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What Would Jesus Say To Republicans

Only liberals would co-opt the name of Jesus while rationalizing or ignoring the acts of jihadists.

Meanwhile so called conservatives pretend not to exploit religion for political purposes.

Can you imagine Jesus voting for Mitt Romney? How 'bout George W. Bush? But it's not hard for me to believe he would have voted for Obama at least the first time. But maybe He would have just decided to run in 2012 seeing as how even social conservatives wouldn't have questioned Jesus citizenship. But that doesn't mean they'd vote for him considering his penchant for liberalism.
My personal image of Jesus is one of a man above all petty politics and probably would not consider voting for anyone. He would support peaceful populism, challenge secular religious authority and despise the power that wealth brings, the scriptures are pretty clear on his attitude toward politics as practiced by an elite.

On balance, I'm of the opinion that everyone essentially projects their own beliefs and values onto the image of Jesus. I think that's why so many people have such divergent views that seem so heartfelt and sincere.
Only liberals would co-opt the name of Jesus while rationalizing or ignoring the acts of jihadists.
Is that what you think happens? Trying to set the record straight as to why they hate us so (Hint: It's not for our freedoms) or taking exception to a blanket condemnation of all Islam is not rationalizing or ignoring the acts of jihadists. They are the ultimate extension of religious bigotry, they kill in the name of God, and conservative Islam is still as anti-woman as Christendom used to be and still is in some places. All religious intolerance is wrong, do not mistake a liberal condemnation of Christian conservative intolerance for all things Islam for an endorcement of the worst practices of Islam. If people can practice their faith without hurting, hating and killing for it there is no problem.

I am unaware of anybody making blanket condemnations about Islam. I am quite aware of the victims being blamed for the acts of Muslim extremists though. Let's remember, Muslim extremists have killed more Muslims than any other group. This is not because the murdered Muslims deserved it. It is because radical Islam kills people that disagree with its view of Islam. In other words, of course Muslim liberals (you call them Muslim conservatives so I guess I'll play the same game) hate the United States for our freedoms. Just like they hate fellow Muslims for their freedom to worship as they want. Muslim liberals despise women voting, driving, working, walking alone etc. Muslim liberals should be blamed for murder, no one else. Certainly not the victims.
I'm also referring to the odd knee-jerk reaction of moral relativism that the left often seems to suffer from. Yes, there are extremists in other religious groups but there is a difference between a lunatic individual who bombs an abortion clinic in the name of Christianity and an army of Muslim liberals beheading, enslaving and torturing entire states in the name of Islam. Yes, Christianity has done bad things in the past but a valid comparison can not be done in this day and age between Muslim and Christian atrocities. Do you doubt this? Draw a picture of Jesus and Muhammad and then tell me about moral relativism (before the beheading).
I agree with you that there is no problem with people who practice their religions in peace. I just wish there were more of them.
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Only liberals would co-opt the name of Jesus while rationalizing or ignoring the acts of jihadists.
Is that what you think happens? Trying to set the record straight as to why they hate us so (Hint: It's not for our freedoms) or taking exception to a blanket condemnation of all Islam is not rationalizing or ignoring the acts of jihadists. They are the ultimate extension of religious bigotry, they kill in the name of God, and conservative Islam is still as anti-woman as Christendom used to be and still is in some places. All religious intolerance is wrong, do not mistake a liberal condemnation of Christian conservative intolerance for all things Islam for an endorcement of the worst practices of Islam. If people can practice their faith without hurting, hating and killing for it there is no problem.

