Whatever happened to the Benghazi video maker?

You will have a hard time finding the Benghazi video maker on Google, especially since he didn't make a Benghazi video.

So what video did Obungles and the Hildabeast try to blame it on?
Innocence of Muslims.

But of course we now know that wasn't the cause of Benghazi. Don't we. They lied
We also know the Gnu Right isn't the slightest bit interested in the truth. That's why they manufactured a "stand down order" at the same time. They lied, too.

Listen up, Ambassador Stevens begged for more security from day one and was denied. There lies the evil witch's problem. She was derelict in her duty and needs to serve time. Of course you don't give a shit, it's all about party to you. Un American twit

You're not watching the hearing, are you? It has been shown that she was not responsible for that. There were security experts that made those decisions.
Oh, and who can forget all those rubes claiming Obama watched the battle for Benghazi "through the eyes of a drone"?

I bet they'd like to forget that.

The rubes were chowing down on manufactured bullshit as fast as it could be fed to them.

So let's not pretend this is all about a search for the truth, mm-kay?
So who are you voting for? Sanders? Or no one again.
I'm voting for John Kasich. I would very much like to see a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

You tards consistently make idiotic assumptions about me.
What about amnesty?

I have pointed out that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to legal status or citizenship. That is a fact. That is true.

I have also pointed out how often the Republican party harps about how the government needs to obey the Will of the People. But it sure looks like they only mean that when it suits them.
I'm sorry, but things have changed....ever since it has been discovered that Obama is bringing them in by the thousands.
He's out there with a truck bringing them in, eh?

You're manufacturing bullshit again.

I've shown time and again that right up to the current day, the American people overwhelmingly favor what you call "amnesty".

He made a deal wh the Feds . Keep me safe and I'll disappear !

Ask yourself , when do the feds EVER let a perp hide his face from cameras? Guy was wrapped up like a mummy .
Feel free to copy and paste post 35 in any Benghazi topic, folks. Some of those people are still active posters today.

They aren't seeking the truth. It's time to start calling them on their bullshit, and remind everyone the Right was tossing around lies like confetti.

Our house will never be clean until we stop protecting the fuckheads who have hijacked conservatism and taken it way off the reservation.
Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

nom nom nom

Chowing down on manufactured bullshit, the rubes were.

Only an idiot bleevs this is all motivated by a search for truth.
A search for the truth, uncovers lies. Simple as dat, yo.

Yes. Too bad this whole Benghazi bullshit isn't one.

A search for political gain creates a mountain of bullshit. That's how you can tell the difference. See post 35, yo.
So who are you voting for? Sanders? Or no one again.
I'm voting for John Kasich. I would very much like to see a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

You tards consistently make idiotic assumptions about me.
What about amnesty?

I have pointed out that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to legal status or citizenship. That is a fact. That is true.

I have also pointed out how often the Republican party harps about how the government needs to obey the Will of the People. But it sure looks like they only mean that when it suits them.
I'm sorry, but things have changed....ever since it has been discovered that Obama is bringing them in by the thousands.
He's out there with a truck bringing them in, eh?

You're manufacturing bullshit again.

I've shown time and again that right up to the current day, the American people overwhelmingly favor what you call "amnesty".

Bull fucking shit!!!

Obama is bringing them in......refugees.....by the thousands....

Before he was laying out the red-carpet for children to invade our borders. Then for over a year, he was shipping them all over the US......some landed in Chula Vista California....8 miles from where I used to live....and failing to notify the local authorities. Turning them over to sponsors and church organizations.

Now the SOB is talking about bringing over 200,000 God Damned Syrians.

America sees this......and we're getting fed up.....which is why they support Donald Trump. Because he says he'll send the motherfuckers back if elected.

So save it.
I'm voting for John Kasich. I would very much like to see a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

You tards consistently make idiotic assumptions about me.
What about amnesty?

I have pointed out that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to legal status or citizenship. That is a fact. That is true.

I have also pointed out how often the Republican party harps about how the government needs to obey the Will of the People. But it sure looks like they only mean that when it suits them.
I'm sorry, but things have changed....ever since it has been discovered that Obama is bringing them in by the thousands.
He's out there with a truck bringing them in, eh?

You're manufacturing bullshit again.

I've shown time and again that right up to the current day, the American people overwhelmingly favor what you call "amnesty".

Bull fucking shit!!!

