Whatever Happened to the “Blue Dog” Democrats?

It's been my experience that the average person isn't even into politics. Posters on political forums, yes, and during a presidential year campaign, yes. Other than that, no.

Who remembers when, where, and how the term was used? Can anyone remember a time when members of both parties could sit down to share a beer after work? Or even vote on a bill from the other side?

It seems forever, doesn’t it? And not likely in the foreseeable future.

More about this @ Whatever Happened to the “Blue Dog” Democrats?
Whatever happened to moderate Republicans? :rolleyes:

I'd blame Trump but it's deeper than that. W was a disaster for us on war and fiscal restraint. But that doesn't explain the racial divide. And the dems are largely divided too. And possibly one could be a dem and just support unfettered 1st trimester abortion, but even that moderation would get you kicked out in a gop primary.

Who remembers when, where, and how the term was used? Can anyone remember a time when members of both parties could sit down to share a beer after work? Or even vote on a bill from the other side?

It seems forever, doesn’t it? And not likely in the foreseeable future.

More about this @ Whatever Happened to the “Blue Dog” Democrats?

Blue Dog Democrats are now Republicans, and Republicans are now Dixiecrats.
Wrong, the racists are still in the democrat party...still obsessed with identity politics and race...nothing has changed.

This country's history is all about race. A good read is Howard Zinn's "A Peoples History of the United States". Not like the whitewashed history we got in high school.

Who remembers when, where, and how the term was used? Can anyone remember a time when members of both parties could sit down to share a beer after work? Or even vote on a bill from the other side?

It seems forever, doesn’t it? And not likely in the foreseeable future.

More about this @ Whatever Happened to the “Blue Dog” Democrats?

Blue Dog Democrats are now Republicans, and Republicans are now Dixiecrats.
Wrong, the racists are still in the democrat party...still obsessed with identity politics and race...nothing has changed.

This country's history is all about race. A good read is Howard Zinn's "A Peoples History of the United States". Not like the whitewashed history we got in high school.
No it's not. Sure race has a major aspect, but it's not ALL about race. At this time, its time to move on, we don't have jim crow, people are free to do what they want, lets not act like we're still in the 50s.
After moderate Dem's were forced to vote for Obamacare and America punished them by firing dozens of them in the 2010 mid terms, the left wing of the Dem party said good riddance we didn't like moderate Dem's anyway.

You've never shown you have any ability to think, really think, about issues such as health care, immigration, tax policy, budgets, deficits and debts.

Who remembers when, where, and how the term was used? Can anyone remember a time when members of both parties could sit down to share a beer after work? Or even vote on a bill from the other side?

It seems forever, doesn’t it? And not likely in the foreseeable future.

More about this @ Whatever Happened to the “Blue Dog” Democrats?

Blue Dog Democrats are now Republicans, and Republicans are now Dixiecrats.
Wrong, the racists are still in the democrat party...still obsessed with identity politics and race...nothing has changed.

This country's history is all about race. A good read is Howard Zinn's "A Peoples History of the United States". Not like the whitewashed history we got in high school.
No it's not. Sure race has a major aspect, but it's not ALL about race. At this time, its time to move on, we don't have jim crow, people are free to do what they want, lets not act like we're still in the 50s.
Charlottesville. The first time a D president elected since 1966 says there are "some good people" who are white supremacists you can post that shit with a straight face. And I never voted for Obama and only one dem since 1980
After moderate Dem's were forced to vote for Obamacare and America punished them by firing dozens of them in the 2010 mid terms, the left wing of the Dem party said good riddance we didn't like moderate Dem's anyway.

You've never shown you have any ability to think, really think, about issues such as health care, immigration, tax policy, budgets, deficits and debts.

Lib please you liberals only want to raise my taxes and force me to pay the bills of all your losers. :eusa_hand:

Who remembers when, where, and how the term was used? Can anyone remember a time when members of both parties could sit down to share a beer after work? Or even vote on a bill from the other side?

It seems forever, doesn’t it? And not likely in the foreseeable future.

More about this @ Whatever Happened to the “Blue Dog” Democrats?

Blue Dog Democrats are now Republicans, and Republicans are now Dixiecrats.

No. We blue dog democrats are not Republicans.

Of course not, there are no real Republicans anymore, they have taken on the mantle of the long ago Dixiecrats. That's what reactionaries do, they reach back to the past, since they lack the ability to progress.
Well, I am glad that I'm not a "reactionary," as I have no time to reach back into the a past, a past I can't change, and focus on the future for myself and my family.
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The focus of the DNC solely on:

Illegal Aliens
Gays, Lesbians, Transgender
Identity Politics/Racism
Higher Taxes/Government solutions for everything
More needless laws, and regulation/government over reach
Capitulation to foreign interests
Artificially forced Diversity, Multi-culturalism
Social Engineering

All have alienated many if not most Americans.


