What would the world be like without religions?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Suggesting a novel idea where Native Americans kept control of North America repelling early European settlers, I found myself wondering how things would be if religion on the whole never came to be.

Would we be more or less advanced? Have more or fewer wars?

I kinda think contrary to others' opinions we'd be significantly retarded in our technological development. Wars unfortunately gives rise to great innovations and leaps foward technologically. Since many wars frmae the rationale as moral or religious imperatives, we'd as a result be further back in our development of tech. Only invented the atomic bomb because of the war afterall. If no WW2, there'd be no nuclear weapons or power possibly. We mighta hit upon it anyway but maybe not as a weapon.
WWI and WWII were not religious wars

Wow, are you stupid.


Religion is always used to rally the troops and people into wars.
First off, there wouldn't be human beings on the planet.

Really. Did God create humans AND religion or just humans? Seems to me things God may have done would have still happened regardless of whether we then wrote religions about it.

Nope. Humans created God and religion.

Would say we created religion which created ideas about what God is.

God could exist but our religions and religious ideas be what's wrong. With 25,000 discreete religious systems thus far, I'm inclined to think what we think of as "God" is something entirely different.
Suggesting a novel idea where Native Americans kept control of North America repelling early European settlers, I found myself wondering how things would be if religion on the whole never came to be.

Would we be more or less advanced? Have more or fewer wars?

I kinda think contrary to others' opinions we'd be significantly retarded in our technological development. Wars unfortunately gives rise to great innovations and leaps foward technologically. Since many wars frmae the rationale as moral or religious imperatives, we'd as a result be further back in our development of tech. Only invented the atomic bomb because of the war afterall. If no WW2, there'd be no nuclear weapons or power possibly. We mighta hit upon it anyway but maybe not as a weapon.

Religion has never been the problem but the radical element that hijack the religion to spread their bigotry and hate.

It is Human Nature to me that we must believe in something. It might be a unseen God or Titan or a Idol or even a Oak Tree. We also need to gather as a group to worship together and discuss our faith because we need the reassurance and support by those that believe like us.

Where I part from the religious spectrum is I do not believe any religion is the truth path to spiritual happiness and all have their validity to me.

I do believe we could be further without the radical elements in religion that attempt to prevent humanity to go further. The Catholics and Muslims have been the worst to me when it come to radicals hijacking a religion and retarding the growth of humanity.

Just my opinion...
First off, there wouldn't be human beings on the planet.

Really. Did God create humans AND religion or just humans? Seems to me things God may have done would have still happened regardless of whether we then wrote religions about it.

Nope. Humans created God and religion.

Would say we created religion which created ideas about what God is.

God could exist but our religions and religious ideas be what's wrong. With 25,000 discreete religious systems thus far, I'm inclined to think what we think of as "God" is something entirely different.

Irrelevant. Religion exists because humans exist. You might as well ask what the world would be like without government. It would be without us.
I personally believe what we've taking to calling a god or "God" is simply a natural function and fact of the universe. Like gravity. We're not quite sure why there's gravity, but it exists anyway. Think "gods" are simply a normal by-product of the universe that does things we don't quite understand yet.
Suggesting a novel idea where Native Americans kept control of North America repelling early European settlers, I found myself wondering how things would be if religion on the whole never came to be.

Would we be more or less advanced? Have more or fewer wars?

I kinda think contrary to others' opinions we'd be significantly retarded in our technological development. Wars unfortunately gives rise to great innovations and leaps foward technologically. Since many wars frmae the rationale as moral or religious imperatives, we'd as a result be further back in our development of tech. Only invented the atomic bomb because of the war afterall. If no WW2, there'd be no nuclear weapons or power possibly. We mighta hit upon it anyway but maybe not as a weapon.

Religion has never been the problem but the radical element that hijack the religion to spread their bigotry and hate.

It is Human Nature to me that we must believe in something. It might be a unseen God or Titan or a Idol or even a Oak Tree. We also need to gather as a group to worship together and discuss our faith because we need the reassurance and support by those that believe like us.

Where I part from the religious spectrum is I do not believe any religion is the truth path to spiritual happiness and all have their validity to me.

I do believe we could be further without the radical elements in religion that attempt to prevent humanity to go further. The Catholics and Muslims have been the worst to me when it come to radicals hijacking a religion and retarding the growth of humanity.

Just my opinion...

There are objective facts present in the cores of various religions making them objectively bad. As in Christianity with its' anti-humanist rhetoric. That's not the extremists but the religion itself to blame.
WWI and WWII were not religious wars

Wow, are you stupid.


Religion is always used to rally the troops and people into wars.
The basis had nothing to do with religion.
Also, religion was used to rally troops because it is an easy tool fr propaganda. However, religion is not the only tool used--nationalism, political ideaology, egotism, fear--all are useful and were all exploited in the rallying of troops during those wars.
Without religion, we would still have war. The War propagandist will just exploit some other theme to push their agenda.
Without religion, we would still have war. The War propagandist will just exploit some other theme to push their agenda.

