What’s really behind Democrats’ mounting transphilia and embrace of extremist views?

Another lie. Having drag queens and sexually explicit material in children's libraries is not 'sex education', it's inappropriate.
What sexually explicit material? You're just making that up. Children bring read to by drag queens is an effort to promote reading to morons. That's a good thing.
It's inappropriate to have a hetero female stripper there, it's inappropriate to have a hetero male stripper there, it's inappropriate to have books about hetero sexual activities in there. ANY sexually explicit content is inappropriate for younger children you moron.
Drag queens aren't stippers and the when they read children's books to children they don't suddenly and spontaneously turn into pornography.
Your agenda is to label it as bigotry against lgbt people simply to vilify those who are trying to protect children, which is what you're really after.
No. Your agenda is to label people reading to children as harmful because you're a frightful moron.
What sexually explicit material? You're just making that up. Children bring read to by drag queens is an effort to promote reading to morons. That's a good thing.

Drag queens aren't stippers and the when they read children's books to children they don't suddenly and spontaneously turn into pornography.

No. Your agenda is to label people reading to children as harmful because you're a frightful moron.
Giving Children Firearms training and NRA Safety inspired History reading classes would be kosher with you then ?
Giving Children Firearms training and NRA Safety inspired History reading classes would be kosher with you then ?
If they're going to be around firearms then that would actually be prudent. I grew up around guns, made bullets with my uncles bullet press in the summer so he would take us shooting, and learned gun safety around the same time I learned to swim.
What sexually explicit material? You're just making that up. Children bring read to by drag queens is an effort to promote reading to morons. That's a good thing.

Drag queens aren't stippers and the when they read children's books to children they don't suddenly and spontaneously turn into pornography.

No. Your agenda is to label people reading to children as harmful because you're a frightful moron.

That says it all right there, your objective is to sexualize young children, period. Are you a card carrying member of nambla too?
Let’s face it. The claim that the Republicans have some alleged “mounting” transphobia is simply nonsense.

It is far more true that the Democrats are pushing an extremist agenda which oddly embraces some of the many things that used to be seen either with disgust or pity. And worse, as we see every day, the Democrats then see fit to label anyone who doesn’t share their extremism as being “phobic” or biased. Their Holier than Thou attitude couldn’t be more evident.

Meanwhile, the rational people in American society still properly object to:

“gender-conforming” surgery on minors, and to allowing kids to make those life altering choices without parental consent, and to allowing (or even requiring) teachers and related school staff to make such decisions about school kids without notifying parents, and to having drag shows performed in front of kids, and allowing trans”men” to compete against biological women in women’s athletic events, etc.

None of this means that most Americans approve of discrimination against the trans community. But it does mean that Democrats largely seek to normalize the very things which most people instinctively and intellectually realize is a lie.
The only reasonable explanation is that their TDS disease is progressing even faster than we realized. It literally drives them insane.
Here is a report that's been floating around for 32 years (since 1991} about the link between a trannie's mommy and they/them/it. Shows me that some people are wack-a-doodle crazy. And they are probably a big reason the fragile little flowers off themselves.

Study Reveals SHOCKING Link Between Trans Boys and Mothers​

The immediate thought about someone who insists that they’re a gender other than the one they obviously are is that they have mental issues.

The truth is this belief may not be too far off. While the boy who thinks they’re a girl, or vice versa, would seem to indicate a rather bizarre state of mental confusion, the problem may stem from the emotional problems of someone else.

There is an abstract of a scientific study that was published in 1991. Ironically, this over-three-decade old study has been gaining traction on social media.

The findings are eye-opening for multiple reasons. Conducted in 1991 by PhD researchers Sonia Marantz and Susan Coates, the first notion may not be surprising.

How young should a child be introduced to sex?
Education of human development should proceed in conjunction with maturity. Elementary school students agould learn about biological and sociological sex differences and about appropriate relationships between children, adolescents and adults. Towards the end of Elementary school (4th - 5th grade) they should be learning about sexual reproduction and the coming changes with puberty. In middle school they should be learning about managing attraction and rejection. Learn appropriate ways to communicate, to flirt or play and interact with each other. And by high-school there should be comprehensive sexual education and through each stage of this there should be the acceptance of gay and trans variation in human biology.
Or as afraid of Militia , The NRA ,The American Flag , The Police , The GOP , White Folks , Christians & Practicing Jews who support Israel , III %ers , Oathkeepers ... as you are

Who's afraid of you? You're talking to wrong shade of liberal. I know those guns are for show and that we're going to take your country without having to fire a shot. Hell you did most of the shooting during the civil war which helped get the hard part passed, birth right citizenship. All that's left to do is sit back while you're demographically replaced.

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