What’s really behind Democrats’ mounting transphilia and embrace of extremist views?

Nobody with an actual brain would “see” any such thing. You’re an idiot.
You have to put "brain" in quotation marks because you're not products of higher education. For people who studied biology beyond elementary school we learned about evolution and gene variation and their effects on sexual development and identity. You Bingos are still working with a magic book written by mystics thousands of years ago....

You have to put "brain" in quotation marks because you're not products of higher education. For people who studied biology beyond elementary school we learned about evolution and gene variation and their effects on sexual development and identity. You Bingos are still working with a magic book written by mystics thousands of years ago....

Gene variations don't seem to have an effect on identity lest they be proteins linked to schizophrenia. Capitalism itself has an intimate relationship to the schizophrenic process, even though Badger2 has never actually see a schizophrenic.
Gene variations don't seem to have an effect on identity lest they be proteins linked to schizophrenia.
Again, based on what literature and research?

Gene variants provide insight into brain, body incongruence in transgender
Capitalism itself has an intimate relationship to the schizophrenic process, even though Badger2 has never actually see a schizophrenic.
Does schizophrenia explain you believing you have insight that you clearly don't?

You may at any time explain how the Nazi hatred of homosexuals is somehow different than the right's hatred of homosexuals. If it makes you feel better substitute any authoritarian regime you ever heard of.
The bolded is a lie, it's the only way you can even refute anything said, you have to build your strawman of hate. Unfortunately for you, it's a lie. :dunno:
The Repubs arent trying to destroy a tiny group of people. They're trying to prevent an opposing political party from politicizing, normalizing and weaponizing minorites and special interest groups....especially perverse ones.

Also, the trans crowd may be a minority but its really not tiny. There are about 4 of them who work on the same floor I do.

I see multiple guys dressed in drag pretty much EVERY DAY in this city when I'm out and about...and I'm still a LOOOONG way from San Francisco. It's definitely becoming a rampant fad and the Democratic party feeds it every day for the reasons I stated. They don't just feed it in their debates...they are feeding it to kids as young as they can possibly captivate by its strangeness and allure. They are taking advantage of kids' natural rebelliousness knowing DAMN well many will take the bait without understanding what they are becoming involved in.

They have no common sense, hence why we are where we are today. Common sense is dead, and you have to vilify your enemy bu spouting lies about them. They've been very successful with this tactic though, so they're going to keep doubling down on it.
Too many plain old haters involved to make any sort of reasonable argument why the right's moral panic over transgenderism is not the same old fascist song and dance.

Case in point, they constantly use the word 'hate', whether this poor sap knows it's a lie or just repeats what he's been told and believes, who knows?
Every authoritarian dictatorship ever decided that gays did not even have the right to live. Now here we have the republicans obsessed with destroying this relatively tiny group of people as their primary political focus. Shove all that other crap. If you are doing the exact same thing as the Nazis expect resistance.
Even the LGBT community is tired of the looney Trans shit. As they are regularly targeted by this activist group of weirdos as transphobes for not wanting to have sex with them.
There is no logic that justifies your hateful bigotry.

I on the other hand, don't think how athletic clubs and programs determine their qualifications is government business.

That's a stupid waste of time fueled by bigotry.

There it is again, the word hate, it's how they've won the battles they have so far, it's been successful for them. We need a way to expose it and counteract it. Common sense would tell most people that exposing children to sexual topics is wrong, has nothing to do with hate, there are a lot of people with zero common sense today.
Let’s face it. The claim that the Republicans have some alleged “mounting” transphobia is simply nonsense.

It is far more true that the Democrats are pushing an extremist agenda which oddly embraces some of the many things that used to be seen either with disgust or pity. And worse, as we see every day, the Democrats then see fit to label anyone who doesn’t share their extremism as being “phobic” or biased. Their Holier than Thou attitude couldn’t be more evident.

Meanwhile, the rational people in American society still properly object to:

“gender-conforming” surgery on minors, and to allowing kids to make those life altering choices without parental consent, and to allowing (or even requiring) teachers and related school staff to make such decisions about school kids without notifying parents, and to having drag shows performed in front of kids, and allowing trans”men” to compete against biological women in women’s athletic events, etc.

None of this means that most Americans approve of discrimination against the trans community. But it does mean that Democrats largely seek to normalize the very things which most people instinctively and intellectually realize is a lie.
Lol it’s amazing how much self awareness you people lack. It’s YOU people who are constantly bringing the subject up UNPROMPTED. You don’t shut the fuck up about it.
Which part you coward?

The part about you conflating a 10 year old that had to travel from Ohio to Indiana to have an abortion due to Ohio's new abortion laws, and since that is 'okay', then it's okay for 10 year olds to see and read sexually explicit material. :rolleyes:

The person that raped that poor 10 year old girl was charged with rape, for you to try to use her misery and her story to say that if it was okay for her not to be allowed an abortion then it's okay for 10 year olds to be exposed to sexually explicit conduct is disgusting.
The part about you conflating a 10 year old that had to travel from Ohio to Indiana to have an abortion due to Ohio's new abortion laws, and since that is 'okay', then it's okay for 10 year olds to see and read sexually explicit material. :rolleyes:

The person that raped that poor 10 year old girl was charged with rape, for you to try to use her misery and her story to say that if it was okay for her not to be allowed an abortion then it's okay for 10 year olds to be exposed to sexually explicit conduct is disgusting.
That’s their new tactic. Trying to link abortion and transition surgery.
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The part about you conflating a 10 year old that had to travel from Ohio to Indiana to have an abortion due to Ohio's new abortion laws, and since that is 'okay', then it's okay for 10 year olds to see and read sexually explicit material. :rolleyes:

The person that raped that poor 10 year old girl was charged with rape, for you to try to use her misery and her story to say that if it was okay for her not to be allowed an abortion then it's okay for 10 year olds to be exposed to sexually explicit conduct is disgusting.
Why did a 10 year old have to travel across state lines to get an abortion again? Oh right because Republicans in her State wanted to force her have the baby. Again, I don't have to make shit up. I think 10 year olds can handle being read to by a guy in a dress. I don't think that's going to break them emotionally or physically. You do but at the same time your party wants them to become mothers. I'm not the one that needs to explain any inconsistencies. Being read to by a man in a dress is not the same as entering motherhood.
Why did a 10 year old have to travel across state lines to get an abortion again? Oh right because Republicans in her State wanted to force her have the baby. Again, I don't have to make shit up. I think 10 year olds can handle being read to by a guy in a dress. I don't think that's going to break them emotionally or physically. You do but at the same time your party wants them to become mothers. I'm not the one that needs to explain any inconsistencies. Being read to by a man in a dress is not the same as entering motherhood.

I didn't say you made anything up. Learn how to read. The only way you can 'refute' anything is to lie about what was actually said.

My previous post covered everything you said here, all you did is repeat yourself to make it clearer that you support 10 year olds being exposed to sexually explicit material. You're disgusting.

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