What’s the Difference Between Progressives and the KKK?

She advocated for birth control, not abortion you fucking moron. :21:
/—-/ Embrace your democRAT racist heritage: 7 Incredibly Shocking Quotes From Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger | LifeNews.com

I am not a Democrat shit for brains, so I don't need to embrace a damn thing.
/——/ Embrace whatever the fu*k heritage you wish. Now read the link

GFY Assclown, read that.
/—-/ I did.
We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, 1939
Sanger had a concern that offering birth control into black areas would be interpreted as trying to cut down on the black population instead of offering women the freedom to choose.

Only a really stupid fuck like you would be so dishonest to try to twist it to mean something else Fuck you ignorant Trumpettes..
She wanted to end the black race, why don't you read up on her? Her plan is working, like I said in some cities. More black babies are killed than born. Good work for your racist party.

I have read up on here, she didn't. Other than her outdated (now) ideas of eugenics and some quotes taken out of context there is no evidence of her trying to end any race. She also didn't advocate for abortion, only birth control.

Then again, she could have had the same beliefs as David Duke, it's not anything liberals believe. It'd be like claiming anyone who drives a Ford is as racist as Henry Ford himself.
Henry Ford's thinking still isn't in effect today. Margaret's is and is the woman democrats praise. Those quotes taken out of context, if Trump said the same thing would you defend him?
Which thinking do you oppose?
That poor people shouldn’t have more children?

Sounds very conservative

Apparently birth control is now racist.
No birth control is a good thing, but killing more black babies than are being born is racist.

Back then Sanger was advocating for birth control, not abortion. So, she was doing a good thing then, right?

I am not a Democrat shit for brains, so I don't need to embrace a damn thing.
/——/ Embrace whatever the fu*k heritage you wish. Now read the link

GFY Assclown, read that.
/—-/ I did.
We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, 1939
Sanger had a concern that offering birth control into black areas would be interpreted as trying to cut down on the black population instead of offering women the freedom to choose.

Only a really stupid fuck like you would be so dishonest to try to twist it to mean something else Fuck you ignorant Trumpettes..
/——/ And If Donald Trump had said : “Birth control is nothing more or less than…weeding out the unfit.” You’d be oK with it.
Hmmm, most KKK consider themselves to be right wing, conservatives.

No they don't. Right and Left have no meaning anyway.

KKK members consider themselves Sons of The South. They couldn't give a fuck less about your petty politics.

I had Blood Relatives die in that War on the Northern Side.

Don't hurt yourself thanking me. You're really not welcome. We didn't do it for you, we did it because slavery is an abomination. And so were the dimocrap scum that defended the institution of slavery.

So we fight and die to end the institution of slavery and Blacks turn around and sell their souls to dimocrap scum slavers for a few pieces of silver. typical

You know it as well as I do. Maybe that's why so many Blacks are so full of self-loathing.

Slavery is still practiced today, but only Africa. Funny stuff, huh?

That is some funny chit.

You assfucks need to study up on the history of slavery & it's support. It was regional you stupid shit.
I have read up on here, she didn't. Other than her outdated (now) ideas of eugenics and some quotes taken out of context there is no evidence of her trying to end any race. She also didn't advocate for abortion, only birth control.

Then again, she could have had the same beliefs as David Duke, it's not anything liberals believe. It'd be like claiming anyone who drives a Ford is as racist as Henry Ford himself.
Henry Ford's thinking still isn't in effect today. Margaret's is and is the woman democrats praise. Those quotes taken out of context, if Trump said the same thing would you defend him?
Which thinking do you oppose?
That poor people shouldn’t have more children?

Sounds very conservative

Apparently birth control is now racist.
Conservatives complain about all the black babies being aborted. Call it genocide

Then they call black mothers Welfare Queens
/——/ Two different topics, innocent babies and adults gaming the system.
Same mothers

So which is it?
You want them to realize they can’t afford a child and abort or you want them to have the baby and go on welfare?
Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner

Now, let’s look at what really happened..

