What would happen if Trump handled being attacked, like 9/11, the way he is handling corona virus

Trump doesnt have much power to deal with shit like covid. Closing the border is really about it. Read the constitution, DERPS.
Its funny you moonbats wanted a dictator and didnt get one, so you whine like little bitches. But trump can try to do the ONE THING he has the power to do and he is racist and hitler.
You partisans are so goddamn pathetic it makes me sick.
Who are you? What is your background that you think the way you do. What level of education did you finish. Were you bullied as a child. Were you abused by adults as a child. Have you had a head injury. I am curious about Trump supporters who have no connection of reality.
Cant refute so you act out like a child. Poor guy
You cannot reason with people not dealing with reality. You cannot handle reality so you define a fantasy reality that meets your false narrative. Trump plays into your fake reality. Those with minimal education are more susceptible to thinking like yours. That does not mean many people with minimal education are very smart but you are not one of them. Not dealing with reality will catch up with you. It is catching up to Trump. I predict the future is not looking good for Trump and his supporters. ACCOUNTABILITY
LOL double down. Keep me humored.
The best humor, I can provide, is Trump and his minions. The clown show.
they say the same about biden and his minions......
Biden has very few minions. I am voting against Trump first. Biden is not my first choice but I know he will not bring in a cabinet of yes men and women like Trump. He will have a diverse, dynamic team that will start to clean up Trump's mess.
Trump doesnt have much power to deal with shit like covid. Closing the border is really about it. Read the constitution, DERPS.
Its funny you moonbats wanted a dictator and didnt get one, so you whine like little bitches. But trump can try to do the ONE THING he has the power to do and he is racist and hitler.
You partisans are so goddamn pathetic it makes me sick.
Who are you? What is your background that you think the way you do. What level of education did you finish. Were you bullied as a child. Were you abused by adults as a child. Have you had a head injury. I am curious about Trump supporters who have no connection of reality.

Sloppy Ghey Man Pass duly noted.
Another strong rebuke. You are quite something.
Trump doesnt have much power to deal with shit like covid. Closing the border is really about it. Read the constitution, DERPS.
Its funny you moonbats wanted a dictator and didnt get one, so you whine like little bitches. But trump can try to do the ONE THING he has the power to do and he is racist and hitler.
You partisans are so goddamn pathetic it makes me sick.
Who are you? What is your background that you think the way you do. What level of education did you finish. Were you bullied as a child. Were you abused by adults as a child. Have you had a head injury. I am curious about Trump supporters who have no connection of reality.

Sloppy Ghey Man Pass duly noted.
Another strong rebuke. You are quite something.

And you ghey hit on me yet again:

"You are quite something."
Trump doesnt have much power to deal with shit like covid. Closing the border is really about it. Read the constitution, DERPS.
Its funny you moonbats wanted a dictator and didnt get one, so you whine like little bitches. But trump can try to do the ONE THING he has the power to do and he is racist and hitler.
You partisans are so goddamn pathetic it makes me sick.
Who are you? What is your background that you think the way you do. What level of education did you finish. Were you bullied as a child. Were you abused by adults as a child. Have you had a head injury. I am curious about Trump supporters who have no connection of reality.
Cant refute so you act out like a child. Poor guy
You cannot reason with people not dealing with reality. You cannot handle reality so you define a fantasy reality that meets your false narrative. Trump plays into your fake reality. Those with minimal education are more susceptible to thinking like yours. That does not mean many people with minimal education are very smart but you are not one of them. Not dealing with reality will catch up with you. It is catching up to Trump. I predict the future is not looking good for Trump and his supporters. ACCOUNTABILITY
LOL double down. Keep me humored.
The best humor, I can provide, is Trump and his minions. The clown show.
they say the same about biden and his minions......
Biden has very few minions. I am voting against Trump first. Biden is not my first choice but I know he will not bring in a cabinet of yes men and women like Trump. He will have a diverse, dynamic team that will start to clean up Trump's mess.
yea sure he will.....keep on believing that elmer....diverse dynamic team.....lol....he will have people picked for him by the powers that be.....i keep on hearing how moderate he is but yet he picks a very liberal person for his VP.....moderate my ass....
Rudy handled the crisis pretty well but the left hates Rudy so no matter hypothetically well or poorly Trump handled the situation the left would still hate him. I wonder if old Joe even remembers 9-11
What would happen if Trump handled being attacked, like 9/11, the way he is handling corona virus?

Democrats would be rooting for the attackers
A Democrat President took out the leader of the attack. The Democrats do not include nut cases that claim 9/11 was an inside job or that Osama was not killed and it was all a sham. Republicans are the party of nut case conspiracy theory.

lol!!! Tell me about the Southern Strategy again and the secret code words that Republican candidates use to communicate with all the secret wacists out there, who are pretending to vote for pro-civil rights candidates that they secretly know are really wacists, inside.
you are very defensive about Republicans being the party of conspiracy theories. If you are a nut case, the Republicans are the party for you.

You made an attack and I defended with a counter attack.

THat you pretend that is somehow odd, is just you trying to gaslight me.

You can shove that shit up your ass.

Your part is the party of nothing but conspiracy theories and bullshit personal attacks.

As I pointed out with a MASSIVE example, which you are terrified to address.

