What would Liberals eat?

If the Federal government didn't provide them 24/7/365 minute by minute instructions, what would Liberals eat? House plants? Dirt? Paint chips? paper clips? I mean are they really that helpless that they need Michelle Obama to tell them EVERYTHING?

"The federal snack rules take effect this year for school districts across the country that participate in the federal free and reduced lunch program. They restrict snack foods sold at schools to those with at least 50 percent whole grain, with low sugar, fat and sodium content. Each snack must also come in under 200 calories, according to the news site.

That means a lot of popular snacks are now off the table, including donuts, brownies, potato chips, full flavor pop, candy bars, and most other foods teenagers prefer. Even salt shakers and packets are now illegal."

School employee on snack rules 8216 You cannot buy a Tic Tac in a Nebraska school I checked 8217 - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation Inc.
amazes me that anybody has a problem with public schools feeding kids healthier foods. But there it is.
I amazes me that libs continue to miss the point,.
We dont need Washington bureaurcrats telling us what to eat. We just dont. Making some snacks illegal is simply more nanny state nonsense.

Of course many of us do not want Washington telling us how we should live our lives. Why would anyone listen to them, when we know they are a bunch of liars, thieves, and crooks?

Problem is many on the Left see government as good and want it to do nearly everything for them. They have failed to learn the true lesson of history.

Actually no, we realize that there have to be standards like building automobiles. I mean, how easy is it to say "let the market decide" which actually means do nothing?

America is facing a epidemic of a nation full of fat asses and your solution is let the fat asses decide what to eat. Its like saying to a crack head "let the crack head decide how he wants to deal with mental health"

Until that fucker murders and robs people then you'd be screaming about doing something. Only "do something" is the most popular message from conservatives because they dont know what the hell to do lol
Don't you think it might be cool if PARENTS provided their children with healthy meals? Why does government feel it needs to raise our children?

Wouldnt it be cool if parents ran the lunchroom? Yeah, cept they dont.

What we need to do is slap hell out of the 350 pound mom that allows her 10 year old to become obese.

Slap her with what? Yanno, freedom and all that stuff

But no. we treat obesity as a disease instead of an embarrassing physical irresponsibility.

Yeah. I know. Kids can be cruel, but being called fat can be a great motivator.

Its a combo of both and certainly offering healthy foods is not negative
Not so much a negative but no salt? no sugar? limit of 2 slices of salami?

Why not offer a salad bar and tofu for the fatties and let kids that are physically active and know when to stop eating get a real meal?

Really? You want to make a fat menu? How about we make then wear a scarlet letter? Btw Physically active doesnt mean they are eating healthy either.

I've never had a weight problem, mostly because I am active.

And genes

I can sit down and kill a half gallon of Bryer's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream every evening and burn it all off the next day. I need calories and I eat responsibly for the most part. Why starve me because of irresponsible parents?

Ok superman, You can eat 1800 calories and burn 1800 the next day. I betting your mom and dad were slim also
Holy mother of Mary......


^^that looks fucking disgusting

I want to smother myself in that burger. I want bikini clad supermodels to shovel piles of those burgers onto my chained up naked body. I want to be inside that burger. I want to put a baby in that burger, raise it, and teach it to love that burger as much as I loved it. I want to be that burger.
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I must disagree..I think some of the melty stuff is cheese..but I think the broad stripe of yellow running with the kethup is mustard.

I want a side of onion rings, a chocolate shake, a coca cola, and .... hmmm, what for dessert...oh yeah! Another burger!
^^that looks fucking disgusting

I want to smother myself in that burger. I want bikini clad supermodels to shovel piles of those burgers onto my chained up naked body. I want to be inside that burger. I want to put a baby in that burger, raise it, and teach it to love that burger as much as I loved it. I want to be that burger.

I'm going to hazard a guess that That Burger is your idea of Nirvana.
If the Federal government didn't provide them 24/7/365 minute by minute instructions, what would Liberals eat? House plants? Dirt? Paint chips? paper clips? I mean are they really that helpless that they need Michelle Obama to tell them EVERYTHING?

"The federal snack rules take effect this year for school districts across the country that participate in the federal free and reduced lunch program. They restrict snack foods sold at schools to those with at least 50 percent whole grain, with low sugar, fat and sodium content. Each snack must also come in under 200 calories, according to the news site.