Sanger saw the effect of large numbers of children in the black community. She was advocating birth control so that poor blacks could control the size of their families

Her problem was that she realized the impression a white woman advocating blacks not have children would have in those communities. So she contacted black ministers and doctors to get them to support family planning.
These po' black folk is jes' too dumb to know where dem babies is coming from. Bes' let Miss Margaret abort them chilluns.

I am not a Democrat shit for brains, so I don't need to embrace a damn thing.
/——/ Embrace whatever the fu*k heritage you wish. Now read the link

Do me a favor, from that article quote where you think Sanger is stating she wants to destroy, kill, end or whatever the black race and let's talk about it.
/——/ Nothing to discuss. Plain as day. You racists can read all kinds of innuendo in the Mueller report but seem confused over this : We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, 1939

This is the full quote:

“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members,”

Granted, not well said, but she was concerned that whites coming into a black community would be suspicious and she was probably right.

Where do you stand on birth control, anyway? Is it racist?

Full context.....imagine that
I have read up on here, she didn't. Other than her outdated (now) ideas of eugenics and some quotes taken out of context there is no evidence of her trying to end any race. She also didn't advocate for abortion, only birth control.

Then again, she could have had the same beliefs as David Duke, it's not anything liberals believe. It'd be like claiming anyone who drives a Ford is as racist as Henry Ford himself.
Henry Ford's thinking still isn't in effect today. Margaret's is and is the woman democrats praise. Those quotes taken out of context, if Trump said the same thing would you defend him?
Which thinking do you oppose?
That poor people shouldn’t have more children?

Sounds very conservative

Apparently birth control is now racist.
No birth control is a good thing, but killing more black babies than are being born is racist.

Back then Sanger was advocating for birth control, not abortion. So, she was doing a good thing then, right?
She wanted to exterminate the black race and her wishes are coming true. What part of that can't you realize?
I am not a Democrat shit for brains, so I don't need to embrace a damn thing.
/——/ Embrace whatever the fu*k heritage you wish. Now read the link

GFY Assclown, read that.
/—-/ I did.
We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, 1939
Sanger had a concern that offering birth control into black areas would be interpreted as trying to cut down on the black population instead of offering women the freedom to choose.

Only a really stupid fuck like you would be so dishonest to try to twist it to mean something else Fuck you ignorant Trumpettes..
/——/ And If Donald Trump had said : “Birth control is nothing more or less than…weeding out the unfit.” You’d be oK with it.

When she said "unfit" she wasn't referring to any particular race and one example she used was from Germany another from Switzerland. This is where her brand of eugenics comes in:

One authority claims that out of our population of one hundred million only fifteen million can be regarded as intelligent. That eighty-five million have less than average mental capacity and compare to the youth of fifteen years--under this comes the morons, feebleminded, high grade imbeciles, then idiots, etc.

From this grade come paupers, prostitutes, criminals, tramps, inebriates, all tending to be born somewhat defective. The histories of some of the degenerate families have gone on record. Jukes in this country who in five generations produced 709 known descendants who were not only unfit but a constant and continuous danger and burden to society throughout the five generations.

In Germany a family more recently studied consisted of 834 known persons descended from a drunken vagabond woman, feebleminded but physically vigorous. The descendants were paupers, prostitutes, criminals, more feebleminded murderers. The direct cost to the Prussian State for the keep and care of this woman and her offspring had been a quarter of a million pounds or over a million dollars.

In Switzerland the Zeros family were a respectable middle class clan living in Swiss Valley but intermarried with an insane stock, subsequently married other women of feeble mentality. There has come to light three hundred and ten members of their family who were found to be vagrants, criminals, paupers, prostitutes, feebleminded and insane.

Do you want to start a thread about Sanger wanting to destroy the population of Switzerland?

EDIT: If it mattes, I disagree with Sanger but in now way is this some sort of philosophy held by PP.
Henry Ford's thinking still isn't in effect today. Margaret's is and is the woman democrats praise. Those quotes taken out of context, if Trump said the same thing would you defend him?
Which thinking do you oppose?
That poor people shouldn’t have more children?

