What would America be like if the Left had total control?

America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

ROFLMAO...left loons are some of the most intolerant assholes on the planet...possibly second only to their allies....radical Islam

Radical Islam is a right wing, not left wing ideology. If the left is not tolerant, it's because we believe no tolerance for intolerance.

Comparing the American right wing to radical Islam would suggest you are a bit out of touch.

Not at all. Both are homophobic, both are anti-women and both want to push their religion on others.
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.
You left leaning nut jobs are some of the most intolerant people on the planet.
Shove your bullshit clichés up your ass and embrace reality! :)

Reality is that left leaning groups tolerate more groups of people and champion the rights of groups more than the right does.

In reality, the "tolerance" you speak of for all these other groups is ONLY used to damage the American right wing. That is all.
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.
You left leaning nut jobs are some of the most intolerant people on the planet.
Shove your bullshit clichés up your ass and embrace reality! :)

Reality is that left leaning groups tolerate more groups of people and champion the rights of groups more than the right does.

In reality, the "tolerance" you speak of for all these other groups is ONLY used to damage the American right wing. That is all.

Tolerating groups who aren't the majority does damage to the right? Okay.
If the left had total control over America, expect economic prosperity, war as a last resort, equality for everyone, healthcare as a right, true enforcement of freedom of religion, championing the elderly, poor and middle class and putting an end to the hegemony corporations exert over our nation.

Explain how America would prosper if 95% of all businesses (including corporations) were regulated out of existence?
See, this is where you folks go astray. Just as in Venezuela...printing money doesn't solve any problems. There has to be actual PRODUCTIVITY.

Who pays for all this healthcare...especially for millions upon million of illegals you would invite here?

I will agree that some corporations need a good smackdown...but we already HAVE the means to do that....it's called your wallet.
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For some odd reason the name IResit reminds me of that Occupy Democrat bullshit that sputtered out after it was revealed what they were about
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

ROFLMAO...left loons are some of the most intolerant assholes on the planet...possibly second only to their allies....radical Islam

Radical Islam is a right wing, not left wing ideology. If the left is not tolerant, it's because we believe no tolerance for intolerance.

So you're intolerant. Thanks

I am intolerant of homophobia, Islamophibia, misogyny and racism.
Let's assume for one moment that the Left managed to gain absolute control over both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the White House and an overwhelming majority of all Governors offices and state legislative branches. Just roll with it for a moment even if it's not possible....

Given the Lefts' propensity for open borders, strict adherence to climate control agendas, large bureaucracies and free trade.....how would America change?

Please don;t just say "America would be worse" or "America would be better". Those are deadhead answers expected of morons. Please explain why.

I personally would expect a very swift collapse both economically and socially due to unrealistic expectations of the availability of resources to support such agendas. I would expect massive business failures due to unrealistic climate agendas that only hurt the USA along with stifling regulations that would be impossible to accommodate.. I would expect the military to be reduced to nothing more than a symbolic gesture. I would expect a massive increase in social programs even as funds dried up for such programs. Ultimately, I would expect a dictator to rise from the corruption as the Left tends to be far more corrupt than the right even though there is indeed corruption on both sides. Before long, I can't see how America would avoid becoming the next Venezuela.

You recall Auschwitz? Instead of Jews, it would be conservatives and republicans, and anyone else who did not 100% agree with the party. Just look at that college in Washington State where the students have completely cowed the University President and have attacked (verbally) one of the most progressive professors in the nation for not agreeing with them.

The left have begun to eat their own. Can you imagine how bad it would be for free thinking individuals in this nation?
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

ROFLMAO...left loons are some of the most intolerant assholes on the planet...possibly second only to their allies....radical Islam

Radical Islam is a right wing, not left wing ideology. If the left is not tolerant, it's because we believe no tolerance for intolerance.

So you're intolerant. Thanks

I am intolerant of homophobia, Islamophibia, misogyny and racism.
Do you believe in free speech? If so, what kind of speech is protected by the First Amendment?

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