Whatever happened to Mewler dropping something....


Do a background check on the "journalist" Ed Mazza. It isn't worth your time.
Huff Post is so far out of there
they are blatantly anti-white/anti-common sense/anti-civil
they are PRO queer/minority/liberal/etc
He may be pinching a loaf as we post....the only upside to all this crap is if they really do get Trump maybe all these morons will finally shut up about it.

Perhaps Mueller is holding off due to everybody in D.C. in mourning for McCain and Monday being Labor Day.
Who knows?
One thing is for sure, it's sheer folly to try to know what Mueller is going to do next.
Any day now . . . . . . Any day now . . . . . . Any day now . . . . . . Any day now . . . . . . Any day now . . . . . .
This thread needs to get down to the realities of US backing a coup in the Ukraine and all the players involved. AND who really did meddle in the 2016 election to elect Hillary. They thought with Pinchuk Hillary was a shoe in. And they counted on McCain as well. WHOOPSIES!!!!!!! Fucking Nazi lovers.


Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.


01/11/2017 05:05 AM EST


Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

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