The SOLE focus of the DNC is: POWER

All of the things you list are tactics to increase their power over Normal People.
The focus of the DNC solely on:

Illegal Aliens
Gays, Lesbians, Transgender
Identity Politics/Racism
Higher Taxes/Government solutions for everything
More needless laws, and regulation/government over reach
Capitulation to foreign interests
Artificially forced Diversity, Multi-culturalism
Social Engineering

All have alienated many if not most Americans.


The SOLE focus of the DNC is: POWER

All of the things you list are tactics to increase their power over Normal People.

Well that explains why they have no control over you.

Who remembers when, where, and how the term was used? Can anyone remember a time when members of both parties could sit down to share a beer after work? Or even vote on a bill from the other side?

It seems forever, doesn’t it? And not likely in the foreseeable future.

More about this @ Whatever Happened to the “Blue Dog” Democrats?

Blue Dog Democrats are now Republicans, and Republicans are now Dixiecrats.
No. We blue dog democrats are not Republicans.
If youre a democrat youre a socialist, not a blue dog

Who remembers when, where, and how the term was used? Can anyone remember a time when members of both parties could sit down to share a beer after work? Or even vote on a bill from the other side?

It seems forever, doesn’t it? And not likely in the foreseeable future.

More about this @ Whatever Happened to the “Blue Dog” Democrats?

Blue Dog Democrats are now Republicans, and Republicans are now Dixiecrats.
No. We blue dog democrats are not Republicans.
If youre a democrat youre a socialist, not a blue dog
Left the Democrat plantation over 2 years ago.

Never to return.
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Obamacare was the final death nail in the coffin of the Blue Dogs.

The far left used this to force out any moderates..

Yup even though the blue dogs didn't want to vote for Obamacare Pelosi pretty much brow beat them into it.

Most of them got booted out in 2010 because the Dems hung Obamacare around the necks of the American taxpayer. The American people were not happy so the flip was on.
Obamacare was the final death nail in the coffin of the Blue Dogs.

The far left used this to force out any moderates..

Yup even though the blue dogs didn't want to vote for Obamacare Pelosi pretty much brow beat them into it.

Most of them got booted out in 2010 because the Dems hung Obamacare around the necks of the American taxpayer. The American people were not happy so the flip was on.

The voted for it knowing they were done. Leftism is about collectivism. When demanded, you eat your sword
It'll be interesting to see what happens to the democrats in the 2018 mid-term elections and again in 2020. If they are still out of power will there be shift back to the center? I mean, you can't do shit if you're in the minority, right? Doesn't look to me like moving further left is doing them a damn bit of good.
Obamacare was the final death nail in the coffin of the Blue Dogs.

The far left used this to force out any moderates..

Yup even though the blue dogs didn't want to vote for Obamacare Pelosi pretty much brow beat them into it.

Most of them got booted out in 2010 because the Dems hung Obamacare around the necks of the American taxpayer. The American people were not happy so the flip was on.

Pelosi THREATENED THEM into it. OBEY or Pelosi promised to spend millions getting rid of them in the next primary and stripped away any committee assignments and made their life a living hell for the remainder of their term. Obamacare was so popular it took bribes and threats to get Dem's to vote for it.

Did Dem's run on passing Obamacare in 2012, hell no. Obama lied his ass off about keeping your doctor and your plan, when millions then lost one or both in 2014 the American people were screaming at Dems. Dems screamed at Obama and asked him to go on tv and take the blame for his lies, which he did. But it didn't help Dem's got obliterated again in 2014.
Obamacare was the final death nail in the coffin of the Blue Dogs.

The far left used this to force out any moderates..

Yup even though the blue dogs didn't want to vote for Obamacare Pelosi pretty much brow beat them into it.

Most of them got booted out in 2010 because the Dems hung Obamacare around the necks of the American taxpayer. The American people were not happy so the flip was on.

Pelosi THREATENED THEM into it. OBEY or Pelosi promised to spend millions getting rid of them in the next primary and stripped away any committee assignments and made their life a living hell for the remainder of their term. Obamacare was so popular it took bribes and threats to get Dem's to vote for it.

Did Dem's run on passing Obamacare in 2012, hell no. Obama lied his ass off about keeping your doctor and your plan, when millions then lost one or both in 2014 the American people were screaming at Dems. Dems screamed at Obama and asked him to go on tv and take the blame for his lies, which he did. But it didn't help Dem's got obliterated again in 2014.

She sure did threaten and brow beat them.

Its the only way the blue dogs would vote for Obamacare. They all knew it was a terrible plan but they all caved and we the tax payer got stuck paying for every swinging dick in America who couldn't pay for his own healthcare.

The SOLE focus of the DNC is: POWER

All of the things you list are tactics to increase their power over Normal People.

Totally agree. It is further control through government they crave. As evidenced by their constant push for yet more gun control laws which only succeed in controlling the law abiding citizens.

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