What's Eating John McCain's Ass

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With guys like you in the Republican party, they sure don't need enemies.
GOP dominates American politics from ground up. Washington DC sell outs better watch out. This vote is about your true colors. Do you belong to special interest...or the people?

Neither you or Trump represent the American people. A new ABC/Washington Post poll shows that 56% support Obamacare while 33% support Cassidy/Graham. The American people are speaking but Republicans won't listen. Instead they listen to the 30% again. Hard to put a majority together with 30%.

Oooh an ABC/Wapo poll...color me skeptical

The ABC/Washington Post called the election almost on the nose. They had Clinton ahead in the popular vote by 4 and she won by 3. Color you LIAR.

Who's POTUS?

You got him Now live with the lying DOTARD Hopefully the 1st bomb NK throws at us hits yours or his home
he's not gonna run again & he's on borrowed time.

why the fuck should he care other than what's between him & his god & if *you* can't handle it - tutt tutt.
Not between him and God...just putting his ego over the American people. Hope he goes out miserably.
He has good reasons for the position he is taking. Rational country first reasons. He just got reelected to 6 more years in the Senate by the people of his state. There is no reason for him to do anything but the right thing and that is what he is doing.
If he was actually putting America first, he would have written and voted for a clean repeal of Obamacare.

He ran last time on repealing Obamacare. He did NOT say he would repeal Obamacare if it looked like this or looked like that.

He lied to the people of Arizona. He should be recalled, ridiculed, and thrown on the garbage heap of history.
He said he would vote to repeal and replace Obamacare, but what can be assumed there is that he would vote for a plan he thought would actually benefit his voters. He does not feel this one will do the trick or that it has been carefully thought out. Repeal and replace does need to include some amount of efficacy.
Then he should have stated explicitly what that looked like. He left it nebulous purposely and that means he isn't doing what is best for American.

Because Obamacare is definitely not best for America.
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GOP dominates American politics from ground up. Washington DC sell outs better watch out. This vote is about your true colors. Do you belong to special interest...or the people?

Neither you or Trump represent the American people. A new ABC/Washington Post poll shows that 56% support Obamacare while 33% support Cassidy/Graham. The American people are speaking but Republicans won't listen. Instead they listen to the 30% again. Hard to put a majority together with 30%.

Oooh an ABC/Wapo poll...color me skeptical

The ABC/Washington Post called the election almost on the nose. They had Clinton ahead in the popular vote by 4 and she won by 3. Color you LIAR.

Who's POTUS?

You got him Now live with the lying DOTARD Hopefully the 1st bomb NK throws at us hits yours or his home

Oh look it's the Wall St wonder.....pffttt
With guys like you in the Republican party, they sure don't need enemies.
You must think we are stupid. We can see what politicians are doing their job and which ones aren't! Why on Earth would we support sorry scumbags who don't work for the people? We aren't liberals. These bastards need to do the job they were elected to do and that is represent US!
That doesn't change a single word of my last response about this. He is not going to vote for what to him does not seem like a good bill. His voters didn't ask for that, for sure.

Are you privy to McCain's inner dialogue or did you just pull that outta yer butt
McCain also said he could not vote for a bill without a complete snapshot of its effects from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which said earlier this week that it could provide only a partial picture by next week. The office said it could not determine the bill’s impact on insurance premiums or project the change in coverage levels it would trigger until a later date.

“I believe we could do better working together, Republicans and Democrats, and have not yet really tried,” McCain said. He added that he took “no pleasure” in his announcement. McCain and Graham are close friends.
Latest GOP effort to dismantle Obamacare on the brink of failure after defections

Republicans know what the CBO is going to say. That is why they want a vote before it comes out. They know that millions will lose their coverage. That is why they are allowing states to waiver away the protections in Obamacare. They want the states to do it. It shows that even when people are allowed to vote you can have a tyranny.
With guys like you in the Republican party, they sure don't need enemies.
You must think we are stupid. We can see what politicians are doing their job and which ones aren't! Why on Earth would we support sorry scumbags who don't work for the people? We aren't liberals. These bastards need to do the job they were elected to do and that is represent US!
That doesn't change a single word of my last response about this. He is not going to vote for what to him does not seem like a good bill. His voters didn't ask for that, for sure.
Flew right over that head of yours, didn't it? So he's not going to vote for what to him does not seem like a good bill? LOL! he is supposed to vote for what the people want! Get it? Not what he wants! Jesus!