Rudy handled the crisis pretty well but the left hates Rudy so no matter hypothetically well or poorly Trump handled the situation the left would still hate him. I wonder if old Joe even remembers 9-11
Rudy is drunk all the time. He handles nothing well.
Trump has kept the number of dead under 220,000 when over 2 million was predicted to die...

The US has 4 percent of the worlds population. The world has 1.1 million COVID deaths. By population, we should have 44,000 deaths.

Trumps leadership has gotten us five times the number of deaths our population would warrant
You have no idea of what's happening in Europe as we speak, do you?

What would happen if Trump handled being attacked, like 9/11, the way he is handling corona virus?
If we handled this like many nations have in the past, we would bein a real shooting war with China. Which would then escalate to a Nuclear exchange.
What would happen if Trump handled being attacked, like 9/11, the way he is handling corona virus?

Democrats would be rooting for the attackers
A Democrat President took out the leader of the attack. The Democrats do not include nut cases that claim 9/11 was an inside job or that Osama was not killed and it was all a sham. Republicans are the party of nut case conspiracy theory.

lol!!! Tell me about the Southern Strategy again and the secret code words that Republican candidates use to communicate with all the secret wacists out there, who are pretending to vote for pro-civil rights candidates that they secretly know are really wacists, inside.
you are very defensive about Republicans being the party of conspiracy theories. If you are a nut case, the Republicans are the party for you.

You made an attack and I defended with a counter attack.

THat you pretend that is somehow odd, is just you trying to gaslight me.

You can shove that shit up your ass.

Your part is the party of nothing but conspiracy theories and bullshit personal attacks.

As I pointed out with a MASSIVE example, which you are terrified to address.

We will see who the loser is on November 3rd.
What would happen if Trump handled being attacked, like 9/11, the way he is handling corona virus?

Democrats would be rooting for the attackers
A Democrat President took out the leader of the attack. The Democrats do not include nut cases that claim 9/11 was an inside job or that Osama was not killed and it was all a sham. Republicans are the party of nut case conspiracy theory.

lol!!! Tell me about the Southern Strategy again and the secret code words that Republican candidates use to communicate with all the secret wacists out there, who are pretending to vote for pro-civil rights candidates that they secretly know are really wacists, inside.
you are very defensive about Republicans being the party of conspiracy theories. If you are a nut case, the Republicans are the party for you.

You made an attack and I defended with a counter attack.

THat you pretend that is somehow odd, is just you trying to gaslight me.

You can shove that shit up your ass.

Your part is the party of nothing but conspiracy theories and bullshit personal attacks.

As I pointed out with a MASSIVE example, which you are terrified to address.

We will see who the loser is on November 3rd.

True. If your side, which maintains that the nation is inherently wacist and governs as though that is the case, hunting witches, I mean wacists constantly and hurting people by the millions in the process,

America as a whole, will certainly be the loser.

Be that as it may, my point about your lefty side supporting that massive and stupid Conspiracy Theory, over decades,

stands. You guys are the real loony tunes, not us.
We are going to drop BIG BOMBS on them.........Large bombs........we are going to blow them to the far regions of Hell.............and we will win.............there will be no rules of engagement.......it's kill the assholes.......which is the American way..

And the shit would have been over in 6 months.........instead OF 19 YEARS with assholes like Biden around.
Trump doesnt have much power to deal with shit like covid. Closing the border is really about it. Read the constitution, DERPS.
Its funny you moonbats wanted a dictator and didnt get one, so you whine like little bitches. But trump can try to do the ONE THING he has the power to do and he is racist and hitler.
You partisans are so goddamn pathetic it makes me sick.
Who are you? What is your background that you think the way you do. What level of education did you finish. Were you bullied as a child. Were you abused by adults as a child. Have you had a head injury. I am curious about Trump supporters who have no connection of reality.
Cant refute so you act out like a child. Poor guy
You cannot reason with people not dealing with reality. You cannot handle reality so you define a fantasy reality that meets your false narrative. Trump plays into your fake reality. Those with minimal education are more susceptible to thinking like yours. That does not mean many people with minimal education are very smart but you are not one of them. Not dealing with reality will catch up with you. It is catching up to Trump. I predict the future is not looking good for Trump and his supporters. ACCOUNTABILITY
LOL double down. Keep me humored.
The best humor, I can provide, is Trump and his minions. The clown show.
they say the same about biden and his minions......
Biden has very few minions. I am voting against Trump first. Biden is not my first choice but I know he will not bring in a cabinet of yes men and women like Trump. He will have a diverse, dynamic team that will start to clean up Trump's mess.
what if FDR handled Pearl Harbor like Covid 19????!!!!!!!!!!!!
What would happen if Trump handled being attacked, like 9/11, the way he is handling corona virus?

What would happen if we handled a bank robbery the same way we handled a flat tire?

What if we handled a war the same way we handled a local power outage?

What if we handled a burglary the way we handled a leaky faucet?

What if we assumed that everything that can possibly go wrong is equal in seriousness, and calls for exactly the same solution and the same diligence in applying that solution?
What would happen if Trump handled being attacked, like 9/11, the way he is handling corona virus?
Except for a few delusional conspiracy theorists, I don't recall W being called a murderer of thousands.

Same thing, this time, too.

Except that now, the delusional conspiracy theorists are being treated as if they were much more credible, even though they are not.

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