What's happening in the United States now is the biggest propaganda campaign since the Nazis took over Germany

You call my opinion skewed yet make a specious statement that it is “not reflective of reality as people see it”. What data or events do you have to back it up about how the people “see it”?

My opinion was based on the violence and riots of 2020 in Minneapolis and the uptick in spending by a Democrat candidate towards a state that hasn’t voted Republican in nearly 50 years.
Minnesota came shockingly close to voting for Trump in 2016, about 40k votes. It's clearly up for grabs.

My data is that Minneapolis will vote overwhelmingly for Democrats, yet that's where all these events that you describe occurred. Perhaps you missed that part. How do you explain why those who are closes to the riots are those that are least likely to vote Republican?

It is not up for grabs. In 2016 it was close because Clinton got far fewer votes than Obama. Trump got pretty much the same number of votes that Romney got in 2012.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
He's spending a fuckton on advertising in Minnesota...A state that hasn't voted republican since Nixon.

A lot of shit isn't adding up.

Minessotans saw the ineptitude of Democrats with people getting jumped by Somalian gangs and, more significantly, Democrats’ utter failure in the wake of George Floyd. Most significantly, the fact that there is a faction among Minnesotan Democrats that thought it more important to pursue defunding police vs. helping small businesses that got torched and looted in the riots is disturbing.

All of this adds up to Biden into survival mode in Minnesota.

Biden is winning Minnesota easily.
It's a dead heat, dusthead.

Not according to IBD/TIPP which had Trump up by 2 in 2016. They have Biden up by 8 and they are stating this is different than 2016.
Oh, so they were wrong in '16, but they have it nailed today.

You're dismissed, dusthead.

They were not entirely wrong. They were the first poll to show a much tighter race than it had been. It is considered one of the better polls moron.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
He's spending a fuckton on advertising in Minnesota...A state that hasn't voted republican since Nixon.

A lot of shit isn't adding up.

Minessotans saw the ineptitude of Democrats with people getting jumped by Somalian gangs and, more significantly, Democrats’ utter failure in the wake of George Floyd. Most significantly, the fact that there is a faction among Minnesotan Democrats that thought it more important to pursue defunding police vs. helping small businesses that got torched and looted in the riots is disturbing.

All of this adds up to Biden into survival mode in Minnesota.

Biden is winning Minnesota easily.
It's a dead heat, dusthead.

Not according to IBD/TIPP which had Trump up by 2 in 2016. They have Biden up by 8 and they are stating this is different than 2016.
Oh, so they were wrong in '16, but they have it nailed today.

You're dismissed, dusthead.
How far off were the polls in 2016? What was the margin of error?
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
He's spending a fuckton on advertising in Minnesota...A state that hasn't voted republican since Nixon.

A lot of shit isn't adding up.

Minessotans saw the ineptitude of Democrats with people getting jumped by Somalian gangs and, more significantly, Democrats’ utter failure in the wake of George Floyd. Most significantly, the fact that there is a faction among Minnesotan Democrats that thought it more important to pursue defunding police vs. helping small businesses that got torched and looted in the riots is disturbing.

All of this adds up to Biden into survival mode in Minnesota.

Biden is winning Minnesota easily.
It's a dead heat, dusthead.

Not according to IBD/TIPP which had Trump up by 2 in 2016. They have Biden up by 8 and they are stating this is different than 2016.
Oh, so they were wrong in '16, but they have it nailed today.

You're dismissed, dusthead.

They were not entirely wrong. They were the first poll to show a much tighter race than it had been. It is considered one of the better polls moron.

The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
He's spending a fuckton on advertising in Minnesota...A state that hasn't voted republican since Nixon.

A lot of shit isn't adding up.

Minessotans saw the ineptitude of Democrats with people getting jumped by Somalian gangs and, more significantly, Democrats’ utter failure in the wake of George Floyd. Most significantly, the fact that there is a faction among Minnesotan Democrats that thought it more important to pursue defunding police vs. helping small businesses that got torched and looted in the riots is disturbing.

