What’s Really Going on with Holder’s Civil-Rights Crusade against Police Departments


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
people better wake up to this administration

Civil-rights investigations in Ferguson and Staten Island? No, what denizens of St. Louis and New York City ought to be worried about right now is . . . the crime wave overtaking Seattle.
If you don’t understand why, then you probably thought Obamacare was about covering the uninsured. Like its health-care “reform” campaign,

the Obama Left’s civil-rights crusade is aboutcontrol— central control of state law enforcement by Washington.

The deaths of Michael Brown in Missouri and Eric Garner in New York are each tragic in their own way. But in neither is there a federal civil-rights case to be had. To think otherwise, you have to be getting your advice from Al Sharpton — the huckster confidant of President Obama and Attorney General Holder.

The law of civil rights requires the government to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant, usually driven by racial prejudice, willfully acted — violently in these cases — with the evil purpose to deprive a person of specific federal rights. Let’s put aside the utter absence of proof that race had any bearing on what happened in Staten Island, for example, where police supervised by an African-American officer came to the scene because of complaints about Garner by local business owners. It is virtually impossible to prove a civil-rights violation when there is no denying that police were engaged in a good-faith arrest and were put in the position of using force because a suspect resisted.

In Ferguson, Michael Brown did not merely resist arrest. Having just robbed a store, he was the aggressor in a confrontation with a police officer, who was made to fear for his life. And in Staten Island, there may be areal questionabout whether one police officer used excessive force under the circumstances; but there is no question that some quantum of force was appropriate in arresting a physically imposing suspect who insisted he would not be taken into custody and waved his arms to prevent the cops from cuffing him.

Federal civil-rights cases are much harder to make than state homicide cases. They are supposed to be. They were conceived as a rare federal intrusion on the sovereign police power a state exercises within its territory. When police are engaged in an arrest because a crime really has been committed, and they use force because the suspect really does resist, the claim that they were actually scheming to deprive the suspect of his civil rights is asinine. The time to worry about the deprivation of civil rights, as Messrs.Williamson,Cooke, andGoldbergpoint out, is when progressives enact overbearing laws that criminalize things like untaxed cigarette sales, not when police dutifully carry them out.

Eric Holder knows this as well as anyone. The bloviating he is doing today about Ferguson and Staten Island is of a piece with the bloviating he was doing two years ago about Sanford, Fla. As Iobservedof the Trayvon Martin killingat the time, the attorney general huffed and puffed about bringing a civil-rights case against “white Hispanic” George Zimmerman, but he wasnever actually going to file one.
It would have been even more embarrassing than the trumped-up murder casehe and Sharptonbrowbeat Florida into charging — the one the jury threw out in nothing flat.
Holder and his constitutional-scholar boss are not banging the civil-rights drum because they believe these are prosecutable cases. It is just a pretext for unleashing Justice Department community organizers on state and municipal police departments.

The government cannot win a standalone loser of a civil-rights prosecution by crying, “Disparate impact!” Individual cases that have been demagogued by the racial-grievance industry become high profile. Once public attention is riveted, the legal and logical flaws become obvious. When people start looking long and hard, the “institutionalized racism” canard is exposed. For guys like Sharpton, that’s bad for business.
But the Justice Department civil-rightsinvestigationsHolder is fond of announcing are not like public trials. They occur out of the public eye, where feverish Justice Department claims are not aired and scrutinized. More significant, they happen with the air of extortion created by the nearly $28 billion in funding Congress keeps giving Justice every year, no matter how many congressional investigations it obstructs, how many false statements its officials make, and how much it politicizes law enforcement.

The investigations are taxpayer-funded jihads that states, cities, and towns know they lack the resources to fight off.

ALL of it here:
What s Really Going on with Holder s Civil-Rights Crusade against Police Departments National Review Online
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the Obama Left’s civil-rights crusade is aboutcontrol— central control of state law enforcement by Washington.

A small cartoon explains the whole situation!... The fucking liberals hate this because there is so much TRUTH in it!

A small cartoon explains the whole situation!... The fucking liberals hate this!


Most of us who didn't vote for these pukes already knew what was going to coming at us. and I'll be damned if weren't RIGHT AGAIN. thankfully the people saw it and took away the house and then Senate from them. but don't think these people are going to leave us alone and slink off into the night. You see it now what they are doing to us with all this rioting, looting, shutting off highways, etc etc
White left-wingers are fucking cowards, that's what's going on. Instead of fighting back, they kiss the ass of every social blight or external threat ever descending on our nation. Not having the guts to act like people of principal, they project. "Oh my! Two thousand black people gunned down other people in our city last year!! Well, ummm, it was whitey's fault. Whitey Republicans. It was their fault."
"Yes, but aren't you white?"
"Well, ummm, no. Only conservatives and Republicans are white. "
"Well what race are you, then?"
"Well, ummm, I'm a liberal and liberals can't be white on account of being white is a crime."
"In other words you're a fucking coward who enshrines cowardice as some kind of redeemable human quality?"
"Well...ummm...yes. Cowardice is the most sacred tenet of our Democrat catechism."

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