What would MLK say to John Lewis?

And so the Trumplets rush in to circle the wagons and defend their Messiah. Every tweet is sacred.

Nah, we just don't think being an over hyped civil rights guy, gives you the right to be a complete dick.
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.
You mean the same John Lewis who compare McCain to George Wallace?
The same one that claimed he was spat upon and called racist names, has provided no proof of it, yet has a problem when people don't believe him.

He's a proven race baiting liar, Trump is right to go after that BLM terrorist supporting POS.
And it is abundantly obvious that our friends on the left made an appropriate choice when they chose a diaper pin as their new symbol...

My word, John Lewis was acting like a petulant child, Trump called him out & now the folks on the left are losing their collective minds - it's really pathetic

Everything Trump said was true - a large portion of Lewis' district in GA is crime ridden and decaying. Lewis has been in congress since I was in high school (I am 48) and not helped matters. At all, in fact, things are actually worse.

Yeah, he marched with King, so that gives him a right to be an immature jackass?

Well, to many on the left, the answer is a resounding YES!

Again - Lewis acts like an ass, he gets called on the carpet and his pathetic record as a congressman is brought up

The left (which includes the media) gets OUTRAGED

this is going t be such a fun 8 years!

this whole thing is nothing short of comical.

the truth is, Trump has reached out to the black community and has made it clear that making things better in the inner cities is a priority for him

if Lewis had any sense (he doesn't) - he would be embracing that, looking for areas that he can work with the new president, and holding Trump's feet to the fire

folks want to feign OUTRAGE - the real outrage is that Trump is correct - Lewis' district is crime infested & falling apart, or a big part of it is (the part where he gets most of his votes)

Lewis' district also includes areas that are the wealthiest in the state (and some of the wealthiest in the nation). Buckhead, Alpharetta, Roswell & north Fulton are part of that district & the district is BELOW the national average in household income and unemployment - it really is pathetic

29 years John Lewis has been there. No improvement for the people that keep electing him.

Seriously folks, we can't move forward so long as people get maligned for speaking the truth. Lewis has an opportunity to do something now, but he would rather be a malcontent - that's on him & the people of his district continue to suffer

Time to man up and do the right thing for the folks you represent John - time to quit acting like a whiny little baby.

Problem is that Trump just acted like a schoolboy with a grudge, rather than a President who could change things.

The problem for your side is that Trump isn't going to roll over and take it like a bitch when the left goes after him tooth and nail like the no balls having Republicans of yesteryear game-fucking-on.
And it is abundantly obvious that our friends on the left made an appropriate choice when they chose a diaper pin as their new symbol...

My word, John Lewis was acting like a petulant child, Trump called him out & now the folks on the left are losing their collective minds - it's really pathetic

Everything Trump said was true - a large portion of Lewis' district in GA is crime ridden and decaying. Lewis has been in congress since I was in high school (I am 48) and not helped matters. At all, in fact, things are actually worse.

Yeah, he marched with King, so that gives him a right to be an immature jackass?

Well, to many on the left, the answer is a resounding YES!

Again - Lewis acts like an ass, he gets called on the carpet and his pathetic record as a congressman is brought up

The left (which includes the media) gets OUTRAGED

this is going t be such a fun 8 years!

this whole thing is nothing short of comical.

the truth is, Trump has reached out to the black community and has made it clear that making things better in the inner cities is a priority for him

if Lewis had any sense (he doesn't) - he would be embracing that, looking for areas that he can work with the new president, and holding Trump's feet to the fire

folks want to feign OUTRAGE - the real outrage is that Trump is correct - Lewis' district is crime infested & falling apart, or a big part of it is (the part where he gets most of his votes)

Lewis' district also includes areas that are the wealthiest in the state (and some of the wealthiest in the nation). Buckhead, Alpharetta, Roswell & north Fulton are part of that district & the district is BELOW the national average in household income and unemployment - it really is pathetic

29 years John Lewis has been there. No improvement for the people that keep electing him.

