What would Liberals eat?

You know, that's a good point. My grandmother's second husband had been an Army cook. Pete's Thanksgiving dinner rivaled my other, PA Dutch and fantastic cook grandmother's.

I think that's getting lost here. The new standards don't insist on certain meals being served. All they do is set standards for calories and food groups and other such stuff. Within those boundaries local schools are free to do whatever they want.

My daughter usually wants me to pack her lunch, but she'll pick and choose through the menu and decide on certain days she wants to eat a hot lunch. Tomorrow is tacos. She's decided she wants tacos.

Soft shelled tacos with ground turkey instead of beef, shredded cheese, lettuce and tomato. With a side of black beans and kiwi. Oh , and a milk.

Frankly , any kid that doesn't want to eat that , well there parents need to pack them a lunch or shut the fuck up.
How old?>

My little girl is 2 and a half.

One on the way in May!

Right now, we are striking a good balance between healthy and "treat" stuff to the point where she doesn't really seek to over indulge on the treat stuff. I feel like a mad scientist.

She's 5 I also have an 18 month old girl, and two boys that are over 20 :D and also a cousin who passed away's son who is 14.
that's awesome man

I always kind of walked through life easy going but since ive had a kid, I love it more than ever
You know, that's a good point. My grandmother's second husband had been an Army cook. Pete's Thanksgiving dinner rivaled my other, PA Dutch and fantastic cook grandmother's.

I think that's getting lost here. The new standards don't insist on certain meals being served. All they do is set standards for calories and food groups and other such stuff. Within those boundaries local schools are free to do whatever they want.

My daughter usually wants me to pack her lunch, but she'll pick and choose through the menu and decide on certain days she wants to eat a hot lunch. Tomorrow is tacos. She's decided she wants tacos.

Soft shelled tacos with ground turkey instead of beef, shredded cheese, lettuce and tomato. With a side of black beans and kiwi. Oh , and a milk.

Frankly , any kid that doesn't want to eat that , well there parents need to pack them a lunch or shut the fuck up.
How old?>

My little girl is 2 and a half.

One on the way in May!

Right now, we are striking a good balance between healthy and "treat" stuff to the point where she doesn't really seek to over indulge on the treat stuff. I feel like a mad scientist.

She's 5 I also have an 18 month old girl, and two boys that are over 20 :D and also a cousin who passed away's son who is 14.
that's awesome man

I always kind of walked through life easy going but since ive had a kid, I love it more than ever

I love being a daddy. Chasing after an 18th month old at age 43 can be exhausting, but so worth it.
Liberals don't need to eat at McDonald's because they have good jobs. It's an "education" thing Republicans simply don't understand.

Really, that's why blacks who almost universally are liberal are at the BOTTOM of the barrel when it comes to education and income?

Oh, also did all those OWS fools have good paying jobs?

You are beneath contempt.
You reading comprehension is a lousy as your trolling attempts.

I said there was a link between child obesity and single mothers, which even the government which funds the lunch programs acknowledges.


Ah yes, the good old, "whenever confronted, let's fall back on the "Trolling Accusation."

Almost as effective as posting a link then not even bothering to quote the relevant section.

Dear, if you EVER plan to gain any credibility, try to at least read your own links. The report you have linked concludes that:

Available research shows that there are a number of root causes of obesity in children. Selecting one or two main causes or essential factors is next to impossible given the current data, because the potential influences of obesity are multiple and intertwined.
Try again, and at least put a smidgeon of effort into your own absurd conclusions.
This certainly isn't the first time the govt has mandated nutrition for children and it won't be the last. When Schwarzenegger was talking about healthy food for kids, the RWs didn't have a problem with it but he's Republican.

RWs also don't seem to understand they can still feed their kids donuts for breakfast and McD's for dinner. So see? You can still make your kids fat, diabetic losers, just like you are.
Arnold was talking mostly about getting exercise Luddy......and there are lots of little lefty kids who eat sugar for breakfast and are overweight and have a great chance of being Diabetic one day just like their loser parents are....
You reading comprehension is a lousy as your trolling attempts.

