What would you like the state to do?

Also, learn to understand anarchy-syndicalism and the trade unions. Thanks.
Yanno, you can switch your self-description from Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Whateverist to Anarcho-Syndical-Trade-Unionist but scratch the surface and you are still a point-of-a-gun Wealth-Confiscation-Redistributionalist. New name, same old lousy dancer.
Whatever you want to say man,
It really is all the same thing. You're in the same group with others that just want to take the whole wealth of the nation and redistribute it to people that are unfit to have it.
Also, learn to understand anarchy-syndicalism and the trade unions. Thanks.
Yanno, you can switch your self-description from Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Whateverist to Anarcho-Syndical-Trade-Unionist but scratch the surface and you are still a point-of-a-gun Wealth-Confiscation-Redistributionalist. New name, same old lousy dancer.
Whatever you want to say man,
It really is all the same thing. You're in the same group with others that just want to take the whole wealth of the nation and redistribute it to people that are unfit to have it.
The middle class and those In poverty are not getting their fair share, that's a fact

  1. What would you like the state to do?


I am with you bro'.

I want the taxpayers, ie, the state to

1- feed me
2- clothe me
3- pay for my education
4- insure me
5- quench my thirst
6- force the motherfuckers to pay me $15 an hour
6- steal, loot, plunder in order to keep me happy

Socialists of the world unite

  1. What would you like the state to do?


I am with you bro'.

I want the taxpayers, ie, the state to

1- feed me
2- clothe me
3- pay for my education
4- insure me
5- quench my thirst
6- force the motherfuckers to pay me $15 an hour
6- steal, loot, plunder in order to keep me happy

Socialists of the world unite
Typical trash with no basis in reality.

To all you anti-christian anarchist I guess it does...

Christianity teaches that charity should come from the heart, church and family. It says nothing about supporting a big bloated debt ridden out of control corrupt welfare state.

I think Jesus would be down with welfare.

I don't think atheists like you have a clue what Jesus would do. It is always comical when an atheists tries to lecture a Christian on what Jesus would say.

If you would go church every once in awhile you would know that the Bible teaches that charity comes from the heart, church and family. It says nothing about supporting a bloated, brutal debt ridden out of control corrupt government run by greedy stupid bureaucrats elected by special interest groups, like we have here in the US.

The Jews of Jesus's time hated the brutality of the occupation Roman Empire. Jesus even challenged the Jewish leaders to chose between the government or God. Go to church every once in awhile and you know things like that.

I think Jesus would be down with welfare.

I don't think atheists like you have a clue what Jesus would do. It is always comical when an atheists tries to lecture a Christian on what Jesus would say.

If you would go church every once in awhile you would know that the Bible teaches that charity comes from the heart, church and family. It says nothing about supporting a bloated, brutal debt ridden out of control corrupt government run by greedy stupid bureaucrats elected by special interest groups, like we have here in the US.

The Jews of Jesus's time hated the brutality of the occupation Roman Empire. Jesus even challenged the Jewish leaders to chose between the government or God. Go to church every once in awhile and you know things like that.
Jesus wouldn't be against taking from the wealthy and helping the poor, fuck, Jesus said there's a better chance of a camel going through a needle then a rich man going to heaven.

I think Jesus would be down with welfare.

I don't think atheists like you have a clue what Jesus would do. It is always comical when an atheists tries to lecture a Christian on what Jesus would say.

If you would go church every once in awhile you would know that the Bible teaches that charity comes from the heart, church and family. It says nothing about supporting a bloated, brutal debt ridden out of control corrupt government run by greedy stupid bureaucrats elected by special interest groups, like we have here in the US.

The Jews of Jesus's time hated the brutality of the occupation Roman Empire. Jesus even challenged the Jewish leaders to chose between the government or God. Go to church every once in awhile and you know things like that.
Jesus wouldn't be against taking from the wealthy and helping the poor, fuck, Jesus said there's a better chance of a camel going through a needle then a rich man going to heaven.

