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What Would Jesus Say To Republicans

If Jesus were here they would crucify him again and for the same reasons.

Do you speak for yourself, or to presume to speak for others?
The prosperity gospel churches that have flourished in the last 20 years or so are a direct affront to the teachings of Jesus. If they would intentionally mislead thousands with a message that money and worldly wealth are of primary importance to God then they would certainly not pause to destroy someone who would threaten such a sweet scam.

There are some of those that do that but they are a very small minority. The most Reverend Wright in Chicago is on that list. I reject the teachings of worship for worldly goods as well as hatred of people.because of their race.
The vengeful, money loving, war approving, gay hating Jesus of the right is a different Jesus. I've never encountered such a person in my bible.
That is one of the dumbest comments I have seen here and that's saying something.
What's dumb about it? Please explain how the christian right wingers so full of anger and animosity for people they see as sinners are living by the example of Jesus as stated in the Holy Bible? Where's the love? Where's the grace? Where is disdain for worldly wealth? Jesus told us to reject the world not try to run it in his name.
Whats dumb about it is Christian conservatives are not full of hate yes there are fringe people like that just as there are fringe liberal Christians these people are the exception not the norm trying to portray them otherwise is not only dumb but dishonest.
All movements are known by their zealots, especially religious movements. I am not dumb to how most Christians are individually as I was raised in the southern baptist tradition but as groups they are so easily led that it makes me sick. My personal belief is that if a person is going to be a Christian they should always put the clergy to the test as he did. Too many are devoted to the guy in the pulpit and do not question his motives in the least. In my opinion a christian does not need or want leadership from men in authority.
In my opinion you severely underestimate Christians.
Not me.
Bombing clinics
hating gays
They can easily be just as dangerous as Muslims.
If Jesus was here to see the mess we're in now what advice would he have for Republicans.....God's chosen people. Let's see where Jesus stands on contemporary issues.

On Defense: "Love your enemies" "Blessed are the peacemakers" " If someone strikes you on the right cheek turn to him the other also".

On Social Programs: "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven".

On Rugged Individualism and Self Interest: "Love your neighbor as yourself" "So in all things, do unto others as you would have them do to you".

On Financial Success: " Truly I say unto you, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven" You cannot serve both God and money".

On Paying Taxes: " Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's".

On Crime and Punishment: " If any of you is without sin let him be the first to throw stones" "Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will measured upon you".

On Moral Absolutes: " If any of has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold and lift it out?" " The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath".

On Race Relations: In the parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus praised the morality of a hated foreigner over his own countrymen.

On Letting Others Pull Themselves Up By Their Own Bootstraps: " But when you give a banquet invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous".

Take heed sinners and repent before it's too late to save your immortal souls.

He might praise Republicans for actually trying to defend His teachings when the rest of the world rejects them.

Ever wonder what he would say to Democrat types that spend most of their energy attacking and demeaning people of the Christian faith?

Republicans oppose everything Christianity stands for, they only pretend to love Jesus.
The vengeful, money loving, war approving, gay hating Jesus of the right is a different Jesus. I've never encountered such a person in my bible.
That is one of the dumbest comments I have seen here and that's saying something.
What's dumb about it? Please explain how the christian right wingers so full of anger and animosity for people they see as sinners are living by the example of Jesus as stated in the Holy Bible? Where's the love? Where's the grace? Where is disdain for worldly wealth? Jesus told us to reject the world not try to run it in his name.
Whats dumb about it is Christian conservatives are not full of hate yes there are fringe people like that just as there are fringe liberal Christians these people are the exception not the norm trying to portray them otherwise is not only dumb but dishonest.
All movements are known by their zealots, especially religious movements. I am not dumb to how most Christians are individually as I was raised in the southern baptist tradition but as groups they are so easily led that it makes me sick. My personal belief is that if a person is going to be a Christian they should always put the clergy to the test as he did. Too many are devoted to the guy in the pulpit and do not question his motives in the least. In my opinion a christian does not need or want leadership from men in authority.
In my opinion you severely underestimate Christians.

If it's just a few wackos out there who confuse Christian values with what republicans stand for, why do the religious southern states overwhelmingly send republican douchebags to Congress?
That is one of the dumbest comments I have seen here and that's saying something.
What's dumb about it? Please explain how the christian right wingers so full of anger and animosity for people they see as sinners are living by the example of Jesus as stated in the Holy Bible? Where's the love? Where's the grace? Where is disdain for worldly wealth? Jesus told us to reject the world not try to run it in his name.
Whats dumb about it is Christian conservatives are not full of hate yes there are fringe people like that just as there are fringe liberal Christians these people are the exception not the norm trying to portray them otherwise is not only dumb but dishonest.
All movements are known by their zealots, especially religious movements. I am not dumb to how most Christians are individually as I was raised in the southern baptist tradition but as groups they are so easily led that it makes me sick. My personal belief is that if a person is going to be a Christian they should always put the clergy to the test as he did. Too many are devoted to the guy in the pulpit and do not question his motives in the least. In my opinion a christian does not need or want leadership from men in authority.
In my opinion you severely underestimate Christians.