Obama is bringing them in......refugees.....by the thousands....

Before he was laying out the red-carpet for children to invade our borders. Then for over a year, he was shipping them all over the US......some landed in Chula Vista California....8 miles from where I used to live....and failing to notify the local authorities. Turning them over to sponsors and church organizations.

Now the SOB is talking about bringing over 200,000 God Damned Syrians.

America sees this......and we're getting fed up.....which is why they support Donald Trump. Because he says he'll send the motherfuckers back if elected.

So save it.
I see what you did there.

We were talking about ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, and now you have leaped to WAR REFUGEES.

You really have difficulty focusing. Have you ever been checked for Attention Deficit Disorder?
I'm voting for John Kasich. I would very much like to see a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

You tards consistently make idiotic assumptions about me.
What about amnesty?

I have pointed out that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to legal status or citizenship. That is a fact. That is true.

I have also pointed out how often the Republican party harps about how the government needs to obey the Will of the People. But it sure looks like they only mean that when it suits them.
I'm sorry, but things have changed....ever since it has been discovered that Obama is bringing them in by the thousands.
He's out there with a truck bringing them in, eh?

You're manufacturing bullshit again.

I've shown time and again that right up to the current day, the American people overwhelmingly favor what you call "amnesty".

Bull fucking shit!!!

Obama is bringing them in......refugees.....by the thousands....

Before he was laying out the red-carpet for children to invade our borders. Then for over a year, he was shipping them all over the US......some landed in Chula Vista California....8 miles from where I used to live....and failing to notify the local authorities. Turning them over to sponsors and church organizations.

Now the SOB is talking about bringing over 200,000 God Damned Syrians.

America sees this......and we're getting fed up.....which is why they support Donald Trump. Because he says he'll send the motherfuckers back if elected.

So save it.
Right on, dude!
What about amnesty?

I have pointed out that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to legal status or citizenship. That is a fact. That is true.

I have also pointed out how often the Republican party harps about how the government needs to obey the Will of the People. But it sure looks like they only mean that when it suits them.
I'm sorry, but things have changed....ever since it has been discovered that Obama is bringing them in by the thousands.
He's out there with a truck bringing them in, eh?

You're manufacturing bullshit again.

I've shown time and again that right up to the current day, the American people overwhelmingly favor what you call "amnesty".

Bull fucking shit!!!

Obama is bringing them in......refugees.....by the thousands....

Before he was laying out the red-carpet for children to invade our borders. Then for over a year, he was shipping them all over the US......some landed in Chula Vista California....8 miles from where I used to live....and failing to notify the local authorities. Turning them over to sponsors and church organizations.

Now the SOB is talking about bringing over 200,000 God Damned Syrians.

America sees this......and we're getting fed up.....which is why they support Donald Trump. Because he says he'll send the motherfuckers back if elected.

So save it.
Right on, dude!
We get it. You heartless fucks want to send war refugees back to Syria to get slaughtered "because Muslims".

Fox News has you shitting in your pants with fear 24/7.
Tammy Fuckworth just asked Hillary a softball question and Hill read the answer off her notes. No politics there...just spreading g0000's bullshit a bit thinner.
What about amnesty?

I have pointed out that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to legal status or citizenship. That is a fact. That is true.

I have also pointed out how often the Republican party harps about how the government needs to obey the Will of the People. But it sure looks like they only mean that when it suits them.
I'm sorry, but things have changed....ever since it has been discovered that Obama is bringing them in by the thousands.
He's out there with a truck bringing them in, eh?

You're manufacturing bullshit again.

I've shown time and again that right up to the current day, the American people overwhelmingly favor what you call "amnesty".

Bull fucking shit!!!

Obama is bringing them in......refugees.....by the thousands....

Before he was laying out the red-carpet for children to invade our borders. Then for over a year, he was shipping them all over the US......some landed in Chula Vista California....8 miles from where I used to live....and failing to notify the local authorities. Turning them over to sponsors and church organizations.

Now the SOB is talking about bringing over 200,000 God Damned Syrians.

America sees this......and we're getting fed up.....which is why they support Donald Trump. Because he says he'll send the motherfuckers back if elected.

So save it.
Right on, dude!
We get it. You heartless fucks want to send war refugees back to Syria to get slaughtered "because Muslims".