The American people want Obamacare fixed or replaced not repealed. They support Obamacare over every healthcare bill the Republicans have put forward.
What an asshole. Going to vote for a communist program just like the shit bags that held him captive. Going out with no class. Piece of shit.
Dan Bongino: 'John McCain Sold Us All Out'
WHY is it so hard for you guys to hear what he has to say?
You can't remember what bi-partisanship means? Look it up, for heaven's sake.
He is right--if this isn't a carefully thought out change to our healthcare system, one that is agreed to by a majority of the country (not just Republicans) the American people will, as now, be "held hostage" to whatever party is in power in D.C. and we will not have a stable healthcare system. It will keep seesawing back and forth and real progress will never be made.
We, as in EVERYONE in Congress, need to carefully study the situation and propose solutions before trying to shove something through just for a "Win" next to their R. That is not good legislating.
McCain is right. There is nothing "communist" about Regular Order and bipartisan input to a bill with such lasting importance. Unless you consider the Constitution communist.
Here is what bi-partisan means.

The Democrats AND Republicans vote to repeal ALL of Obamacare.

They then get together and find a free market system to replace it.
McCain is still upset that Trump a businessman with no political experience, won.

While he, A MAVERICKY MAVERICK and LIFETIME POLITICIAN got slaughtered.... by a black community organizer.......:rofl:

It's sort of funny watching leftists rally the wagons around McCain....after what they all said about him back in 08? LOL

I have been saying this for years, and it remained a true statement. McCain lost that election because of Palin, not because of McCain. Was Palin McCain's fault? Yes. But, McCain remains popular within both parties in AZ because he supports what is right, not what the GOP wants. A prime example of that was his opposition to spending earmarks, which was nothing but pork barrel politics at it's worst.

He did not lose the election because of Palin. McCain got skunked in the debates. He was the one who said the economy was basically sound. He had no plan. Were it not for Palin, he would have suffered a larger defeat. I only voted for McCain because of Palin.
Neither you or Trump represent the American people. A new ABC/Washington Post poll shows that 56% support Obamacare while 33% support Cassidy/Graham. The American people are speaking but Republicans won't listen. Instead they listen to the 30% again. Hard to put a majority together with 30%.

Oooh an ABC/Wapo poll...color me skeptical

The ABC/Washington Post called the election almost on the nose. They had Clinton ahead in the popular vote by 4 and she won by 3. Color you LIAR.

Who's POTUS?

You got him Now live with the lying DOTARD Hopefully the 1st bomb NK throws at us hits yours or his home

Oh look it's the Wall St wonder.....pffttt
Just heard Green Day's American Idiot Reminds me of you and all republicans here
Were it not for Palin, he would have suffered a larger defeat. I only voted for McCain because of Palin.
Agree. I despised the man even then. The libs forget the crowds she drew. They create their lies them repeat them so long they even believe them.
McCain is still upset that Trump a businessman with no political experience, won.

While he, A MAVERICKY MAVERICK and LIFETIME POLITICIAN got slaughtered.... by a black community organizer.......:rofl:

It's sort of funny watching leftists rally the wagons around McCain....after what they all said about him back in 08? LOL

I have been saying this for years, and it remained a true statement. McCain lost that election because of Palin, not because of McCain. Was Palin McCain's fault? Yes. But, McCain remains popular within both parties in AZ because he supports what is right, not what the GOP wants. A prime example of that was his opposition to spending earmarks, which was nothing but pork barrel politics at it's worst.

He did not lose the election because of Palin. McCain got skunked in the debates. He was the one who said the economy was basically sound. He had no plan. Were it not for Palin, he would have suffered a larger defeat. I only voted for McCain because of Palin.

I am constantly amazed at the denial of the Palin supporteres. She was the single most unqualified individual ever nominated for the vice president by a major party in the history of this country. Trump may be a dickhead, but he is not the airhead that Palin was.
McCain is still upset that Trump a businessman with no political experience, won.

While he, A MAVERICKY MAVERICK and LIFETIME POLITICIAN got slaughtered.... by a black community organizer.......:rofl:

It's sort of funny watching leftists rally the wagons around McCain....after what they all said about him back in 08? LOL

I have been saying this for years, and it remained a true statement. McCain lost that election because of Palin, not because of McCain. Was Palin McCain's fault? Yes. But, McCain remains popular within both parties in AZ because he supports what is right, not what the GOP wants. A prime example of that was his opposition to spending earmarks, which was nothing but pork barrel politics at it's worst.