All of this adds up to Biden into survival mode in Minnesota.

Biden is winning Minnesota easily.
It's a dead heat, dusthead.

Not according to IBD/TIPP which had Trump up by 2 in 2016. They have Biden up by 8 and they are stating this is different than 2016.
Oh, so they were wrong in '16, but they have it nailed today.

You're dismissed, dusthead.
How far off were the polls in 2016? What was the margin of error?
We're talking Minnesnowta in the here and now....The polls there are between dead heat to within the margin of error, with at least double the "undecideds" of that MOE.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
He's spending a fuckton on advertising in Minnesota...A state that hasn't voted republican since Nixon.

A lot of shit isn't adding up.

Minessotans saw the ineptitude of Democrats with people getting jumped by Somalian gangs and, more significantly, Democrats’ utter failure in the wake of George Floyd. Most significantly, the fact that there is a faction among Minnesotan Democrats that thought it more important to pursue defunding police vs. helping small businesses that got torched and looted in the riots is disturbing.

All of this adds up to Biden into survival mode in Minnesota.

Biden is winning Minnesota easily.
It's a dead heat, dusthead.

Not according to IBD/TIPP which had Trump up by 2 in 2016. They have Biden up by 8 and they are stating this is different than 2016.
Oh, so they were wrong in '16, but they have it nailed today.

You're dismissed, dusthead.
How far off were the polls in 2016? What was the margin of error?
We're talking Minnesnowta in the here and now....The polls there are between dead heat to within the margin of error, with at least double the "undecideds" of that MOE.

What are you looking at?

RCP Average9/20 - 10/6----47.340.7Biden +6.6
KAAL-TV/SurveyUSA10/1 - 10/6929 LV3.94740Biden +7
Star Tribune/Mason-Dixon9/21 - 9/23800 LV3.54842Biden +6
USA Today/Suffolk*9/20 - 9/24500 LV4.44740Biden +7

There are no dead heats and Bien's lead was outside of the margin of error.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night...
You'll know for sure soon enough. Vote Early or make your voting plan!
Doesn't really matter. We already know that if Biden wins, Trump, talk radio and the flock will say (and absolutely believe) that it's fake news and rigged. And it wouldn't matter whether it's close or by a landslide.

So the question will then be how they react.
And WHY would everybody on the "right" believe it was rigged?

Look at all the overt BULLSHIT going on. If you were honest, you would admit that there's plenty of reason to be suspicious.
If you were honest...

Well.... :laugh2:
Funny, you nutters can never actually point out any lies on my part.

So I guess this would be a good case of projection.
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.

I thought Kurt Schlichter had a good point on this subject:

Here’s my question: Do you know a single person who went for Trump in 2016 but is now going for Biden? I know plenty going the other way, from not voting to voting for McMuffin to even voting for that wicked harridan who are voting for Trump in 2020. For months, I have looked for someone going the other way – and I’m a military guy so I want the ground truth - and I can’t find any. Oh, occasionally someone will tell me about his Uncle Bob who is mad because Trump tweets mean stuff, or someone’s boss who is a Jeb! RINO sissy and who would accept a packed Supreme Court if it meant that the Bad Orange Man would stop making urban cocktail parties uncomfortable. But that’s it.

Literally the only thing telling us that Biden is walking away with the election - or scootering away with it on his Li'l Rascal, whatever - are the polls that the media keeps screeching at us. Is anyone seeing a huge wave of enthusiastic support for Biden in their everyday dealings? Or a huge wave of ANY support? Of the people I know who are moderate or lean left, the ONLY people I know who are loud and proud about going to vote for Biden are my leftist-bully sister and her "whatever she says, she's smarter than me" husband. All the others are either not sure they're even going to vote, or they just don't want to talk about their vote at all (which means they're either voting for Trump and don't want to say so, or they're guilty about planning to sit it out).
We’ll see in about two weeks.

