What would you cut?


Gold Member
Nov 1, 2008
Federal Way WA
To save our country money?

First off, completely end the Federal Education Department, they've only been around since Carter and our schools are getting worse not better.

For Congress and our President to invest in their own retirement plan and go on social security like the rest of us. Make them go on Medicare...

Get rid of the TSA, they've done nothing to prevent another 9/11. Violating people so they FEEL safer just doesn't work.

Stop federal student loans until the ones out there are paid back, it's not like you can get a job with a college education today anyway.

End street cleaners in neighborhoods, have the homeowners sweep the street in front of their places and fine them if they don't. Many European cities do this. It makes sense, or rather it saves cents. Every little bit helps.

Any one else have any ideas?
1. Cut waste in the military, no one can tell me there isn't any, I was in the military, I know. Also, we don't need as many bases as we have.

2. STOP giving money to other countries. We simply can't afford it.

3. Eliminate the Department of education, as mentioned in the OP.

4. The FairTax

5. Stop government waste.
End all tax payer backed defined benefit public pensions. It is just a kick the can down the road stealth tax increase.
1. Cut waste in the military, no one can tell me there isn't any, I was in the military, I know. Also, we don't need as many bases as we have.

2. STOP giving money to other countries. We simply can't afford it.

3. Eliminate the Department of education, as mentioned in the OP.

4. The FairTax

5. Stop government waste.

I like 1 and 2. Not so much on #3. What is the "fair tax" rate? #5 is something we can all agree upon however it's easier said than done.

What would help is if we stopped basing next year's budget on this year's spending. Start with a blank sheet of paper and anything that costs more than $50,000 a year has to be audited (or an amount to be determined). If you're the Secretary of Labor and you want to spend $50K on a program that has to be voted on by Congress. No "fire and forget" budgets for these departments.

Start with a blank sheet of paper every 10 years or so. Priorities change. We no longer need to have these DOT spots about wearing your seat belt for example. People know you need to buckle up. If you don't, well, you're stupid and it's not the government's role to fix stupid. Besides, it's almost a 1,000,000,000,000 percent guarantee that the driver's ed class will cover wearing the seat belt. Much like it's just that high a percentage that the CDC needn't cover washing your hands to prevent spreading disease...people know this (or should) and the States and entities like mine are covering it in every PIK (Patient information kit). Ten or twenty years ago, there may have been a need. Not any longer. So that doesn't make it on to the sheet of paper that will list what you want to buy each year.
The salary of congress can be cut they are sure not earning what they are getting paid.
The department of energy they don't seem to be worth the money.
In fact there is probably not a agency or department in the federal government that could not stand some cutting.
How about just going back to pre-Obama federal spending? That would save this country TRILLIONS of dollars.

We have already done that. Republicans Explode the Size of Government.
I'd cut ----- the head off of every lawyer in America who claims to be progressive. That would fix all of our problems in a short 20 years...
To save our country money?

First off, completely end the Federal Education Department, they've only been around since Carter and our schools are getting worse not better.

For Congress and our President to invest in their own retirement plan and go on social security like the rest of us. Make them go on Medicare...

Get rid of the TSA, they've done nothing to prevent another 9/11. Violating people so they FEEL safer just doesn't work.

Stop federal student loans until the ones out there are paid back, it's not like you can get a job with a college education today anyway.

End street cleaners in neighborhoods, have the homeowners sweep the street in front of their places and fine them if they don't. Many European cities do this. It makes sense, or rather it saves cents. Every little bit helps.

Any one else have any ideas?

1. The salary and benfits of all members of congress, current, future and past by 50%.

2. All money collected by elected officials after an election - win or lose - go to the treasury to reduce the national debt.

3. Limit dollars returned to the states by revenue sharing to the amount collected from the state. No welfare to the states.

4. All profit from every government contract which runs over time;

5. All deduciton for income which originates outside of our borders.

6. Any USSC decision not 9-0 null and void, today, yesterday and tomorrow.
I say we hit everything.
Start with Senators,Congressman and women.
Anyone getting a paycheck from government,any agency getting money,any social program.
Everybody takes a cut.
I say we hit everything.
Start with Senators,Congressman and women.
Anyone getting a paycheck from government,any agency getting money,any social program.
Everybody takes a cut.


Dude, as long as Delilah brings home a paycheck, we cannot go there.

Department of Treasury #1= > Get rid of this waste of air: Result? Fewer tax audits!

Department of Health and Human Services => Cut by 50%

Dept of Labor=> cut 100%

Dept of Education => are you fucking kidding me?

Dept of Defense = cut 30%

Every other Dept. (including Funny Walks) => cut 70%

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