What's left of the Beach Boys may play at Trump inauguration.

I hope they don't expect to get paid. Remember the Freedom Kids.

I did find the perfect song for Trump's inauguration. Remember all the artists who were complaining about him stealing their music without their permission. I suspect this song will make everyone happy.

Here's a list of musicians who want Trump to stop playing their music

The following 10 artists have come out and asked that Trump stop using their music for his campaign rallies.
  • Steven Tyler.
  • Queen.
  • Elton John.
  • Twisted Sister.
  • R.E.M.
  • The Rolling Stones.
  • Adele.
  • Neil Young
  • George Harrison
  • Luciano Pavarotti
Maybe he can get some Mexican singers. He likes their taco bowl.

Pavarotti? Did he vote for Hillary
I hope they don't expect to get paid. Remember the Freedom Kids.

I did find the perfect song for Trump's inauguration. Remember all the artists who were complaining about him stealing their music without their permission. I suspect this song will make everyone happy.

Here's a list of musicians who want Trump to stop playing their music

The following 10 artists have come out and asked that Trump stop using their music for his campaign rallies.
  • Steven Tyler.
  • Queen.
  • Elton John.
  • Twisted Sister.
  • R.E.M.
  • The Rolling Stones.
  • Adele.
  • Neil Young
  • George Harrison
  • Luciano Pavarotti
Maybe he can get some Mexican singers. He likes their taco bowl.

Sorry, but George Harrison is dead.

Maybe so, but he voted for Hillary in the following states: NC, VA, NV, OH and FL
I hope they don't expect to get paid. Remember the Freedom Kids.

I did find the perfect song for Trump's inauguration. Remember all the artists who were complaining about him stealing their music without their permission. I suspect this song will make everyone happy.

Here's a list of musicians who want Trump to stop playing their music

The following 10 artists have come out and asked that Trump stop using their music for his campaign rallies.
  • Steven Tyler.
  • Queen.
  • Elton John.
  • Twisted Sister.
  • R.E.M.
  • The Rolling Stones.
  • Adele.
  • Neil Young
  • George Harrison
  • Luciano Pavarotti
Maybe he can get some Mexican singers. He likes their taco bowl.

Sorry, but George Harrison is dead.

So is Pavarotti

Is this a joke?

The Music is owned by someone. They don't want Trump playing it.

I guess that has to be explained to Trump minions. I thought they would know more than anyone what being "owned" means. For obvious reasons.

Still, this really is the perfect song for Trump's inauguration. The base should just give it a chance. And the costumes are sharp and filled with right wing meaning.

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