I said there was a link between child obesity and single mothers, which even the government which funds the lunch programs acknowledges.


Ah yes, the good old, "whenever confronted, let's fall back on the "Trolling Accusation."

Almost as effective as posting a link then not even bothering to quote the relevant section.

Dear, if you EVER plan to gain any credibility, try to at least read your own links. The report you have linked concludes that:

Available research shows that there are a number of root causes of obesity in children. Selecting one or two main causes or essential factors is next to impossible given the current data, because the potential influences of obesity are multiple and intertwined.
Try again, and at least put a smidgeon of effort into your own absurd conclusions.

Again with the poor reading comprehension on your part. I didn't say it was the only cause, bub.

And from the Government source:

Over the last three decades there has been an increase in the number of dual income families as more women have entered the workforce and there has been an increase in the number of women serving as the sole supporter for their families.[83] It has been hypothesized that increased rates and hours of parental employment may be correlated with the weight increases in American children (particularly for women because they still bear the bulk of the responsibility of caring for children). Studies have demonstrated that children in single-parent families are more likely to be overweight or obese than children in two-parent families and that the rise in women working outside the home coincides with the rise in childhood weight problems.[84],[85http://aspe.hhs.gov/health/reports/child_obesity/index.cfm#_ftn85
Considering that the carbo-laden food pyramid that the Feds have pushed on the public has resulted in an epidemic of Obesity and Type II Diabetes, we would be better off eating LARD.
Somehow, lard doesn't work better than the now replaced food pyramid though.

also, quite the disingenuous and unfounded claim, here, don't you think? are you willing to assume that the majority of americans were following the food pyramid, to a t, and all of those became obese? what a lame lame braindead assumption
Considering that the carbo-laden food pyramid that the Feds have pushed on the public has resulted in an epidemic of Obesity and Type II Diabetes, we would be better off eating LARD.
Somehow, lard doesn't work better than the now replaced food pyramid though.

also, quite the disingenuous and unfounded claim, here, don't you think? are you willing to assume that the majority of americans were following the food pyramid, to a t, and all of those became obese? what a lame lame braindead assumption

In order for your viewpoint to be accurate, we'd have to assume that the vast amount of money the feds have spent on Diet Propaganda and Wheat-Corn Subsidies to Big Agra have had very little impact on Americans' eating habits.

The evidence is quite to the contrary.
Actually, that's an entirely different story and it all boils down to which dollars go towards what.

"what's datt mean, bawse?"

People buying fat fucking sloppy food with fed subsidized corn in it, bought it by choice with their own dollars and, AND by proxy supported that Gov't subsidy by voting in Reps who support it.

By contrast, free and reduced lunches are paid for by tax, everyone's dollars, and because of that the Feds have an obvious mandate to CHOOSE which foods that buys.

Lunches that the kids don't like...over one million have stopped buying school lunches. The school systems are losing money on Michelle O's menu, which is incredibly unappetizing and not particularly nutritious.
and in many cases still high in sugar and carbs....
If at ANY point you have claimed that a parent's political bent plays any part in their being obese you are a dumb shit.

Plenty of fat liberals and conservatives to go around. Plenty of thin ones to.

Some of you people are just , stupid.
Considering that the carbo-laden food pyramid that the Feds have pushed on the public has resulted in an epidemic of Obesity and Type II Diabetes, we would be better off eating LARD.
Somehow, lard doesn't work better than the now replaced food pyramid though.

also, quite the disingenuous and unfounded claim, here, don't you think? are you willing to assume that the majority of americans were following the food pyramid, to a t, and all of those became obese? what a lame lame braindead assumption
Considering that the carbo-laden food pyramid that the Feds have pushed on the public has resulted in an epidemic of Obesity and Type II Diabetes, we would be better off eating LARD.
Somehow, lard doesn't work better than the now replaced food pyramid though.

also, quite the disingenuous and unfounded claim, here, don't you think? are you willing to assume that the majority of americans were following the food pyramid, to a t, and all of those became obese? what a lame lame braindead assumption

In order for your viewpoint to be accurate, we'd have to assume that the vast amount of money the feds have spent on Diet Propaganda and Wheat-Corn Subsidies to Big Agra have had very little impact on Americans' eating habits.

