"Whataboutism" - the new cowardly sprint from being held to a standard

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
You see the left calling any attempt to establish a standard as a "whataboutism".

Well, yes. "What about.." matters.

If your candidate and you denounce X openly, and you accuse the candidate you oppose of X while it's proven your own candidate has also done X...

You'd say me bringing up you and your candidate's hypocrisy is a "whataboutism"... which is just a defense mechanism to deflect and avoid your lack fo standards.

That's all is. If you're running around saying "Whataboutism".. you're an intellectual and philosophical coward..

Toughen up and set consistent, uniform standards for all people.
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You see the left calling any attempt to establish a standard as a "whataboutism".

Well, yes. "What about.." matters.

If your candidate and you denounce X openly, and you accuse the candidate you oppose of X while it's proven your own candidate has also done X...

You'd say me bringing up you and your candidate's hypocrisy is a "whataboutism"... which is just a defense mechanism to deflect and avoid your lack fo standards.

That's all is. If you're running around saying "Whataboutism".. you're an intellectual and philosophical coward..
It's not new...It had been on full display here for years.
You see the left calling any attempt to establish a standard as a "whataboutism".

Well, yes. "What about.." matters.

If your candidate and you denounce X openly, and you accuse the candidate you oppose of X while it's proven your own candidate has also done X...

You'd say me bringing up you and your candidate's hypocrisy is a "whataboutism"... which is just a defense mechanism to deflect and avoid your lack fo standards.

That's all is. If you're running around saying "Whataboutism".. you're an intellectual and philosophical coward..

The Radical American Left and Global Left believe (somehow?) that they embody a higher moral standard and principal than any other ideology or religion. Their sole mission statement is to proselytize their insane orthodoxy by any means necessary, including by the sword. Theirs is a new god rising, much the same as Muhammed's circa the 7th Century AD.
You see the left calling any attempt to establish a standard as a "whataboutism".

Well, yes. "What about.." matters.

If your candidate and you denounce X openly, and you accuse the candidate you oppose of X while it's proven your own candidate has also done X...

You'd say me bringing up you and your candidate's hypocrisy is a "whataboutism"... which is just a defense mechanism to deflect and avoid your lack fo standards.

That's all is. If you're running around saying "Whataboutism".. you're an intellectual and philosophical coward..

Toughen up and set consistent, uniform standards for all people.
Guess what. I've been on here for 4 years. Every single time something happened that Trump did that was unprecedented behavior, people on here in defense of him simply laughed it off. Most of the time saying things like it's not illegal, or it's just Trump being Trump, or calling me just names. So forgive me when I'm a bit skeptical when precedent is the excuse now for making what are in general false equivalencies.

You will not find a candidate X,Y or Z on the Democratic side that has conducted himself the way Trump has. Not legally or morally.
You see the left calling any attempt to establish a standard as a "whataboutism".

Well, yes. "What about.." matters.

If your candidate and you denounce X openly, and you accuse the candidate you oppose of X while it's proven your own candidate has also done X...

You'd say me bringing up you and your candidate's hypocrisy is a "whataboutism"... which is just a defense mechanism to deflect and avoid your lack fo standards.

That's all is. If you're running around saying "Whataboutism".. you're an intellectual and philosophical coward..

Toughen up and set consistent, uniform standards for all people.
Hypocrite, Leftist Mexicrats like Mac1958 always piss themselves when someone uses logical comparatives for the sake of reasonable debate.
It's another case of "okay for me but not for thee" bullshit that twisted Leftists like to impose.
Conservatives are the masters of the red herring fallacy, engaging in failed attempts to deflect when they can't defend the indefensible.
Conservative true power is to warn. You are the ones moving us to the left. How far do you move in any direction before the rights of men and women are removed. Well we are seeing it now with people who do not agree with you 100%.
Guess what. I've been on here for 4 years. Every single time something happened that Trump did that was unprecedented behavior, people on here in defense of him simply laughed it off. Most of the time saying things like it's not illegal, or it's just Trump being Trump, or calling me just names.
I guess it all depends on who you talk to. There's a lot of extremist blowhards on here on both sides, ones who are well-propped on my ignore list.
So forgive me when I'm a bit skeptical when precedent is the excuse now for making what are in general false equivalencies.
What false equivalencies are being made?

You will not find a candidate X,Y or Z on the Democratic side that has conducted himself the way Trump has. Not legally or morally.

