What’s so bad about the 2025 Heritage Project?

Think "Art of the Deal".

The book that Trump did not write?

That Art of the Deal?

Trump is not the master negotiator you all make him out to be. He proved that while POTUS the first time
Why are libs painting this as a death knell for the country, and then falsely attributing it to Trump, when it actually makes good points and isn’t a Trump plan anyway:

Among its goals are:

1. Secure the border
2. Keep men out of women’s sports
3. Cut the growth of government spending
4. Unleash energy production to lower energy costs
5. Make federal bureaucrats accountable
6. Deweaponize the government

1) The statist left(Social Liberals) #1 objective is to establish a "One World Without Borders" new world order.(Super Ludicrous)

2) Radicalized women attempting to prove they are as physically powerful as men.(Ludicrous)

3) The statist left views LARGE G'ment as the great "UNITER".(Ludicrous)

4) Only good ole Muthu Earth Approved GREEN energy is acceptable to the statist left.(Ludicrous)

5) G'ment is God Almighty to the statist left so man cannot make Almighty G'ment accountable to mankind.(Ridiculously Ludicrous)

6) Humanity cannot de-weaponize Almighty G'ment.(Obnoxiously Ludicrous)

The statist left, don't leave sanity without them!
The problem, which I had addressing this thread, is NOW, since there is so much controversy, the Heritage Folks have made viewing it, either conditional on buying a copy, or registering so they know who wants to read it.

Just a couple months ago, you could view it anonymously for free.

They don't appear to be giving that information out now. They want to know who is reading it. I suspect so that electoral get out the vote folks can be more effective?

It took me a bit to find, but here is a link where you can still CHOOSE which chapter you want to look at for free, anonymously.

View attachment 1016236
I just registered to see it. 995 pages, very long. Some good ideas, some ideas may be impossible to implement.
Why are libs painting this as a death knell for the country, and then falsely attributing it to Trump, when it actually makes good points and isn’t a Trump plan anyway:

Among its goals are:

1. Secure the border
3. Cut the growth of government spending
4. Unleash energy production to lower energy costs
5. Make federal bureaucrats accountable
6. Deweaponize the government

You are batshit crazy!

Fuck you and fuck Project 2025!
Your goals are...

  1. Fire 50,000, non-partisan civil servants and replace them with Trump acolytes.
  2. Politicize the census so communities of color get under-reported and thus lose their representation.
  3. Enact a national abortion ban.
  4. Abolish the Dept of Education
  5. Weaponize the DOJ and FBI under the executive branch and make it more political answering only to the President.
Project 2025 is to turn this country into an authoritarian nation, so fuck you, Lisa! You're an un-Amerucan scumbag!
The Democrats and the media they control, which is the huge lion's share of it, have made Project 2025 their new bogeyman and scare tactic when all their other bogeymen and scare tactics failed to take down Trump. So they misrepresent or distort its origin and content.

Those pushing that have no conscience, no commendable ethics, no defensible principles, no morals other than bad ones.

There are a few proposals in Project 2025 that should be debated and I'm pretty sure the American people who probably say no. But only a very few. The rest is just common sense and what once would have been promoted as normal and good for America and Americans.
NO Thank you.
You are batshit crazy!

Fuck you and fuck Project 2025!
Your goals are...

  1. Fire 50,000, non-partisan civil servants and replace them with Trump acolytes.
  2. Politicize the census so communities of color get under-reported and thus lose their representation.
  3. Enact a national abortion ban.
  4. Abolish the Dept of Education
  5. Weaponize the DOJ and FBI under the executive branch and make it more political answering only to the President.
Project 2025 is to turn this country into an authoritarian nation, so fuck you, Lisa! You're an un-Amerucan scumbag!
What pages on the document do the things you claim?
Why are libs painting this as a death knell for the country, and then falsely attributing it to Trump, when it actually makes good points and isn’t a Trump plan anyway:

Among its goals are:

1. Secure the border
2. Keep men out of women’s sports
3. Cut the growth of government spending
4. Unleash energy production to lower energy costs
5. Make federal bureaucrats accountable
6. Deweaponize the government

Each is anathema to progs and other statists.
Why are libs painting this as a death knell for the country, and then falsely attributing it to Trump, when it actually makes good points and isn’t a Trump plan anyway:

Among its goals are:

1. Secure the border
2. Keep men out of women’s sports
3. Cut the growth of government spending
4. Unleash energy production to lower energy costs
5. Make federal bureaucrats accountable
6. Deweaponize the government

Liberals don't want any of the things outlined in project 2025.
Project 2025 925 pages long.
Trump said in 2023 ( This is great work, our road map.
Trump said in 2024 ( I don't even know these folks)
There are things in there that many of you would love.
Trump is named 320 times.
And most is a nightmare for working or middle class people.
You are batshit crazy!

Fuck you and fuck Project 2025!
Your goals are...

  1. Fire 50,000, non-partisan civil servants and replace them with Trump acolytes.
  2. Politicize the census so communities of color get under-reported and thus lose their representation.
  3. Enact a national abortion ban.
  4. Abolish the Dept of Education
  5. Weaponize the DOJ and FBI under the executive branch and make it more political answering only to the President.
Project 2025 is to turn this country into an authoritarian nation, so fuck you, Lisa! You're an un-Amerucan scumbag!

"Lisa! You're an un-Amerucan scumbag!"

Fuck the 2nd Amendment!


answering only to the President.

The only unAmerican person? Is YOU. You have already made it clear that you HATE the constitution.
Project 2025 925 pages long.
Trump said in 2023 ( This is great work, our road map.
Trump said in 2024 ( I don't even know these folks)
There are things in there that many of you would love.
Trump is named 320 times.
And most is a nightmare for working or middle class people.
How’s it a billionaires dream list?

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