What's happening in the United States now is the biggest propaganda campaign since the Nazis took over Germany

This could turn out to be the closest election in history. For me and millions of others the entertainment value is far more important than the outcome because the sad fact is no matter who wins the same crap will happen. The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer as it has always been. And both sides will argue back and forth ad nauseum. And most voters are too ignorant to figure it out.

Honestly I think while Biden might not directly change things he could set it up for someone who sets Germnay as a model country to get in... Joe(with a Senate & House) could make DC and Puerto Rico states... Increase the Court(no apologises needed, GOP cheated (while not breaking the law)), kill the fillibuster...

Democrats can then go back to the rural towns and ask them did Trump and the GOP bring back Coal Jobs?

US could learn a lot by looking at Germany...
  • Germany look at refugees as future workforce, US look at refugees as future criminals
  • Germany ran 7 years of surplus up to 2019
  • Germany has Universal Healthcare using something close to a public option
  • Free third level education
Given what we are seeing with the cover-ups and censorship to favor Biden, I have to believe it doesn’t even matter how we vote. The fix is in. We already know the FBI and CIA have been compromised, there is no reason to think our election process hasn’t been also. Enough of the American people have been dumbed down and indoctrinated just enough to allow it to happen. I never thought the day would come in my lifetime, but we may be there. The government corruption became too deep to overcome under Obama/Biden. If Biden/Harris wins it will continue and get much worse when Harris takes over. This is really nothing more than a coup with a dumbed down population too ignorant to see it.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
Pollsters in major polls are not working for the media. They are working for polling and management consulting organizations who need to get it right regardless of who wins because their future business depends on getting it right. Most of these polls were never meant to make money. They are just marketing and advertising to help sell something else. And that something else is corporate and political consulting which brings in hundreds of millions.

That would make sense in a true Capitalist Society - but we have Crony Capitalism where helping the Democrat candidate pays off for them.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
The Dem propaganda machine often resembles that of Goebbels and the reaction of Dem lemmings is the same as that of the Germans.

In desperate need of a savior (Great Depression) most Germans were easily swayed, either to ignore the dark side or to believe it really wouldn't be what it became but the more they did so the more emboldened and entrenched Hitler became.

Goebbels was the only show on the one-station radio:

Trump and the Republicans are the ones who have connections to fascists. You are a part of the propaganda machine that spouts crazy conspiracy theories and Russian misinformation.

You are simply - Factually False
Ignorantly, or intentionally, I don't know
Given what we are seeing with the cover-ups and censorship to favor Biden, I have to believe it doesn’t even matter how we vote. The fix is in. We already know the FBI and CIA have been compromised, there is no reason to think our election process hasn’t been also. Enough of the American people have been dumbed down and indoctrinated just enough to allow it to happen. I never thought the day would come in my lifetime, but we may be there. The government corruption became too deep to overcome under Obama/Biden. If Biden/Harris wins it will continue and get much worse when Harris takes over. This is really nothing more than a coup with a dumbed down population too ignorant to see it.

Let's get real. The people said no to Trump. They said no to him again in 2018. Then Trump killed 219,000 people, lost 40 million jobs, and the majority of us who were against him said, "WE TOLD YOU SO!!!!"

To use a medical metaphor... Our System has anti-bodies to prevent a would be tyrant like Trump. The system can survive a Mad Emperor, but not for long.

The real problem was, your side knew Trump was unfit. When he's gone, Republicans will be falling all over each other to distance themselves from him. Some of them are doing it now.

Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night...
You'll know for sure soon enough. Vote Early or make your voting plan!
Doesn't really matter. We already know that if Biden wins, Trump, talk radio and the flock will say (and absolutely believe) that it's fake news and rigged. And it wouldn't matter whether it's close or by a landslide.

So the question will then be how they react.
Some think violence will rule the day should Don lose and refuse to concede. Seems a likely outcome.

We will know soon enough on election night. If he fails to win Florida, he’s toast.

The unfortunate thing is Biden might actually turn out to be worse than Trump.
We deserve the leaders we get.

The fact that these two are the choices should be pretty fucking alarming.
It should be alarming, but it isn’t to the establishment media and millions of unknowing Americans. Proof we live in a failed state.
Given what we are seeing with the cover-ups and censorship to favor Biden, I have to believe it doesn’t even matter how we vote. The fix is in. We already know the FBI and CIA have been compromised, there is no reason to think our election process hasn’t been also. Enough of the American people have been dumbed down and indoctrinated just enough to allow it to happen. I never thought the day would come in my lifetime, but we may be there. The government corruption became too deep to overcome under Obama/Biden. If Biden/Harris wins it will continue and get much worse when Harris takes over. This is really nothing more than a coup with a dumbed down population too ignorant to see it.

Let's get real. The people said no to Trump. They said no to him again in 2018. Then Trump killed 219,000 people, lost 40 million jobs, and the majority of us who were against him said, "WE TOLD YOU SO!!!!"

To use a medical metaphor... Our System has anti-bodies to prevent a would be tyrant like Trump. The system can survive a Mad Emperor, but not for long.

The real problem was, your side knew Trump was unfit. When he's gone, Republicans will be falling all over each other to distance themselves from him. Some of them are doing it now.

View attachment 401854

You are just plain stupid.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
He's spending a fuckton on advertising in Minnesota...A state that hasn't voted republican since Nixon.

A lot of shit isn't adding up.

Minessotans saw the ineptitude of Democrats with people getting jumped by Somalian gangs and, more significantly, Democrats’ utter failure in the wake of George Floyd. Most significantly, the fact that there is a faction among Minnesotan Democrats that thought it more important to pursue defunding police vs. helping small businesses that got torched and looted in the riots is disturbing.