How has Trump exceeded any Democrat illegally or immorally?
"Whatabout" is ONLY useful in pointing out hypocrisy IF IT IS ACCURATE

But ya know what it has no use in? Excusing an action. ANY action. EVER
Guess what. I've been on here for 4 years. Every single time something happened that Trump did that was unprecedented behavior, people on here in defense of him simply laughed it off. Most of the time saying things like it's not illegal, or it's just Trump being Trump, or calling me just names.
I guess it all depends on who you talk to. There's a lot of extremist blowhards on here on both sides, ones who are well-propped on my ignore list.
So forgive me when I'm a bit skeptical when precedent is the excuse now for making what are in general false equivalencies.
What false equivalencies are being made?

You will not find a candidate X,Y or Z on the Democratic side that has conducted himself the way Trump has. Not legally or morally.

How has Trump exceeded any Democrat illegally or immorally?
I guess it all depends on who you talk to. There's a lot of extremist blowhards on here on both sides, ones who are well-propped on my ignore list.
I don't ignore people even when they're extremists. To be honest, in my experience very few people on here aren't extremist or at the very least not dishonest. Doing so would cause me to only talk to myself mostly.
What false equivalencies are being made?
I will not give a comprehensive list it would take the form of a book to do so, just some highlights. For instance,
-comparing the protests and riots of the summer and the Democratic response to them to those in January. The Democrats didn't organize them, it wasn't for the benefit of Democrats, the Democrats didn't encourage them, the Democrats didn't lead them. The most you'll find is them confirming that there is a right to protest, peacefully. Riots were always condemned forcefully and without the least bit of ambiguity.

On January 6th there was a rally that was endorsed by Trump, plugged by Trump, for the benefit of Trump, lead by Trump, and when violence broke out it took him hours to stop to encourage them and when he did, it was so ambiguous that it is now used as evidence AGAINST him.

This is the current false equivalency.

-Trying to get the president of Ukraine to investigate the son of his political rival. The false equivalence that was being made was that the US uses its diplomatic power constantly to get stuff done of foreign powers. Of course, constantly skating past the fact that what they were trying to get done was nothing less than using diplomatic power to help the president PERSONALLY.

-Using "all politicians lie" as a justification for lying more than 30000 times in office. To the point that many people are perfectly willing to ignore everybody, INCLUDING friendly media and their own party on the word of Trump.

I can go on and on and be more comprehensive but you get my point I hope?
How has Trump exceeded any Democrat illegally or immorally?
Well, I will again not give a comprehensive list but just give the highlights.

-Not just refusing to accept the election results after all legal options were exhausted but actively encouraging people to stop the certification of the elections.

-Refusing to adequately recognize and combat a deadly virus.

-Lying so much truth has become a matter of the eye of the beholder for many people.

-Using the position as president to enrich himself while STILL in office.

-Using the position as president to ACTIVELY interfere with ongoing investigations that have a bearing on HIMSELF (not completely unprecedented, although I don't think Nixon as a precedent helps you.)

-Going on camera and saying you believe Putin over your own intelligence agencies.

-Going outside normal diplomatic channels in order to get a US CITIZEN investigated by a foreign power. Mind you the US position is that they don't even recognize the right of the Court in Den Hague to prosecute an American citizen.

-Giving away the capability of US photo recon satellites away in a tweet.

-Etc. etc.

All of these things have been done and nobody on the right that I'm aware of called for "let's have some standards"
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You see the left calling any attempt to establish a standard as a "whataboutism".

Well, yes. "What about.." matters.

If your candidate and you denounce X openly, and you accuse the candidate you oppose of X while it's proven your own candidate has also done X...

You'd say me bringing up you and your candidate's hypocrisy is a "whataboutism"... which is just a defense mechanism to deflect and avoid your lack fo standards.

That's all is. If you're running around saying "Whataboutism".. you're an intellectual and philosophical coward..

Toughen up and set consistent, uniform standards for all people.
Guess what. I've been on here for 4 years. Every single time something happened that Trump did that was unprecedented behavior, people on here in defense of him simply laughed it off. Most of the time saying things like it's not illegal, or it's just Trump being Trump, or calling me just names. So forgive me when I'm a bit skeptical when precedent is the excuse now for making what are in general false equivalencies.

You will not find a candidate X,Y or Z on the Democratic side that has conducted himself the way Trump has. Not legally or morally.
With all due respect, Fork...there has never been a political couple in the history of this nation that has conducted themselves in a sleazier manner than the Clintons...actions that literally stretched over decades. Your claim is laughable!
Conservatives are the masters of the red herring fallacy, engaging in failed attempts to deflect when they can't defend the indefensible.

