What's Eating John McCain's Ass

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With guys like you in the Republican party, they sure don't need enemies.
You must think we are stupid. We can see what politicians are doing their job and which ones aren't! Why on Earth would we support sorry scumbags who don't work for the people? We aren't liberals. These bastards need to do the job they were elected to do and that is represent US!
That doesn't change a single word of my last response about this. He is not going to vote for what to him does not seem like a good bill. His voters didn't ask for that, for sure.
Flew right over that head of yours, didn't it? So he's not going to vote for what to him does not seem like a good bill? LOL! he is supposed to vote for what the people want! Get it? Not what he wants! Jesus!

they need to know how many people will be knocked off of insurance & go without that will most definitely affect them.
Do the majority of people in Arizona want this bill? It didn't even exist two weeks ago, so how do you know? I don't live in AZ and neither do you, so I think you should hold off speaking for them. I heard what you said, but it makes no sense if the bill he would be voting for is NOT A GOOD BILL. It is not just about a vote; the vote is supposed to BE for something the voters want.
They did vote for McCain and he had promised to repeal Obamacare, but that was the election McCain, not the voting McCain.

& replace it with jack shit? the 1st bill came outa the house b4 a score & they had a vomitous garden party to celebrate it in front of the country..... trump had ZERO knowledge about what was in it. because after it was scored- he called it a mean son of a bitch bill remember? huh huh HUH?

same thing is going on now. ignorance isn't bliss little one.
In addition to McCain's refusal to march in lockstep with Trumpette's just because the party told him too, the RW seems to be forgetting that McCain did NOT say that he would not vote for a repeal and replace of ACA. All he said was that this bill is not an improvement of Health Care issues. Nor, is it a product of congressional review, hearings, and amendments. So, McCain is saying that he does not want to be a part of the same non-partisan politics that the democrats used to pass ACA. The hypocrisy of those that oppose his position is enormous.

the ACA was debated for a year before it was finally passed- yes (D)s passed it in the end w/ out (R)s... but it wasn't trying to get rammed thru for the sake of a bigley win & the ability to say SEE!!!! we did it!!!!!
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With guys like you in the Republican party, they sure don't need enemies.
GOP dominates American politics from ground up. Washington DC sell outs better watch out. This vote is about your true colors. Do you belong to special interest...or the people?

Neither you or Trump represent the American people. A new ABC/Washington Post poll shows that 56% support Obamacare while 33% support Cassidy/Graham. The American people are speaking but Republicans won't listen. Instead they listen to the 30% again. Hard to put a majority together with 30%.

Oooh an ABC/Wapo poll...color me skeptical

The ABC/Washington Post called the election almost on the nose. They had Clinton ahead in the popular vote by 4 and she won by 3. Color you LIAR.

Who's POTUS?


will you be choking on that nothing burger when all the cards fall after mueller is finished with his investigation? remember karma?... like you, it's a bitch :eusa_whistle:
Oooh an ABC/Wapo poll...color me skeptical

The ABC/Washington Post called the election almost on the nose. They had Clinton ahead in the popular vote by 4 and she won by 3. Color you LIAR.

Who's POTUS?

You got him Now live with the lying DOTARD Hopefully the 1st bomb NK throws at us hits yours or his home

Oh look it's the Wall St wonder.....pffttt
Just heard Green Day's American Idiot Reminds me of you and all republicans here

turn it up to 11 !!!

You can't remember what bi-partisanship means? Look it up, for heaven's sake.
He is right--if this isn't a carefully thought out change to our healthcare system, one that is agreed to by a majority of the country (not just Republicans) the American people will, as now, be "held hostage" to whatever party is in power in D.C. and we will not have a stable healthcare system.

Um, do you realize that Obamacare was shoved through without a single republican vote? Do you even care? You're acting all happy that McCain is standing in the way of this shit because its not supported by both sides, where the fuck where you when Obamacare was shoved through without ANY support from the right?

but it was still debated for a year b4 it passed. a full year. so your 'point' is moot.
The ABC/Washington Post called the election almost on the nose. They had Clinton ahead in the popular vote by 4 and she won by 3. Color you LIAR.

Who's POTUS?

You got him Now live with the lying DOTARD Hopefully the 1st bomb NK throws at us hits yours or his home

Oh look it's the Wall St wonder.....pffttt
Just heard Green Day's American Idiot Reminds me of you and all republicans here

turn it up to 11 !!!

Green Day, overrated and irrealavant
We already have a foundation for health care and there nothing we can do about it .
So we have to take the next step and get a bipartisanship agreement .

We have to build on which the foundation was layed ..

Local 1 Bricklayer Union
Who's POTUS?

You got him Now live with the lying DOTARD Hopefully the 1st bomb NK throws at us hits yours or his home

Oh look it's the Wall St wonder.....pffttt
Just heard Green Day's American Idiot Reminds me of you and all republicans here

turn it up to 11 !!!