I am unaware of anybody making blanket condemnations about Islam. I am quite aware of the victims being blamed for the acts of Muslim extremists though. Let's remember, Muslim extremists have killed more Muslims than any other group. This is not because the murdered Muslims deserved it. It is because radical Islam kills people that disagree with their view of Islam. In other words, of course Muslim liberals (you call them Muslim conservatives so I guess I'll play the same game) hate the United States for our freedoms. Just like they hate fellow Muslims for their freedom to worship as they want. Muslim liberals despise women voting, driving, working, walking alone etc. Muslim liberals should be blamed for murder, no one else.
I'm also referring to the odd knee-jerk reaction of moral relativism that the left often seems to suffer from. Yes, there are extremists in other religions groups but there is a difference between a lunatic individual who bombs an abortion clinic in the name of Christianity and an army of Muslim liberals beheading, enslaving and torturing entire states in the name of Islam. Yes, Christianity has done bad things in the past but a valid comparison can not be done in this day and age between Muslim and Christian atrocities. Do you doubt this? Draw a picture of Jesus and Muhammad and then tell me about moral relativism (before the beheading).
I agree with you that there is no problem with people who practice their religions in peace.
Islam is like any group of Humans. Approximately 20% are stubbornly and consistently conservative. These are the ones who adhere to 10th century dogma without question and expect others around them to do the same. How you can call these people liberal is confusing. Look at liberals here, they do not want to trap people in traditional male dominated gender roles. That stuff is easy to find in christian literature in this country with their stated views on the family and the expected roles of the mommy and a daddy. Maybe it's not as extreme but it's there as a treasured conservative value. No liberal hates, exploits or kills in the name of God, that's an extreme conservative trait that tradition must be preserved at all costs.
Funny stuff. Don't believe in god? Oh well, let's use him as a political bludgeon anyhow.

Stupid two faced libs.
The divinity of Jesus Christ is not at issue here, we are speculating how the man would have felt about modern American politics. Jesus the God is a human invention, a direct violation of the prohibition on other gods and idolatry where the other human invention of the Trinity is a giant cop-out.
Calling Muslim extremists liberal is only a matter of fact. First off, it tends to be liberal organizations that are overwhelmingly abusive and violent. Rather it be the eco-terrorists or the KKK in this country or the fascists in Italy or the communists in Russia. Also, rather it be theocratic or political, liberal ideology wants elite groups to govern the masses. This ideology, by definition, requires a police state to force its rule of law among the "peasants".
If Jesus was here to see the mess we're in now what advice would he have for Republicans.....God's chosen people. Let's see where Jesus stands on contemporary issues.

On Defense: "Love your enemies" "Blessed are the peacemakers" " If someone strikes you on the right cheek turn to him the other also".

On Social Programs: "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven".

On Rugged Individualism and Self Interest: "Love your neighbor as yourself" "So in all things, do unto others as you would have them do to you".

On Financial Success: " Truly I say unto you, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven" You cannot serve both God and money".

On Paying Taxes: " Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's".

On Crime and Punishment: " If any of you is without sin let him be the first to throw stones" "Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will measured upon you".

On Moral Absolutes: " If any of has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold and lift it out?" " The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath".

On Race Relations: In the parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus praised the morality of a hated foreigner over his own countrymen.

On Letting Others Pull Themselves Up By Their Own Bootstraps: " But when you give a banquet invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous".

Take heed sinners and repent before it's too late to save your immortal souls.
yabut thats not what Fox & Friends tells them
"My dear Republican children: forgive godless socialists and communists who try to twist my words to their advantage."

J. Christ
Calling Muslim extremists liberal is only a matter of fact. First off, it tends to be liberal organizations that are overwhelmingly abusive and violent. Rather it be the eco-terrorists or the KKK in this country or the fascists in Italy or the communists in Russia. Also, rather it be theocratic or political, liberal ideology wants elite groups to govern the masses. This ideology, by definition, requires a police state to force its rule of law among the "peasants".

You seem very confused about the meaning of ideology, but I'm sure it all makes sense to people who create their own definitions.
I can't stand people who uses religion and jesus when it suits their idiocy. then turn around an screech keep religion out of our politics (christians mainly Muslim Islam gets a pass).

you people are as phony as a three dollar bill
Calling Muslim extremists liberal is only a matter of fact. First off, it tends to be liberal organizations that are overwhelmingly abusive and violent. Rather it be the eco-terrorists or the KKK in this country or the fascists in Italy or the communists in Russia. Also, rather it be theocratic or political, liberal ideology wants elite groups to govern the masses. This ideology, by definition, requires a police state to force its rule of law among the "peasants".

You seem very confused about the meaning of ideology, but I'm sure it all makes sense to people who create their own definitions.
Yes, the idea that liberals are responsible for every bad thing that has ever happened in the history of human governance is retarded and dangerous. It's the misconception that would allow a conservative authority figure to literally get away with murder with all the political cover any tyrant could ever wish for.
I can't stand people who uses religion and jesus when it suits their idiocy. then turn around an screech keep religion out of our politics (christians mainly Muslim Islam gets a pass).

you people are as phony as a three dollar bill
Talking about Jesus the man in philosophic terms is not hypocrisy. Claiming to be a christian and refusing to follow his teachings is.
Calling Muslim extremists liberal is only a matter of fact. First off, it tends to be liberal organizations that are overwhelmingly abusive and violent. Rather it be the eco-terrorists or the KKK in this country or the fascists in Italy or the communists in Russia. Also, rather it be theocratic or political, liberal ideology wants elite groups to govern the masses. This ideology, by definition, requires a police state to force its rule of law among the "peasants".