Seriously folks, we can't move forward so long as people get maligned for speaking the truth. Lewis has an opportunity to do something now, but he would rather be a malcontent - that's on him & the people of his district continue to suffer

Time to man up and do the right thing for the folks you represent John - time to quit acting like a whiny little baby.

Problem is that Trump just acted like a schoolboy with a grudge, rather than a President who could change things.

The problem for your side is that Trump isn't going to roll over and take it like a bitch when the left goes after him tooth and nail like the no balls having Republicans of yesteryear game-fucking-on.

"your side"???? Are we playing sport or something?

So, Trump isn't going to roll over, Obama didn't roll over, Bush W. didn't roll over, Clinton didn't roll over, Bush snr didn't roll over, Reagan didn't roll over. Why the hell do you think any president is going to roll over?
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.
You mean the same John Lewis who compare McCain to George Wallace?
Yup. Once a race bating whore always a race baiting whore. Injecting racial divisiveness is basically all this piece of shit Lewis has. This is from 2008:

"What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history. Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse," Lewis said in a statement.

"During another period, in the not too distant past, there was a governor of the state of Alabama named George Wallace who also became a presidential candidate. George Wallace never threw a bomb. He never fired a gun, but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights. Because of this atmosphere of hate, four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama," wrote the Democrat.

And what we forget is that Lewis called Trump an illegitimate President which makes him guilty of incitement to rebellion just like all the members of the DNC led, CIA backed, and MSM assisted attempted coup which as it would seem is still ongoing.
And it is abundantly obvious that our friends on the left made an appropriate choice when they chose a diaper pin as their new symbol...

My word, John Lewis was acting like a petulant child, Trump called him out & now the folks on the left are losing their collective minds - it's really pathetic

Everything Trump said was true - a large portion of Lewis' district in GA is crime ridden and decaying. Lewis has been in congress since I was in high school (I am 48) and not helped matters. At all, in fact, things are actually worse.

Yeah, he marched with King, so that gives him a right to be an immature jackass?

Well, to many on the left, the answer is a resounding YES!

Again - Lewis acts like an ass, he gets called on the carpet and his pathetic record as a congressman is brought up

The left (which includes the media) gets OUTRAGED

this is going t be such a fun 8 years!

this whole thing is nothing short of comical.

the truth is, Trump has reached out to the black community and has made it clear that making things better in the inner cities is a priority for him

if Lewis had any sense (he doesn't) - he would be embracing that, looking for areas that he can work with the new president, and holding Trump's feet to the fire

folks want to feign OUTRAGE - the real outrage is that Trump is correct - Lewis' district is crime infested & falling apart, or a big part of it is (the part where he gets most of his votes)

Lewis' district also includes areas that are the wealthiest in the state (and some of the wealthiest in the nation). Buckhead, Alpharetta, Roswell & north Fulton are part of that district & the district is BELOW the national average in household income and unemployment - it really is pathetic

29 years John Lewis has been there. No improvement for the people that keep electing him.

Seriously folks, we can't move forward so long as people get maligned for speaking the truth. Lewis has an opportunity to do something now, but he would rather be a malcontent - that's on him & the people of his district continue to suffer

Time to man up and do the right thing for the folks you represent John - time to quit acting like a whiny little baby.

Problem is that Trump just acted like a schoolboy with a grudge, rather than a President who could change things.

The problem for your side is that Trump isn't going to roll over and take it like a bitch when the left goes after him tooth and nail like the no balls having Republicans of yesteryear game-fucking-on.

"your side"???? Are we playing sport or something?

So, Trump isn't going to roll over, Obama didn't roll over, Bush W. didn't roll over, Clinton didn't roll over, Bush snr didn't roll over, Reagan didn't roll over. Why the hell do you think any president is going to roll over?
Bush rolled over like a bitch, Clinton and Obama didn't have anyone to roll over to. Trump hits back when attacked most Republicans and Conservatives do not, Trump is not from their world and he won't be playing by their establishment rules.
And it is abundantly obvious that our friends on the left made an appropriate choice when they chose a diaper pin as their new symbol...