I'm not a Christian, but what I've read about Jesus never indicated he was a thief, or advocated taking from others by force. He was more about personal generosity and charity.

I think Jesus would be down with welfare.

I don't think atheists like you have a clue what Jesus would do. It is always comical when an atheists tries to lecture a Christian on what Jesus would say.

If you would go church every once in awhile you would know that the Bible teaches that charity comes from the heart, church and family. It says nothing about supporting a bloated, brutal debt ridden out of control corrupt government run by greedy stupid bureaucrats elected by special interest groups, like we have here in the US.

The Jews of Jesus's time hated the brutality of the occupation Roman Empire. Jesus even challenged the Jewish leaders to chose between the government or God. Go to church every once in awhile and you know things like that.
Jesus wouldn't be against taking from the wealthy and helping the poor, fuck, Jesus said there's a better chance of a camel going through a needle then a rich man going to heaven.

I'm not a Christian, but what I've read about Jesus never indicated he was a thief, or advocated taking from others by force. He was more about personal generosity and charity.
Jesus was ok with taxes, I think he wouldn't mind if they were used to help those who were suffering.

Jesus wouldn't be against taking from the wealthy and helping the poor, fuck, Jesus said there's a better chance of a camel going through a needle then a rich man going to heaven.

You are an atheist. You don't even beleive in Jesus. Christians don't need dumbass atheists telling them what they should believe.
Also, learn to understand anarchy-syndicalism and the trade unions. Thanks.
Yanno, you can switch your self-description from Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Whateverist to Anarcho-Syndical-Trade-Unionist but scratch the surface and you are still a point-of-a-gun Wealth-Confiscation-Redistributionalist. New name, same old lousy dancer.
Whatever you want to say man,
It really is all the same thing. You're in the same group with others that just want to take the whole wealth of the nation and redistribute it to people that are unfit to have it.
The middle class and those In poverty are not getting their fair share, that's a fact
Define fair share? How about you come up with a good idea and make your own business and then you can be the one making money. Business owners have to invest much more and take risk to get what they have. The people they hire don't have that risk. I think it is a good idea for business owners to take care of their employees but they should do what works best for them. Business owners will come around and treat employees better whenever research indicates that it works and many successful businesses roll that way. Once you take away the right to pay people based on their skill sets progress will stop.

I think Jesus would be down with welfare.

I don't think atheists like you have a clue what Jesus would do. It is always comical when an atheists tries to lecture a Christian on what Jesus would say.

If you would go church every once in awhile you would know that the Bible teaches that charity comes from the heart, church and family. It says nothing about supporting a bloated, brutal debt ridden out of control corrupt government run by greedy stupid bureaucrats elected by special interest groups, like we have here in the US.

The Jews of Jesus's time hated the brutality of the occupation Roman Empire. Jesus even challenged the Jewish leaders to chose between the government or God. Go to church every once in awhile and you know things like that.
Jesus wouldn't be against taking from the wealthy and helping the poor, fuck, Jesus said there's a better chance of a camel going through a needle then a rich man going to heaven.

I'm not a Christian, but what I've read about Jesus never indicated he was a thief, or advocated taking from others by force. He was more about personal generosity and charity.
Jesus was ok with taxes, I think he wouldn't mind if they were used to help those who were suffering.
Jesus sad taxes were ok because he was against violence and disturbing the public peace. He didn't want to cause any problems and I think he expected Christians to do the same. You saying he would condone stealing from the rich is ridiculous and a twist of the religion.
Also, learn to understand anarchy-syndicalism and the trade unions. Thanks.
Yanno, you can switch your self-description from Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Whateverist to Anarcho-Syndical-Trade-Unionist but scratch the surface and you are still a point-of-a-gun Wealth-Confiscation-Redistributionalist. New name, same old lousy dancer.
Whatever you want to say man,
It really is all the same thing. You're in the same group with others that just want to take the whole wealth of the nation and redistribute it to people that are unfit to have it.
The middle class and those In poverty are not getting their fair share, that's a fact
Define fair share? How about you come up with a good idea and make your own business and then you can be the one making money. Business owners have to invest much more and take risk to get what they have. The people they hire don't have that risk. I think it is a good idea for business owners to take care of their employees but they should do what works best for them. Business owners will come around and treat employees better whenever research indicates that it works and many successful businesses roll that way. Once you take away the right to pay people based on their skill sets progress will stop.

