattel and weapons don't enhance your manhood, fools.
All their screaming about "infanticide" aside, do you ever wonder what our country would look like if the Anti-Choice fanatics got their way.

Well, thanks to the modern miracles of actually understanding there is a rest of the world out there, we have a real life example.

The Philippines, former American Colony, has exactly the kind of anti-choice laws you guys want.

How's that working out.. Well, let's review.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

• The Philippines abortion law is among the strictest in the world. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances and there are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, because of high levels of unintended pregnancy, abortion is common in the country. Projections that were based on the national abortion rate in 2000 (the most recent available) and that took into account population increase estimated that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008 and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.[2,8,9]

• About 1,000 Filipino women die each year from abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Projections that were based on data from 2000 indicate that 100,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2012; countless others suffered complications that went untreated.[4,9]

• The stigma surrounding abortion makes it difficult for women to seek postabortion care. Some women report feeling shamed and intimidated by health care workers and in some cases, women are not given pain relievers or anesthetics or are denied treatment all together. Others report being threatened that they would be turned over to the police.[5,8]
I was 1st trimester pro-choice until insane hacks like you made excuses for the ghouls, who are to this this day selling body parts from dismembered aborted fetuses....Now you butchers are carrying the water for infanticide.

Go take your scare story from an irrelevant non-analogous nation and stuff it up your ass.

Except that those stories were out and out lies, fed to you by the rabid anti-abortionists. The people who produced those videos have been charged with fraud.

2 Activists Who Secretly Recorded Planned Parenthood Face New Felony Charges

Yes, women can opt for their fetal tissue being donated to science, but no one is profitting from that donation except the people who are getting life saving stem cell treatements as a result. Research labs pay shipping costs to receive the tissue. For women who want their choice to help others lives, this gives them some comfort.
What I find so bloody amazing, as well as so damn hypocritical are these "small government" types, predominately males, being so fixated on controlling various aspects of a woman's vagina to the point of an obsession. Then in the next breath, these same control freaks claim their damn guns should all be unfettered from any control under law.

An abortion of a non-viable fetus denies the POTENTIAL for a living being. A gun shot through the head or heart of any person ENDS the life of a living being. Time to end this fucking hypocrisy. Women are not chattel and weapons don't enhance your manhood, fools.

I see your point...kinda, maybe, in a sordid way....but is this really a fair analogy?


However, I will agree that guns cannot enhance one's manhood
But they sure can protect it :113:
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The thing of it is that the pro-choice proponents of death aren't fully in charge even if they think they are. What would happen if the "choice" fanatics got hold of the Constitution? First they come for the 1st and 2nd trimester babies and then they take the full term infants and then they start killing newborns. Will they start killing Jews again or maybe the old and infirm? Will Planned Parenthood start selling body parts over the internet? God help us if these people are ever in charge.
I'm curious, who is this "they" that you think will start killing full term babies?
Don't want a baby? DON'T GET FUCKED.

Problem solved dipshit.

I'm sure you are pretty good at using your personality as birth control.

I've never had anyone blow a load in me, so yeah...

Guns help though... except that pieces of shit like you want people to be defenseless in the face of rapists, you only care about "choices" you want others to make.

You use guns for birth control?
All their screaming about "infanticide" aside, do you ever wonder what our country would look like if the Anti-Choice fanatics got their way.

Well, thanks to the modern miracles of actually understanding there is a rest of the world out there, we have a real life example.

The Philippines, former American Colony, has exactly the kind of anti-choice laws you guys want.

How's that working out.. Well, let's review.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

• The Philippines abortion law is among the strictest in the world. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances and there are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, because of high levels of unintended pregnancy, abortion is common in the country. Projections that were based on the national abortion rate in 2000 (the most recent available) and that took into account population increase estimated that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008 and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.[2,8,9]

• About 1,000 Filipino women die each year from abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Projections that were based on data from 2000 indicate that 100,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2012; countless others suffered complications that went untreated.[4,9]

• The stigma surrounding abortion makes it difficult for women to seek postabortion care. Some women report feeling shamed and intimidated by health care workers and in some cases, women are not given pain relievers or anesthetics or are denied treatment all together. Others report being threatened that they would be turned over to the police.[5,8]
I was 1st trimester pro-choice until insane hacks like you made excuses for the ghouls, who are to this this day selling body parts from dismembered aborted fetuses....Now you butchers are carrying the water for infanticide.

Go take your scare story from an irrelevant non-analogous nation and stuff it up your ass.

Except that those stories were out and out lies, fed to you by the rabid anti-abortionists. The people who produced those videos have been charged with fraud.

2 Activists Who Secretly Recorded Planned Parenthood Face New Felony Charges

Yes, women can opt for their fetal tissue being donated to science, but no one is profitting from that donation except the people who are getting life saving stem cell treatements as a result. Research labs pay shipping costs to receive the tissue. For women who want their choice to help others lives, this gives them some comfort.
They are charged with filming people without their consent, not lying....Which makes you the lying liar.
What would happen if the anti-abortion types got their way is that we would lose our right to call ourselves a free people and require us to identify as a theocracy much like Iran and Saudi Arabia, both countries that depend on the enslavement of women.