My word, John Lewis was acting like a petulant child, Trump called him out & now the folks on the left are losing their collective minds - it's really pathetic

Everything Trump said was true - a large portion of Lewis' district in GA is crime ridden and decaying. Lewis has been in congress since I was in high school (I am 48) and not helped matters. At all, in fact, things are actually worse.

Yeah, he marched with King, so that gives him a right to be an immature jackass?

Well, to many on the left, the answer is a resounding YES!

Again - Lewis acts like an ass, he gets called on the carpet and his pathetic record as a congressman is brought up

The left (which includes the media) gets OUTRAGED

this is going t be such a fun 8 years!

this whole thing is nothing short of comical.

the truth is, Trump has reached out to the black community and has made it clear that making things better in the inner cities is a priority for him

if Lewis had any sense (he doesn't) - he would be embracing that, looking for areas that he can work with the new president, and holding Trump's feet to the fire

folks want to feign OUTRAGE - the real outrage is that Trump is correct - Lewis' district is crime infested & falling apart, or a big part of it is (the part where he gets most of his votes)

Lewis' district also includes areas that are the wealthiest in the state (and some of the wealthiest in the nation). Buckhead, Alpharetta, Roswell & north Fulton are part of that district & the district is BELOW the national average in household income and unemployment - it really is pathetic

29 years John Lewis has been there. No improvement for the people that keep electing him.

Seriously folks, we can't move forward so long as people get maligned for speaking the truth. Lewis has an opportunity to do something now, but he would rather be a malcontent - that's on him & the people of his district continue to suffer

Time to man up and do the right thing for the folks you represent John - time to quit acting like a whiny little baby.

Problem is that Trump just acted like a schoolboy with a grudge, rather than a President who could change things.

The problem for your side is that Trump isn't going to roll over and take it like a bitch when the left goes after him tooth and nail like the no balls having Republicans of yesteryear game-fucking-on.

"your side"???? Are we playing sport or something?

So, Trump isn't going to roll over, Obama didn't roll over, Bush W. didn't roll over, Clinton didn't roll over, Bush snr didn't roll over, Reagan didn't roll over. Why the hell do you think any president is going to roll over?
Bush rolled over like a bitch, Clinton and Obama didn't have anyone to roll over to. Trump hits back when attacked most Republicans and Conservatives do not, Trump is not from their world and he won't be playing by their establishment rules.

There's a difference between being smart and acting like a high school kid and taking everything personally. I know some people see this as a sign of strength, but it isn't.
Lewis is a douchebag who took an oath of office then broke it claiming Trump is not the legitimate president. Lewis sits on his throne in DC while his home district is a shithole, he should stop flapping is big fat mouth and take responsibility for failing his district.
Trump made the same claim about Obama

Where does that leave him?
MLK loved and respected John Lewis
John Lewis, though only in his early twenties, was a leader in the movement and withstood arrests and beatings

MLK would be appalled at a country that could elect a man like Trump.....just like John Lewis is
And it is abundantly obvious that our friends on the left made an appropriate choice when they chose a diaper pin as their new symbol...

My word, John Lewis was acting like a petulant child, Trump called him out & now the folks on the left are losing their collective minds - it's really pathetic

Everything Trump said was true - a large portion of Lewis' district in GA is crime ridden and decaying. Lewis has been in congress since I was in high school (I am 48) and not helped matters. At all, in fact, things are actually worse.

Yeah, he marched with King, so that gives him a right to be an immature jackass?

Well, to many on the left, the answer is a resounding YES!

