What Would You Do If You Won The Lottery Jackpot?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
I'm not a constant player because the odds are so horrible, but the fact remains, you can't win if you don't play, and someone is going to win, and even though the odds are so bad, you're odds of winning are the same as everyone else's.

The Mega Millions is up to $314M, and that's usually when I get interested and play. So, question is, what would you do if you won that much money?

For me, I think the smartest thing to do as far as family is concerned is give them a one time lump sum to pay off whatever, and then set up a trust fund for them so whatever else you decided to give them would at least earn interest.

Far as myself, I'd immediately go full bore looking into ways to make money with money. I wouldn't just sit back and do nothing thinking I was going to live off it for the rest of my life. I'd want that money to last in my family forever.
I'd buy a giant piece of land, put a handful of modest houses on it with bad ass internet, build a wall, hire some guards and finish the rest of my life. I'd do a lot of traveling. All of my family and favorite people are welcome to stay in the houses.
I'm not a constant player because the odds are so horrible, but the fact remains, you can't win if you don't play, and someone is going to win, and even though the odds are so bad, you're odds of winning are the same as everyone else's.

The Mega Millions is up to $314M, and that's usually when I get interested and play. So, question is, what would you do if you won that much money?

For me, I think the smartest thing to do as far as family is concerned is give them a one time lump sum to pay off whatever, and then set up a trust fund for them so whatever else you decided to give them would at least earn interest.

Far as myself, I'd immediately go full bore looking into ways to make money with money. I wouldn't just sit back and do nothing thinking I was going to live off it for the rest of my life. I'd want that money to last in my family forever.

I’d build a nice indoor swimming pool and donate it to the town I live in so I’d have a place to swim in winter.

I would set up education funds for all my grandchildren so they can have a chance at making a good life for themselves.

I would buy myself a nice little house by the lake, to live out the rest of my retirement.
I'd keep $5-$10 million, give some money to my mother and brother so they never have to worry again, and give the rest away. That would be a blast.

I always thought if I won such a large amount, I'd set up a system that would provide for others in a 'year-round Christmas' idea to help them out......but I wouldn't stand on the street corner throwing cash for all to grab.
I'd keep $5-$10 million, give some money to my mother and brother so they never have to worry again, and give the rest away. That would be a blast.

I always thought if I won such a large amount, I'd set up a system that would provide for others in a 'year-round Christmas' idea to help them out......but I wouldn't stand on the street corner throwing cash for all to grab.

I like the idea of paying off Christmas layaways. These are people who are really working hard, saving a few dollars each week and making an effort for Christmas.
I'm not a constant player because the odds are so horrible, but the fact remains, you can't win if you don't play, and someone is going to win, and even though the odds are so bad, you're odds of winning are the same as everyone else's.

The Mega Millions is up to $314M, and that's usually when I get interested and play. So, question is, what would you do if you won that much money?

For me, I think the smartest thing to do as far as family is concerned is give them a one time lump sum to pay off whatever, and then set up a trust fund for them so whatever else you decided to give them would at least earn interest.

Far as myself, I'd immediately go full bore looking into ways to make money with money. I wouldn't just sit back and do nothing thinking I was going to live off it for the rest of my life. I'd want that money to last in my family forever.

Charities........medical research on cancer, burn victims, spinal cord injuries, deafness and blindness.....homeless charities......maybe finding a group that helps the homeless fix their lives......

Big donations to the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America as well as to local gun rights groups.....

Family would be a problem because you want to help and protect them but you don't want the kids being destroyed by the money.......

Oh.....and Lingerie Models who would compete to be the next trophy wife........
I'd keep $5-$10 million, give some money to my mother and brother so they never have to worry again, and give the rest away. That would be a blast.

I always thought if I won such a large amount, I'd set up a system that would provide for others in a 'year-round Christmas' idea to help them out......but I wouldn't stand on the street corner throwing cash for all to grab.

I like the idea of paying off Christmas layaways. These are people who are really working hard, saving a few dollars each week and making an effort for Christmas.