All of this adds up to Biden into survival mode in Minnesota.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
He's spending a fuckton on advertising in Minnesota...A state that hasn't voted republican since Nixon.

A lot of shit isn't adding up.

Minessotans saw the ineptitude of Democrats with people getting jumped by Somalian gangs and, more significantly, Democrats’ utter failure in the wake of George Floyd. Most significantly, the fact that there is a faction among Minnesotan Democrats that thought it more important to pursue defunding police vs. helping small businesses that got torched and looted in the riots is disturbing.

All of this adds up to Biden into survival mode in Minnesota.
Minneapolis, where the rioting occurred and the vast majority of the refugee population lives is going to vote hard for Democratic candidates.

We both know this is true.

So the question I have is why the people who are actually affected by what you say is ineptitude are least likely to vote Republican?

The answer is that your perspective is highly skewed and not reflective of reality as the people see it.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
Pollsters in major polls are not working for the media. They are working for polling and management consulting organizations who need to get it right regardless of who wins because their future business depends on getting it right. Most of these polls were never meant to make money. They are just marketing and advertising to help sell something else. And that something else is corporate and political consulting which brings in hundreds of millions.
And yet, they were wrong last time.

Why do you think they will be right this time?

As he said, right and wrong are irrelevant to the poll - they are marketing a product, not informing the public.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night...

You'll know for sure soon enough. Vote Early or make your voting plan!

You're Canadian, right?

So, how many mail in ballots have you sent in for Harris/Xiden? Couple hundred?
Agreed on the propaganda part but don’t worry Trump will be out of office soon and we can start working to get that crap out of our politics

Working to get things back to normal;


An associate at Blue Star Strategies then emailed a memo with minutes of the conference call hosted by the White House to a top Burisma executive, Vadym Pozharskyi, as well as to Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Hunter’s business partner, Devon Archer, both of whom sat on Burisma’s board.

The trip, in December 2015, turned out to be the one during which Biden later bragged about forcing Ukrainian officials to fire a state prosecutor who was investigating Burisma by threatening to withhold a $1 billion US loan guarantee.


The Usurper upset the gravy train - NO ONE interferes with the bribes, kickbacks, and embezzlement by the rulers - NO ONE.

Mark Levin predicted last night the the Little Goebbels will counter attack with smears and lies against Trump to distract from the revelations of corruption by the Biden pay for play scam.

Let's see what the vermin come up with.
We'll know they've taken full control when speech at forums like this is censored.
Yes, eventually it is going to happen. Mock me now, but remember later.

Hopefully our little backwater here never becomes censored. But we have to realize that this is what USMB is, a small backwater, a haven for free speech, but just a couple thousand people in a land of 330 million.

Before the July slaughter, I had MORE FOLLOWERS on Twitter than USMB has ever had member. And my 50,000 followers weren't even a large number for that platform. I have over 5,000 followers on Parler - I doubt we have 5,000 registered members here.

We have free speech here, which is great - but we don't have reach. The Giants censoring information is election tampering - there is no other way to view it.

I could see a Harris/Xiden outlawing free speech forums like this. Rename Facebook to "People's Book" and make it the only legal platform.
And exactly what vision do you have for America after Trump?

The Utopia your party is promising you is most likely going to look more like Venezuela or Cuba.
Trump may not be a Saint, but those pulling the strings of your party are definitely ill intended.
That folks can't see it is stunning.

Corruption is the heart of Washington. We look at people like Quid Pro Joe as if he is an anomaly. But he isn't, he is the NORM. Trump is a disruptive force, interfering with the flow of graft that is the lifeblood of Washington. Slade3200 very well may depend on the bribes, kickbacks, and embezzlement that defines American government at every level for his livelihood. When Joe Biden takes a bribe, dozens of people around him get a cut. Those people don't take kindly to Donald Trump fucking up their system.
The butthurt is starting early with this one.

You, nor any other Communist in this forum believes that Beijing Biden can win without MASSIVE fraud on a scale never before seen. democrats have been defrauding and corrupting elections for 150 years, they are good at it. Ballot harvesting and ballot box stuffing - the dead shall vote - BUT...

But the Communists are not innovators, democrats are leeches, parasites who loot the wealth and intellect of their betters. The METHODS of election fraud that your filthy party is engaged in are the same as you have used for 150 years. Everyone knows what you're doing.

All eyes are on you crooks. The cheating is what you do, getting away with it may be a LOT tougher than you think.
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The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
Agreed on the propaganda part but don’t worry Trump will be out of office soon and we can start working to get that crap out of our politics
You're funny.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
He's spending a fuckton on advertising in Minnesota...A state that hasn't voted republican since Nixon.

A lot of shit isn't adding up.

Minessotans saw the ineptitude of Democrats with people getting jumped by Somalian gangs and, more significantly, Democrats’ utter failure in the wake of George Floyd. Most significantly, the fact that there is a faction among Minnesotan Democrats that thought it more important to pursue defunding police vs. helping small businesses that got torched and looted in the riots is disturbing.

All of this adds up to Biden into survival mode in Minnesota.
Minneapolis, where the rioting occurred and the vast majority of the refugee population lives is going to vote hard for Democratic candidates.

We both know this is true.

So the question I have is why the people who are actually affected by what you say is ineptitude are least likely to vote Republican?

The answer is that your perspective is highly skewed and not reflective of reality as the people see it.

You call my opinion skewed yet make a specious statement that it is “not reflective of reality as people see it”. What data or events do you have to back it up about how the people “see it”?

My opinion was based on the violence and riots of 2020 in Minneapolis and the uptick in spending by a Democrat candidate towards a state that hasn’t voted Republican in nearly 50 years.

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