What's happening in the United States now is the biggest propaganda campaign since the Nazis took over Germany

The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
He's spending a fuckton on advertising in Minnesota...A state that hasn't voted republican since Nixon.

A lot of shit isn't adding up.
Yeah, but he has the somalian multi-voters selling their vote and private information the AOC/Omar.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
He's spending a fuckton on advertising in Minnesota...A state that hasn't voted republican since Nixon.

A lot of shit isn't adding up.
Yeah, but he has the somalian multi-voters selling their vote and private information the AOC/Omar.
One district in Minneapolis will have to overpower the entire state.

In the Jason Lewis & Tina Smith statewide race, the supposed "undecideds" are in the mid-teens...I don't believe for a hot second that there are that many people who don't know who they're voting for at this point.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
You poor Jew.
We’ll see in about two weeks.

What makes you think we’ll know on election night?

We'll know SOMETHING on election night. The real question is, will it be something Cornball and the rest of her verminous pack like, in which case the election is over, no need to count anything else, just accept it; or will it be something that the rabid horde feels the need to burn more buildings over and recount until the end of time?

Its going to be pretty sad for you on Thanksgiving if the blob loses.

There you are eating a TV dinner...all alone..for a guy who never liked you much less cared about you...and now he's out of office so you can't even trade on "Well, I like what he's doing".

Schadenfreude doesn't begin to describe it.
We’ll see in about two weeks.
Try more like 5 weeks.

I don't think so. A lot of counties are probably going to start counting at midnight on 11/3. The court actions will be the big issue. The counting will be done way earlier than 5 weeks.

"Its all over but the shouting" will be the operative phrase.

What I predict is that there will be a red state--probably Florida--that will stage some bogus problem that is designed to just cast doubt on the other 49 state and 7 territories. It will dominate the news cycle for a while.

By early December, all jurisdictions will certify their results, electors will be seated, and the votes will be cast.
Its going to be pretty sad for you on Thanksgiving if the blob loses.

There you are eating a TV dinner...all alone..for a guy who never liked you much less cared about you...and now he's out of office so you can't even trade on "Well, I like what he's doing".

Schadenfreude doesn't begin to describe it.

And what of you terrorists when he wins? You'll be burning down America no doubt.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night...
You'll know for sure soon enough. Vote Early or make your voting plan!
Doesn't really matter. We already know that if Biden wins, Trump, talk radio and the flock will say (and absolutely believe) that it's fake news and rigged. And it wouldn't matter whether it's close or by a landslide.

So the question will then be how they react.
I expect that when mainstream media reports a Biden victory, Trump and his supports will scream, FAKE NEWS. How could Biden possible win believing such nonsense as social distancing and masks work, the earth is warming, Obama really is a US citizen, and man actually did land on the moon. (Sorry Donald, he really did.)
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The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
Pollsters in major polls are not working for the media. They are working for polling and management consulting organizations who need to get it right regardless of who wins because their future business depends on getting it right. Most of these polls were never meant to make money. They are just marketing and advertising to help sell something else. And that something else is corporate and political consulting which brings in hundreds of millions.

I think you just said that they are being paid off by Soros, Bezos, Zuckerburg, Gates, and other socialist organizations such as our mainstream media and our educational institutions...
I expect that when mainstream media reports a Biden victory, Trump and his supports will scream, FAKE NEWS. How could Biden possible win believing such nonsense as social distancing and masks work, the earth is warming, Obama really is a US citizen, and man actually did land on the moon. (Sorry Donald, he really did.)

Do you figure that if Trump has say, 360 EC votes, CNN and NBC will declare Biden the winner?

I could see that.
Minnesota came shockingly close to voting for Trump in 2016, about 40k votes. It's clearly up for grabs.

My data is that Minneapolis will vote overwhelmingly for Democrats, yet that's where all these events that you describe occurred. Perhaps you missed that part. How do you explain why those who are closes to the riots are those that are least likely to vote Republican?

There is no Minneapolis.

Mogadishu will vote democrat, and the rest of the state will react by voting for Trump, who will carry the state overwhelmingly.

I did not post this. You've changed the posts you quoted. Post reported.
The first agenda that tyrannical regimes tackle is to take over the sources of information in the media. Nazis torched the Reichstag building themselves and with the cooperation of the media they managed to blame it on the Jews. When the media becomes the willing partner of a particular political party we are all in trouble. Substituting information with political propaganda is difficult in the age of information but it's clear that the war between information and propaganda is a reality.
I expect that when mainstream media reports a Biden victory, Trump and his supports will scream, FAKE NEWS. How could Biden possible win believing such nonsense as social distancing and masks work, the earth is warming, Obama really is a US citizen, and man actually did land on the moon. (Sorry Donald, he really did.)

Do you figure that if Trump has say, 360 EC votes, CNN and NBC will declare Biden the winner?

I could see that.

I think that if Donald Trump wins the election, all of those networks will call it for Trump, just like they did last time.

What makes you think that Captain Covid can crash the economy, and botch the pandemic response, and give credibility to Q-Anon, the Proud Boys, and the white supremacist movement and win re-election. Americans aren't crazy or stupid. Most of them.
We’ll see in about two weeks.

What makes you think we’ll know on election night?

We'll know SOMETHING on election night. The real question is, will it be something Cornball and the rest of her verminous pack like, in which case the election is over, no need to count anything else, just accept it; or will it be something that the rabid horde feels the need to burn more buildings over and recount until the end of time?