Sounds very conservative

Apparently birth control is now racist.
Conservatives complain about all the black babies being aborted. Call it genocide

Then they call black mothers Welfare Queens
/——/ Two different topics, innocent babies and adults gaming the system.
Same mothers

So which is it?
You want them to realize they can’t afford a child and abort or you want them to have the baby and go on welfare?
We want them to have the baby and not be reliant on government. But you want them to kill the baby and be reliant on government for a vote.

I am not a Democrat shit for brains, so I don't need to embrace a damn thing.
/——/ Embrace whatever the fu*k heritage you wish. Now read the link

GFY Assclown, read that.
/—-/ I did.
We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, 1939
Sanger had a concern that offering birth control into black areas would be interpreted as trying to cut down on the black population instead of offering women the freedom to choose.

Only a really stupid fuck like you would be so dishonest to try to twist it to mean something else Fuck you ignorant Trumpettes..
I love it how you stick up for a racist. Then you turn around and celebrate more black babies being killed than being born. You're no better than Sanger.
Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner

Now, let’s look at what really happened..

Sanger saw the effect of large numbers of children in the black community. She was advocating birth control so that poor blacks could control the size of their families

Her problem was that she realized the impression a white woman advocating blacks not have children would have in those communities. So she contacted black ministers and doctors to get them to support family planning.
These po' black folk is jes' too dumb to know where dem babies is coming from. Bes' let Miss Margaret abort them chilluns.

Once again, when she went into black neighborhoods she was advocating for birth control, not abortion.

Guys, read a fucking book.
Henry Ford's thinking still isn't in effect today. Margaret's is and is the woman democrats praise. Those quotes taken out of context, if Trump said the same thing would you defend him?
Which thinking do you oppose?
That poor people shouldn’t have more children?

Sounds very conservative

Apparently birth control is now racist.
No birth control is a good thing, but killing more black babies than are being born is racist.

Back then Sanger was advocating for birth control, not abortion. So, she was doing a good thing then, right?
She wanted to exterminate the black race and her wishes are coming true. What part of that can't you realize?

You haven't demonstrated that she wanted to exterminate the black race, especially when she was an advocate for all women (not just blacks) having access to birth control.

Please, try for once to prove an honest point.

I am not a Democrat shit for brains, so I don't need to embrace a damn thing.
/——/ Embrace whatever the fu*k heritage you wish. Now read the link

GFY Assclown, read that.
/—-/ I did.
We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, 1939

That isn't proof or in any way demonstrate that Sanger was out to end the black race. She knew that if whites came into their neighborhood promoting anything it would be suspicious so she worked with local medical doctors of color to ease that population.

Let's also remember, we are talking about birth control here, not abortion.
/——/ “Sanger famously coined the term “birth control” with the intention of eliminating the reproduction of human beings who were considered “less fit.” In her writings from “Morality and Birth Control” and “Birth Control and the New Race,” the Planned Parenthood founder noted that the chief aim of the practice of birth control is to produce a “cleaner race.” Sanger’s vision for birth control was to prevent the birth of individuals whom she believed were unfit for mankind“
I have read up on here, she didn't. Other than her outdated (now) ideas of eugenics and some quotes taken out of context there is no evidence of her trying to end any race. She also didn't advocate for abortion, only birth control.

Then again, she could have had the same beliefs as David Duke, it's not anything liberals believe. It'd be like claiming anyone who drives a Ford is as racist as Henry Ford himself.
Henry Ford's thinking still isn't in effect today. Margaret's is and is the woman democrats praise. Those quotes taken out of context, if Trump said the same thing would you defend him?
Which thinking do you oppose?
That poor people shouldn’t have more children?

Sounds very conservative

Apparently birth control is now racist.
No birth control is a good thing, but killing more black babies than are being born is racist.

Back then Sanger was advocating for birth control, not abortion. So, she was doing a good thing then, right?
She did what she could legally to try to end the black race. But we have people like Hillary still promoting what she wanted in record numbers.
Which thinking do you oppose?
That poor people shouldn’t have more children?

