What's Most Disturbing About Ferguson..

Nov 1, 2014

Ferguson represents everything that's wrong with this country's response to federal tyranny. Since when is the federal government all powerful and we are subservient to their whims? Put another way, when Eric Holder's racist Justice Department issued a scathing report of the Ferguson police department, even in the wake of finding Officer Darren Wilson did nothing wrong, why didn't Ferguson tell Holder to pound sand? Why did Ferguson not tell Holder "Don't let the door hit you on the way out" and tell Obama, "Quit appointing racist AGs"

What's disturbing about Ferguson is the glaring LACK of defiance. At a time when states are refusing to allow enforcement of EPA bans on wood stoves, pushing against federal drug laws, opting out of Obamacare, and learning to push back against the federal government in many different ways, why isn't there even a hint of righteous defiance in Ferguson.

Didn't even one person in power give a SINGLE thought to giving Holder the middle finger?

Even one?

Or do they serve their dark overlords no matter what?
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Govt cash is everywhere ..... If you don't comply why you won't get your govt goodie bag for this or that...... Govt by blackmail
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The city would go bankrupt defending a DOJ lawsuit.

Obama/Holder wanted one thing: Destroy the Ferguson police department.

They succeeded. By mid summer...Ferguson will be in chaos as more cops quit and refuse to patrol there.

Will Holder show up to take charge and patrol Ferguson himself?
If there is anything that disturbs me about Ferguson, it's the way there are just two narratives and people fall all over themselves lining up to choose one or the other.

A 300 pound black thug robs a grocery store using strong-armed tactics, and the large majority of the left acts as if he were some innocent child out for a Sunday stroll after church. All that matters to them is his race and their prime directive to defend him because of it.

The Ferguson police force is riddled with racist cops, and the large majority of the right acts as if it doesn't exist, are willing to support police even when they do cross the line, and act as if every single policemen is the absolute paragon of virtue.

Identity politics gets in the way of anything even remotely resembling intellectual honesty.

Ferguson represents everything that's wrong with this country's response to federal tyranny. Since when is the federal government all powerful and we are subservient to their whims? Put another way, when Eric Holder's racist Justice Department issued a scathing report of the Ferguson police department, even in the wake of finding Officer Darren Wilson did nothing wrong, why didn't Ferguson tell Holder to pound sand? Why did Ferguson not tell Holder "Don't let the door hit you on the way out" and tell Obama, "Quit appointing racist AGs"

What's disturbing about Ferguson is the glaring LACK of defiance. At a time when states are refusing to allow enforcement of EPA bans on wood stoves, pushing against federal drug laws, opting out of Obamacare, and learning to push back against the federal government in many different ways, why isn't there even a hint of righteous defiance in Ferguson.

Didn't even one person in power give a SINGLE thought to giving Holder the middle finger?

Even one?

Or do they serve their dark overlords no matter what?
Gov. Jay Nixon Called In National Guard Against Advice Of Feds Radar Online

Selective memory is at play.
They did nothing.... They watched the town burn......its all on vid..... Try to keep uo
What's most disturbing about Ferguson, is that cops are afraid to do their jobs and the good people of Ferguson, are the real victims. Thanks, Obama, Holder and Sharpton. I don't know HOW you are getting away with all the unlawfulness.
The pretend is all yours dizzy

Well, is this your way of making sure that I know you're a sock? Or whose sock you are?

One of the very first complaints is that the entire response was not at all organized and was a cluster$%&*

Again. Don't pretend there was silence.
The city would go bankrupt defending a DOJ lawsuit.

Obama/Holder wanted one thing: Destroy the Ferguson police department.

They succeeded. By mid summer...Ferguson will be in chaos as more cops quit and refuse to patrol there.

Will Holder show up to take charge and patrol Ferguson himself?

Ferguson is so estranged from the roots of this country's founding that it doesn't even for a SECOND occur to them that they don't have to respond to the report issued by the racist asshole AG. The sheer absence of defiance and the assumption that when the feds say jump, Ferguson says how high, would make our liberty minded founders groan in despair. Ferguson demonstrates how NOT to respond to federal edicts, especially when nothing was done wrong and it's clearly political and racial.

Ferguson is unamerican. It's that simple.
What's most disturbing about Ferguson, is that cops are afraid to do their jobs and the good people of Ferguson, are the real victims. Thanks, Obama, Holder and Sharpton. I don't know HOW you are getting away with all the unlawfulness.
The report cites racism in the fact that more blacks are stopped by police and arrested, as of somehow the cops are making blacks break the law. Of course cops have no choice but to enforce the law, that is their sworn duty. The sheer lack of any merit in this report is a sound reason why the only appropriate response was to give Holder the middle finger.

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