What's happening in the United States now is the biggest propaganda campaign since the Nazis took over Germany

With Dementia Joe hiding in his basement, what could possibly go wrong?

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The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
Pollsters in major polls are not working for the media. They are working for polling and management consulting organizations who need to get it right regardless of who wins because their future business depends on getting it right. Most of these polls were never meant to make money. They are just marketing and advertising to help sell something else. And that something else is corporate and political consulting which brings in hundreds of millions.
And yet, they were wrong last time.

Why do you think they will be right this time?
Most scientific Polls were not wrong. The people that made the predictions were wrong. Polls do not say who is going win or loose they report how a representative sample answered questions on a given date. The biggest mistake the public made was looking at national polls to predict the winner of the election. These polls did a good job of indicating the winner of the popular vote but of course are useless in trying to predict electoral votes. The second mistake the public made was ignoring the margin error which is generally plus or minuses 2%. That means in such a poll the 2 candidates would have be more than 4 points apart to stay out of the polls margin of error. For example if such a poll reported candidate A was 51% and candidate B was 48%. That would be within the polls margin of error and thus the validity of the poll would be questionable..

There is a lot of reasons why so many professionals that analyze the polls got it wrong in 2016. By far the biggest problem is the election was very close in 3 swings and the results of polls in those states were mostly within the margin of error. That meant analysist had to use other tools to predict the winner such as examination of demographics and voting history within representative areas.

What will polling services do differently, not much. Some will probably make changes in their sampling formula. There will be more polling in swing states closer to the election but if poll results are falling within the polls margin of error they will not be a lot of help in predicting a winner. That means analyst will look at things like poll trends, demographics, ranking candidates based on performance in areas most important to voters.
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The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.

You are spouting the BIG LIE. There is no evidence that the pollsters are lying. You have to have some delusion to hang your hat on. All you have to do is look at the state polls. Trump won Montana by 20 and Missouri by 19. Polls show Trump leading in both states by single digits. I doubt voters have much of a reason to remain hidden.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
The Dem propaganda machine often resembles that of Goebbels and the reaction of Dem lemmings is the same as that of the Germans.

In desperate need of a savior (Great Depression) most Germans were easily swayed, either to ignore the dark side or to believe it really wouldn't be what it became but the more they did so the more emboldened and entrenched Hitler became.

Goebbels was the only show on the one-station radio:

Trump and the Republicans are the ones who have connections to fascists. You are a part of the propaganda machine that spouts crazy conspiracy theories and Russian misinformation.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
Agreed on the propaganda part but don’t worry Trump will be out of office soon and we can start working to get that crap out of our politics

And exactly what vision do you have for America after Trump?

The Utopia your party is promising you is most likely going to look more like Venezuela or Cuba.
Trump may not be a Saint, but those pulling the strings of your party are definitely ill intended.
That folks can't see it is stunning.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
That’s exactly what y’all said in 2018 when the polls were right.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
That’s exactly what y’all said in 2018 when the polls were right.
Trump wasn't running in 2018.

Try to keep up.
This could turn out to be the closest election in history. For me and millions of others the entertainment value is far more important than the outcome because the sad fact is no matter who wins the same crap will happen. The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer as it has always been. And both sides will argue back and forth ad nauseum. And most voters are too ignorant to figure it out.
I was born when Truman was President, so I've seen alot. Never ever in all my years have I seen such a coordinated effort to fool the American people. The shit going on today is what we were warned about during the Cold War. Except it's our own media, information services, academic system, and half the government which are trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people. Those are also more than likely being aided by some pretty powerful globalist interests.

This President has really rustled some jimmies and it looks like the old established powers that be, aren't going down quietly.
Very well stated.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

I guess that's all you guys have... that the "pollsters are lying".

Except they weren't that off in 2016, and they correctly called 2018.

The real problem. Trump isn't very popular. Never was. And we don't reward unpopular presidents when they screw up.
It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying. My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
That’s exactly what y’all said in 2018 when the polls were right.
Trump wasn't running in 2018. Try to keep up.
Just pointing out that you guys have a long history of saying polls lie. You're the boy who cried wolf.
You seem especially hysterical this morning.

And JFTR, I don't believe all pollsters are lying ... it's just difficult to measure Trump's support.

He's spending a fuckton on advertising in Minnesota...A state that hasn't voted republican since Nixon.

A lot of shit isn't adding up.

There's a handful of blue states that are flippable. A libertarian, for instance, should probably hold their nose and give Trump a vote in those states. Save the principle bullshit for next cycle.
You seem especially hysterical this morning.

And JFTR, I don't believe all pollsters are lying ... it's just difficult to measure Trump's support.
Glad you agree with me that the OP is bogus.
You seem especially hysterical this morning.

And JFTR, I don't believe all pollsters are lying ... it's just difficult to measure Trump's support.
Glad you agree with me that the OP is bogus.
Not bogus ... just BR's opinion. You seem to struggle with the idea that others can legitimately hold opinions that differ from yours.
You seem especially hysterical this morning.

And JFTR, I don't believe all pollsters are lying ... it's just difficult to measure Trump's support.
Glad you agree with me that the OP is bogus.
Not bogus ... just BR's opinion. You seem to struggle with the idea that others can legitimately hold opinions that differ from yours.

I have no problem with other people's opinions, but he proudly proclaimed it as "the truth" which is the opposite of opinion.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.

So internals are much different. Ok. So why is Trump campaigning in Georgia a historically Red state?

I can see Florida and NC. But Georgia? If his internals are so awesome why waste time in Georgia?

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