And you are the perfect example of pseudo intellectual idiocy. You are constantly guilty of ignoring leftist crimes while accusing Trump of the very crimes YOUR people actually did.

So that makes you unethical, and an outright liar.
Guess what. I've been on here for 4 years. Every single time something happened that Trump did that was unprecedented behavior, people on here in defense of him simply laughed it off. Most of the time saying things like it's not illegal, or it's just Trump being Trump, or calling me just names.
I guess it all depends on who you talk to. There's a lot of extremist blowhards on here on both sides, ones who are well-propped on my ignore list.
So forgive me when I'm a bit skeptical when precedent is the excuse now for making what are in general false equivalencies.
What false equivalencies are being made?

You will not find a candidate X,Y or Z on the Democratic side that has conducted himself the way Trump has. Not legally or morally.

How has Trump exceeded any Democrat illegally or immorally?
I guess it all depends on who you talk to. There's a lot of extremist blowhards on here on both sides, ones who are well-propped on my ignore list.
I don't ignore people even when they're extremists. To be honest, in my experience very few people on here aren't extremist or at the very least not dishonest. Doing so would cause me to only talk to myself mostly.
What false equivalencies are being made?
I will not give a comprehensive list it would take the form of a book to do so, just some highlights. For instance,
-comparing the protests and riots of the summer and the Democratic response to them to those in January. The Democrats didn't organize them, it wasn't for the benefit of Democrats, the Democrats didn't encourage them, the Democrats didn't lead them. The most you'll find is them confirming that there is a right to protest, peacefully. Riots were always condemned forcefully and without the least bit of ambiguity.

On January 6th there was a rally that was endorsed by Trump, plugged by Trump, for the benefit of Trump, lead by Trump, and when violence broke out it took him hours to stop to encourage them and when he did, it was so ambiguous that it is now used as evidence AGAINST him.

This is the current false equivalency.

-Trying to get the president of Ukraine to investigate the son of his political rival. The false equivalence that was being made was that the US uses its diplomatic power constantly to get stuff done of foreign powers. Of course, constantly skating past the fact that what they were trying to get done was nothing less than using diplomatic power to help the president PERSONALLY.

-Using "all politicians lie" as a justification for lying more than 30000 times in office. To the point that many people are perfectly willing to ignore everybody, INCLUDING friendly media and their own party on the word of Trump.

I can go on and on and be more comprehensive but you get my point I hope?
How has Trump exceeded any Democrat illegally or immorally?
Well, I will again not give a comprehensive list but just give the highlights.

-Not just refusing to accept the election results after all legal options were exhausted but actively encouraging people to stop the certification of the elections.

-Refusing to adequately recognize and combat a deadly virus.

-Lying so much truth has become a matter of the eye of the beholder for many people.

-Using the position as president to enrich himself while STILL in office.

-Using the position as president to ACTIVELY interfere with ongoing investigations that have a bearing on HIMSELF (not completely unprecedented, although I don't think Nixon as a precedent helps you.)

-Going on camera and saying you believe Putin over your own intelligence agencies.

-Going outside normal diplomatic channels in order to get a US CITIZEN investigated by a foreign power. Mind you the US position is that they don't even recognize the right of the Court in Den Hague to prosecute an American citizen.

-Giving away the capability of US photo recon satellites away in a tweet.

-Etc. etc.

All of these things have been done and nobody on the right that I'm aware of called for "let's have some standards"
When Democratic politicians ordered their Police Departments to stand down as BLM and Antifa members rioted nightly...burning and looting major cities across the nation...they don't have responsibility for the destruction? When Democrats like Kamala Harris actually bailed out those violent protestors so they could return to rioting...they don't have responsibility for the destruction? I'm amazed that you don't grasp the hypocrisy of what's happening right now!
You see the left calling any attempt to establish a standard as a "whataboutism".


Like when Trump's cult were called to account after they stormed the Capitol, the response was "What about the summer riots?"

That sort of thing.

Toro, it is not illegitimate to bring up "the summer of love" because that is a situation where the double standard applies is that during last summer, there was ongoing rioting, and destruction throughout the summer, including an actual insurrection where leftists took over part of a city, including a police station....

I personally wish that on Jan 6th, those people didn't do what they did...Because it gave you leftists an out, to the damage you've done on the west coast, and continue to do...

The comparrisons are relevant....

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