There cannot be too much funny about losing our freedom and becoming a theocracy led by dirty idiots.
When all else fails, act like a coward and hide behind the sainted poooooor.

Life's tough, shit happens, wear a fucking helmet.

Not at all. I'm pointing out the fallacy of your system.

If you are going to deny an abortion to anyone, it should be the rich bitch. She can afford to have Biff's baby, even if Biff wasn't good father material. That she can fly to NY to have an abortion while the poor girl can't, is kind of messed up.

So what you want is abortion to be a system of privilege. Rich white women will still be able to get them, poor women of color will be kind of screwed.
Oh bullshit.....After patriotism, mewling about the pooooor is the second-to-last refuge of the scoundrel.
What would happen if the anti-abortion types got their way is that we would lose our right to call ourselves a free people and require us to identify as a theocracy much like Iran and Saudi Arabia, both countries that depend on the enslavement of women.

There cannot be too much funny about losing our freedom and becoming a theocracy led by dirty idiots.
I'm curious, who is this "they" that you think will start killing full term babies?

You didn't know that just like there are many soldiers who join the military so that they can legally kill....
There are doctors who enjoy inflicting pain and even death?

There's some REALLY sadistic physicians out there.
All their screaming about "infanticide" aside, do you ever wonder what our country would look like if the Anti-Choice fanatics got their way.

Well, thanks to the modern miracles of actually understanding there is a rest of the world out there, we have a real life example.

The Philippines, former American Colony, has exactly the kind of anti-choice laws you guys want.

How's that working out.. Well, let's review.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

• The Philippines abortion law is among the strictest in the world. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances and there are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, because of high levels of unintended pregnancy, abortion is common in the country. Projections that were based on the national abortion rate in 2000 (the most recent available) and that took into account population increase estimated that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008 and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.[2,8,9]

• About 1,000 Filipino women die each year from abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Projections that were based on data from 2000 indicate that 100,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2012; countless others suffered complications that went untreated.[4,9]

• The stigma surrounding abortion makes it difficult for women to seek postabortion care. Some women report feeling shamed and intimidated by health care workers and in some cases, women are not given pain relievers or anesthetics or are denied treatment all together. Others report being threatened that they would be turned over to the police.[5,8]
What a load of bullshit. If the pro life people win, each state will make its own abortion laws, just as they did before the Roe v. Wade mutilation of our Constitution. Some states will allow abortions and some states won't, so if a woman who lived in a state that didn't allow abortions wanted one, she would have to take a bus to a state that did allow them, and if she didn't have the bus fare, pro abortion fanatics like yourself would be happy to buy her a bus ticket.
Why do you hate black people and them aborted? Are you a eugenists like Hillary?

You realize that made no grammatical sense, right?

Blacks only get more abortions because they don't have as easy access to contraception as white women have...

Joe, please stop making a complete ass of yourself in public...all sane folks know Planned Parenthood hands out birth control like candy to *****
BrokeLoser Racist slur deleted
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I'm curious, who is this "they" that you think will start killing full term babies?

You didn't know that just like there are many soldiers who join the military so that they can legally kill....
There are doctors who enjoy inflicting pain and even death?

There's some REALLY sadistic physicians out there.
Does the name "Mengele" ring a bell?
I'm just wondering how long God's gonna sit back and let all those babies be murdered?
I would think that if God really cared, he'd step in at some point and do some serious wrist slappin.
I mean seriously....how many innocents will need to die before there's some intervention? 1 million? 1 billion? 1 trillion? 1 quadrillion? 1 quintrillion? 1 sextillion? 1 septillion? 1 octillion? 1 nonillion? 1 decillion? HOW MANY???

What's more important.... free will or the sanctity of innocent life made in God's own image?
What good is free will if it results in profound torture and endless cruelty?
The only people invoking God here are the ones who have no real argument, and need to shift into demagoguery mode.
All their screaming about "infanticide" aside, do you ever wonder what our country would look like if the Anti-Choice fanatics got their way.

Well, thanks to the modern miracles of actually understanding there is a rest of the world out there, we have a real life example.

The Philippines, former American Colony, has exactly the kind of anti-choice laws you guys want.

How's that working out.. Well, let's review.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

• The Philippines abortion law is among the strictest in the world. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances and there are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, because of high levels of unintended pregnancy, abortion is common in the country. Projections that were based on the national abortion rate in 2000 (the most recent available) and that took into account population increase estimated that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008 and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.[2,8,9]

• About 1,000 Filipino women die each year from abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Projections that were based on data from 2000 indicate that 100,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2012; countless others suffered complications that went untreated.[4,9]

• The stigma surrounding abortion makes it difficult for women to seek postabortion care. Some women report feeling shamed and intimidated by health care workers and in some cases, women are not given pain relievers or anesthetics or are denied treatment all together. Others report being threatened that they would be turned over to the police.[5,8]

No need to look at hellholes like the Philippines. Look at the US. It will be like the America I grew up in again. Great. I lived in it.

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