What’s Drudge Trying to Tell Us?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
That he is just one more Trump zealot like so many of you fools on this forum.
Can any liberals dispute any of those headlines as inaccurate, LIES, false, or FAKE NEWS?
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All of the left's dire predictions about Trump have failed to happen, people are getting behind Trump and his growing list of wins go Trump MAGA!
Can any liberals dipute any of those headlines as inaccurate, LIES, false, or FAKE NEWS?

DUDE hell MSNBC reported today that Trump was greeted today at Davos like a rockstar the entire lobby was packed and on fire for Trump.
Yeah all those die-hard globalists were fucking AWESOME WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
I can hear his speech now...Invest in America, we will only put 50% tariffs on your goods".
That he is just one more Trump zealot like so many of you fools on this forum.
You are the one who looks foolish and un-American, enjoy.

I am un-American because I do not live with my head up Trump's ass.

That is pretty funny.
No you are un- American because you think he will and want him to fail. OK?

I do want him to fail.

I want him to fail at building a wall we do not need.

I want him to fail at his economic isolationist policies.

I want him to fail at driving the country deeper and deeper into debt.

I want him to fail at putting unqualified people into post just because they supported him.

I feel confident that you, like me, wanted Obama to fail in his transformation of America. Did that make you un-American?
Obama - America sucks, the economy sucks, wealth inequality sucks, life sucks, there's no hope.

Trump - America is the greatest country of all time, we have the greatest economy of all time, we are the wealthiest people of all time, hell even the gum stuck to my shoe let me tell you nobody steps in gum as good as me and the American people, when we step in gum we are still winners and that gum is now a winner. :p
Can any liberals dipute any of those headlines as inaccurate, LIES, false, or FAKE NEWS?

DUDE hell MSNBC reported today that Trump was greeted today at Davos like a rockstar the entire lobby was packed and on fire for Trump.

People know how to play Trump like a cheap fiddle.
Like Schumer did?

Schumer is a moron, I doubt he can play with himself.
Obama - America sucks, the economy sucks, wealth inequality sucks, life sucks, there's no hope.

Trump - America is the greatest country of all time, we have the greatest economy of all time, we are the wealthiest people of all time, hell even the gum stuck to my shoe let me tell you nobody steps in gum as good as me and the American people, when we step in gum we are still winners and that gum is now a winner. :p

Trump does not think the US is even great, let alone the greatest. Remember, his whole campaign was that the US sucks and he was going to make us great AGAIN, meaning we are not great right now.

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