Again - Lewis acts like an ass, he gets called on the carpet and his pathetic record as a congressman is brought up

The left (which includes the media) gets OUTRAGED

this is going t be such a fun 8 years!

this whole thing is nothing short of comical.

the truth is, Trump has reached out to the black community and has made it clear that making things better in the inner cities is a priority for him

if Lewis had any sense (he doesn't) - he would be embracing that, looking for areas that he can work with the new president, and holding Trump's feet to the fire

folks want to feign OUTRAGE - the real outrage is that Trump is correct - Lewis' district is crime infested & falling apart, or a big part of it is (the part where he gets most of his votes)

Lewis' district also includes areas that are the wealthiest in the state (and some of the wealthiest in the nation). Buckhead, Alpharetta, Roswell & north Fulton are part of that district & the district is BELOW the national average in household income and unemployment - it really is pathetic

29 years John Lewis has been there. No improvement for the people that keep electing him.

Seriously folks, we can't move forward so long as people get maligned for speaking the truth. Lewis has an opportunity to do something now, but he would rather be a malcontent - that's on him & the people of his district continue to suffer

Time to man up and do the right thing for the folks you represent John - time to quit acting like a whiny little baby.

Problem is that Trump just acted like a schoolboy with a grudge, rather than a President who could change things.

The problem for your side is that Trump isn't going to roll over and take it like a bitch when the left goes after him tooth and nail like the no balls having Republicans of yesteryear game-fucking-on.

"your side"???? Are we playing sport or something?

So, Trump isn't going to roll over, Obama didn't roll over, Bush W. didn't roll over, Clinton didn't roll over, Bush snr didn't roll over, Reagan didn't roll over. Why the hell do you think any president is going to roll over?
Bush rolled over like a bitch, Clinton and Obama didn't have anyone to roll over to. Trump hits back when attacked most Republicans and Conservatives do not, Trump is not from their world and he won't be playing by their establishment rules.
Yep. The rest are adults & Trump an immature crybaby.

Reporter: "Mr Trump, your healthcare plan is flawed."

Trump: "Your mother is ugly."
Perhaps YOU can explain how anything Trump said to Lewis was racist? I mean none of your lefty buddies can.

I can give you the liberal answer with no doubt!!!
"Because Trump is white and that makes him racist since he is not a liberal dimshitcrat. You are supposed to know that, OH you must be a racist too. You are a Trump voter aren't you?" You had to be a racist sexist woman hating bigot homophobe, islamaphobe Christian Consevative Gun lover to vote for HIM"

That is their liberal indoctrinated response to any fact!!! That is why they are going to be loosing every election every time except in a few States that are full of them.

Actually, it was racist because Trump assumed that since Lewis is black, that his district s overwhelmingly black & that makes them criminals & thugs.

Your racism is so inbred that you can't even recognize it.
And it is abundantly obvious that our friends on the left made an appropriate choice when they chose a diaper pin as their new symbol...

My word, John Lewis was acting like a petulant child, Trump called him out & now the folks on the left are losing their collective minds - it's really pathetic

Everything Trump said was true - a large portion of Lewis' district in GA is crime ridden and decaying. Lewis has been in congress since I was in high school (I am 48) and not helped matters. At all, in fact, things are actually worse.

Yeah, he marched with King, so that gives him a right to be an immature jackass?

Well, to many on the left, the answer is a resounding YES!

Again - Lewis acts like an ass, he gets called on the carpet and his pathetic record as a congressman is brought up

The left (which includes the media) gets OUTRAGED

this is going t be such a fun 8 years!

this whole thing is nothing short of comical.

the truth is, Trump has reached out to the black community and has made it clear that making things better in the inner cities is a priority for him

if Lewis had any sense (he doesn't) - he would be embracing that, looking for areas that he can work with the new president, and holding Trump's feet to the fire

folks want to feign OUTRAGE - the real outrage is that Trump is correct - Lewis' district is crime infested & falling apart, or a big part of it is (the part where he gets most of his votes)

Lewis' district also includes areas that are the wealthiest in the state (and some of the wealthiest in the nation). Buckhead, Alpharetta, Roswell & north Fulton are part of that district & the district is BELOW the national average in household income and unemployment - it really is pathetic

29 years John Lewis has been there. No improvement for the people that keep electing him.