He did not lose the election because of Palin. McCain got skunked in the debates. He was the one who said the economy was basically sound. He had no plan. Were it not for Palin, he would have suffered a larger defeat. I only voted for McCain because of Palin.
Suppose you wouldn't mind Palin as President??
McCain is still upset that Trump a businessman with no political experience, won.

While he, A MAVERICKY MAVERICK and LIFETIME POLITICIAN got slaughtered.... by a black community organizer.......:rofl:

It's sort of funny watching leftists rally the wagons around McCain....after what they all said about him back in 08? LOL

I have been saying this for years, and it remained a true statement. McCain lost that election because of Palin, not because of McCain. Was Palin McCain's fault? Yes. But, McCain remains popular within both parties in AZ because he supports what is right, not what the GOP wants. A prime example of that was his opposition to spending earmarks, which was nothing but pork barrel politics at it's worst.

He did not lose the election because of Palin. McCain got skunked in the debates. He was the one who said the economy was basically sound. He had no plan. Were it not for Palin, he would have suffered a larger defeat. I only voted for McCain because of Palin.

I am constantly amazed at the denial of the Palin supporteres. She was the single most unqualified individual ever nominated for the vice president by a major party in the history of this country. Trump may be a dickhead, but he is not the airhead that Palin was.
With repubs support for a complete AH like Palin I fear for America
he's not gonna run again & he's on borrowed time.

why the fuck should he care other than what's between him & his god & if *you* can't handle it - tutt tutt.
Not between him and God...just putting his ego over the American people. Hope he goes out miserably.

yaaaa that's it.

did you vote for him when he was running with gidget?
Nope. He was a piece of shit then. Voted Constitution Party.

Quick. Who was on the ticket?
yep- there's that soulful heart representing christianity at its best.

It's just a fact, religion has zilch to do with it, but nice try
You are right "religion has zilch to do with it"........absolutely correct. :popcorn:

Oh look BoPete the faux vet discovered the popcorn eating emoticon and offered nothing to the thread
The topic is John McCain....and all the posters here wishing his quick death. I have commented on that AND on the expected karma that almost always comes.....:popcorn:

Go play GI Jane....dope
I missed the thread content in your post.....John McCain.....American veteran that many here because they disagree with his take on the current health bill up for vote, wish him dead.

Oh and then there's the thing about karma. :popcorn:
Do the majority of people in Arizona want this bill? It didn't even exist two weeks ago, so how do you know? I don't live in AZ and neither do you, so I think you should hold off speaking for them. I heard what you said, but it makes no sense if the bill he would be voting for is NOT A GOOD BILL. It is not just about a vote; the vote is supposed to BE for something the voters want.
They did vote for McCain and he had promised to repeal Obamacare, but that was the election McCain, not the voting McCain.
What is it you like about this new health care bill?
What an asshole. Going to vote for a communist program just like the shit bags that held him captive. Going out with no class. Piece of shit.
Dan Bongino: 'John McCain Sold Us All Out'

What's Eating John McCain's Ass

His faggot boyfriend is.

That would be Miss Lindsey Graham that is eating Psycho John McCain's ass.




Odd....Isn't Graham one of the two senators sponsoring the bill that McCain says he will not vote for?
GOP dominates American politics from ground up. Washington DC sell outs better watch out. This vote is about your true colors. Do you belong to special interest...or the people?

Neither you or Trump represent the American people. A new ABC/Washington Post poll shows that 56% support Obamacare while 33% support Cassidy/Graham. The American people are speaking but Republicans won't listen. Instead they listen to the 30% again. Hard to put a majority together with 30%.

Oooh an ABC/Wapo poll...color me skeptical

The ABC/Washington Post called the election almost on the nose. They had Clinton ahead in the popular vote by 4 and she won by 3. Color you LIAR.

Who's POTUS?

You got him Now live with the lying DOTARD Hopefully the 1st bomb NK throws at us hits yours or his home
:popcorn:.....that karma thingee?
he's not gonna run again & he's on borrowed time.

why the fuck should he care other than what's between him & his god & if *you* can't handle it - tutt tutt.
Not between him and God...just putting his ego over the American people. Hope he goes out miserably.
He has good reasons for the position he is taking. Rational country first reasons. He just got reelected to 6 more years in the Senate by the people of his state. There is no reason for him to do anything but the right thing and that is what he is doing.
If he is acting for idealistic reasons he is a big liar. If McCain secretly thought Obamacare was great, he lied to those who voted for him.

Mr. McCain Goes to Washington
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