Green Day, overrated and irrealavant

they were great you have no taste in music either Shame No music or political knowledge or appreciation Sassy I ALMOST feel sorry for you ....Naaaa not really
he's not gonna run again & he's on borrowed time.

why the fuck should he care other than what's between him & his god & if *you* can't handle it - tutt tutt.

McCain must still be suffering from depression knowing he couldn't beat an unqualified black guy for President.

sure sure THAT makes sense that he is at the very least stalling obamacare from being completely stripped away.... he would have voted for it the 1st time around.

why does the orange puppet want to do away with everything the black dude did himself 'eh? could it have been the night at the correspondence dinner when obama completely made donny from queens feel real stooooooopid? ya.... that's when it started & why he's doing it now. he skipped the 1st correspondence dinner since he's been installed. why is that? could it be because he's a thin skinned man baby? yaaaaaaaa...... that's the ticket.

oh & that was also the night when bin laden was getting his just rewards. donny could only wish to be so cool......

The black dude didn't do a damn thing.

Pucker up, NL.
We already have a foundation for health care and there nothing we can do about it .
So we have to take the next step and get a bipartisanship agreement .

We have to build on which the foundation was layed ..

Local 1 Bricklayer Union

The "foundation" that is Obamacare is like building on sand.
McCain is right about one thing. Passing major legislation with a slim partisan majority is bad government. That's exactly what got us in this mess in the first place.
McCain is still upset that Trump a businessman with no political experience, won.

While he, A MAVERICKY MAVERICK and LIFETIME POLITICIAN got slaughtered.... by a black community organizer.......:rofl:

It's sort of funny watching leftists rally the wagons around McCain....after what they all said about him back in 08? LOL

I have been saying this for years, and it remained a true statement. McCain lost that election because of Palin, not because of McCain. Was Palin McCain's fault? Yes. But, McCain remains popular within both parties in AZ because he supports what is right, not what the GOP wants. A prime example of that was his opposition to spending earmarks, which was nothing but pork barrel politics at it's worst.

He did not lose the election because of Palin. McCain got skunked in the debates. He was the one who said the economy was basically sound. He had no plan. Were it not for Palin, he would have suffered a larger defeat. I only voted for McCain because of Palin.

I am constantly amazed at the denial of the Palin supporteres. She was the single most unqualified individual ever nominated for the vice president by a major party in the history of this country. Trump may be a dickhead, but he is not the airhead that Palin was.

That is the stupidest statement that I have ever heard. Palin got things done in Alaska. She took on corrupt Republicans and reached out to Democrats to get real reforms in Alaska. She took on big oil which had a sweetheart deal in place for oil royalties. She reinstituted revenue sharing. During her time as Governor, Alaska's credit rating was excellent. Also because of Alaska's strategic location to Russia, the Alaska Governor gets security briefings from the Federal government. Not as extensive as the President but more than a normal Governor gets. Also because of Alaska's location, they frequently have to make agreements with other governments.

Palin was hardly a airhead. If you look at the uncut version of her interview with Charlie Gibson, you would see how they cut it to make her look as bad as possible. Gibson even went on to lie about Palin. She also held her own in the debate with Biden. She would have been better with Obama than McCain was. This whole meme stems from the Couric interview. She made a mistake on a question. Never mind the fact that Couric has been dishonest in her dealings with Palin and even got a award for it. The fact is that anyone who has heard her realizes she is not a airhead.
Were it not for Palin, he would have suffered a larger defeat. I only voted for McCain because of Palin.
Agree. I despised the man even then. The libs forget the crowds she drew. They create their lies them repeat them so long they even believe them.

The reason that McCain ended up campaigning with Palin so much was because McCain wasn't even drawing flies to his solo rallies.
McCain is still upset that Trump a businessman with no political experience, won.

While he, A MAVERICKY MAVERICK and LIFETIME POLITICIAN got slaughtered.... by a black community organizer.......:rofl:

It's sort of funny watching leftists rally the wagons around McCain....after what they all said about him back in 08? LOL

I have been saying this for years, and it remained a true statement. McCain lost that election because of Palin, not because of McCain. Was Palin McCain's fault? Yes. But, McCain remains popular within both parties in AZ because he supports what is right, not what the GOP wants. A prime example of that was his opposition to spending earmarks, which was nothing but pork barrel politics at it's worst.

He did not lose the election because of Palin. McCain got skunked in the debates. He was the one who said the economy was basically sound. He had no plan. Were it not for Palin, he would have suffered a larger defeat. I only voted for McCain because of Palin.
Suppose you wouldn't mind Palin as President??

Depends. Like all Trump supporters, she sounds incoherent. That is the way anyone who defends Trump sounds. The only semblance of the real Palin came when she called the Carrier deal crony capitalism. That is the Palin that would make a great President. Better than Trump or Obama.
he's not gonna run again & he's on borrowed time.

why the fuck should he care other than what's between him & his god & if *you* can't handle it - tutt tutt.

