What Would You Do?

Depends on who's sniveling and crying about it. If, say, it was the propaganda minister of Act Up or La Raza, or Al Sharpton, or just some annoying whiner, I would give him a raise and introduce him to my daughter.
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Perhaps a better question would be "How would it affect the public perception of the company? "

I personally think it would be a nightmare.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

Look Howey, I don't wish to tell you what you can or can't do in your private life but your personal popularity and visibility combined with the controversial nature of your Tweets has cast our firm in a very critical light.

How do you suggest we handle the controversy surrounding your actions and expressions?

That's one way to handle it.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

Personally, I wouldn't be regulating my employee's speech outside of the workplace. Unless he/she was badmouthing me, my staff, or my work, I wouldn't care. Given that the First Amendment only applies to government, not the places you mentioned, I can fire them if their comments reflect badly on my practice. It is what we call 'managerial discretion.' I could also choose to continue employing them, for forgiveness' sake.

The upside is that I can (as I just mentioned) act in the best interests of my establishment and fire them, since I would tolerate all walks of life and such an environment would not be conducive to my employees or to my clients. On the other hand, I can turn a blind eye to it. I also respect the right of my employees to say what they want outside of the workplace. I had just better not hear of it. Or as westwall puts it, if their views of me or my views interfere with their performance, I would fire them. Political views and personal views are things best left at home and out of the workplace when you come to work for me.

Tricky issue, Howey, but not tricky enough.

What a fucking idiot, you gave every possible answer and claim that the issue isn't tricky enough. You are pathetic.

With that being said, it is solely up to the employer. Most employers have a morals clause that prohibits poor behavior outside the workplace. If the employer feels an employees action sheds a bad light on the company...the employer has every right to terminate that employee. Furthermore, if that employee is dumb enough to post nonsense and not do it anonymously...they are stupid and deserve to get fired simply for being a fucking idiot.
Perhaps a better question would be "How would it affect the public perception of the company? "

I personally think it would be a nightmare.

I personally think the days of assorted media whoring PC Nazi 'outrages' doing anything but creating a backlash against those who have nothing to do all day but hunt for ways to be 'offended' are here to stay. See the Chick Filet and Hobby Lobby episodes for a clue on how that sort of insipid mau-mauing is going to work in the future. Never ate at one before the Great Sniveling came along, now I stop in every week or so for something. I'm going to check out Hobby Lobby next week. They sound like a great company, and deserve some business just for upsetting some PC Nazi diaper wetters. The more sniveling and whining, the more fine businesses we know exist out there.

Who are you hoping to smear?
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This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

I don't think you can do anything about what an employee does in his/her private life, unless it is illegal. But, if the person were displaying bigotry in the work environment, I would give him/her warnings, and if that didn't stop it, I would fire the employee.

If, however, this person's behavior outside of work somehow refects back on the company, that is a problem. If the employee is associated with the company in the view of the public and is saying bad things about the company or is behaving in a way that creates a negative public perception of the company, then the employee should be warned to stop, and if he/she doesn't stop, should be fired.
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Whoever he doesn't agree with.

Incredible how petty and trivial PC Nazis can be, finding somebody on Facebook expressing an opinion and then spending energy on trying to get them fired, just for the little juvenile power trip and thrills. Reminds me of the little hall monitor weasels in grade school.
Whoever he doesn't agree with.

Incredible how petty and trivial PC Nazis can be, finding somebody on Facebook expressing an opinion and then spending energy on trying to get them fired, just for the little juvenile power trip and thrills. Reminds me of the little hall monitor weasels in grade school.

Yeah, but when someone's individual rights become a liability to a company, why should they continue to employ them. Example...there is a discrimination lawsuit - a gay guy claims he was fired because he wears panty hose to work (Im just making this up). One of the supervisors (who isn't involved at all) is found to post anti-gay rants on USMB. The gay guy has a good lawyer and finds this and uses those comments against the company...potentially costing them millions.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

Terminate their employment.

Doing things which may reflect badly on their employer is more than sufficient reason to show them the door. And is no different in the internet age than if they were out in front of the job site shouting at the top of their lungs those same remarks.
It all depends on the situation. If Homosexuality is a hot button topic right now. And the more it is forced down people's throats the more those people resent it. Much like the civil rights battle was.

