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What Would Be So Awful About Overturning Roe v. Wade & Saving Unborn Children's Lives?

What exactly would be so awful or terrible about overturning Roe v. Wade, allowing the states to resume control over the issue, and saving thousands or tens of thousands of unborn babies' lives?

Because no abortions would be prevented, and thousands of women will be mauled in illegal abortions.

That's why it was a bad idea.

You see, what you wingnuts don't realize, is that before Roe, women were getting just as many abortions as they were after roe. Affluent women walked into their OB/GYN's office, he performed an abortion, and wrote something else down on the chart.

Poorer women went to hacks who usually got it right, but some of them fucked it up and maimed them.
That is pure bullshit.
Please link to a commandment that says you must stop women from having abortions.

What's funny is you're right, but if we switch to the constitution ... you find it !!!

So I said you're right, that abortion isn't in the bible. Then I said, "but if we switch to the constitution ... you find it !!!

And you didn't get it! You thought I said that abortion is illegal in the Constitution.

My government educated friend, you seriously have reading difficulty. I said abortion is not in the Constitution just like it's not in the bible.

Seriously, stop letting Democrats keep you on the plantation of poor education and no jobs, and don't do that to your kids
No stupid. I said (and you even quoted it)

"Please link to a commandment that says you must stop women from having abortions."

Then you said.

"What's funny is you're right, but if we switch to the constitution ... you find it !!!"

Now unless you forgot to type something or I missed you changing the subject then the subject is still "that says you must stop women from having abortions".

I know reading comprehension is difficult for you but even you should know that you need to signal a change of topic instead of hoping I guess you changed the topic to the protection of abortion.

How could you be so fucking stupid to quote what I said and still miss it? :laugh:

I said, you're right, the bible doesn't say anything about abortion

But the Constitution doesn't either, but you find abortion in the Constitution

You really don't understand that, do you? I'm starting to feel sorry for you
No thats not what you said. I already quoted what you said.

I understand youre too stupid to signal a change in topic from preventing abortion to allowing abortion.

I agreed with you that abortion isn't in the bible, but I pointed out it isn't in the Constitution either.

My point was that when you didn't want to see it in the Bible, you didn't see it. And you said it to 2aguy like you're a reasonable guy. But you want it in the Constitution, so you suddenly see it. You are what you mocked.

It's very clear. Maybe you can find someone you know to read it and explain it to you.

And again, that your reading skills are so poor, doesn't that make you think that maybe your kids shouldn't get the same crappy government education that failed you? Maybe we need better options?

It's no wonder the Democrats lead you by the nose and actually get you to help them fuck black men by taking away their jobs and replacing them with cheap illegal aliens.

And Democrats fuck black men again by trapping them in poor government schools by killing vouchers.

Democrats fuck black men over and over, and you get out a spoon and ask for another heaping bowl ...
Speaking of your crappy government education.

You said it's her body, do you believe that all the time? You said yes. I said what about drugs, prostitution and selling body parts.

You replied, "Youre babbling I made out the drugs and prostitution and it should be legal. Same with selling her body parts."

In other words, no, it's not her body unless you say it is apparently.

I believe it's her body all the time. Yes, drugs, prostitution, selling body parts should be legal. I believe it all the time, you only believe it when it's convenient.

And you want to do that crappy education you got to your children?

No wonder Democrats con you into destroying the jobs of poor black men by advocating bringing in cheap illegals to replace them and drive down wages. You'll fall for anything
I too believe it is her body all the time.

She can sell her body, her pussy, her asshole, smoke crack, smoke crack WITH her pussy. All of it.

I too believe in freedom, even the freedoms I personally don't like.

I want those who value their freedoms to reciprocate and value my freedoms. I will fight for them and their freedom. I would hope that they will fight for me.

Now see Ascelapias, he read the question, understood it, and answered it.

Let's see if you can get to step two, understand the question
Thats a different post dummy. Are you really that confused? :laugh:

So you're still running from the question whether it's the woman's body all the time. We agree it's her body if she wants an abortion. That's settled. However, what if she wants to:

1) Be a prostitue
2) Do drugs
3) Sell her body parts
4) Us her body to do a job that pays her $5 an hour. Since you're not very smart, that's below the minimum wage.

Is it still her body? Or is that up to you? I say yes, it's her body to all of those. You implied before that you thought it was no longer her body. But answer the question directly
I said, you're right, the bible doesn't say anything about abortion

But the Constitution doesn't either, but you find abortion in the Constitution.

And you took from that I said that abortion is banned in the Constitution. Wow.