The evidence is quite to the contrary.
Actually, that's an entirely different story and it all boils down to which dollars go towards what.

"what's datt mean, bawse?"

People buying fat fucking sloppy food with fed subsidized corn in it, bought it by choice with their own dollars and, AND by proxy supported that Gov't subsidy by voting in Reps who support it.

By contrast, free and reduced lunches are paid for by tax, everyone's dollars, and because of that the Feds have an obvious mandate to CHOOSE which foods that buys.

Lunches that the kids don't like...over one million have stopped buying school lunches. The school systems are losing money on Michelle O's menu, which is incredibly unappetizing and not particularly nutritious.

Remember the good ol days when kids loved the school lunches? LMAO

Oh and they are kids, they dont know no fucking better thats why they have parents.
lot of them are a big help.....Diabetes among young people is higher then it has ever been and so is overweight little kids....
You reading comprehension is a lousy as your trolling attempts.

I said there was a link between child obesity and single mothers, which even the government which funds the lunch programs acknowledges.


Ah yes, the good old, "whenever confronted, let's fall back on the "Trolling Accusation."

Almost as effective as posting a link then not even bothering to quote the relevant section.

Dear, if you EVER plan to gain any credibility, try to at least read your own links. The report you have linked concludes that:

Available research shows that there are a number of root causes of obesity in children. Selecting one or two main causes or essential factors is next to impossible given the current data, because the potential influences of obesity are multiple and intertwined.
Try again, and at least put a smidgeon of effort into your own absurd conclusions.

Again with the poor reading comprehension on your part. I didn't say it was the only cause, bub.

And from the Government source:

Over the last three decades there has been an increase in the number of dual income families as more women have entered the workforce and there has been an increase in the number of women serving as the sole supporter for their families.[83] It has been hypothesized that increased rates and hours of parental employment may be correlated with the weight increases in American children (particularly for women because they still bear the bulk of the responsibility of caring for children). Studies have demonstrated that children in single-parent families are more likely to be overweight or obese than children in two-parent families and that the rise in women working outside the home coincides with the rise in childhood weight problems.[84],[85

Its not only not the only cause, but it is not even a main cause.

Nice try at the rim shot at propagandizing obesity and single mothers, but sorry, another epic fail.

There's MANY reasons for childhood obesity, none of which have anything to do with the ONE you cherry-picked to support your ridiculous agenda:

Below are notable trends gleaned from studies that used the USDA’s Nationwide Food Consumption Survey and the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals. These studies demonstrate changes in eating patterns among American youth that illustrate the complexity that exists relating food intake to the increased prevalence of obesity.[16]
  • Children are getting more of their food away from home. Energy intake from away-from-home food sources increased from 20 to 32 percent from 1977-1978 to 1994-1996.[17]
  • Daily total energy intake did not significantly increase for children 6-11, but did increase for adolescent girls and boys (ages 12-19 years) by 113 and 243 kilocalories, respectively.[18],[19]
  • Daily total energy intake that children derived from energy dense (high calorie) snacks increased by approximately 121 kilocalories between 1977 and 1996.[20]
  • There has been a decline in breakfast consumption - especially for children of working mothers.
  • Portion sizes increased between 1977 and 1996. Average portion sizes increased for salty snacks from 1.0 oz to 1.6 oz and for soft drinks from 12.2 oz to 19.9

You should probably stick to figuring out what lunches students would like to have made from your 1956 menu choices: How's that recipe for Salisbury Steak coming along?
Super zapped salisbury steak is a lot less likely to make you sick than wet raw carrots, bananas and oranges handled by about 1000 people, many of them undocumented....
Considering that the carbo-laden food pyramid that the Feds have pushed on the public has resulted in an epidemic of Obesity and Type II Diabetes, we would be better off eating LARD.
Somehow, lard doesn't work better than the now replaced food pyramid though.

