What's happening in the United States now is the biggest propaganda campaign since the Nazis took over Germany

We’ll see in about two weeks.

What makes you think we’ll know on election night?

We'll know SOMETHING on election night. The real question is, will it be something Cornball and the rest of her verminous pack like, in which case the election is over, no need to count anything else, just accept it; or will it be something that the rabid horde feels the need to burn more buildings over and recount until the end of time?

We won't know anything until around Nov. 24.

It don't count until it's all counted!

That is not true. The first two days will give us clue. Florida, NC and Arizona can open their mail in ballots early. They will have a large number of those counted by election day. If Biden wins 2 out of 3, Trump is probably gone. If Biden wins all 3 Trump is gone.
We’ll see in about two weeks.

What makes you think we’ll know on election night?

We'll know SOMETHING on election night. The real question is, will it be something Cornball and the rest of her verminous pack like, in which case the election is over, no need to count anything else, just accept it; or will it be something that the rabid horde feels the need to burn more buildings over and recount until the end of time?

We won't know anything until around Nov. 24.

It don't count until it's all counted!

That is not true. The first two days will give us clue. Florida, NC and Arizona can open their mail in ballots early. They will have a large number of those counted by election day. If Biden wins 2 out of 3, Trump is probably gone. If Biden wins all 3 Trump is gone.

And if not, que the extra ballots in trunks of Democrats....amirite?
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.

Everyone knows about the CEOs and cops and special ops folks that took part in the treason.

Most of them were well enough off to afford tons of trump merch and airfare. Many had expensive tactical gear and weaponry. If anything we get the impression that these are entitled whiners, who couldn't have anything to get so angry about

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