You really don't understand that, do you? I'm starting to feel sorry for you
So, there is nothing about abortion in the Bible, thus it's not forbidden. Fine

I didn't say that. The nature of the Bible and Constitution are entirely different. Abortion is gray in the bible. That it's not explicitly stated doesn't mean you can get abortions and claim it's OK in the rule book. You have to work out your morality. It's not gray in the Constitution. It's not there, it's not a Federal power. The Federal government has no say either way to declare it a right or to ban it. I'm pro-choice, but I believe in the rule of law. The Feds should be out of it. Then I oppose States banning it. But they have the power to ban it

[The Constitution is a document that defines and limits the power of the Federal Government. There is nothing in the Constitution limiting the federal government from banning abortion

The 10th amendment specifically states that the Federal government has no power to either ban or declare abortions a right

But, the Constitution does not grant rights. It defines and limits the power of the federal government.

Thus, if a human woman had the right to abort in a stateless, cave-man state of existence, she has (or should have) the right now.

Roe v. Wade pisses me off because it didn't state once and for all that abortion is a right (not privacy). It didn't acknowledge fully (only partially and weakly) that we have certain unalienable rights that do not need to be enumerated in the Constitution. It went on to limit the right to abort.

You're flat out wrong. The 10th amendment states that the Federal government has no power to declare abortions a right. The Federal government has no say in abortions either way
When you’re a worthless human being it’s easier to kill a child than take on the responsibility of raising one.

I honestly think that many of the young women who have abortions are simply blind, many of them don't realize they're doing anything wrong. Plus, keep in mind that the abortion industry lies to them… So, they are misguided. The people posting on this thread, however, seem to be a different story. They truly seem to think that they have no accountability whatsoever, they think they don't have to be responsible for their own actions, and they turn it upside down and make the only truly innocent one (the baby) into the villain. It's kind of disgusting, actually.
It is the Right Wing, that complain about the fiscal responsibility of, an ounce of prevention.
So a 14 year old girl on life support has no “right to life”?
When it depends on the life of another? What do you think?
I think you’re a special sort of bat-shit crazy when you believe the extermination of humans is the perfect solution to anyone who finds that life to be a mild inconvenience.
That's alright, because their times a coming, otherwise there will come a time when they will be highly dependent upon a human being themselves in life again (once an adult, twice a baby remember) ??? Hopefully they will be in the presence of someone who will have the compassion needed for them when it comes to whether or not they will either live or either they will die at a most critical time in their life......

In that moment when they are saved (if even for one day more in order to say bye to a loved one that is traveling to get there before they pass or maybe just to say bye to their immediate family members on their way to the hospital or maybe just to get closure on the things needed to be forgiven for or to give forgiveness for the things that others may have done to them in life or hopefully to begin the road to recovery or to be given a chance to live if someone else said there was no chance at all), will they then understand the error of their ways........

They might live all due to the choice that a compassionat person has made for them in their time of great tribulation or need, yet they don't understand this way of thinking in life or they forget the Golden rule of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" ?????........ At that moment they will understand the choice one might have made in which either gave life a chance or destroyed it in their ideologies or thought processes they have or had lived by in their lives.......

For what ever reason the choices may have been, they themselves will have to live with it, but we as a government shouldn't be dragged into their evilness if making a decision to take a life based upon some whimsical emotion they might have had at a time when they aren't thinking straight in life or they are being pressured into making the wrong choices in life by those whom think that they know all the answers for another, when in reality they don't nothing.
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Contraception does NOT work 99.999% of the time. The Pill is, at best, 95% effective, which means that out of 100 women taking it, 5 will get pregnant. Other forms of birth control are less effective.
Wrong! Dead wrong. The 4% by which you are off is due to the woman not taking the pill properly (ie consistently and on time). If taken properly, it is over 99% effective. In addition...
If you use condoms perfectly every single time you have sex, they're 98% effective
at preventing pregnancy.
So if Assclap fathered multiple children from multiple baby mama's using "birth control" - he's a certified idiot. I guarantee he didn't use a condom.
Contraception does NOT work 99.999% of the time. The Pill is, at best, 95% effective, which means that out of 100 women taking it, 5 will get pregnant. Other forms of birth control are less effective.
Wrong! Dead wrong. The 4% by which you are off is due to the woman not taking the pill properly (ie consistently and on time). If taken properly, it is over 99% effective. In addition...
If you use condoms perfectly every single time you have sex, they're 98% effective
at preventing pregnancy.
So if Assclap fathered multiple children from multiple baby mama's using "birth control" - he's a certified idiot. I guarantee he didn't use a condom.
we need oral contraception for men that also provides our vitamins and clears our complexion.
It is the Right Wing, that complain about the fiscal responsibility of, an ounce of prevention.
That's because that "fiscal responsibility of an ounce of prevention" is your responsibility. Not mine. If you can't afford a freaking condom, you're a broke loser and no woman should even be sleeping with you.
As usual, everyone on the left is completely missing the point of this entire thread. It shows the limited IQ on the left (and why they need government to provide for them).