That means a lot of popular snacks are now off the table, including donuts, brownies, potato chips, full flavor pop, candy bars, and most other foods teenagers prefer. Even salt shakers and packets are now illegal."

School employee on snack rules 8216 You cannot buy a Tic Tac in a Nebraska school I checked 8217 - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation Inc.
amazes me that anybody has a problem with public schools feeding kids healthier foods. But there it is.
I amazes me that libs continue to miss the point,.
We dont need Washington bureaurcrats telling us what to eat. We just dont. Making some snacks illegal is simply more nanny state nonsense.

Of course many of us do not want Washington telling us how we should live our lives. Why would anyone listen to them, when we know they are a bunch of liars, thieves, and crooks?

Problem is many on the Left see government as good and want it to do nearly everything for them. They have failed to learn the true lesson of history.

Actually no, we realize that there have to be standards like building automobiles. I mean, how easy is it to say "let the market decide" which actually means do nothing?

America is facing a epidemic of a nation full of fat asses and your solution is let the fat asses decide what to eat. Its like saying to a crack head "let the crack head decide how he wants to deal with mental health"

Until that fucker murders and robs people then you'd be screaming about doing something. Only "do something" is the most popular message from conservatives because they dont know what the hell to do lol
Don't you think it might be cool if PARENTS provided their children with healthy meals? Why does government feel it needs to raise our children?

Wouldnt it be cool if parents ran the lunchroom? Yeah, cept they dont.

What we need to do is slap hell out of the 350 pound mom that allows her 10 year old to become obese.

Slap her with what? Yanno, freedom and all that stuff

But no. we treat obesity as a disease instead of an embarrassing physical irresponsibility.

Yeah. I know. Kids can be cruel, but being called fat can be a great motivator.

Its a combo of both and certainly offering healthy foods is not negative
Not so much a negative but no salt? no sugar? limit of 2 slices of salami?

Why not offer a salad bar and tofu for the fatties and let kids that are physically active and know when to stop eating get a real meal?

Really? You want to make a fat menu? How about we make then wear a scarlet letter? Btw Physically active doesnt mean they are eating healthy either.

I've never had a weight problem, mostly because I am active.

And genes

I can sit down and kill a half gallon of Bryer's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream every evening and burn it all off the next day. I need calories and I eat responsibly for the most part. Why starve me because of irresponsible parents?

Ok superman, You can eat 1800 calories and burn 1800 the next day. I betting your mom and dad were slim also
Mom was a bit heavy but dad was 6' 190 in his prime.

I had a friend way back in my teens that wanted to become an Eagle Scout. His problem was at 5'10" and 325 pounds, he couldn't earn the physical fitness merit badge. He decided he would diet. 6 months later he was down to 200 and easily earned the badge and got his Eagle.

Genes??? Both of his parents and his younger sister were obese.

Genes or parenting? Or maybe a combination. Either way, fat people CAN lose weight.
If the Federal government didn't provide them 24/7/365 minute by minute instructions, what would Liberals eat? House plants? Dirt? Paint chips? paper clips? I mean are they really that helpless that they need Michelle Obama to tell them EVERYTHING?

"The federal snack rules take effect this year for school districts across the country that participate in the federal free and reduced lunch program. They restrict snack foods sold at schools to those with at least 50 percent whole grain, with low sugar, fat and sodium content. Each snack must also come in under 200 calories, according to the news site.

That means a lot of popular snacks are now off the table, including donuts, brownies, potato chips, full flavor pop, candy bars, and most other foods teenagers prefer. Even salt shakers and packets are now illegal."

School employee on snack rules 8216 You cannot buy a Tic Tac in a Nebraska school I checked 8217 - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation Inc.
amazes me that anybody has a problem with public schools feeding kids healthier foods. But there it is.
I amazes me that libs continue to miss the point,.
We dont need Washington bureaurcrats telling us what to eat. We just dont. Making some snacks illegal is simply more nanny state nonsense.

Of course many of us do not want Washington telling us how we should live our lives. Why would anyone listen to them, when we know they are a bunch of liars, thieves, and crooks?