What makes you think we’ll know on election night?

We'll know SOMETHING on election night. The real question is, will it be something Cornball and the rest of her verminous pack like, in which case the election is over, no need to count anything else, just accept it; or will it be something that the rabid horde feels the need to burn more buildings over and recount until the end of time?
The BIG LIE: Everyone, except the deplorable lower-middle-class rural uneducated bumpkins who cling to God and guns and hate everyone who isn't white straight and Christian, is voting for Biden.

The TRUTH: It's impossible to measure Trump's support because pollsters working for the media are lying.

My guess is that Biden's internal polling is telling him the truth. Look for another cancellation of fireworks for his victory party on election night.
Pollsters in major polls are not working for the media. They are working for polling and management consulting organizations who need to get it right regardless of who wins because their future business depends on getting it right. Most of these polls were never meant to make money. They are just marketing and advertising to help sell something else. And that something else is corporate and political consulting which brings in hundreds of millions.
And yet, they were wrong last time.

Why do you think they will be right this time?

Because the Russians can't hack mail-in voting.
We’ll see in about two weeks.

What makes you think we’ll know on election night?

We'll know SOMETHING on election night. The real question is, will it be something Cornball and the rest of her verminous pack like, in which case the election is over, no need to count anything else, just accept it; or will it be something that the rabid horde feels the need to burn more buildings over and recount until the end of time?

We won't know anything until around Nov. 24.

It don't count until it's all counted!
You call my opinion skewed yet make a specious statement that it is “not reflective of reality as people see it”. What data or events do you have to back it up about how the people “see it”?

My opinion was based on the violence and riots of 2020 in Minneapolis and the uptick in spending by a Democrat candidate towards a state that hasn’t voted Republican in nearly 50 years.
Minnesota came shockingly close to voting for Trump in 2016, about 40k votes. It's clearly up for grabs.

My data is that Minneapolis will vote overwhelmingly for Democrats, yet that's where all these events that you describe occurred. Perhaps you missed that part. How do you explain why those who are closes to the riots are those that are least likely to vote Republican?

My premise is that MINNESOTA is potentially flipping red for the 2020 Presidential Election because of the events in Minneapolis. The Democrats have to fight for it for the first time in a long time.

If Minnesotans ask themselves "Am I better off today then I was 4 years ago?" - Trump is toast!
Seriously, its almost like the Democrats cerebellum has been impregnated with a deficiency, and they cant comprehend the American ways and values.

Really? The Republicans have not only rejected American values, they've rejected the values of their own party.

The Party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt has become the party of Trump.

Republicans now hate Mitt Romney, John McCain, Both Bushes... They would probably hate Ronald Reagan if someone told them he gave Amnesty to illegal aliens.

Ronald Reagan would never be a part of the Trump Republican Party. The party has been taken over by the radical right wing fascists.

The only person from American history that I can think of who would want to be associated with the modern Democrat Party is Joe Biden.
You call my opinion skewed yet make a specious statement that it is “not reflective of reality as people see it”. What data or events do you have to back it up about how the people “see it”?

My opinion was based on the violence and riots of 2020 in Minneapolis and the uptick in spending by a Democrat candidate towards a state that hasn’t voted Republican in nearly 50 years.
Minnesota came shockingly close to voting for Trump in 2016, about 40k votes. It's clearly up for grabs.

My data is that Minneapolis will vote overwhelmingly for Democrats, yet that's where all these events that you describe occurred. Perhaps you missed that part. How do you explain why those who are closes to the riots are those that are least likely to vote Republican?

My premise is that MINNESOTA is potentially flipping red for the 2020 Presidential Election because of the events in Minneapolis. The Democrats have to fight for it for the first time in a long time.