I think Jesus would be down with welfare.

I don't think atheists like you have a clue what Jesus would do. It is always comical when an atheists tries to lecture a Christian on what Jesus would say.

If you would go church every once in awhile you would know that the Bible teaches that charity comes from the heart, church and family. It says nothing about supporting a bloated, brutal debt ridden out of control corrupt government run by greedy stupid bureaucrats elected by special interest groups, like we have here in the US.

The Jews of Jesus's time hated the brutality of the occupation Roman Empire. Jesus even challenged the Jewish leaders to chose between the government or God. Go to church every once in awhile and you know things like that.
Jesus wouldn't be against taking from the wealthy and helping the poor, fuck, Jesus said there's a better chance of a camel going through a needle then a rich man going to heaven.

I'm not a Christian, but what I've read about Jesus never indicated he was a thief, or advocated taking from others by force. He was more about personal generosity and charity.
Jesus was ok with taxes, I think he wouldn't mind if they were used to help those who were suffering.
Jesus sad taxes were ok because he was against violence and disturbing the public peace. He didn't want to cause any problems and I think he expected Christians to do the same. You saying he would condone stealing from the rich is ridiculous and a twist of the religion.
He didn't like the rich at all, that's a fact, as shown by many stories in the bible, or, at least, he didn't like the rich who didn't give away everything before they died. Stealing from the rich? Oh, this fucking narrative again. Ah, the typical business owners argument, tell me more about the Walton family, tell me more about where income has been going, the high productivity, the wage theft..
Yanno, you can switch your self-description from Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Whateverist to Anarcho-Syndical-Trade-Unionist but scratch the surface and you are still a point-of-a-gun Wealth-Confiscation-Redistributionalist. New name, same old lousy dancer.
Whatever you want to say man,
It really is all the same thing. You're in the same group with others that just want to take the whole wealth of the nation and redistribute it to people that are unfit to have it.
The middle class and those In poverty are not getting their fair share, that's a fact
Define fair share? How about you come up with a good idea and make your own business and then you can be the one making money. Business owners have to invest much more and take risk to get what they have. The people they hire don't have that risk. I think it is a good idea for business owners to take care of their employees but they should do what works best for them. Business owners will come around and treat employees better whenever research indicates that it works and many successful businesses roll that way. Once you take away the right to pay people based on their skill sets progress will stop.
I don't think atheists like you have a clue what Jesus would do. It is always comical when an atheists tries to lecture a Christian on what Jesus would say.

If you would go church every once in awhile you would know that the Bible teaches that charity comes from the heart, church and family. It says nothing about supporting a bloated, brutal debt ridden out of control corrupt government run by greedy stupid bureaucrats elected by special interest groups, like we have here in the US.

The Jews of Jesus's time hated the brutality of the occupation Roman Empire. Jesus even challenged the Jewish leaders to chose between the government or God. Go to church every once in awhile and you know things like that.
Jesus wouldn't be against taking from the wealthy and helping the poor, fuck, Jesus said there's a better chance of a camel going through a needle then a rich man going to heaven.

