Whatever Happens, I'm Just Glad We Ruined Kavanaugh's Life

Wow, you're talking about FAIRNESS.

A US president who was elected with less votes than the other candidate is putting in a Supreme Court justice, and you're talking about FAIR?

Only 12 states get to decide the president, that's 20% of the people who vote. Which is about 11% of the people.

Maybe take a Civics course to learn how a Constitutional Republic of what is supposed to be a relatively loose collection of STATES works.
Wow, you're talking about FAIRNESS.

A US president who was elected with less votes than the other candidate is putting in a Supreme Court justice, and you're talking about FAIR?

Only 12 states get to decide the president, that's 20% of the people who vote. Which is about 11% of the people.

Maybe take a Civics course to learn how a Constitutional Republic of what is supposed to be a relatively loose collection of STATES works.

All correct.

There would not be a United States of America if not for the Electoral College
the smaller states would have never agreed to ratifying the constitution
without it.
Wow, you're talking about FAIRNESS.

A US president who was elected with less votes than the other candidate is putting in a Supreme Court justice, and you're talking about FAIR?

Only 12 states get to decide the president, that's 20% of the people who vote. Which is about 11% of the people.

Maybe take a Civics course to learn how a Constitutional Republic of what is supposed to be a relatively loose collection of STATES works.
he's busy being leftist where facts and processes and our history doesn't matter. he wants what he wants and he will cry like a baby about it every chance he gets.
There you have it folks, straight from Ariel Dumass' filthy mouth.

These braindead libtardos have nothing productive to offer our country. They could care less about fairness, they will destroy you if it promotes their extreme left views. If you're a white male Christian conservative you are automatically guilty of something. And they'll make something up if they can't find something to charge you with.

"The writer of this vile tweet is a writer on the Stephen Colbert show, and has nearly 40,000 followers on Twitter. As the Senate confirmation vote was gearing up, she wanted everyone to know that "whatever happens" she is "just" glad she ruined a man's life. Never mind if he was innocent, never mind any of the facts or corroborations or shifting stories of his accuser. The important thing to her was ruining his life. That was what mattered."

Yeah....putting someone on the Supreme Court is "ruining their life".....I swear, white frat trumpanzee boys are the most delicate flowers in existence.....:71:
You really are a despicable bitch. You know damn well his life and that of his family has been wrecked beyond recognition. Imagine what his girls will have to put up with now thanks to your ilk.

Trashy bitch
There you have it folks, straight from Ariel Dumass' filthy mouth.

These braindead libtardos have nothing productive to offer our country. They could care less about fairness, they will destroy you if it promotes their extreme left views. If you're a white male Christian conservative you are automatically guilty of something. And they'll make something up if they can't find something to charge you with.

"The writer of this vile tweet is a writer on the Stephen Colbert show, and has nearly 40,000 followers on Twitter. As the Senate confirmation vote was gearing up, she wanted everyone to know that "whatever happens" she is "just" glad she ruined a man's life. Never mind if he was innocent, never mind any of the facts or corroborations or shifting stories of his accuser. The important thing to her was ruining his life. That was what mattered."


Wow, you're talking about FAIRNESS.

A US president who was elected with less votes than the other candidate is putting in a Supreme Court justice, and you're talking about FAIR?

Only 12 states get to decide the president, that's 20% of the people who vote. Which is about 11% of the people.

We're talking about a legally elected president who won in a landslide.

Landslide it wasn't. Legally elected through a shit electoral system yes. But as I said, only 12 states get to decide who the president is.

Fair? No, it's not. I do notice you didn't actually talk about the points I had brought up.
Wow, you're talking about FAIRNESS.

A US president who was elected with less votes than the other candidate is putting in a Supreme Court justice, and you're talking about FAIR?

Only 12 states get to decide the president, that's 20% of the people who vote. Which is about 11% of the people.

Maybe take a Civics course to learn how a Constitutional Republic of what is supposed to be a relatively loose collection of STATES works.

Wait, you think not liking a system is not understanding the system?
There you have it folks, straight from Ariel Dumass' filthy mouth.

These braindead libtardos have nothing productive to offer our country. They could care less about fairness, they will destroy you if it promotes their extreme left views. If you're a white male Christian conservative you are automatically guilty of something. And they'll make something up if they can't find something to charge you with.

"The writer of this vile tweet is a writer on the Stephen Colbert show, and has nearly 40,000 followers on Twitter. As the Senate confirmation vote was gearing up, she wanted everyone to know that "whatever happens" she is "just" glad she ruined a man's life. Never mind if he was innocent, never mind any of the facts or corroborations or shifting stories of his accuser. The important thing to her was ruining his life. That was what mattered."