That is true, though I was thinking more along the lines of people that have faced some type of disaster (loss of home, devastating accident or illness, victim of a crime or other serious financial loss or impact) and help get them set up...….with the provision of them paying it back, as they are able, in order to keep that 'fund' going to provide for others.
Depending on the circumstances, there will be some that won't be able to, and for others that could.
How would you go about helping the homeless....I have often thought about that process........just setting up shelters isn't enough to make them capable of standing up on their own.......I would use that money to try to find a way to do that....
you don't want the kids being destroyed by the money.......

the solution here, is to buy/set up a business(s) they are guaranteed a well paying job with great benefits, etc for life.....regardless of what's going on around them.

My thought for my kids is to open a 'car restoration & repair' type business since 2 of the 3 are mechanics and I'd send the 3rd to business school to run it and which he is more suited for.....yet all 3 have equal ownership
How would you go about helping the homeless....I have often thought about that process........just setting up shelters isn't enough to make them capable of standing up on their own.......I would use that money to try to find a way to do that....

Assessing their needs and providing the needed support thru the process to go from the streets to self sufficiency can be a long one, especially since many are 'helpless' in that regard because of their mindset......so maybe working with an agency that does similar efforts??? IDK
I'm not a constant player because the odds are so horrible, but the fact remains, you can't win if you don't play, and someone is going to win, and even though the odds are so bad, you're odds of winning are the same as everyone else's.

The Mega Millions is up to $314M, and that's usually when I get interested and play. So, question is, what would you do if you won that much money?

For me, I think the smartest thing to do as far as family is concerned is give them a one time lump sum to pay off whatever, and then set up a trust fund for them so whatever else you decided to give them would at least earn interest.

Far as myself, I'd immediately go full bore looking into ways to make money with money. I wouldn't just sit back and do nothing thinking I was going to live off it for the rest of my life. I'd want that money to last in my family forever.

Travel a lot. New Zealand. Brazil. Hungary. Ecuador. Not necessarily in that order and not limited to. Take cues from any of them as to where to go next, buy land in wherever seems to work and settle there.

Obviously that much money is way more than needed for anything, so you first parcel it into an investment that keeps generating and take the smaller parcel for the mad money. Increasing money for the sole sake of increasing money would be empty and pointless.
I'd keep $5-$10 million, give some money to my mother and brother so they never have to worry again, and give the rest away. That would be a blast.
Seriously? You'd just give away $150M?
I only have two sisters and one kid so, it wouldn't be hard to divvy out some money to family, but I'd probably buy land, like a large ranch in Montana, then maybe buy into a gold mine, or an opal mine in Australia, and probably buy a car and/or a Harley dealer, and I couldn't forget the little town I live in. I'd set up a scholarship fund for exceptional grads, and donate some to the village to help promote tourism and being on the river, and last but not least, I'd buy a radio station, and start another twitter/instagram social media type thing.

But I would make sure there was money coming in. There's no reason someone should get a windfall of couple hundred million and then ten years later be broke. You and your family should never be broke again, ever.
I'd keep $5-$10 million, give some money to my mother and brother so they never have to worry again, and give the rest away. That would be a blast.

I always thought if I won such a large amount, I'd set up a system that would provide for others in a 'year-round Christmas' idea to help them out......but I wouldn't stand on the street corner throwing cash for all to grab.

I like the idea of paying off Christmas layaways. These are people who are really working hard, saving a few dollars each week and making an effort for Christmas.

That is true, though I was thinking more along the lines of people that have faced some type of disaster (loss of home, devastating accident or illness, victim of a crime or other serious financial loss or impact) and help get them set up...….with the provision of them paying it back, as they are able, in order to keep that 'fund' going to provide for others.
Depending on the circumstances, there will be some that won't be able to, and for others that could.

:clap2: This. People I encounter who were honest, trying, but just in unlucky circumstances would start to find doors opening for them and never know who did it.
First 3 phone calls would be my lawyer, financial advisor and security advisor. Bills and outstanding debts would be paid. Then my wife, the dogs and I would disappear, never to be heard from again.

... by which I mean everything would be put into a trust run by my attorney and my family would be living somewhere that nobody knew us, making next to no personal connections, living away from people and Society in general.

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