Seriously folks, we can't move forward so long as people get maligned for speaking the truth. Lewis has an opportunity to do something now, but he would rather be a malcontent - that's on him & the people of his district continue to suffer

Time to man up and do the right thing for the folks you represent John - time to quit acting like a whiny little baby.

Problem is that Trump just acted like a schoolboy with a grudge, rather than a President who could change things.

The problem for your side is that Trump isn't going to roll over and take it like a bitch when the left goes after him tooth and nail like the no balls having Republicans of yesteryear game-fucking-on.

"your side"???? Are we playing sport or something?

So, Trump isn't going to roll over, Obama didn't roll over, Bush W. didn't roll over, Clinton didn't roll over, Bush snr didn't roll over, Reagan didn't roll over. Why the hell do you think any president is going to roll over?
Bush rolled over like a bitch, Clinton and Obama didn't have anyone to roll over to. Trump hits back when attacked most Republicans and Conservatives do not, Trump is not from their world and he won't be playing by their establishment rules.
Yep. The rest are adults & Trump an immature crybaby.

Reporter: "Mr Trump, your healthcare plan is flawed."

Trump: "Your mother is ugly."
That is the extent of Trumps witty "comebacks"

Basically......oh yea? Well you suck

Meryl Streep is overrated
CNN is a lousy network
John Lewis is a bad Congressman
the truth is, Trump has reached out to the black community and has made it clear that making things better in the inner cities is a priority for him


I would ask how Trump has made that clear but I know this game. They say silly stuff, you ask what makes them believe it, then they cry about by covering their hurt by lashing out and calling OTHER people sensitive snowflakes while they whine and cry to the heavens lol

Are you claiming there will not be a reduction in current inner city crime rates during Trump's term?

Trump is claiming he will reduce crime in those areas. You are claiming he will not, Is that correct?

certainly the left hopes not
Trump doesn't take their shit...that won him many votes. Lewis can stick the race card up his ass

Correct. these idiots on the left never learn anything. The more of this stupid shit that they do, the less support they are going to have next election.

Thanks for the advice on how to win but I don't think your advice is genuine.

It isn't advice on how to win. You guys have fucked everything up so bad that even if you kissed Trumps ass for 4 years, people still won't trust you. It's just that doing this retarded shit is making it worse. I hope they never stop.

You guys have run the got the past 4 years. I hate to break it to you. But I don't still don't believe your genuine advice is to not criticize anything Trump does and Democrats would get more support seems silly.

Bull shit. The GOP gave 0bama everything he wanted. That is why Trump kicked their asses in the primaries. All I'm saying is that the more of this stupid stunts and lies that you guys pull out of your asses, the more support you lose. How is that so hard for you to understand?
Problem is that Trump just acted like a schoolboy with a grudge, rather than a President who could change things.

The problem for your side is that Trump isn't going to roll over and take it like a bitch when the left goes after him tooth and nail like the no balls having Republicans of yesteryear game-fucking-on.

"your side"???? Are we playing sport or something?

So, Trump isn't going to roll over, Obama didn't roll over, Bush W. didn't roll over, Clinton didn't roll over, Bush snr didn't roll over, Reagan didn't roll over. Why the hell do you think any president is going to roll over?
Bush rolled over like a bitch, Clinton and Obama didn't have anyone to roll over to. Trump hits back when attacked most Republicans and Conservatives do not, Trump is not from their world and he won't be playing by their establishment rules.
Yep. The rest are adults & Trump an immature crybaby.

Reporter: "Mr Trump, your healthcare plan is flawed."

Trump: "Your mother is ugly."
That is the extent of Trumps witty "comebacks"

Basically......oh yea? Well you suck

Meryl Streep is overrated
CNN is a lousy network
John Lewis is a bad Congressman

Also true.
Trump is right as usual.
And it is abundantly obvious that our friends on the left made an appropriate choice when they chose a diaper pin as their new symbol...