McCain must still be suffering from depression knowing he couldn't beat an unqualified black guy for President.

sure sure THAT makes sense that he is at the very least stalling obamacare from being completely stripped away.... he would have voted for it the 1st time around.

why does the orange puppet want to do away with everything the black dude did himself 'eh? could it have been the night at the correspondence dinner when obama completely made donny from queens feel real stooooooopid? ya.... that's when it started & why he's doing it now. he skipped the 1st correspondence dinner since he's been installed. why is that? could it be because he's a thin skinned man baby? yaaaaaaaa...... that's the ticket.

oh & that was also the night when bin laden was getting his just rewards. donny could only wish to be so cool......

The black dude didn't do a damn thing.

Pucker up, NL.

Speaking of John McCain....he's done things in his life....so has Former President Obama.....maybe that's why all the hatred and envy.
he's not gonna run again & he's on borrowed time.

why the fuck should he care other than what's between him & his god & if *you* can't handle it - tutt tutt.

McCain must still be suffering from depression knowing he couldn't beat an unqualified black guy for President.

sure sure THAT makes sense that he is at the very least stalling obamacare from being completely stripped away.... he would have voted for it the 1st time around.

why does the orange puppet want to do away with everything the black dude did himself 'eh? could it have been the night at the correspondence dinner when obama completely made donny from queens feel real stooooooopid? ya.... that's when it started & why he's doing it now. he skipped the 1st correspondence dinner since he's been installed. why is that? could it be because he's a thin skinned man baby? yaaaaaaaa...... that's the ticket.

oh & that was also the night when bin laden was getting his just rewards. donny could only wish to be so cool......

The black dude didn't do a damn thing.

Pucker up, NL.

Betcha many trump voters are wishing the black guy was back in the WH or even Hill Only the blind like you con man can't see it
McCain is still upset that Trump a businessman with no political experience, won.

While he, A MAVERICKY MAVERICK and LIFETIME POLITICIAN got slaughtered.... by a black community organizer.......:rofl:

It's sort of funny watching leftists rally the wagons around McCain....after what they all said about him back in 08? LOL

I have been saying this for years, and it remained a true statement. McCain lost that election because of Palin, not because of McCain. Was Palin McCain's fault? Yes. But, McCain remains popular within both parties in AZ because he supports what is right, not what the GOP wants. A prime example of that was his opposition to spending earmarks, which was nothing but pork barrel politics at it's worst.

He did not lose the election because of Palin. McCain got skunked in the debates. He was the one who said the economy was basically sound. He had no plan. Were it not for Palin, he would have suffered a larger defeat. I only voted for McCain because of Palin.

I am constantly amazed at the denial of the Palin supporteres. She was the single most unqualified individual ever nominated for the vice president by a major party in the history of this country. Trump may be a dickhead, but he is not the airhead that Palin was.

That is the stupidest statement that I have ever heard. Palin got things done in Alaska. She took on corrupt Republicans and reached out to Democrats to get real reforms in Alaska. She took on big oil which had a sweetheart deal in place for oil royalties. She reinstituted revenue sharing. During her time as Governor, Alaska's credit rating was excellent. Also because of Alaska's strategic location to Russia, the Alaska Governor gets security briefings from the Federal government. Not as extensive as the President but more than a normal Governor gets. Also because of Alaska's location, they frequently have to make agreements with other governments.

Palin was hardly a airhead. If you look at the uncut version of her interview with Charlie Gibson, you would see how they cut it to make her look as bad as possible. Gibson even went on to lie about Palin. She also held her own in the debate with Biden. She would have been better with Obama than McCain was. This whole meme stems from the Couric interview. She made a mistake on a question. Never mind the fact that Couric has been dishonest in her dealings with Palin and even got a award for it. The fact is that anyone who has heard her realizes she is not a airhead.
While the topic is McCain.....let's talk about Palin. The one who QUIT Alaska half way thru her term.
he's not gonna run again & he's on borrowed time.

why the fuck should he care other than what's between him & his god & if *you* can't handle it - tutt tutt.

McCain must still be suffering from depression knowing he couldn't beat an unqualified black guy for President.

sure sure THAT makes sense that he is at the very least stalling obamacare from being completely stripped away.... he would have voted for it the 1st time around.

why does the orange puppet want to do away with everything the black dude did himself 'eh? could it have been the night at the correspondence dinner when obama completely made donny from queens feel real stooooooopid? ya.... that's when it started & why he's doing it now. he skipped the 1st correspondence dinner since he's been installed. why is that? could it be because he's a thin skinned man baby? yaaaaaaaa...... that's the ticket.

oh & that was also the night when bin laden was getting his just rewards. donny could only wish to be so cool......

The black dude didn't do a damn thing.

Pucker up, NL.

Speaking of John McCain....he's done things in his life....so has Former President Obama.....maybe that's why all the hatred and envy.

You ASSume I haven't.

Typical NL.
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