also, quite the disingenuous and unfounded claim, here, don't you think? are you willing to assume that the majority of americans were following the food pyramid, to a t, and all of those became obese? what a lame lame braindead assumption
Considering that the carbo-laden food pyramid that the Feds have pushed on the public has resulted in an epidemic of Obesity and Type II Diabetes, we would be better off eating LARD.
Somehow, lard doesn't work better than the now replaced food pyramid though.

also, quite the disingenuous and unfounded claim, here, don't you think? are you willing to assume that the majority of americans were following the food pyramid, to a t, and all of those became obese? what a lame lame braindead assumption

In order for your viewpoint to be accurate, we'd have to assume that the vast amount of money the feds have spent on Diet Propaganda and Wheat-Corn Subsidies to Big Agra have had very little impact on Americans' eating habits.

The evidence is quite to the contrary.
Actually, that's an entirely different story and it all boils down to which dollars go towards what.

"what's datt mean, bawse?"

People buying fat fucking sloppy food with fed subsidized corn in it, bought it by choice with their own dollars and, AND by proxy supported that Gov't subsidy by voting in Reps who support it.

By contrast, free and reduced lunches are paid for by tax, everyone's dollars, and because of that the Feds have an obvious mandate to CHOOSE which foods that buys.

Lunches that the kids don't like...over one million have stopped buying school lunches. The school systems are losing money on Michelle O's menu, which is incredibly unappetizing and not particularly nutritious.

Remember the good ol days when kids loved the school lunches? LMAO

Oh and they are kids, they dont know no fucking better thats why they have parents.
The kids have it better than when I was in school....

Look up nitrates and their link to cancer.

Then see: whats in bologna.

Then realize, you dont give it to them in moderation, but EVERY DAY.
GT has a point here....processed meats everyday aint to good....same thing with the white bread....
Super zapped salisbury steak is a lot less likely to make you sick than wet raw carrots, bananas and oranges handled by about 1000 people, many of them undocumented....

Are you seriously making the argument that a glorified tv dinner is healthier than fresh fruits and veggies?

Get the fuck out of here.
If the Federal government didn't provide them 24/7/365 minute by minute instructions, what would Liberals eat? House plants? Dirt? Paint chips? paper clips? I mean are they really that helpless that they need Michelle Obama to tell them EVERYTHING?

"The federal snack rules take effect this year for school districts across the country that participate in the federal free and reduced lunch program. They restrict snack foods sold at schools to those with at least 50 percent whole grain, with low sugar, fat and sodium content. Each snack must also come in under 200 calories, according to the news site.

That means a lot of popular snacks are now off the table, including donuts, brownies, potato chips, full flavor pop, candy bars, and most other foods teenagers prefer. Even salt shakers and packets are now illegal."

School employee on snack rules 8216 You cannot buy a Tic Tac in a Nebraska school I checked 8217 - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation Inc.
Diet soda is worse than "full flavor" soda.
not by much....a can of sugar or a can of artificial sweetener....
Its about choice being denied


Why on earth should the feds be micromanaging school lunches?

On a side note, I committed an act of civil disobedience on Saturday. I bought lemonade from a neighborhood kid who was selling it without a Vendor Permit and Health Department Certificate.


OMG! Nitrates! Ecoli! Quick, let GT know so he can get the food police on your ass...
eating them every day aint to good for you.....not a very good attitude to have for your kids KG....processed meats are pretty unhealthy....
Super zapped salisbury steak is a lot less likely to make you sick than wet raw carrots, bananas and oranges handled by about 1000 people, many of them undocumented....

Are you seriously making the argument that a glorified tv dinner is healthier than fresh fruits and veggies?

Get the fuck out of here.

Afraid so.

With so many very well formed arguments about wasteful government spending, why the partisan right must go out of its way to ridicule eating an apple a day nutritional initiatives is puzzling.

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