Whats happening in your neck of the woods?


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Thought this would make good thread. What better way to actually see if the news media is beng truthful or not. I will start
From yesterdays Charlotte observer front page School closers, and home Foreclosers.

At the CMS school board meeting people were arrested because the school board voted to close 10 CMS schools.
Protesters ranted about the board being racist because the 10 schools had 60 % minority ratio. Funny thing the school board is controlled by democrats and the people at the meeting voted to put them as school board members.

Things are looking pretty bad for the city of Charlotte I guess it will until the idiots that elect the democrats are no longer elected.

Woman Sexually Assaulted and Left Along Road

Grant County, WI - November 7, 2010 - Some time after 2:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, a 21 year old female pulled her vehicle over to the side of the road on CTH ‘B’, near the county line, because of mechanical problems.
A vehicle stopped behind her with two males, one male got out of the vehicle, approached the female, struck her with his fist and then physically and sexually assaulted her and left her lying at the side of the road.
She eventually was able to call 911 to summon emergency services. The female was transported to the Southwest Health Center by the Platteville Rescue Squad where she was treated and released.
Anyone who has information about this incident on who assaulted this person or who may have seen two vehicles parked along CTH ‘B’ east of Platteville on the early morning hours of Nov. 7th is asked to call the Sheriff’s Dept. or Grant County Crime Stoppers.

Midwest News
Things are pretty quiet in my neck of the woods. Just about all of the farmers have their crops in and most people are talking about the up-coming deer hunting season.
Things are pretty quiet in my neck of the woods. Just about all of the farmers have their crops in and most people are talking about the up-coming deer hunting season.

I think I might actually skip deer hunting this year. For one, I don't have a freezer big enough and two, I've just got too many other things going on to get that drunk... er, hunt... :D
is the school board partisan?

No I think it's 5-4 with democrats controlling
They are also talking about next years cuts of 100 hundred million dollars. So much foor that education lotto.

oh and Charlotte is want another 1/2 cent tax for the light rail tht was supposed to be making a profit by now.
Come on folks I know you have things happening around you good or bad share them.
No helicopters. I saw the Goodyear Blimp on a rare weekday flight yesterday.
same ol'

'I run this town': Ex-deputy liquor commissioner in ESL accused of extortion, lewd acts

The woman said Hill was looking for oral sex. He wanted to do it or have one of the girls perform it on him, she said. The woman said the girls were irritated with Hill for expecting them to do something for free. She said Hill told her to tell the girls who he was.

"I run this (expletive) city. I run this town," Hill said, according to the witness.

'I run this town': Ex-deputy liquor commissioner in ESL accused of extortion, lewd acts - From the online desk - bnd.com

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