If Minnesotans ask themselves "Am I better off today then I was 4 years ago?" - Trump is toast!

Funny, most nationwide say they are despite a world-wide pandemic. Pre-COVID it would be a landslide victory for Trump. Indoctrinated lemmings and the MSM just may have convinced enough folks that COVID was Trump's fault and they will follow the lemmings right over the cliff with Biden/Harris. I guess we shall see. The bad part is that us smart ones are going to get pulled over the cliff with the lemmings, that is, though of us who plan to stay here long enough to witness the destruction of the US.
You call my opinion skewed yet make a specious statement that it is “not reflective of reality as people see it”. What data or events do you have to back it up about how the people “see it”?

My opinion was based on the violence and riots of 2020 in Minneapolis and the uptick in spending by a Democrat candidate towards a state that hasn’t voted Republican in nearly 50 years.
Minnesota came shockingly close to voting for Trump in 2016, about 40k votes. It's clearly up for grabs.

My data is that Minneapolis will vote overwhelmingly for Democrats, yet that's where all these events that you describe occurred. Perhaps you missed that part. How do you explain why those who are closes to the riots are those that are least likely to vote Republican?

My premise is that MINNESOTA is potentially flipping red for the 2020 Presidential Election because of the events in Minneapolis. The Democrats have to fight for it for the first time in a long time.

If Minnesotans ask themselves "Am I better off today then I was 4 years ago?" - Trump is toast!

Their businesses have been burnt to the ground and the Democrats want to defund the police as step towards improving their lives.
You call my opinion skewed yet make a specious statement that it is “not reflective of reality as people see it”. What data or events do you have to back it up about how the people “see it”?

My opinion was based on the violence and riots of 2020 in Minneapolis and the uptick in spending by a Democrat candidate towards a state that hasn’t voted Republican in nearly 50 years.
Minnesota came shockingly close to voting for Trump in 2016, about 40k votes. It's clearly up for grabs.

My data is that Minneapolis will vote overwhelmingly for Democrats, yet that's where all these events that you describe occurred. Perhaps you missed that part. How do you explain why those who are closes to the riots are those that are least likely to vote Republican?

My premise is that MINNESOTA is potentially flipping red for the 2020 Presidential Election because of the events in Minneapolis. The Democrats have to fight for it for the first time in a long time.

If Minnesotans ask themselves "Am I better off today then I was 4 years ago?" - Trump is toast!

Their businesses have been burnt to the ground and the Democrats want to defund the police as step towards improving their lives.

Wow, all the businesses in Minnesota have been burned to the ground!

I guess Minnesotans must be incredibly stupid to vote Democrat!

Or you're grossly exaggerating...
You call my opinion skewed yet make a specious statement that it is “not reflective of reality as people see it”. What data or events do you have to back it up about how the people “see it”?

My opinion was based on the violence and riots of 2020 in Minneapolis and the uptick in spending by a Democrat candidate towards a state that hasn’t voted Republican in nearly 50 years.
Minnesota came shockingly close to voting for Trump in 2016, about 40k votes. It's clearly up for grabs.

My data is that Minneapolis will vote overwhelmingly for Democrats, yet that's where all these events that you describe occurred. Perhaps you missed that part. How do you explain why those who are closes to the riots are those that are least likely to vote Republican?

My premise is that MINNESOTA is potentially flipping red for the 2020 Presidential Election because of the events in Minneapolis. The Democrats have to fight for it for the first time in a long time.

If Minnesotans ask themselves "Am I better off today then I was 4 years ago?" - Trump is toast!

Their businesses have been burnt to the ground and the Democrats want to defund the police as step towards improving their lives.

Wow, all the businesses in Minnesota have been burned to the ground!

I guess Minnesotans must be incredibly stupid to vote Democrat!

Or you're grossly exaggerating...

May 25 2020
......police brutality and racism have to be the biggest lies EVER.....bigger than anything the nazis said

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