My word, John Lewis was acting like a petulant child, Trump called him out & now the folks on the left are losing their collective minds - it's really pathetic

Everything Trump said was true - a large portion of Lewis' district in GA is crime ridden and decaying. Lewis has been in congress since I was in high school (I am 48) and not helped matters. At all, in fact, things are actually worse.

Yeah, he marched with King, so that gives him a right to be an immature jackass?

Well, to many on the left, the answer is a resounding YES!

Again - Lewis acts like an ass, he gets called on the carpet and his pathetic record as a congressman is brought up

The left (which includes the media) gets OUTRAGED

this is going t be such a fun 8 years!

this whole thing is nothing short of comical.

the truth is, Trump has reached out to the black community and has made it clear that making things better in the inner cities is a priority for him

if Lewis had any sense (he doesn't) - he would be embracing that, looking for areas that he can work with the new president, and holding Trump's feet to the fire

folks want to feign OUTRAGE - the real outrage is that Trump is correct - Lewis' district is crime infested & falling apart, or a big part of it is (the part where he gets most of his votes)

Lewis' district also includes areas that are the wealthiest in the state (and some of the wealthiest in the nation). Buckhead, Alpharetta, Roswell & north Fulton are part of that district & the district is BELOW the national average in household income and unemployment - it really is pathetic

29 years John Lewis has been there. No improvement for the people that keep electing him.

Seriously folks, we can't move forward so long as people get maligned for speaking the truth. Lewis has an opportunity to do something now, but he would rather be a malcontent - that's on him & the people of his district continue to suffer

Time to man up and do the right thing for the folks you represent John - time to quit acting like a whiny little baby.

I love how Trump doesn't let these liars and fools go unanswered. It's about time we had a leader with a spine.

Exactly. Bush ignored his critics, and that didn't work.

I love that Trump can respond to the American public in his own words. Bypass the corrupt MSM.
Bush didn't ignore his critics dummy. He's currently in exile trying to earn our forgiveness. Trump's exile will probably be at Mar-A-Lago tweeting sad little teenage girl tweets.

It will be funny to watch reality bitch-slap your stupid ass yet again.
What you dumb fucking rube? Reality's been fine for me for almost 8 years. The country still has a few days before a new republican gets in there and bitch slaps us all a new one.

Lol, it will be hilarious.
And it is abundantly obvious that our friends on the left made an appropriate choice when they chose a diaper pin as their new symbol...

My word, John Lewis was acting like a petulant child, Trump called him out & now the folks on the left are losing their collective minds - it's really pathetic

Everything Trump said was true - a large portion of Lewis' district in GA is crime ridden and decaying. Lewis has been in congress since I was in high school (I am 48) and not helped matters. At all, in fact, things are actually worse.

Yeah, he marched with King, so that gives him a right to be an immature jackass?

Well, to many on the left, the answer is a resounding YES!

Again - Lewis acts like an ass, he gets called on the carpet and his pathetic record as a congressman is brought up

The left (which includes the media) gets OUTRAGED

this is going t be such a fun 8 years!

this whole thing is nothing short of comical.

the truth is, Trump has reached out to the black community and has made it clear that making things better in the inner cities is a priority for him

if Lewis had any sense (he doesn't) - he would be embracing that, looking for areas that he can work with the new president, and holding Trump's feet to the fire

folks want to feign OUTRAGE - the real outrage is that Trump is correct - Lewis' district is crime infested & falling apart, or a big part of it is (the part where he gets most of his votes)

Lewis' district also includes areas that are the wealthiest in the state (and some of the wealthiest in the nation). Buckhead, Alpharetta, Roswell & north Fulton are part of that district & the district is BELOW the national average in household income and unemployment - it really is pathetic

29 years John Lewis has been there. No improvement for the people that keep electing him.

Seriously folks, we can't move forward so long as people get maligned for speaking the truth. Lewis has an opportunity to do something now, but he would rather be a malcontent - that's on him & the people of his district continue to suffer

Time to man up and do the right thing for the folks you represent John - time to quit acting like a whiny little baby.