Overturning Roe vs. Wade would not ban abortion. It would simply send the issue back to the states where it constitutionally belongs. So leftists could kill all the babies they want. But at least conservatives could protect and defend life in their states.

And that was the entire point of the United States to begin with. It was intended to operate as individual states (almost like small nations) where people could "customize" their society to fit with their views. Of course, the left-wing fascists-statists cannot tolerate someone else, somewhere else living their life their way. The left feels that they must control all of society.
Off the top of my head I would think women would have a problem with people telling them what to do with their own bodies.
Maybe we could do something crazy and have those women not get pregnant with shit fathers.
How would we do that without controlling the women and what they do with their bodies? Are you prepared to have someone tell you that a woman is not allowed to fuck you because they think youre a shit father?
Off the top of my head I would think women would have a problem with people telling them what to do with their own bodies.
Maybe we could do something crazy and have those women not get pregnant with shit fathers.
How would we do that without controlling the women and what they do with their bodies? Are you prepared to have someone tell you that a woman is not allowed to fuck you because they think youre a shit father?
Isn’t that up to the woman to do? What the hell kind of feminist are you?
Off the top of my head I would think women would have a problem with people telling them what to do with their own bodies.
Maybe we could do something crazy and have those women not get pregnant with shit fathers.
How would we do that without controlling the women and what they do with their bodies? Are you prepared to have someone tell you that a woman is not allowed to fuck you because they think youre a shit father?
Isn’t that up to the woman to do? What the hell kind of feminist are you?
Yes its up to the woman. That why I asked how would "have" these women not get pregnant by shit fathers?
Because ...

1. Who is going to take care of the unwanted kids? You? Republicans (not all, but much of the pro-life force) don't want to pay up for welfare either.

2. It's none of your fucking business what others do with their bodies.

That being said, I don't really care that much. It will really only hurt women in red states. Good riddance. You get what you vote for.
Because ...

1. Who is going to take care of the unwanted kids? You? Republicans (not all, but much of the pro-life force) don't want to pay up for welfare either.

2. It's none of your fucking business what others do with their bodies.

That being said, I don't really care that much. It will really only hurt women in red states. Good riddance. You get what you vote for.

It's more about them having to live in country that condones abortion than it is about the "babies being murdered" who, once they're born, they could give a shit less about.
Off the top of my head I would think women would have a problem with people telling them what to do with their own bodies.
Maybe we could do something crazy and have those women not get pregnant with shit fathers.
How would we do that without controlling the women and what they do with their bodies? Are you prepared to have someone tell you that a woman is not allowed to fuck you because they think youre a shit father?
Isn’t that up to the woman to do? What the hell kind of feminist are you?
Yes its up to the woman. That why I asked how would "have" these women not get pregnant by shit fathers?
Have them make better decisions. How is this such a hard concept to follow?
Contraception does NOT work 99.999% of the time. The Pill is, at best, 95% effective, which means that out of 100 women taking it, 5 will get pregnant. Other forms of birth control are less effective.
Wrong! Dead wrong. The 4% by which you are off is due to the woman not taking the pill properly (ie consistently and on time). If taken properly, it is over 99% effective. In addition...
If you use condoms perfectly every single time you have sex, they're 98% effective
at preventing pregnancy.
So if Assclap fathered multiple children from multiple baby mama's using "birth control" - he's a certified idiot. I guarantee he didn't use a condom.

Out of 100 women taking the Pill, 9 women will get pregnant year. So for every million women taking the pill, 90,000 will get pregnant. That’s a huge chunk of your abortion rate right there.

The Pill is only effective if you take it without fail at the same time each day. Before bed works best because most ill effects will have abated by morning. Failure to abide by these instructions, missed pills, erratic schedules, raise the actual failure rate to 9%.

What is the Effectiveness of Birth Control Pills?

Fully 50% of the women getting an abortion report having used birth control in the month they became pregnant. So your belief to the contrary has no basis in reality.

More than half of women who got an abortion last year were using contraception

I have a handsome young grandson about to turn one year of age who was conceived while his mother faithfully took the Pill.

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