Problem is many on the Left see government as good and want it to do nearly everything for them. They have failed to learn the true lesson of history.

Actually no, we realize that there have to be standards like building automobiles. I mean, how easy is it to say "let the market decide" which actually means do nothing?

America is facing a epidemic of a nation full of fat asses and your solution is let the fat asses decide what to eat. Its like saying to a crack head "let the crack head decide how he wants to deal with mental health"

Until that fucker murders and robs people then you'd be screaming about doing something. Only "do something" is the most popular message from conservatives because they dont know what the hell to do lol
Don't you think it might be cool if PARENTS provided their children with healthy meals? Why does government feel it needs to raise our children?

Wouldnt it be cool if parents ran the lunchroom? Yeah, cept they dont.

What we need to do is slap hell out of the 350 pound mom that allows her 10 year old to become obese.

Slap her with what? Yanno, freedom and all that stuff

But no. we treat obesity as a disease instead of an embarrassing physical irresponsibility.

Yeah. I know. Kids can be cruel, but being called fat can be a great motivator.

Its a combo of both and certainly offering healthy foods is not negative
Not so much a negative but no salt? no sugar? limit of 2 slices of salami?

Why not offer a salad bar and tofu for the fatties and let kids that are physically active and know when to stop eating get a real meal?

Really? You want to make a fat menu? How about we make then wear a scarlet letter? Btw Physically active doesnt mean they are eating healthy either.

I've never had a weight problem, mostly because I am active.

And genes

I can sit down and kill a half gallon of Bryer's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream every evening and burn it all off the next day. I need calories and I eat responsibly for the most part. Why starve me because of irresponsible parents?

Ok superman, You can eat 1800 calories and burn 1800 the next day. I betting your mom and dad were slim also
Mom was a bit heavy but dad was 6' 190 in his prime.

I had a friend way back in my teens that wanted to become an Eagle Scout. His problem was at 5'10" and 325 pounds, he couldn't earn the physical fitness merit badge. He decided he would diet. 6 months later he was down to 200 and easily earned the badge and got his Eagle.

Genes??? Both of his parents and his younger sister were obese.

Genes or parenting? Or maybe a combination. Either way, fat people CAN lose weight.

But,they've have 3 customers die while eating their food, and they offer free meals to fat fucks over 350 lbs.

That's a safety hazard.

It's only a safety hazard if the people who choose to eat themselves to death fall on top of and crush innocent bystanders. As that hasn't happened, your "safety hazard" claim is just Nanny Statism. Hardly a surprise that you advocate such a view.

I'm all for freedom, but that place is a health hazard.

You're all for freedom, but in a very limited fashion....

No, I just believe that a restaurant that has people dying from the food should be shut down, whether those deaths are due to ecoli or heart attack.
^^that looks fucking disgusting

I want to smother myself in that burger. I want bikini clad supermodels to shovel piles of those burgers onto my chained up naked body. I want to be inside that burger. I want to put a baby in that burger, raise it, and teach it to love that burger as much as I loved it. I want to be that burger.

I'm going to hazard a guess that That Burger is your idea of Nirvana.

That burger should be Nirvana's idea of Nirvana :eek:

The BUT means that DumberThanTheAverageAmoeba is willing to give up all of our Liberty for a fake little sense of Safety.

you dope we're talking about welfare lunches here

Tell me more about how cheesy sauces aren't allowed
^^that looks fucking disgusting

I want to smother myself in that burger. I want bikini clad supermodels to shovel piles of those burgers onto my chained up naked body. I want to be inside that burger. I want to put a baby in that burger, raise it, and teach it to love that burger as much as I loved it. I want to be that burger.

I'm going to hazard a guess that That Burger is your idea of Nirvana.

That burger should be Nirvana's idea of Nirvana :eek:

Kurt Cobain suffered from depression because he didn't have That Burger.

The BUT means that DumberThanTheAverageAmoeba is willing to give up all of our Liberty for a fake little sense of Safety.

you dope we're talking about welfare lunches here

Tell me more about how cheesy sauces aren't allowed

Condolences again on your lack of reading comprehension and retention. But here's a little math lesson: calculate the portion sizes in an 850 calorie meal and run them by a teenage football player.

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