Probably. Animals have 'war' sans religion. No reason to suspect we'd be any different. Think they'd be less frequent though. Too easy to stir people up invoking religion.
Suggesting a novel idea where Native Americans kept control of North America repelling early European settlers, I found myself wondering how things would be if religion on the whole never came to be.

Would we be more or less advanced? Have more or fewer wars?

I kinda think contrary to others' opinions we'd be significantly retarded in our technological development. Wars unfortunately gives rise to great innovations and leaps foward technologically. Since many wars frmae the rationale as moral or religious imperatives, we'd as a result be further back in our development of tech. Only invented the atomic bomb because of the war afterall. If no WW2, there'd be no nuclear weapons or power possibly. We mighta hit upon it anyway but maybe not as a weapon.

Well since most wars are about money and not religion I doubt that aspect of it would change much. The Middle East might settle down a bit though
Without religion, we would still have war. The War propagandist will just exploit some other theme to push their agenda.

Probably. Animals have 'war' sans religion. No reason to suspect we'd be any different. Think they'd be less frequent though. Too easy to stir people up invoking religion.

Wars would not suddenly end without religions, but absent competing religions/gawds, there would be one less reason to fight wars.

Historically speaking, today's examples serve as well. The conflict in the Middle East is about land and power and the imposition of a fascistic politico-religious ideology. Its source is that it is of a divine nature that calls to die and kill for the ongoing survival of that ideology. The general populace as a rule is not likely to die or kill for the idea that they may get more land or power or wealth-- but if they believe their gawds are at stake, they gladly go into the swirling flames of perdition.

Religion has been the cause of whole civilizations plundering and slaughtering other civilizations, and theists do themselves no favors by dismissing or making excuses for the very history of their belief systems. The blatant refusal to admit the flaws of theistic belief is wearying. Take responsibility for what your religions have wrought.
Without religion, we would still have war. The War propagandist will just exploit some other theme to push their agenda.

Probably. Animals have 'war' sans religion. No reason to suspect we'd be any different. Think they'd be less frequent though. Too easy to stir people up invoking religion.

Wars would not suddenly end without religions, but absent competing religions/gawds, there would be one less reason to fight wars.

Historically speaking, today's examples serve as well. The conflict in the Middle East is about land and power and the imposition of a fascistic politico-religious ideology. Its source is that it is of a divine nature that calls to die and kill for the ongoing survival of that ideology. The general populace as a rule is not likely to die or kill for the idea that they may get more land or power or wealth-- but if they believe their gawds are at stake, they gladly go into the swirling flames of perdition.

Religion has been the cause of whole civilizations plundering and slaughtering other civilizations, and theists do themselves no favors by dismissing or making excuses for the very history of their belief systems. The blatant refusal to admit the flaws of theistic belief is wearying. Take responsibility for what your religions have wrought.

There is another myth that people will kill and die to obtain. Freedom is a myth that will never exist. People kill for it all the time. Humans are suckers for delusions . Especially males between the ages of 14-25. They are very vulnerable to lies that stroke their own ego. They make amazing killing machines at that age for just about any cause that gives them an inflated sense of self importance.
Without religion, we would still have war. The War propagandist will just exploit some other theme to push their agenda.

Probably. Animals have 'war' sans religion. No reason to suspect we'd be any different. Think they'd be less frequent though. Too easy to stir people up invoking religion.

Wars would not suddenly end without religions, but absent competing religions/gawds, there would be one less reason to fight wars.

Historically speaking, today's examples serve as well. The conflict in the Middle East is about land and power and the imposition of a fascistic politico-religious ideology. Its source is that it is of a divine nature that calls to die and kill for the ongoing survival of that ideology. The general populace as a rule is not likely to die or kill for the idea that they may get more land or power or wealth-- but if they believe their gawds are at stake, they gladly go into the swirling flames of perdition.

Religion has been the cause of whole civilizations plundering and slaughtering other civilizations, and theists do themselves no favors by dismissing or making excuses for the very history of their belief systems. The blatant refusal to admit the flaws of theistic belief is wearying. Take responsibility for what your religions have wrought.

There is another myth that people will kill and die to obtain. Freedom is a myth that will never exist. People kill for it all the time. Humans are suckers for delusions . Especially males between the ages of 14-25. They are very vulnerable to lies that stroke their own ego. They make amazing killing machines at that age for just about any cause that gives them an inflated sense of self importance.
Not sure what you're responding to. I made no mention of killing and dying for freedom.
Would we be more or less advanced? Have more or fewer wars?

Indeed, without the Old Testament there would be no Jewish identity, no zionist neocon agenda of unlimited wars and without the Koran there would be no jihad.

I kinda think contrary to others' opinions we'd be significantly retarded in our technological development.

On the contrary to your contrary, beneficial technology once developed is often used in the jewish and muslim wars instead of more positive things that the inventors originally envisioned.

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