Whatever happened to the Benghazi video maker?

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya.

In an interview, Mr. Gharabi said that he had known about the building rage in Egypt over the video, but that, “We did not know if it was going to reach us here.”
Mr. McFarland seemed most concerned about the big militia leaders. “'How do the revolutionaries feel about having relationships with Western countries? What is your opinion about the United States?'” the Americans asked, according to Mr. Gharabi. It was “an interrogation,” he said.

“We told them that we hoped that the countries which helped us during the war would now help us in development,” he said. “And America was at the top of the pyramid.”

But Mr. Gharabi and two other Libyan militia leaders present said separately that they tried to warn Mr. McFarland. “We told them, ‘Weapons are everywhere, in every home, and there is no real control,' ” Mr. Bin Hamid of Libya Shield said.

Mr. McFarland struggled to make sense of their contradictory signals. “The message was, ‘Don’t come here because there is no security, but come right away because we need you,' ” Mr. McFarland later told colleagues.

The militia leaders seemed unable to get their stories straight, his colleagues said, and the vague warnings amounted to a reminder of what the diplomats already knew: Post-revolutionary Benghazi was a dangerous place.

Around dusk, the Pan-Arab satellite networks began broadcasting footage of protesters breaching the walls of the American Embassy in Cairo, pulling down the American flag and running up the black banner of militant Islam. Young men around Benghazi began calling one another with the news, several said, and many learned of the video for the first time.

There is no doubt that anger over the video motivated many attackers. A Libyan journalist working for The New York Times was blocked from entering by the sentries outside, and he learned of the film from the fighters who stopped him. Other Libyan witnesses, too, said they received lectures from the attackers about the evil of the film and the virtue of defending the prophet.
You will have a hard time finding the Benghazi video maker on Google, especially since he didn't make a Benghazi video.

So what video did Obungles and the Hildabeast try to blame it on?
Innocence of Muslims.

But of course we now know that wasn't the cause of Benghazi. Don't we. They lied
We also know the Gnu Right isn't the slightest bit interested in the truth. That's why they manufactured a "stand down order" at the same time. They lied, too.
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was the only person to end up in jail after the attack by Islamic jihadists in Benghazi one year ago that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

After President Obama and his top aides blamed the attack on Nakoula's "Innocence of Muslims" movie trailer posted on Youtube, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton promised the filmmaker would be arrested and prosecuted.

But on his last full day in custody – not for anything to do with Benghazi but for parole violations in a fraud case – Nakoula told WND he made the movie and wrote his new book, "Innocence," to warn America about the threat of Islamic jihad."

Read more at Filmmaker blamed for Benghazi free, TALKING

He plead guilty to violating his probation. This man has criminal rap sheet longer than The Song of Hiawatha. lol
That's the part his fellating worshippers always leave out.
The guy was a scum bag sure but it doesn't take away from the fact that the government lied about his video causing Benghazi.
Oh, and who can forget all those rubes claiming Obama watched the battle for Benghazi "through the eyes of a drone"?

I bet they'd like to forget that.

The rubes were chowing down on manufactured bullshit as fast as it could be fed to them.

So let's not pretend this is all about a search for the truth, mm-kay?
You will have a hard time finding the Benghazi video maker on Google, especially since he didn't make a Benghazi video.

So what video did Obungles and the Hildabeast try to blame it on?
Innocence of Muslims.

But of course we now know that wasn't the cause of Benghazi. Don't we. They lied
We also know the Gnu Right isn't the slightest bit interested in the truth. That's why they manufactured a "stand down order" at the same time. They lied, too.

The left doesn't care about the truth either.
You will have a hard time finding the Benghazi video maker on Google, especially since he didn't make a Benghazi video.

So what video did Obungles and the Hildabeast try to blame it on?
Innocence of Muslims.

But of course we now know that wasn't the cause of Benghazi. Don't we. They lied
We also know the Gnu Right isn't the slightest bit interested in the truth. That's why they manufactured a "stand down order" at the same time. They lied, too.

Listen up, Ambassador Stevens begged for more security from day one and was denied. There lies the evil witch's problem. She was derelict in her duty and needs to serve time. Of course you don't give a shit, it's all about party to you. Un American twit
Oh, and who can forget all those rubes claiming Obama watched the battle for Benghazi "through the eyes of a drone"?

I bet they'd like to forget that.

The rubes were chowing down on manufactured bullshit as fast as it could be fed to them.

So let's not pretend this is all about a search for the truth, mm-kay?
So who are you voting for? Sanders? Or no one again.
[sarcasm] Couldn't have been a coordinated attack on September 11th. Why? Because 9/11 has no significance in the Muslim world, and because if it were our forces would have been ready for it. Finally we helped our dear friends the Libyans, for which they are eternally grateful.

Nope, had to be about a video [/sarcasm]
Oh, and who can forget all those rubes claiming Obama watched the battle for Benghazi "through the eyes of a drone"?

I bet they'd like to forget that.

