What’s really behind Democrats’ mounting transphilia and embrace of extremist views?


Who's afraid of you? You're talking to wrong shade of liberal. I know those guns are for show and that we're going to take your country without having to fire a shot. Hell you did most of the shooting during the civil war which helped get the hard part passed, birth right citizenship. All that's left to do is sit back while you're demographically replaced.
My County is 89% Non Minority / 72% GOP so good luck
Take just the sports example. You libs and Democrats, etc., support the Lia Thomases of this discussion. I believe that is massively unfair to the female athletes against whom these males/trans-women now compete.
"The NPR/Ipsos poll shows that nearly two-thirds of Americans (63%) are opposed to allowing transgender women and girls to compete on teams that align with their gender identity, while 24% overall support that.

Among Democrats, opinion is fairly split: a plurality, 46%, support trans female athletes' right to compete on women's and girls sports teams"

I oppose athletes using hormones or steroids' to increase or decrease their strength for competition. Guys will nearly always have a weight to strength power ratio advantage. How can you know what hormone level evens out the playing field? Too great a chance for cheating imo.
You may at any time explain how the Nazi hatred of homosexuals is somehow different than the right's hatred of homosexuals. If it makes you feel better substitute any authoritarian regime you ever heard of.
Swishy Swastickers

In the 1920s, the Nazi Party enlisted many sadomasochist Gayists, including an all-fag group called "Brownshirts." For political reasons, they had to throw their goose-stepping goosers under the bus to make it look like they were Straight and traditional.

The Right is not reacting to a previous fairyphile stand. The Left, however, is doubling down on their sissifying agenda.
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My County is 89% Non Minority / 72% GOP so good luck
Shasta County ended its Contract with Dominion and ditched the Machines , Recalled a LARPer RINO on the BOS ( Former Redding PD Chief & Union Macher ) and repelled without incident or damage the Busloads of BLM/ ANTIFA / Black Bloc / CPUSA rioters 3 times ( getting mention by Tucker on Foxsnews naming Redding as a place they fucked around and found out at )
Swishy Swastickers

In the 1920s, the Nazi Party enlisted many sadomasochist Gayists, including an all-fag group called "Brownshirts." For political reasons, they had to throw their goose-stepping goosers under the bus to make it look like they were straight.

The Right is not reacting to a previous fairyphile stand. The Left, however, is doubling down on their sissifying agenda.
Ridiculous. You should be ashamed.
Let’s face it. The claim that the Republicans have some alleged “mounting” transphobia is simply nonsense.

It is far more true that the Democrats are pushing an extremist agenda which oddly embraces some of the many things that used to be seen either with disgust or pity. And worse, as we see every day, the Democrats then see fit to label anyone who doesn’t share their extremism as being “phobic” or biased. Their Holier than Thou attitude couldn’t be more evident.

Meanwhile, the rational people in American society still properly object to:

“gender-conforming” surgery on minors, and to allowing kids to make those life altering choices without parental consent, and to allowing (or even requiring) teachers and related school staff to make such decisions about school kids without notifying parents, and to having drag shows performed in front of kids, and allowing trans”men” to compete against biological women in women’s athletic events, etc.

None of this means that most Americans approve of discrimination against the trans community. But it does mean that Democrats largely seek to normalize the very things which most people instinctively and intellectually realize is a lie.
I have posted this before but this is what is going on,
Mega Costco , Panda Express , Target , Trader Joe’s & 2 In& Out Burgers ( oh and our Sheriff Issues thousands & thousands of CCWs
I'm a gun owner as well as an American citizen thanks to birth right citizenship. The 2nd Amendemenr applies to all us black and brown Americans as well. Differences is unlike your ancestors we won't need them to take this country.
I'm a gun owner as well as an American citizen thanks to birth right citizenship. The 2nd Amendemenr applies to all us black and brown Americans as well. Differences is unlike your ancestors we won't need them to take this country.
Your people will be eating each other ( whileMilitary / NG & LEOs Chew on the Big Cities , Dazzling Urbanite mobs wont fare well in Ultra rural environs
Your people will be eating each other ( whileMilitary / NG & LEOs Chew on the Big Cities , Dazzling Urbanite mobs wont fare well in Ultra rural environs
All your guns are for show. What will happen is that your children will continue to mix with our children until you're replaced. The end. 😄
All your guns are for show. What will happen is that your children will continue to mix with our children until you're replaced. The end. 😄
My CCW Training & Renewal classes since 2011 and Tactical Carbine Fighting Classes Level 1 & 2 & five years in the California State Militia ( made Sergeant ) and Ability to defend myself will help in the end ( along with my Dead Enders Weapon of Choice Chinese type 56 “ Spiker “ AK and my Level IV Body Armor Rig & ballistic helmet all in Multicam )
Here is a report that's been floating around for 32 years (since 1991} about the link between a trannie's mommy and they/them/it. Shows me that some people are wack-a-doodle crazy. And they are probably a big reason the fragile little flowers off themselves.

Study Reveals SHOCKING Link Between Trans Boys and Mothers​

The immediate thought about someone who insists that they’re a gender other than the one they obviously are is that they have mental issues.

The truth is this belief may not be too far off. While the boy who thinks they’re a girl, or vice versa, would seem to indicate a rather bizarre state of mental confusion, the problem may stem from the emotional problems of someone else.

There is an abstract of a scientific study that was published in 1991. Ironically, this over-three-decade old study has been gaining traction on social media.

The findings are eye-opening for multiple reasons. Conducted in 1991 by PhD researchers Sonia Marantz and Susan Coates, the first notion may not be surprising.

Never Respect the Pronoun-Confused

Use of retarded New Age grammar ("someone....they're" "the boy who thinks they're a girl") is a red flag making independent minds look more deeply into a screed. With a goofy mother as a role model, why would the son want to become female?

This is the way the ruling class and its false-flaggers get away with their emasculating agenda. Wimpy men not only drive their sons into Gayism and their daughters into looking for a bulldyke as a father-figure, they are also the cause of the entire Feminist movement, which has been nothing more than a reaction to Postmodern males' programmed inadequacies.
My CCW Training & Renewal classes since 2011 and Tactical Carbine Fighting Classes Level 1 & 2 & five years in the California State Militia ( made Sergeant ) and Ability to defend myself will help in the end ( along with my Dead Enders Weapon of Choice Chinese type 56 “ Spiker “ AK and my Level IV Body Armor Rig & ballistic helmet all in Multicam )
Don't forget to practice your tactical rolling and bump firing either cosplayer. Those are important. 😄
Don't forget to practice your tactical rolling and bump firing either cosplayer. Those are important. 😄
My level 1 & 2 Tactical Carbine Fighting Classmates were Shasta & Trinity County Sheriffs SWAT members , not your usual LARPers .
My CCW Training & Renewal classes since 2011 and Tactical Carbine Fighting Classes Level 1 & 2 & five years in the California State Militia ( made Sergeant ) and Ability to defend myself will help in the end ( along with my Dead Enders Weapon of Choice Chinese type 56 “ Spiker “ AK and my Level IV Body Armor Rig & ballistic helmet all in Multicam )
The California State Militia? Thats not a legal entity under California law.

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