What Would You Do?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?
I think this is a Howey set-up, but I'll bite.

I would terminate their employment.

Ok- now gimme the punch line.
Fire them. When they work for the company, they ARE the company. They represent the company. They are the voice of the company.

Terminated. And they should have used an anon name.
If you're thinking about outing someone, just because they are posting shit you don't agree with, that will make you lower than they are in my book !

In this fucking climate we now live in, peoples lives can be ruined for posting something even slightly provocative.

Look at Donald Sterling for instance.
A few comments that he should have kept to himself, and good god we treat the guy like he's Hitler now, and ban him from living a normal life !
It all depends on the situation. If Homosexuality is a hot button topic right now. And the more it is forced down people's throats the more those people resent it. Much like the civil rights battle was.

People have a way of coming around to think "less hate" but it's a long drawn out process that may be generations before becoming a reality. I was the first person in my family not to use disparaging names against African-Americans. After years, my dad will not use those same words around me, because he knows I don't approve of them, and will not let them be used around my children.

Give them the benefit of the doubt, and have a private talk with them, let them know that the practice will not be tolerated and if it happens again, there will be repercussions.

Just my 2cents
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

If the employee was on company time and using a company computer to post their remarks, I would terminate them immediately.

If the employee was at home, on their on time, and using their own computer, I would do absolutely nothing.

It is none of my business what my employees do on their own time, as long as they are not breaking any laws, and as long as it does not affect their job performance.
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This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

Good luck asshole.:lol:
If the employee was on company time and using a company computer to post their remarks, I would terminate them immediately.

If the employee was at home, on their on time, and using their own computer, I would do absolutely nothing.

It is none of my business what my employees do on their own time, as long as they are not breaking any laws, and as long as it does not affect their job performance.

That is the correct answer.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

"Duties as assigned" him or her until they quit.

If on company time fire their ass.
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This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

Nothing. And by that I mean nothing. Get it?
BTW, those would be PRIVATE businesses. An example of a "public" service would be the city tax office or the postal service.
BTW, this is the scourge of social media rearing its ugly head.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

Nothing. Freedom of speech.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

"Duties as assigned" him or her until they quit.

If on company time fire their ass.

But then, why would any company care? Seriously. Unless I state that I, PredFan, a Walt Disney Employee, think that black people are N*****s, etc., it's no reflection on the company at all.

If I was a boss at WDW or any other place, what someone with an alias like Howey, Asclepias, Digitaldrifter, or PredFan posted online wouldn't matter at all. Now, FaceBook is another matter since many use their real names and post reveal their place of employment.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

It depends on the context. I once did employ a person who was doing that. This was pre facebook but he was on a bulletin board (remember those) and I got wind of it. I talked to him at length and eventually I fired him because I determined that his views would interfere with his job if he were working with those he didn't like.

That is unacceptable.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

It depends on the context. I once did employ a person who was doing that. This was pre facebook but he was on a bulletin board (remember those) and I got wind of it. I talked to him at length and eventually I fired him because I determined that his views would interfere with his job if he were working with those he didn't like.

That is unacceptable.

Hmmm....I guess I could see that. If he hated certain types of people, and he had to work with them it's understandable. That isn't a case of him misrepresenting the company, it's a personnel problem.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

Personally, I wouldn't be regulating my employee's speech outside of the workplace. Unless he/she was badmouthing me, my staff, or my work, I wouldn't care. Given that the First Amendment only applies to government, not the places you mentioned, I can fire them if their comments reflect badly on my practice. It is what we call 'managerial discretion.' I could also choose to continue employing them, for forgiveness' sake.

The upside is that I can (as I just mentioned) act in the best interests of my establishment and fire them, since I would tolerate all walks of life and such an environment would not be conducive to my employees or to my clients. On the other hand, I can turn a blind eye to it. I also respect the right of my employees to say what they want outside of the workplace. I had just better not hear of it. Or as westwall puts it, if their views of me or my views interfere with their performance, I would fire them. Political views and personal views are things best left at home and out of the workplace when you come to work for me.

Tricky issue, Howey, but not tricky enough.
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Also, who determines if it's not just the PC Nazi's coming after somebody? Would you fire someone if they were gay? That's a disturbing behavioral pattern.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

Why is it any of my business?
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

It depends on the context. I once did employ a person who was doing that. This was pre facebook but he was on a bulletin board (remember those) and I got wind of it. I talked to him at length and eventually I fired him because I determined that his views would interfere with his job if he were working with those he didn't like.

That is unacceptable.

Hmmm....I guess I could see that. If he hated certain types of people, and he had to work with them it's understandable. That isn't a case of him misrepresenting the company, it's a personnel problem.

Yup. Our work was reasonably dangerous at times and you had to rely on people to do their jobs correctly or the penalty could be fatal.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

"Duties as assigned" him or her until they quit.

If on company time fire their ass.

But then, why would any company care? Seriously. Unless I state that I, PredFan, a Walt Disney Employee, think that black people are N*****s, etc., it's no reflection on the company at all.

If I was a boss at WDW or any other place, what someone with an alias like Howey, Asclepias, Digitaldrifter, or PredFan posted online wouldn't matter at all. Now, FaceBook is another matter since many use their real names and post reveal their place of employment.

Guaranteed there are more people just waiting to paid that don't have those views. I would feel sick if I employed someone like that.

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