You seem very confused about the meaning of ideology, but I'm sure it all makes sense to people who create their own definitions.

Unless the dictionary has defined "ideology" as something other than a body of doctrine that guides an individual or group then I'm pretty sure I'm using it correctly. Thank you for your interest.
Calling Muslim extremists liberal is only a matter of fact. First off, it tends to be liberal organizations that are overwhelmingly abusive and violent. Rather it be the eco-terrorists or the KKK in this country or the fascists in Italy or the communists in Russia. Also, rather it be theocratic or political, liberal ideology wants elite groups to govern the masses. This ideology, by definition, requires a police state to force its rule of law among the "peasants".

You seem very confused about the meaning of ideology, but I'm sure it all makes sense to people who create their own definitions.

Unless the dictionary has defined "ideology" as something other than a body of doctrine that guides an individual or group then I'm pretty sure I'm using it correctly. Thank you for your interest.

That definition appears to be absent from your rambling incoherent characterizations.
I can't stand people who uses religion and jesus when it suits their idiocy. then turn around an screech keep religion out of our politics (christians mainly Muslim Islam gets a pass).

you people are as phony as a three dollar bill

The word of Christ evidently makes some Christians nervous.
If Jesus was here to see the mess we're in now what advice would he have for Republicans.....God's chosen people. Let's see where Jesus stands on contemporary issues.

On Defense: "Love your enemies" "Blessed are the peacemakers" " If someone strikes you on the right cheek turn to him the other also".

On Social Programs: "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven".

On Rugged Individualism and Self Interest: "Love your neighbor as yourself" "So in all things, do unto others as you would have them do to you".

On Financial Success: " Truly I say unto you, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven" You cannot serve both God and money".

On Paying Taxes: " Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's".

On Crime and Punishment: " If any of you is without sin let him be the first to throw stones" "Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will measured upon you".

On Moral Absolutes: " If any of has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold and lift it out?" " The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath".

On Race Relations: In the parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus praised the morality of a hated foreigner over his own countrymen.

On Letting Others Pull Themselves Up By Their Own Bootstraps: " But when you give a banquet invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous".

Take heed sinners and repent before it's too late to save your immortal souls.

Jesus was a Liberal because he called for the Romams to pay their fair share, amiright?

So then you're not really familiar with the New Testament.

I am, which is why I believe you're misguided and as nutty as Rdean to quote Scripture and bash Republicans in the same sentence.

Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well ..

But someone has to show Republicans the way to God. his son teaches love and forgiveness, not hate and vengeance.

The Jesus of the bible taught openly among the 5,000, He kept nothing secret behind closed doors. Why would any liberal wanting to shut out the church from their freedom of expression in public, try to act all so concerned with what he would say to Republicans in government?

I'm quite sure Jesus wouldn't have the chance to speak with Republicans, or anyone in government for that matter, as He would most likely be advised to get Himself lawyered up with the liberals working to try to take His rights away as well.
Jesus as a liberal? It's hard to imagine Jesus as a moral relativist.
That's the advantage of he being long dead, opportunists can freely put words in his mouth. The worship of Christ has been used to set armies in motion, put the innocent to the sword, accumulate vast hoards of wealth and all the other things associated with avarice. Somehow all those emperors, kings, popes, and preachers felt they were doing the lord's work.

When I was young I actually considered a career as a pastor so I closely studied the words of Jesus and noticed that the people around me were much more preoccupied with his death than his life, It's practically all the preachers talked about. All of them would tell me that he was put on this earth as an example for humanity to aspire to. So why all the death and deceit in his name?

The words and deeds of Jesus are the basis of my personal belief system, feed the hungry, heal the sick and be a brother to all mankind. I hate the sin but love the sinner and try to keep the judgmental shit to a minimum. To me that is what being a christian and a liberal is all about. When we concern ourselves with raising the weak and downtrodden and facing down tyranny we practice true religion, the rest is just ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.

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