Fox News has you shitting in your pants with fear 24/7.
Fuck those goofy sand gnats. The majority of those assholes want to kill us. These are fucking Syrians! We ought to load those fucks on a few C-130s then crash them into the ocean.
What about amnesty?

I have pointed out that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to legal status or citizenship. That is a fact. That is true.

I have also pointed out how often the Republican party harps about how the government needs to obey the Will of the People. But it sure looks like they only mean that when it suits them.
I'm sorry, but things have changed....ever since it has been discovered that Obama is bringing them in by the thousands.
He's out there with a truck bringing them in, eh?

You're manufacturing bullshit again.

I've shown time and again that right up to the current day, the American people overwhelmingly favor what you call "amnesty".

Bull fucking shit!!!

Obama is bringing them in......refugees.....by the thousands....

Before he was laying out the red-carpet for children to invade our borders. Then for over a year, he was shipping them all over the US......some landed in Chula Vista California....8 miles from where I used to live....and failing to notify the local authorities. Turning them over to sponsors and church organizations.

Now the SOB is talking about bringing over 200,000 God Damned Syrians.

America sees this......and we're getting fed up.....which is why they support Donald Trump. Because he says he'll send the motherfuckers back if elected.

So save it.
Right on, dude!
We get it. You heartless fucks want to send war refugees back to Syria to get slaughtered "because Muslims".

Fox News has you shitting in your pants with fear 24/7.
Yeah...my heart bleeds for Muslim fucks.
What about amnesty?

I have pointed out that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to legal status or citizenship. That is a fact. That is true.

I have also pointed out how often the Republican party harps about how the government needs to obey the Will of the People. But it sure looks like they only mean that when it suits them.
I'm sorry, but things have changed....ever since it has been discovered that Obama is bringing them in by the thousands.
He's out there with a truck bringing them in, eh?

You're manufacturing bullshit again.

I've shown time and again that right up to the current day, the American people overwhelmingly favor what you call "amnesty".

Bull fucking shit!!!

Obama is bringing them in......refugees.....by the thousands....

Before he was laying out the red-carpet for children to invade our borders. Then for over a year, he was shipping them all over the US......some landed in Chula Vista California....8 miles from where I used to live....and failing to notify the local authorities. Turning them over to sponsors and church organizations.

Now the SOB is talking about bringing over 200,000 God Damned Syrians.

America sees this......and we're getting fed up.....which is why they support Donald Trump. Because he says he'll send the motherfuckers back if elected.

So save it.
Right on, dude!
We get it. You heartless fucks want to send war refugees back to Syria to get slaughtered "because Muslims".

Fox News has you shitting in your pants with fear 24/7.
Having dealt with these fuckers on a face to face basis....I can say this without hesitation......they can go fuck themselves.

I feel no sympathy for fuckers that were dancing in the streets on 911.
What about amnesty?

I have pointed out that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to legal status or citizenship. That is a fact. That is true.

I have also pointed out how often the Republican party harps about how the government needs to obey the Will of the People. But it sure looks like they only mean that when it suits them.
I'm sorry, but things have changed....ever since it has been discovered that Obama is bringing them in by the thousands.
He's out there with a truck bringing them in, eh?

You're manufacturing bullshit again.

I've shown time and again that right up to the current day, the American people overwhelmingly favor what you call "amnesty".

Bull fucking shit!!!

Obama is bringing them in......refugees.....by the thousands....

Before he was laying out the red-carpet for children to invade our borders. Then for over a year, he was shipping them all over the US......some landed in Chula Vista California....8 miles from where I used to live....and failing to notify the local authorities. Turning them over to sponsors and church organizations.

Now the SOB is talking about bringing over 200,000 God Damned Syrians.

America sees this......and we're getting fed up.....which is why they support Donald Trump. Because he says he'll send the motherfuckers back if elected.

So save it.
Right on, dude!
We get it. You heartless fucks want to send war refugees back to Syria to get slaughtered "because Muslims".

Fox News has you shitting in your pants with fear 24/7.

I don't care where they go as long as they don't come here.
Are you talking about the Youtube video that Clinton and Rice claimed caused the whole Benghazi attack in the first place ?

Amazing anyone would have believed Clinton's bullshit story that some obscure video was the cause of this attack.

I new it was a big spanking lie the first time I heard it. It was obviously scripted. Whenever they were asked questions about it, they never ventured far from the script

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