I'm not a Christian, but what I've read about Jesus never indicated he was a thief, or advocated taking from others by force. He was more about personal generosity and charity.
Jesus was ok with taxes, I think he wouldn't mind if they were used to help those who were suffering.
Jesus sad taxes were ok because he was against violence and disturbing the public peace. He didn't want to cause any problems and I think he expected Christians to do the same. You saying he would condone stealing from the rich is ridiculous and a twist of the religion.
He didn't like the rich at all, that's a fact, as shown by many stories in the bible, or, at least, he didn't like the rich who didn't give away everything before they died. Stealing from the rich? Oh, this fucking narrative again. Ah, the typical business owners argument, tell me more about the Walton family, tell me more about where income has been going, the high productivity, the wage theft..
How is it theft whenever they did nothing but accept a job the owner gave them? Jesus said it was hard for a rich man to enter heaven. He did condemn it but what does that have to do with this situation? I believe in separation of church and state completely.
...Ah, the typical business owners argument, tell me more about the Walton family, tell me more about where income has been going, the high productivity, the wage theft..

How about where it all started? Walmart founder Sam Walton (1918-1992) was born into a typical American farming family and through hard work and smart choices founded (1962) and built a business that now employs 2.2 million people. No wonder weak people are so jealous:
"Sam Walton was born to Thomas Gibson Walton and Nancy Lee, in Kingfisher, Oklahoma. He lived there with his parents on their farm until 1923. However, farming did not provide enough money to raise a family, and Thomas Walton went into farm mortgaging."

Sam Walton - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I think we should double infrastructure, science and r&d spending to around 11-12% of our federal budget. Next, I think we should raise the minimum wage and tariff the shit out of all imports into our country. This would help the worker and small business regrow our middle class.

lastly, I'd like to tax the rich at least 30-35% of their income without loopholes to cheat the system.
I think we should double infrastructure, science and r&d spending to around 11-12% of our federal budget. Next, I think we should raise the minimum wage and tariff the shit out of all imports into our country. This would help the worker and small business regrow our middle class.

You should totally do that.
...Ah, the typical business owners argument, tell me more about the Walton family, tell me more about where income has been going, the high productivity, the wage theft..

How about where it all started? Walmart founder Sam Walton (1918-1992) was born into a typical American farming family and through hard work and smart choices founded (1962) and built a business that now employs 2.2 million people. No wonder weak people are so jealous:
"Sam Walton was born to Thomas Gibson Walton and Nancy Lee, in Kingfisher, Oklahoma. He lived there with his parents on their farm until 1923. However, farming did not provide enough money to raise a family, and Thomas Walton went into farm mortgaging."

Sam Walton - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Oh jesus... Keep sucking the cock of the capitalist pigs.
...Ah, the typical business owners argument, tell me more about the Walton family, tell me more about where income has been going, the high productivity, the wage theft..

How about where it all started? Walmart founder Sam Walton (1918-1992) was born into a typical American farming family and through hard work and smart choices founded (1962) and built a business that now employs 2.2 million people. No wonder weak people are so jealous:
"Sam Walton was born to Thomas Gibson Walton and Nancy Lee, in Kingfisher, Oklahoma. He lived there with his parents on their farm until 1923. However, farming did not provide enough money to raise a family, and Thomas Walton went into farm mortgaging."

Sam Walton - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Oh jesus... Keep sucking the cock of the capitalist pigs.

That's what Hillary does.
...Ah, the typical business owners argument, tell me more about the Walton family, tell me more about where income has been going, the high productivity, the wage theft..

How about where it all started? Walmart founder Sam Walton (1918-1992) was born into a typical American farming family and through hard work and smart choices founded (1962) and built a business that now employs 2.2 million people. No wonder weak people are so jealous:
"Sam Walton was born to Thomas Gibson Walton and Nancy Lee, in Kingfisher, Oklahoma. He lived there with his parents on their farm until 1923. However, farming did not provide enough money to raise a family, and Thomas Walton went into farm mortgaging."

Sam Walton - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Oh jesus... Keep sucking the cock of the capitalist pigs.

That's what Hillary does.
I know she does, and she's a pig.

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