People have a way of coming around to think "less hate" but it's a long drawn out process that may be generations before becoming a reality. I was the first person in my family not to use disparaging names against African-Americans. After years, my dad will not use those same words around me, because he knows I don't approve of them, and will not let them be used around my children.

Give them the benefit of the doubt, and have a private talk with them, let them know that the practice will not be tolerated and if it happens again, there will be repercussions.

Just my 2cents

My beliefs are similar, and my would be likewise, thank you for this response.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

Nothing. They have a right to their own opinion. They have a right to live their non working lives without my interference.
Whoever he doesn't agree with.

Incredible how petty and trivial PC Nazis can be, finding somebody on Facebook expressing an opinion and then spending energy on trying to get them fired, just for the little juvenile power trip and thrills. Reminds me of the little hall monitor weasels in grade school.

Yeah, but when someone's individual rights become a liability to a company, why should they continue to employ them. Example...there is a discrimination lawsuit - a gay guy claims he was fired because he wears panty hose to work (Im just making this up). One of the supervisors (who isn't involved at all) is found to post anti-gay rants on USMB. The gay guy has a good lawyer and finds this and uses those comments against the company...potentially costing them millions.

This is key. Each individual case would have to be decided by management. There is no blanket answer.
Perhaps a better question would be "How would it affect the public perception of the company? "

I personally think it would be a nightmare.
People on here threw a fit when a deputy assistant secretary for housing and urban development put up a hypothetical on twitter about bergdahl's platoon - and then drew the conclusion that everyone in the administration up to the president had to accept that hypothetical as the truth.

those comments weren't made as an official, or in any official capacity, but they caused quite the ruckus for the administration all the same.

granted, not everything is as charged as politics, but it's too easy for people to make the leap from someone's personal views to the views of an organization that person is a part of.

in summation, if the employee is making comments that could damage the image of the business, the business has a duty to protect itself.
Incredible how petty and trivial PC Nazis can be, finding somebody on Facebook expressing an opinion and then spending energy on trying to get them fired, just for the little juvenile power trip and thrills. Reminds me of the little hall monitor weasels in grade school.

Yeah, but when someone's individual rights become a liability to a company, why should they continue to employ them. Example...there is a discrimination lawsuit - a gay guy claims he was fired because he wears panty hose to work (Im just making this up). One of the supervisors (who isn't involved at all) is found to post anti-gay rants on USMB. The gay guy has a good lawyer and finds this and uses those comments against the company...potentially costing them millions.

This is key. Each individual case would have to be decided by management. There is no blanket answer.

In the end, the blanket answer is to fire the employee. They are a liability...big time. Plus, if you fire one and not the other...more liability. Employees are supposed to help a company MAKE money, not cost them money in anyway. Take away political views and think pure business...employees are a dime a dozen unless they cost you millions because they are idiots.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

"Duties as assigned" him or her until they quit.

If on company time fire their ass.

On company time, then yes. I read the question as posting on private time; it would depend on content, whether the employee was will to retract the statements, and what the employee meant to the company.
Depends ... Is he doing it under the name of the company? Is he readily identifiable as being the face or name of the company? If so, fire him immediately.

If its on his own time, in his own name, I would not fire him for that but since I don't people like that around me, I'd probably fire him in due time.

Thanks to the Rs, employees don't have much recourse in most states so he'd be screwed.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

Nothing. They have a right to their own opinion. They have a right to live their non working lives without my interference.

Very funny coming from one who sometimes says he/she is an attorney.

Don't you have a dog to wash?

If they are stealing time in so doing then discipline.

But other then that all of those you mentioned are subjective. In other words anything said about homosexuality except how great it is, is met with the charge of being homophobic. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I don't think I am going to fire someone because they don't share the same views I do.
This is purely a hypothetical question and my apologies in advance as I couldn't find the best section to put it in...

If you owned a high profile company involved in a public service...say a doctors office, employment agency, or law firm - a company that dealt with the public in a high profile manner...

What would you do if you found out an employee was posting inappropriate comments on Facebook or elsewhere on the internet? Like racist, homophobic, or misogynist remarks?

Are they posting it on company time?

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