What’s so bad about the 2025 Heritage Project?

You aren’t smart enough to understand what you’re talking about. You just repeat what you’re told.
I suppose I don’t speak dembot

I believe that govt should answer to the people, an elected official like the president
Why are libs painting this as a death knell for the country, and then falsely attributing it to Trump, when it actually makes good points and isn’t a Trump plan anyway:

Among its goals are:

1. Secure the border
2. Keep men out of women’s sports
3. Cut the growth of government spending
4. Unleash energy production to lower energy costs
5. Make federal bureaucrats accountable
6. Deweaponize the government

It eliminates the Department of Homeland Security, which is a threat to the Deep State and unelected spooks in the bureaucracy.

Department of Homeland Security

Ken Cuccinelli

Frankly. . I would be surprised if anyone that is associated with being able to implement its recommendations, wouldn't just be immediately a target for assassination by the Deep State.

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Another great thread that does not quote what the fuck everyone is talking about, bravo, excellent.
The problem, which I had addressing this thread, is NOW, since there is so much controversy, the Heritage Folks have made viewing it, either conditional on buying a copy, or registering so they know who wants to read it.

Just a couple months ago, you could view it anonymously for free.

They don't appear to be giving that information out now. They want to know who is reading it. I suspect so that electoral get out the vote folks can be more effective?

It took me a bit to find, but here is a link where you can still CHOOSE which chapter you want to look at for free, anonymously.

They want an all powerful Fed Govt that answers to nobody but the POTUS...as long as that POTUS is a Repub.

They will be very sorry what they asked for when it is not
“They”? Are you referring to all those twisted globalist pukes like yourself who cheered and celebrated when the Kenyan shit all over Congress and created his very own personal type of citizenship in DACA?

Congress makes policy, the employees of the Fed Govt enact it.
Did Congress “make” DACA?
The employees of the Fed Govt should be loyal to the Constitution, not the POTUS
Hmmm…so Border Patrol agents should enforce our immigration laws and not allow the disgusting pieces of dogshit in D.C. to come up with some retarded as fuck ‘asylum’ work-around bullshit?
public policy IS made by congress. the bureaucracy merely mxecutes the policy, BUT

who elected the heritage foundation?????
The same folks that elected the Open Society foundation and the Council on Foreign Relations?

Once again you show you dont know what fascism means. It’s not facist to require licenses for telecommunication companies
It’s fascist to make hose licenses contingent on saying what the authoritarians want you to say.
It’s fascist to make hose licenses contingent on saying what the authoritarians want you to say.
Nobody is doing that. ABC admitted to cheating in the debate. That’s not the same as punishing them for saying what yoj want them to say.

If ABC is going to cheat the American people out of free and fair debates then they shouldn’t be in operation.
Nobody is doing that. ABC admitted to cheating in the debate. That’s not the same as punishing them for saying what yoj want them to say.

If ABC is going to cheat the American people out of free and fair debates then they shouldn’t be in operation.

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