The rubes were chowing down on manufactured bullshit as fast as it could be fed to them.

So let's not pretend this is all about a search for the truth, mm-kay?
So who are you voting for? Sanders? Or no one again.
I'm voting for John Kasich. I would very much like to see a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

You tards consistently make idiotic assumptions about me.
Oh, and who can forget all those rubes claiming Obama watched the battle for Benghazi "through the eyes of a drone"?

I bet they'd like to forget that.

The rubes were chowing down on manufactured bullshit as fast as it could be fed to them.

So let's not pretend this is all about a search for the truth, mm-kay?
You're the biggest liar on here. You claim to be a conservative yet all you do is stick up for democrats.
Oh, and who can forget all those rubes claiming Obama watched the battle for Benghazi "through the eyes of a drone"?

I bet they'd like to forget that.

The rubes were chowing down on manufactured bullshit as fast as it could be fed to them.

So let's not pretend this is all about a search for the truth, mm-kay?
So who are you voting for? Sanders? Or no one again.
I'm voting for John Kasich. I would very much like to see a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

You tards consistently make idiotic assumptions about me.
you are the one that says you haven't voted since 2006.

And you're the one that only rips republicans.
Oh, and who can forget all those rubes claiming Obama watched the battle for Benghazi "through the eyes of a drone"?

I bet they'd like to forget that.

The rubes were chowing down on manufactured bullshit as fast as it could be fed to them.

So let's not pretend this is all about a search for the truth, mm-kay?
You're the biggest liar on here. You claim to be a conservative yet all you do is stick up for democrats.

That's all I do, eh?

I guess you have missed all my pro-life posts about abortion. I guess you have missed all my posts saying how ObamaCare will crash and burn. I guess you missed all my pro-gun posts. I guess you have missed all my posts about raising the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70 and indexing them to 9 percent of the population going forward. I guess you missed my topic about repealing the 17th amendment. I guess you missed my posts about banning tax expenditures, and lowering tax rates for EVERYONE and paying off the debt with the $1.2 trillion that would result from the ban.

Yeah, I'm a liberal, all right. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

You know what I defend, dipshit? I defend the TRUTH. And every time you retards mistake that for a liberal trait, you confirm to the liberals that conservatism these days is about lies.

If there is one thing I hate more than a liberal's lie, it's a conservative's lie. Because you fuckheads are destroying the conservative brand.

Get it now?
For those who are have been brainwashed into thinking all this Benghazi bullshit is a quest for truth, here is a mountain of manufactured bullshit.

We will begin with my favorite:

Last time I checked, Romney's offshore accounts didn't kill anyone.

Obama just sat there and watched as American's died; dispassionate and detached.

I like that one because it is as if he was there, in the room with Obama, looking into his eyes and reading Obama's emotional state of mind.

An incredible fantasy stated as fact. It just not get more hallucinatory than this.


The situation room in cluding obumer watch the live feed.
You have no case so shut the hell up with your slant ignorance.

Supreme irony. "You have no case". :lol:

Loads are paying attention.

Barry and his advisors thought the situation was to "risky" so they let those men die. I'm sure those three men appreciated Barrys grasp of the


Glad I'm not in the military and I'm glad all my relatives are out of the military. I sure wouldn't want to be serving with that fuck as my CIC.

Good God.

Another one who was in the room and knows what Obama was thinking!

Romney's not talking about it at all. We're driving the narrative on every board we can:D Romney is staying focused on the economy.

And what do you mean "making Benghazi is something it isn't". Panetta has admitted they made the decision to let the men die.

Don't you get it?

They let them die. Truth.

Oh and then the Adminstration lied their asses off that this was a "spontaneous attack because of a video". Liars.

This isn't going away.

you're to dumb to realize obama watch and gave final commands while he watch 4 Americans get killed...again you show 3rd grade retorts w/o

substance and I can't believe you actually vote...what a unedjamacated(dumb down spelling for ya) clueless voter. You continue to be lazy in how

you seek the truth as in liberal slant media. Maybe truth isnit in your neighborhood or yet again you're faucking lazy turc of infinite


Our Govt should have pulled our diplomats out when the Brits and everyone else left.

Failing that they should have beefed up security big time.

They did neither and the consulate was attacked. They got most of the consulate staff out and to safety but the three men left inside fought a 7

hour battle waiting for help that Barry and his boys decided was to risky to send.
"Risky?' More like they didn't want any Libyans killed so

decided to sacrifice those three very brave Americans. Political expediency.

Then Barry and the boys tried to say it was a demonstration and not a terrorist attack. The blamed it on a video no one ever knew about or saw.

Hell. They went so far as the have the video make arrested. They tried to cover their asses.

Since then its been cover your ass time and never mind that those three Americans are dead.

None of the lefties on this board seem to care about those three Americans either. Its all about lets re-elect that dumb fuck at all costs. Who

cares about that pesky "collateral damage?"