Wow, you're talking about FAIRNESS.

A US president who was elected with less votes than the other candidate is putting in a Supreme Court justice, and you're talking about FAIR?

Only 12 states get to decide the president, that's 20% of the people who vote. Which is about 11% of the people.

Once again you are arguing that the team with the most hits, not the most runs, should win a baseball game.

The President doesn't represent the people, he represents a population weighted majority of the States.

Your Local House Rep represents you, as does your Senator.
There you have it folks, straight from Ariel Dumass' filthy mouth.

These braindead libtardos have nothing productive to offer our country. They could care less about fairness, they will destroy you if it promotes their extreme left views. If you're a white male Christian conservative you are automatically guilty of something. And they'll make something up if they can't find something to charge you with.

"The writer of this vile tweet is a writer on the Stephen Colbert show, and has nearly 40,000 followers on Twitter. As the Senate confirmation vote was gearing up, she wanted everyone to know that "whatever happens" she is "just" glad she ruined a man's life. Never mind if he was innocent, never mind any of the facts or corroborations or shifting stories of his accuser. The important thing to her was ruining his life. That was what mattered."

She’s not a journalist trumptards. Stop whining.

What little losers you are
Wait, you think not liking a system is not understanding the system?

I think wanting Mob Rule, and removing something essential to making this country American is wrong. If you want to live under a different system, not a collection of STATES, either move to change the Constitution, or just move.

You just can't get over that Trump won, and he won LEGITIMATELY. Well he did. Elections have consequences. Obama so arrogantly said so. Man up.
There you have it folks, straight from Ariel Dumass' filthy mouth.

These braindead libtardos have nothing productive to offer our country. They could care less about fairness, they will destroy you if it promotes their extreme left views. If you're a white male Christian conservative you are automatically guilty of something. And they'll make something up if they can't find something to charge you with.

"The writer of this vile tweet is a writer on the Stephen Colbert show, and has nearly 40,000 followers on Twitter. As the Senate confirmation vote was gearing up, she wanted everyone to know that "whatever happens" she is "just" glad she ruined a man's life. Never mind if he was innocent, never mind any of the facts or corroborations or shifting stories of his accuser. The important thing to her was ruining his life. That was what mattered."


Is here name really Dumas?


So who here thinks she will lose her job over this?

No one?

That's about right.
There you have it folks, straight from Ariel Dumass' filthy mouth.

These braindead libtardos have nothing productive to offer our country. They could care less about fairness, they will destroy you if it promotes their extreme left views. If you're a white male Christian conservative you are automatically guilty of something. And they'll make something up if they can't find something to charge you with.

"The writer of this vile tweet is a writer on the Stephen Colbert show, and has nearly 40,000 followers on Twitter. As the Senate confirmation vote was gearing up, she wanted everyone to know that "whatever happens" she is "just" glad she ruined a man's life. Never mind if he was innocent, never mind any of the facts or corroborations or shifting stories of his accuser. The important thing to her was ruining his life. That was what mattered."


Wow, you're talking about FAIRNESS.

A US president who was elected with less votes than the other candidate is putting in a Supreme Court justice, and you're talking about FAIR?

Only 12 states get to decide the president, that's 20% of the people who vote. Which is about 11% of the people.
You dont mind ANY of that when your side wins now do you?
Wait, you think not liking a system is not understanding the system?

I think wanting Mob Rule, and removing something essential to making this country American is wrong. If you want to live under a different system, not a collection of STATES, either move to change the Constitution, or just move.

You just can't get over that Trump won, and he won LEGITIMATELY. Well he did. Elections have consequences. Obama so arrogantly said so. Man up.

Oh right, the old "mob rule" argument.

Sure, one person, one vote is "mob rule", whereas Johnny gets to vote for the president, but Mickey doesn't get to vote isn't "mob rule" therefore it's GOOD.

What kind of fucked up argument is this?

Since when did Democracy become bad, exactly?

Then you go off on the childish bullshit of "nah nah nah nah, we won, you're a sort fucking loser".

Piss off, I'd have lost no matter what, because I don't support either of the two main parties.

I want representation in government for different views. Not people having to conform to political parties.

But in your childish bullshit, you wouldn't even bother to understand this.
There you have it folks, straight from Ariel Dumass' filthy mouth.

These braindead libtardos have nothing productive to offer our country. They could care less about fairness, they will destroy you if it promotes their extreme left views. If you're a white male Christian conservative you are automatically guilty of something. And they'll make something up if they can't find something to charge you with.