If it's just a few wackos out there who confuse Christian values with what republicans stand for, why do the religious southern states overwhelmingly send republican douchebags to Congress?
Perhaps because they don't support Democrat policies.
What's dumb about it? Please explain how the christian right wingers so full of anger and animosity for people they see as sinners are living by the example of Jesus as stated in the Holy Bible? Where's the love? Where's the grace? Where is disdain for worldly wealth? Jesus told us to reject the world not try to run it in his name.
Whats dumb about it is Christian conservatives are not full of hate yes there are fringe people like that just as there are fringe liberal Christians these people are the exception not the norm trying to portray them otherwise is not only dumb but dishonest.
All movements are known by their zealots, especially religious movements. I am not dumb to how most Christians are individually as I was raised in the southern baptist tradition but as groups they are so easily led that it makes me sick. My personal belief is that if a person is going to be a Christian they should always put the clergy to the test as he did. Too many are devoted to the guy in the pulpit and do not question his motives in the least. In my opinion a christian does not need or want leadership from men in authority.
In my opinion you severely underestimate Christians.

If it's just a few wackos out there who confuse Christian values with what republicans stand for, why do the religious southern states overwhelmingly send republican douchebags to Congress?
Perhaps because they don't support Democrat policies.

I would submit that although democrats have their own foibles, their principles are closer to the teachings of Christ than those of republicans.
Whats dumb about it is Christian conservatives are not full of hate yes there are fringe people like that just as there are fringe liberal Christians these people are the exception not the norm trying to portray them otherwise is not only dumb but dishonest.
All movements are known by their zealots, especially religious movements. I am not dumb to how most Christians are individually as I was raised in the southern baptist tradition but as groups they are so easily led that it makes me sick. My personal belief is that if a person is going to be a Christian they should always put the clergy to the test as he did. Too many are devoted to the guy in the pulpit and do not question his motives in the least. In my opinion a christian does not need or want leadership from men in authority.
In my opinion you severely underestimate Christians.

If it's just a few wackos out there who confuse Christian values with what republicans stand for, why do the religious southern states overwhelmingly send republican douchebags to Congress?
Perhaps because they don't support Democrat policies.

I would submit that although democrats have their own foibles, their principles are closer to the teachings of Christ than those of republicans.
I would submit that really depends on the on individual. If we are talking about political parties I can't say either one really follows the teachings of Christ though both like to claim they do.
That is one of the dumbest comments I have seen here and that's saying something.
What's dumb about it? Please explain how the christian right wingers so full of anger and animosity for people they see as sinners are living by the example of Jesus as stated in the Holy Bible? Where's the love? Where's the grace? Where is disdain for worldly wealth? Jesus told us to reject the world not try to run it in his name.
Whats dumb about it is Christian conservatives are not full of hate yes there are fringe people like that just as there are fringe liberal Christians these people are the exception not the norm trying to portray them otherwise is not only dumb but dishonest.
All movements are known by their zealots, especially religious movements. I am not dumb to how most Christians are individually as I was raised in the southern baptist tradition but as groups they are so easily led that it makes me sick. My personal belief is that if a person is going to be a Christian they should always put the clergy to the test as he did. Too many are devoted to the guy in the pulpit and do not question his motives in the least. In my opinion a christian does not need or want leadership from men in authority.
In my opinion you severely underestimate Christians.

If it's just a few wackos out there who confuse Christian values with what republicans stand for, why do the religious southern states overwhelmingly send republican douchebags to Congress?

Jesus probably wouldn't like quacks like you presuming to know what he wants, presuming you aren't Christians anyway. Quack quack quack.
The figure of Jesus is an example of our better natures. Our selflessness, charity and humility. I like to believe all of us have these things along with enough shame to know when we are not being good. It is so very easy to construct rationalizations to excuse being cold, stingy and proud. Just listen to conservatives explain why they can talk so horrible and uncharitably about "lesser" folk and yet still wrap themselves in the self-righteous cloak of the religious hypocrite. They have constructed rationalizations that boggle kinder minds for hating entire groups of people. Jesus would tell these people:

“Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: “‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.They worship me in vain their teachings are merely human rules.
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Only liberals would co-opt the name of Jesus while rationalizing or ignoring the acts of jihadists.
Is that what you think happens? Trying to set the record straight as to why they hate us so (Hint: It's not for our freedoms) or taking exception to a blanket condemnation of all Islam is not rationalizing or ignoring the acts of jihadists. They are the ultimate extension of religious bigotry, they kill in the name of God, and conservative Islam is still as anti-woman as Christendom used to be and still is in some places. All religious intolerance is wrong, do not mistake a liberal condemnation of Christian conservative intolerance for all things Islam for an endorcement of the worst practices of Islam. If people can practice their faith without hurting, hating and killing for it there is no problem.
Only liberals would co-opt the name of Jesus while rationalizing or ignoring the acts of jihadists.

Meanwhile so called conservatives pretend not to exploit religion for political purposes.

Can you imagine Jesus voting for Mitt Romney? How 'bout George W. Bush? But it's not hard for me to believe he would have voted for Obama at least the first time. But maybe He would have just decided to run in 2012 seeing as how even social conservatives wouldn't have questioned Jesus citizenship. But that doesn't mean they'd vote for him considering his penchant for liberalism.
Only liberals would co-opt the name of Jesus while rationalizing or ignoring the acts of jihadists.

Meanwhile so called conservatives pretend not to exploit religion for political purposes.

Can you imagine Jesus voting for Mitt Romney? How 'bout George W. Bush? But it's not hard for me to believe he would have voted for Obama at least the first time. But maybe He would have just decided to run in 2012 seeing as how even social conservatives wouldn't have questioned Jesus citizenship. But that doesn't mean they'd vote for him considering his penchant for liberalism.
My personal image of Jesus is one of a man above all petty politics and probably would not consider voting for anyone. He would support peaceful populism, challenge secular religious authority and despise the power that wealth brings, the scriptures are pretty clear on his attitude toward politics as practiced by an elite.

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