Its going to be pretty sad for you on Thanksgiving if the blob loses.

There you are eating a TV dinner...all alone..for a guy who never liked you much less cared about you...and now he's out of office so you can't even trade on "Well, I like what he's doing".

Schadenfreude doesn't begin to describe it.
It's odd that you don't know that come Thanksgiven, that Trump would be still in office win or lose. Makes me wonder what country you are posting for.
We’ll see in about two weeks.

What makes you think we’ll know on election night?

We'll know SOMETHING on election night. The real question is, will it be something Cornball and the rest of her verminous pack like, in which case the election is over, no need to count anything else, just accept it; or will it be something that the rabid horde feels the need to burn more buildings over and recount until the end of time?

Its going to be pretty sad for you on Thanksgiving if the blob loses.

There you are eating a TV dinner...all alone..for a guy who never liked you much less cared about you...and now he's out of office so you can't even trade on "Well, I like what he's doing".

Schadenfreude doesn't begin to describe it.
It's odd that you don't know that come Thanksgiven, that Trump would be still in office win or lose. Makes me wonder what country you are posting for.

I know he'll still be in the White House but it is sad to think you tore your family apart for a guy whose not even going to be President any more.... Such is the malady of being a conservative I guess.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night...
You'll know for sure soon enough. Vote Early or make your voting plan!
Doesn't really matter. We already know that if Biden wins, Trump, talk radio and the flock will say (and absolutely believe) that it's fake news and rigged. And it wouldn't matter whether it's close or by a landslide.

So the question will then be how they react.
I expect that when mainstream media reports a Biden victory, Trump and his supports will scream, FAKE NEWS. How could Biden possible win believing such nonsense as social distancing and masks work, the earth is warming, Obama really is a US citizen, and man actually did land on the moon. (Sorry Donald, he really did.)
President Q Anon and his flock are exposed to a very tightly controlled reality.

So it's impossible to communicate with them. Mention something from outside their reality and they literally don't know what you're talking about.

So, it must be fake news. And the cycle just keeps repeating.
We’ll see in about two weeks.

What makes you think we’ll know on election night?

We'll know SOMETHING on election night. The real question is, will it be something Cornball and the rest of her verminous pack like, in which case the election is over, no need to count anything else, just accept it; or will it be something that the rabid horde feels the need to burn more buildings over and recount until the end of time?

Its going to be pretty sad for you on Thanksgiving if the blob loses.

There you are eating a TV dinner...all alone..for a guy who never liked you much less cared about you...and now he's out of office so you can't even trade on "Well, I like what he's doing".

Schadenfreude doesn't begin to describe it.
It's odd that you don't know that come Thanksgiven, that Trump would be still in office win or lose. Makes me wonder what country you are posting for.

I know he'll still be in the White House but it is sad to think you tore your family apart for a guy whose not even going to be President any more.... Such is the malady of being a conservative I guess.

Is that how you felt on Thanksgiving 2016?
Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night...
You'll know for sure soon enough. Vote Early or make your voting plan!
Doesn't really matter. We already know that if Biden wins, Trump, talk radio and the flock will say (and absolutely believe) that it's fake news and rigged. And it wouldn't matter whether it's close or by a landslide.

So the question will then be how they react.
I expect that when mainstream media reports a Biden victory, Trump and his supports will scream, FAKE NEWS. How could Biden possible win believing such nonsense as social distancing and masks work, the earth is warming, Obama really is a US citizen, and man actually did land on the moon. (Sorry Donald, he really did.)
President Q Anon and his flock are exposed to a very tightly controlled reality.

So it's impossible to communicate with them. Mention something from outside their reality and they literally don't know what you're talking about.

So, it must be fake news. And the cycle just keeps repeating.

Tell us more about yourself hack....
Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night...
You'll know for sure soon enough. Vote Early or make your voting plan!
Doesn't really matter. We already know that if Biden wins, Trump, talk radio and the flock will say (and absolutely believe) that it's fake news and rigged. And it wouldn't matter whether it's close or by a landslide.

So the question will then be how they react.
I expect that when mainstream media reports a Biden victory, Trump and his supports will scream, FAKE NEWS. How could Biden possible win believing such nonsense as social distancing and masks work, the earth is warming, Obama really is a US citizen, and man actually did land on the moon. (Sorry Donald, he really did.)
President Q Anon and his flock are exposed to a very tightly controlled reality.

So it's impossible to communicate with them. Mention something from outside their reality and they literally don't know what you're talking about.

So, it must be fake news. And the cycle just keeps repeating.

Tell us more about yourself hack....
Struck a nerve, good.

Nice to know your subconscious is still functioning, at least.
You are just plain stupid.

Okay, let's look at that. Let's look at what Republican Senators say about Trump when they think no one is listening.

"The way he kisses dictators' butts. I mean, the way he ignores that the Uyghurs are in literal concentration camps in Xinjiang right now. He hasn't lifted a finger on behalf of the Hong Kongers," Sasse said in response to a constituent's question about his relationship with Trump and his past criticisms of the President.

"The United States now regularly sells out our allies under his leadership. The way he treats women and spends like a drunken sailor. The ways I criticized President (Barack) Obama for that kind of spending I've criticized President Trump for as well. He mocks evangelicals behind closed doors. His family has treated the presidency like a business opportunity. He's flirted with White supremacists," the Nebraska Republican said

That's not one of our guys, that's one of YOUR guys.

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