It hasn't taken us 8 weeks to come up with anything. It took those of us with common sense just a few days to realize this administration

dropped the ball when it came to the security of the Embassy. As more facts trickled out slowly from an adimistration stonewalling, it became

more and more appearent that the administration lied about the video being the cause, all to cover for their own incompetence.

What IS the excuse for not even having standard security in war-torn Libya? There is NO excuse.

What IS the excuse for Obama not ordering forces that were on standby to help? There is NO excuse, which is why Obama is silent.


No embassy in this country would ever be undefended. US forces wouldn't stand around with their fingers up there ass and watch someone attack an


Our embassies in the ME ? You bet. They can be attacked at any time. The least they can do is give our Marine guards real ammo and orders to

shoot to kill. It is after all our soil.

They can also make sure our embassies have enough security. Stevens asked for additional security several times and was denied. He and three

other very brave men are dead because Barry's State Department is obviously run by idiots.

Barry isn't any better. If he'd given a save order at least three of those men would be alive. He didnt' and they aren't. Thats all I need to


Seeing a total fantasy is what you are seeing.

Is there any doubt? There was a Marine base close enough to offer Helicopter gun ship support and the embassy was within

the striking distance for US fighter planes. The president watched the 7 hour battle in real time and did nothing even when Veteran Seals called

for help. With the cooperation of the US media the president managed to blame a You Tube movie promo that nobody ever saw.

I notice that you'd prefer to attack me than read the different articles I've posted. Rather than reliy on

just the Lame Stream Media, who in all honesty has blacked out this incident in favor to Oblamer. I has searched out various other informative

sources. If you prefer to deflect the responsibilty or obfuscate the information you can personally do so, but don't tell me what I should be

doing. We do know that the attack was broadcasted in real time to several locations including the White House Situation Room.

Obama Watched Benghazi Attack From 'Situation Room'

"Lt. Col. Tony Schafer told Fox News that sources were telling him that the President was watching the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi,

Libya in real-time. Schafer told Fox that "only the President" could have ordered backup for the Americans who were under siege by terrorists so

the President was most certainly informed of the situation as it was unfolding. "I hate to say this," Schafer said, "according to my sources,

yes, [the President] was one of those in the White House situation room in real-time watching this. And the question becomes, 'What did the

President do or not do in the moments he saw this unveiling?' He -- only he -- could issue a directive to Secretary of Defense Panetta to do

something." "

To coin an old adage, KMAM.

Now Obama is trying to say that he gave orders to Marines to protect themselves. BULLSHIT!!! This makes no sense considering General Ham was removed from his duties for ignoring orders to stand down.

The Marine who painted the target, clearly in anticipation of the drone striking the target, was killed and it's likely because he gave his position away when he pointed out the target with the laser.

So, we had people there on the ground and in the air and they were ready to go, but they were ordered to stand down.

It does no good for people to try and bring up Bush or Clinton ignoring intel for 9/11. This is about Obama knowing what was happening and not acting.

About that last one. Laser designators are invisible to the naked eye.
Oh, and who can forget all those rubes claiming Obama watched the battle for Benghazi "through the eyes of a drone"?

I bet they'd like to forget that.

The rubes were chowing down on manufactured bullshit as fast as it could be fed to them.

So let's not pretend this is all about a search for the truth, mm-kay?
So who are you voting for? Sanders? Or no one again.
I'm voting for John Kasich. I would very much like to see a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

You tards consistently make idiotic assumptions about me.
Oh, and who can forget all those rubes claiming Obama watched the battle for Benghazi "through the eyes of a drone"?

I bet they'd like to forget that.

The rubes were chowing down on manufactured bullshit as fast as it could be fed to them.

So let's not pretend this is all about a search for the truth, mm-kay?
So who are you voting for? Sanders? Or no one again.
I'm voting for John Kasich. I would very much like to see a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

You tards consistently make idiotic assumptions about me.
What about amnesty?

I have pointed out that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to legal status or citizenship. That is a fact. That is true.

I have also pointed out how often the Republican party harps about how the government needs to obey the Will of the People. But it sure looks like they only mean that when it suits them.
You will have a hard time finding the Benghazi video maker on Google, especially since he didn't make a Benghazi video.
Google "Benghazi video" and you'll get a ton of information.......fucking dumb-ass.
You won't get anything about the filmmaker, which is what my response was about....fucking dumbass.
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Oh, and who can forget all those rubes claiming Obama watched the battle for Benghazi "through the eyes of a drone"?

I bet they'd like to forget that.

The rubes were chowing down on manufactured bullshit as fast as it could be fed to them.

So let's not pretend this is all about a search for the truth, mm-kay?
So who are you voting for? Sanders? Or no one again.
I'm voting for John Kasich. I would very much like to see a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

You tards consistently make idiotic assumptions about me.
What about amnesty?

I have pointed out that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to legal status or citizenship. That is a fact. That is true.

I have also pointed out how often the Republican party harps about how the government needs to obey the Will of the People. But it sure looks like they only mean that when it suits them.
I'm sorry, but things have changed....ever since it has been discovered that Obama is bringing them in by the thousands.

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