What's more important to you? Muslim hating or Jesus following?

For most christians hate and fear mongering trumps loving and caring.
Sad but true.

Not sure where you learned that piece of wisdom but in a few more years God willings if I don't see you there I will know that one of us is wrong. I am not in the judging business but the man you seem to hate is, good luck.
For most christians hate and fear mongering trumps loving and caring.
Sad but true.

Not sure where you learned that piece of wisdom but in a few more years God willings if I don't see you there I will know that one of us is wrong. I am not in the judging business but the man you seem to hate is, good luck.

Ever seen how a Christian goes after people who aren't into their faith? Yeah........sure......tell me again how "loving and caring" they are. They will willingly consign you to hell for believing different from them.
For most christians hate and fear mongering trumps loving and caring.
Sad but true.

Not sure where you learned that piece of wisdom but in a few more years God willings if I don't see you there I will know that one of us is wrong. I am not in the judging business but the man you seem to hate is, good luck.

Ever seen how a Christian goes after people who aren't into their faith? Yeah........sure......tell me again how "loving and caring" they are. They will willingly consign you to hell for believing different from them.

It is amazing how some people can't read and comprehend english. I never said anything about hell or that I would consign him. I don't care what you believe or don't believe. The result of the believe or disbelief is not my call. Good luck.
Not sure where you learned that piece of wisdom but in a few more years God willings if I don't see you there I will know that one of us is wrong. I am not in the judging business but the man you seem to hate is, good luck.

Ever seen how a Christian goes after people who aren't into their faith? Yeah........sure......tell me again how "loving and caring" they are. They will willingly consign you to hell for believing different from them.

It is amazing how some people can't read and comprehend english. I never said anything about hell or that I would consign him. I don't care what you believe or don't believe. The result of the believe or disbelief is not my call. Good luck.

What about those who have never heard of Yeshua? They exist in some places. What about Hindus? Is their belief any less valid than yours? What about Jews?
Definitely not, they believe in a higher power than themselves. I believe that Indian tribes with no language, never seen a christian but believe in the great spirit will get a reward just as I hope that I do. There is a real difference between people who believe in God and religious types who seem to have all the answers. Churches give God a bad name.
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

-- Mahatma Gandhi

That what you had in mind?

I see that quote often. But I haven't for the life of me found the source of the quote. Ive been looking for it to verify it because honestly it doesn't sound like Mahatma Gandhi. The man liked, in fact, loved everyone. It just doesn't sound like him.
For most christians hate and fear mongering trumps loving and caring.
Sad but true.

Not sure where you learned that piece of wisdom but in a few more years God willings if I don't see you there I will know that one of us is wrong. I am not in the judging business but the man you seem to hate is, good luck.

Ever seen how a Christian goes after people who aren't into their faith? Yeah........sure......tell me again how "loving and caring" they are. They will willingly consign you to hell for believing different from them.
Oh, you mean like Flailho was doing?
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

-- Mahatma Gandhi

That what you had in mind?

I see that quote often. But I haven't for the life of me found the source of the quote. Ive been looking for it to verify it because honestly it doesn't sound like Mahatma Gandhi. The man liked, in fact, loved everyone. It just doesn't sound like him.

Makes perfect sense actually..............

I love your Christ. That means he likes the lessons that Yeshua (Jesus) laid down.

I don't like your Christians, they are so much unlike your Christ. That meant he didn't like the way that people used Yeshua's teachings as a way to denigrate and condemn others to hell.

I mean........after all...........Yeshua said "Love God above all else, and love one another as you love God".

Stating that "my God is better than your God" is actually "my interpretation of what I believe God to be is better than your interpretation of what you think God is."

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

-- Mahatma Gandhi

That what you had in mind?

I see that quote often. But I haven't for the life of me found the source of the quote. Ive been looking for it to verify it because honestly it doesn't sound like Mahatma Gandhi. The man liked, in fact, loved everyone. It just doesn't sound like him.

Makes perfect sense actually..............

I love your Christ. That means he likes the lessons that Yeshua (Jesus) laid down.