"The writer of this vile tweet is a writer on the Stephen Colbert show, and has nearly 40,000 followers on Twitter. As the Senate confirmation vote was gearing up, she wanted everyone to know that "whatever happens" she is "just" glad she ruined a man's life. Never mind if he was innocent, never mind any of the facts or corroborations or shifting stories of his accuser. The important thing to her was ruining his life. That was what mattered."


Wow, you're talking about FAIRNESS.

A US president who was elected with less votes than the other candidate is putting in a Supreme Court justice, and you're talking about FAIR?

Only 12 states get to decide the president, that's 20% of the people who vote. Which is about 11% of the people.
When this nation becomes a democracy and scraps being a republic, you then will have a legitimate complaint. Until then you're just wrong.
Wait, you think not liking a system is not understanding the system?

Apparently, she didn't. If she did, she'd have realized that you can't insult two-thirds of the electorate in 'flyover states' and believe you can win because you know you have California and New York.

You have to win over Americans from all over the country ... not just your friends in Hollywood ... if you want to sit in the big office.

Whatever Happens, I'm Just Glad We Ruined Kavanaugh's Life
There you have it folks, straight from Ariel Dumass' filthy mouth.
These braindead libtardos have nothing productive to offer our country.

What can you expect from little commie anarchists who want to destroy what they can't control? They talk about democracy in one breath while freaking out at the thought they aren't in absolute unilateral power. But Brett will be OK. I have a feeling that his life will turn out OK in the end.

SC Kav Beer.jpg
Wait, you think not liking a system is not understanding the system?

I think wanting Mob Rule, and removing something essential to making this country American is wrong. If you want to live under a different system, not a collection of STATES, either move to change the Constitution, or just move.

You just can't get over that Trump won, and he won LEGITIMATELY. Well he did. Elections have consequences. Obama so arrogantly said so. Man up.

Oh right, the old "mob rule" argument.

Sure, one person, one vote is "mob rule", whereas Johnny gets to vote for the president, but Mickey doesn't get to vote isn't "mob rule" therefore it's GOOD.

What kind of fucked up argument is this?

Since when did Democracy become bad, exactly?

Then you go off on the childish bullshit of "nah nah nah nah, we won, you're a sort fucking loser".

Piss off, I'd have lost no matter what, because I don't support either of the two main parties.

I want representation in government for different views. Not people having to conform to political parties.

But in your childish bullshit, you wouldn't even bother to understand this.
Democracy.....two wolves and a sheep vote on what's for dinner. That's your democracy and that's
why the FF's were smarter than you and me when they created this nation.
There you have it folks, straight from Ariel Dumass' filthy mouth.

These braindead libtardos have nothing productive to offer our country. They could care less about fairness, they will destroy you if it promotes their extreme left views. If you're a white male Christian conservative you are automatically guilty of something. And they'll make something up if they can't find something to charge you with.

"The writer of this vile tweet is a writer on the Stephen Colbert show, and has nearly 40,000 followers on Twitter. As the Senate confirmation vote was gearing up, she wanted everyone to know that "whatever happens" she is "just" glad she ruined a man's life. Never mind if he was innocent, never mind any of the facts or corroborations or shifting stories of his accuser. The important thing to her was ruining his life. That was what mattered."


Wow, you're talking about FAIRNESS.

A US president who was elected with less votes than the other candidate is putting in a Supreme Court justice, and you're talking about FAIR?

Only 12 states get to decide the president, that's 20% of the people who vote. Which is about 11% of the people.
When this nation becomes a democracy and scraps being a republic, you then will have a legitimate complaint. Until then you're just wrong.

How am I wrong? How is having an opinion about what is fair, wrong?

Fair is one person one vote and one vote being worth the same as any other vote.
Fair is as many people being represented by the party of their choice.
Fair is a system for the people.

Not fair is when 12 states get to decide the election.
Not fair is when someone in Wyoming has a vote worth three times more than someone in California.
Not fair is when people get to decide between two corrupt parties.
Oh right, the old "mob rule" argument.

Sure, one person, one vote is "mob rule", whereas Johnny gets to vote for the president, but Mickey doesn't get to vote isn't "mob rule" therefore it's GOOD.

What kind of fucked up argument is this?

Since when did Democracy become bad, exactly?

Then you go off on the childish bullshit of "nah nah nah nah, we won, you're a sort fucking loser".

Piss off, I'd have lost no matter what, because I don't support either of the two main parties.

I want representation in government for different views. Not people having to conform to political parties.

But in your childish bullshit, you wouldn't even bother to understand this.

Oh, did I touch a nerve for you to go on a childish, emotional rant. Awwww. Did the Hissy Fit make you "FEEL" better. lol!

Maybe cry to Mommy because it's just not "FAIR". Wahhhhhhhhhh!

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