What would be the outcome of a Biden/Putin unscreened debate?

BIDEN is an international punch line.

Russia and China are trolling us because we have a retard as POTUS.

Just amazing.

Why shouldnt Biden debate Putin?

Trump is the international punch line.

What is shocking to non-Americans, is the number of Republicans and right wing Americans cheering for Putin - a criminal authoritarian who has murdered, or ordered the murders of hundreds of people. It shows the true intentions and ideals of the Republican Party, who see Putin as an admirable person and a "strong leader" despite the economic and moral collapse of Russia under his leadership. Russia is now militarily and economically weak, and is now an international crime syndicate masquerading as a country.
The outcome would be the same: Republicans are now anti-American, anti-Democratic thugs and traitors who cheer against their own country. #RootinForPutin

But the ol' guy you installed is so weak.
Not anti-American; just realistic.
Nothing "realistic" about it. President Biden is not being weak. He is imposing more sanctions and calling a spade a spade, which T**** was too weak to do when he held the reins. Putin doesn't like it, so he goes on such a ridiculous rant that when I first read it, I was sure it had to be from the Onion.

A good number of you seem to forget what country you're from, and I know why. Because a good amount of the information that has warped your thinking came from Russian troll farms. It's so clear to everyone but the deluded. Wake the fuck up and start acting like an American for once. No, Americans don't nibble the bait from a whining Russian dictator who is acting like an internet troll.

Do not expect me to ever believe another word from you folks about how you love your country, because you are siding with a Russian leader who talks smack to our President. Unbelievable!

You don't know shit about patriotism and you are in no position to judge anyone else. You twits call EVERYTHING Russian disinformation yet you still believe that Pootie stole it from Hillary. Biden is a fake, a liar, a plagiarist, a sexual predator and many other things and Rump wasn't any better. You're too stupid and deluded to be able to look at anything objectively.
BIDEN is an international punch line.

Russia and China are trolling us because we have a retard as POTUS.

Just amazing.

Why shouldnt Biden debate Putin?

Trump is the international punch line.

What is shocking to non-Americans, is the number of Republicans and right wing Americans cheering for Putin - a criminal authoritarian who has murdered, or ordered the murders of hundreds of people. It shows the true intentions and ideals of the Republican Party, who see Putin as an admirable person and a "strong leader" despite the economic and moral collapse of Russia under his leadership. Russia is now militarily and economically weak, and is now an international crime syndicate masquerading as a country.

Nobody is rooting for Pootie dumbass. The Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, virtually all of our enemies know Biden is a Beta Male and they will eat him alive. China bitch slapped all of Joe's reps last weekend and they are still laughing about it.
. The Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, virtually all of our enemies know Biden is a Beta Male and they will eat him alive.
No, that's what the Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians want you to think. They want to destroy us, and you obligingly play along because you're too stupid to read the writing on the wall.
The outcome would be the same: Republicans are now anti-American, anti-Democratic thugs and traitors who cheer against their own country. #RootinForPutin

But the ol' guy you installed is so weak.
Not anti-American; just realistic.
Nothing "realistic" about it. President Biden is not being weak. He is imposing more sanctions and calling a spade a spade, which T**** was too weak to do when he held the reins. Putin doesn't like it, so he goes on such a ridiculous rant that when I first read it, I was sure it had to be from the Onion.

A good number of you seem to forget what country you're from, and I know why. Because a good amount of the information that has warped your thinking came from Russian troll farms. It's so clear to everyone but the deluded. Wake the fuck up and start acting like an American for once. No, Americans don't nibble the bait from a whining Russian dictator who is acting like an internet troll.

Do not expect me to ever believe another word from you folks about how you love your country, because you are siding with a Russian leader who talks smack to our President. Unbelievable!

You don't know shit about patriotism and you are in no position to judge anyone else. You twits call EVERYTHING Russian disinformation yet you still believe that Pootie stole it from Hillary. Biden is a fake, a liar, a plagiarist, a sexual predator and many other things and Rump wasn't any better. You're too stupid and deluded to be able to look at anything objectively.

You decry the left's claim of Russian involvement in the elections, while promoting the exact same lies that the Russians were promoting - both about their involvement in the election, and their lies about Joe Biden. It pretty much shatters any claims you make about "objectivity", since your posting nothing BUT Russian propaganda.

This is the Report of the Trump Admininstration on Russian involvement in the 2020 election:

The outcome would be the same: Republicans are now anti-American, anti-Democratic thugs and traitors who cheer against their own country. #RootinForPutin
I really believe that given a choice they would vote for Putin over ANY Dem
So it's come to this, the Grand Old Party, the once proud party of Lincoln, has become,

Great Old Putin

Donald Smiles.

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