What’s a Wealth Tax Worth? Warren and Sanders’s plans to pilfer savings would hurt investment

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Why do liberals think rich people have money just lying around, like Scrooge McDuck swimming in a giant pool of gold coins? That’s the myth behind plans to tax Americans’ wealth, as Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders both propose.

Ms. Warren wants an annual asset tax of 2% on households worth more than $50 million, and 3% if you’re worth more than $1 billion. Mr. Sanders would tax “extreme wealth” starting at 1% on households worth $32 million and topping out at 8% on those worth $10 billion or more. Whereas the Soviets confiscated wealth virtually overnight, at least Bernie will take a dozen or so years to pilfer most of your savings.

University of California, Berkeley professors Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman estimate that Mr. Sanders’s tax would raise $4.35 trillion over 10 years, while Ms. Warren’s would raise $2.75 trillion. But something seems fishy—oh, Messrs. Saez and Zucman advise both campaigns on their wealth-tax plans. I doubt they account properly for how levies on wealth would shrink the tax base. Can we get some outside audits please?

Even setting comical revenue projections aside, the wealth-tax idea doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Never mind that it’s likely unconstitutional. Or that a wealth tax is triple taxation, heaped on top of a 21% corporate tax plus 20% capital-gains tax when someone sells shares to pay it. (I concede that it definitely would provide lifetime employment for tax lawyers.)

The most preposterous part of the wealth-tax plans is their supporters’ insistence that they would be good for the economy. Only in an upside-down world could anyone think “a wealth tax is pro-growth,” as a New York Times columnist has claimed.

(Excerpt) Read more at wsj.com ...


Once the socialists get going, you will be AMAZED at who they decide for tax purposes is "RICH".

Americans have the lowest savings rate of the developed world and this plan would make that drop to zero.
Its unconstitutional, you cant target one group with discrimination..

Its WE the people..


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