What would be the outcome of a Biden/Putin unscreened debate?

Reminds me of when Saddam Insane challenged Baby Bush to a debate.

Neo-Fascist Banana Republicans would just shoot their wad as soon as they got sight of their Daddy Vald, then they'd sleep through it.


Putin loves you guys.
The outcome would be the same: Republicans are now anti-American, anti-Democratic thugs and traitors who cheer against their own country. #RootinForPutin

But the ol' guy you installed is so weak.
Not anti-American; just realistic.
Why is he weak? Because he doesn't bluster, and lie about how great he is and lie about how much money he has?

You look like the weak one, for needing that bullshit.
crawling up an airplane ladder doesnt make him look strong
But no issues with TR☭MP creeping along a walkway that was 1/10th as steep?

You should see your shining star Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez smart?
Did Trump only answer prescreened questions?
No, he just winged it and gave total bullshit lies instead. I'd rather the President have an idea what he's talking about, which he will, since he knows what topics the press wants covered.

Sorry, the World Weekly News probably won't get to ask about Hunter's laptop. LOL
Speaking of which, it just came out that the whole Hunter Biden laptop story is just Russian dysinfo, parroted by their useful idiots Giuliani and Hannity.
The outcome would be the same: Republicans are now anti-American, anti-Democratic thugs and traitors who cheer against their own country. #RootinForPutin

Aint that fucking rich, considering you're an AOC Loving PROG
No, I'm an AOC-loving Liberal. And Sherrod Brown. And Ilhan Omar. And Elizabeth Warren. And Bernie Sanders.
So you admit to being a full blown American hating communist
No, I never supported Trump.
Did Trump only answer prescreened questions?
No, he just winged it and gave total bullshit lies instead. I'd rather the President have an idea what he's talking about, which he will, since he knows what topics the press wants covered.

Sorry, the World Weekly News probably won't get to ask about Hunter's laptop. LOL
Speaking of which, it just came out that the whole Hunter Biden laptop story is just Russian dysinfo, parroted by their useful idiots Giuliani and Hannity.
...Of course he was the enemy of the anti American lefties. What policies of trumps were against America and Americans?
Incorrect. He was (and is) the enemy of American representative democracy.

This is not a matter of policy. This is a matter of (a) profoundly flawed character and (b) autocratic tendencies and (c) a willingness to overthrow the Constitution by force.
...Of course he was the enemy of the anti American lefties. What policies of trumps were against America and Americans?
Incorrect. He was (and is) the enemy of American representative democracy.

This is not a matter of policy. This is a matter of (a) profoundly flawed character and (b) autocratic tendencies and (c) a willingness to overthrow the Constitution by force.
But Biden's extorting money from China, Ukraine isn't flawed character ?
everyone knows that there is no way 80 million Americans voted for that man
Voter turnout at 20-year low in 2016
2020 turnout is the highest in over a century

I can confirm that independently, Mr. B, a few weeks ago, a thread here prompted me to do a little bit of research to corroborate some things and going back 5 elections, I plotted national population at the time vs. voter turnout.

Voters vs. Population.jpg

At no time in recent history has there been a greater disparity between total population and voter turnout. I suspect part of the reason is the type and sector of people currently most fastly growing in America: foreign people with little sense of alliance with the USA who may not be legally here and whom align with the democrat party. This leads to two other observations:

  1. The Democrat party has in its interest, designs and goals the desire to rapidly overwhelm the system with an influx of people's needing a GREAT deal of investment in both time and money. They will be a huge burden on the economy. But they represent by no accident a huge flux of democrat voters.
  2. There was a massive effort starting in 2019 of a large number of very activist leftwing subversive secret organizations documented by Time working specifically to morph our elections into a new system highly conducive toward soliciting and recruiting these large numbers of people onto the democratic voter roles who then swamp the system with uncertified and untraceable "paper" ballots in whatever numbers are needed to effectively render the actual people voting at the polls moot. It totally puts the election in their hands.
It then follows that their MO is to swamp the media with stories of "subversive organizations" posing as a risk with all the pomp and circus at the WH of staging the arena of 25,000 troops defending the Capitol against . . . . what? Some intangible threat that no one can see or touch.