I don't like your Christians, they are so much unlike your Christ. That meant he didn't like the way that people used Yeshua's teachings as a way to denigrate and condemn others to hell.

I mean........after all...........Yeshua said "Love God above all else, and love one another as you love God".

Stating that "my God is better than your God" is actually "my interpretation of what I believe God to be is better than your interpretation of what you think God is."


Again, that doesn't provide a source and seems contrary to who he was because he liked everyone.
Anything I've heard about Jesus makes him out as a loving deity. The exact opposite of 90% of the Republican Party. Look at their leader's policies. Not really something they can argue about, only deny.
Jesus taught non-violence, but He did speak out against what He saw as evil.

Jesus would not advocate violence against Muslims, but that doesn’t mean that Jesus would not denounce Mohammed and Islam. Keep in mind that Mohammed claimed to follow the God YHWH of the Torah, but Mohammed claimed that YHWH is a deceiver. Certainly Jesus would have some harsh things to say about this and other things found in the Koran. Yeah, He would also have some harsh things to say to a lot of Christians, but He would definitely denounce Islam.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but could I get a passage that shows Jesus would denounce islam?

"Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, ... "Titus 3:1-15

Ephesians 4:31 ESV / 7 helpful votes
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.

Do a search on 'liars, deceivers, deceptive ways, etc', you will see what Yeshua and His Father felt about those that practice deception.
Jesus taught non-violence, but He did speak out against what He saw as evil.

Jesus would not advocate violence against Muslims, but that doesn’t mean that Jesus would not denounce Mohammed and Islam. Keep in mind that Mohammed claimed to follow the God YHWH of the Torah, but Mohammed claimed that YHWH is a deceiver. Certainly Jesus would have some harsh things to say about this and other things found in the Koran. Yeah, He would also have some harsh things to say to a lot of Christians, but He would definitely denounce Islam.

lol like you speak for Jesus and know what he would say? lmao

No, but I know what he did say according to the Bible, hence the passages.

Do you take what he said seriously? Or do you hate muslims?

Where do you see Christians claiming their hatred for muslims? Maybe you are just confused? Christians will call sinful behavior sinful, but that is not hating the person that is trapped by that sinful behavior. Please try to be accurate, instead of trying to manipulate Christians into "accepting" sinful behavior.
If I don't follow Jesus, does that mean I automatically fall into the "Muslim hating" crowd?
I disagree, Jersus didn't condem the Jews who called him a crazy, criminal, put him on trial and crucified him.

I didn't see him say jesus would condem anyone.

harsh criticism and denouncing Islam sounds like condeming to me.

What did Yeshua do when he found the money makers in the temple? Who did He call a nest of "vipers"? Yeshua was not fine with deception, He did not like it one bit. I don't know where it is, but I think there is a passage about the New Jerusalem (that descends from heaven) having walls where the liars are kept outside the walls. I think that is a pretty strong statement.
Anything I've heard about Jesus makes him out as a loving deity. The exact opposite of 90% of the Republican Party. Look at their leader's policies. Not really something they can argue about, only deny.

You still haven't learned that you don't love people by stealing someone elses money to have a bueacrat "take care" of them, IE Manage every aspect of their life.

No. You don't love others by outsourcing your responsibilities to the government. You love people by ministering to their needs.
harsh criticism and denouncing Islam sounds like condeming to me.

Criticizing Islam is not the same as criticizing Muslims. There are a lot of critics of Christianity on the internet, but most have no hostility towards people who are Christians.

Yes, you can point to some people who insult Muslims, but if you actually read what most critics are saying they are not insulting Muslims the people, but Islam the religion.

There is a big difference between insulting a person and insulting an ideology. Ever religion on the planet can be insulted, yet there is an effort made to prevent people from insulting Islam. Why? Why is insulting Islam different from insulting all other religions? Why is insulting Islam seen as an attack against Muslims, but insulting other religions is not hate speech?

You say “harsh criticism and denouncing Islam” and by this you acknowledge that the criticism is against the religion and not the people who believe in it.

So why is it that Islam cannot be insulted?

Did Jesus advocate insulting Islam?

I thought it was more about "spreading the good word"?

Why didn't "you" answer the questions?

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