I love how Trump doesn't let these liars and fools go unanswered. It's about time we had a leader with a spine.

Your avi is creepin' me out dude. Seriously.

Perhaps YOU can explain how anything Trump said to Lewis was racist? I mean none of your lefty buddies can.

I can give you the liberal answer with no doubt!!!
"Because Trump is white and that makes him racist since he is not a liberal dimshitcrat. You are supposed to know that, OH you must be a racist too. You are a Trump voter aren't you?" You had to be a racist sexist woman hating bigot homophobe, islamaphobe Christian Consevative Gun lover to vote for HIM"

That is their liberal indoctrinated response to any fact!!! That is why they are going to be loosing every election every time except in a few States that are full of them.

Actually, it was racist because Trump assumed that since Lewis is black, that his district s overwhelmingly black & that makes them criminals & thugs.

Your racism is so inbred that you can't even recognize it.

Trump didn't "ASSUME" shit....he stated facts.

Lewis represents Georgia's 5th Congressional District, one of the most consistently Democratic districts in the nation. Since its formalization in 1845, the district has been represented by a non-Democrat for just 11 years. The last non-Democrat to represent the district was Republican Fletcher Thompson, who left office on January 3, 1973, after a six-year stint; prior to Thompson, Democrats had held the district since James C. Freeman relinquished the seat in 1875 after serving a single two-year term.

Georgia's 5th congressional district is a congressional district in the U.S. state of Georgia. The district is currently represented by Democrat John Lewis, though the district's boundaries have been redrawn following the 2010 census, which granted an additional congressional seat to Georgia.[3] The first election using the new district boundaries (listed below) were the 2012 congressional elections.

Based in central Fulton and parts of DeKalb and Clayton counties, the majority African American district includes almost three-fourths of Atlanta, the state capital and largest city. It also includes some of the surrounding suburbs, including East Point, Druid Hills, and Forest Park.[4]
What S{PECIFICALLY did Trump say that was inaccurate?
The problem for your side is that Trump isn't going to roll over and take it like a bitch when the left goes after him tooth and nail like the no balls having Republicans of yesteryear game-fucking-on.

"your side"???? Are we playing sport or something?

So, Trump isn't going to roll over, Obama didn't roll over, Bush W. didn't roll over, Clinton didn't roll over, Bush snr didn't roll over, Reagan didn't roll over. Why the hell do you think any president is going to roll over?
Bush rolled over like a bitch, Clinton and Obama didn't have anyone to roll over to. Trump hits back when attacked most Republicans and Conservatives do not, Trump is not from their world and he won't be playing by their establishment rules.
Yep. The rest are adults & Trump an immature crybaby.

Reporter: "Mr Trump, your healthcare plan is flawed."

Trump: "Your mother is ugly."
That is the extent of Trumps witty "comebacks"

Basically......oh yea? Well you suck

Meryl Streep is overrated
CNN is a lousy network
John Lewis is a bad Congressman

Also true.
Trump is right as usual.

You suck....you are overrated as a poster
"your side"???? Are we playing sport or something?

So, Trump isn't going to roll over, Obama didn't roll over, Bush W. didn't roll over, Clinton didn't roll over, Bush snr didn't roll over, Reagan didn't roll over. Why the hell do you think any president is going to roll over?
Bush rolled over like a bitch, Clinton and Obama didn't have anyone to roll over to. Trump hits back when attacked most Republicans and Conservatives do not, Trump is not from their world and he won't be playing by their establishment rules.
Yep. The rest are adults & Trump an immature crybaby.

Reporter: "Mr Trump, your healthcare plan is flawed."

Trump: "Your mother is ugly."
That is the extent of Trumps witty "comebacks"

Basically......oh yea? Well you suck

Meryl Streep is overrated
CNN is a lousy network
John Lewis is a bad Congressman

Also true.
Trump is right as usual.

You suck....you are overrated as a poster

So, you wouldn't stick them up on your wall to admire?

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