The media always tries to keep the people occupied with thoughts of "white boogeymen" lurking in the bushes be it Mueller or now the "insurgents" of 1/6, meantime, before anyone can realize much less stop it, they have packed the country with enough guaranteed voters and a way to selectively use them to steer desired elections toward their ends that they have in effect without so much as a whimper from the press taken away the two party system, indeed, made elections rather meaningless to install what, who and when their little heart desires to take America right out from under their noses, and since they obviously cannot discount nor contest much less counter the graphable facts and obvious evidence of election fraud, they are trying to keep back suspicion and interference by attacking the credibility of those who try to bring this to the public's light instead.

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...But Biden's extorting money from China, Ukraine isn't flawed character ?
That's not a character flaw... it's a policy flaw (if true)... you Pubs need to reawaken your ability to tell the difference.

Besides... what has Biden's flaws have to do with Rump's?

The point being made at the time was that Rump lost because of his profoundly flawed character rather than any policy dispute.

Biden's flaws have nothing to do with why Rump lost.
Not really... most feedback from the international community about Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is actually quite positive.

Yes, because other countries want what is best for them, not us. They put their countries first. Democrats do NOT put the US first.

The point being made at the time was that Rump lost because of his profoundly flawed character rather than any policy dispute.

Well, he did lose because many were too childish to look past Trump's character to his policies. Policies should be number one on the list, but sadly, the children in our country aren't mature enough to understand this.
The outcome would be the same: Republicans are now anti-American, anti-Democratic thugs and traitors who cheer against their own country. #RootinForPutin

Not me, I have no rooting interest for either side- Uncle Pooty or Sleepy Joe. I didn't vote for either of these guys, but I'd love to see the confrontation.
...Yes, because other countries want what is best for them, not us. They put their countries first. Democrats do NOT put the US first.
Well... I agree that other countries want what's best for them... and Joe is better for them than Rump... but Joe is also better for US than Rump, as well.

Not with respect to policy or execution of policy, but concerning a healthy and necessary respect for American representative democracy, and Constitutional rule-of-law.

Calling a free press the Enemy of the People... joking-around about trying a Presidency-for-Life like the Chinese... lack of willingness to accept results of a general election...

Inciting his misguided minions to engage in Insurrection against the lawful authority of the United States and assaulting Congress in the execution of its Constitutional duties...

Incompetency in managing the pandemic properly ( vaccine manufacture and distribution, setting an example regarding vaccines, masks, social distancing, etc. )...

His often irrational public pronouncements, his idiotic rants and tweeting, his disdain for both our military and our veterans, his lack of political leadership skills...

And on and on and on... he was more of a danger to The People and their Republic and its Constitution and domestic tranquility than any of the worst of former Presidents...

Sometimes, INTERNAL enemies pose a greater threat than external ones, and if the Dumbocrats are mostly internationalists, still, the Republic can withstand that for a while...

What it could NOT withstand was another four years of your ignorant, arrogant, amoral, incompetent Standard Bearer, nor his minions, who enabled him at every step...

Old Joe is merely a placeholder designed to eject Rump... select a better Standard Bearer (that's a mighty low bar :cool: and try again in 2022 and 2024 )...

...Well, he did lose because many were too childish to look past Trump's character to his policies. Policies should be number one on the list, but sadly, the children in our country aren't mature enough to understand this.
And THAT is where you - and other Rumplicans - are PROFOUNDLY wrong.

Character counts... even more than policy and results... when flaws in character are SO profound and dangerous that they must be elevated to the highest priority.

Benito Mussolini made the trains run on-time and rebuilt the strength of Italy...

Adolf Hitler eliminated unemployment and pulled his country out of the Great Depression and rebuilt the strength of Germany...

And the citizens of both countries placidly and flaccidly sacrificed their political integrity and liberty on the altar of economic and foreign policy and performance...

Rather than many in this country not having the maturity to prioritize policy over character as you suggest...

I respond by offering that a great many of our countrymen are incapable of recognizing when a flip of priorities is necessary, and are incapable of learning from history...

I actually support several of Rump's policies ( border security, hard line on illegal aliens and immigration, allies pay their fair share, confront China economically, etc. )...

But he was a case of "Right Message, Wrong Messenger"...


Shake the cobwebs out of your heads, tweak your policies to make them more palatable to Indies and the Center, choose another Standard Bearer, then try again...

I might even vote alongside you next time... IF you ditch the worst hyper-right-wing nut-jobs, find another Standard Bearer, and do a better job with public relations...

Think political acumen... think servant leadership... acquaint yourselves with the Cincinnatus concept... return to being trustees of the Republic, not its wrecking ball...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is, at least, a suitable placeholder until you characters get-it-together again... just keep him away from Vlad, who would impale him in a debate.
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