Sounds very conservative

Apparently birth control is now racist.
No birth control is a good thing, but killing more black babies than are being born is racist.

Back then Sanger was advocating for birth control, not abortion. So, she was doing a good thing then, right?
She wanted to exterminate the black race and her wishes are coming true. What part of that can't you realize?

You haven't demonstrated that she wanted to exterminate the black race, especially when she was an advocate for all women (not just blacks) having access to birth control.

Please, try for once to prove an honest point.
By her own words dumbass.
Do you want to start a thread about Sanger wanting to destroy the population of Switzerland?
Yes, please! Progressive societal engineers have a long history of knowing what is best for the poor feeble minded masses and then forcing them, like livestock, into pens where they can be managed or destroyed...whichever is easiest and most convenient. Sanger has been made a hero by people like Hillary Clinton, who herself is a dangerous defective minded cow who should have long ago gotten the pneumatic bolt stunner right between her eyes.
/——/ Embrace whatever the fu*k heritage you wish. Now read the link

GFY Assclown, read that.
/—-/ I did.
We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, 1939
Sanger had a concern that offering birth control into black areas would be interpreted as trying to cut down on the black population instead of offering women the freedom to choose.

Only a really stupid fuck like you would be so dishonest to try to twist it to mean something else Fuck you ignorant Trumpettes..
/——/ And If Donald Trump had said : “Birth control is nothing more or less than…weeding out the unfit.” You’d be oK with it.

When she said "unfit" she wasn't referring to any particular race and one example she used was from Germany another from Switzerland. This is where her brand of eugenics comes in:

One authority claims that out of our population of one hundred million only fifteen million can be regarded as intelligent. That eighty-five million have less than average mental capacity and compare to the youth of fifteen years--under this comes the morons, feebleminded, high grade imbeciles, then idiots, etc.

From this grade come paupers, prostitutes, criminals, tramps, inebriates, all tending to be born somewhat defective. The histories of some of the degenerate families have gone on record. Jukes in this country who in five generations produced 709 known descendants who were not only unfit but a constant and continuous danger and burden to society throughout the five generations.

In Germany a family more recently studied consisted of 834 known persons descended from a drunken vagabond woman, feebleminded but physically vigorous. The descendants were paupers, prostitutes, criminals, more feebleminded murderers. The direct cost to the Prussian State for the keep and care of this woman and her offspring had been a quarter of a million pounds or over a million dollars.

In Switzerland the Zeros family were a respectable middle class clan living in Swiss Valley but intermarried with an insane stock, subsequently married other women of feeble mentality. There has come to light three hundred and ten members of their family who were found to be vagrants, criminals, paupers, prostitutes, feebleminded and insane.

Do you want to start a thread about Sanger wanting to destroy the population of Switzerland?

EDIT: If it mattes, I disagree with Sanger but in now way is this some sort of philosophy held by PP.
/——/ Switzerland??? That’s what you claim she meant? Try to spin this one:
5) “Human beings who never should have been born at all.”

In “The Pivot of Civilization” and “A Plan for Peace,” Sanger describes the eugenic value of eliminating persons – minorities, the sick, and the disabled – through sterilization or segregation:
I am not a Democrat shit for brains, so I don't need to embrace a damn thing.
/——/ Embrace whatever the fu*k heritage you wish. Now read the link

GFY Assclown, read that.
/—-/ I did.
We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, 1939

That isn't proof or in any way demonstrate that Sanger was out to end the black race. She knew that if whites came into their neighborhood promoting anything it would be suspicious so she worked with local medical doctors of color to ease that population.

Let's also remember, we are talking about birth control here, not abortion.
/——/ “Sanger famously coined the term “birth control” with the intention of eliminating the reproduction of human beings who were considered “less fit.” In her writings from “Morality and Birth Control” and “Birth Control and the New Race,” the Planned Parenthood founder noted that the chief aim of the practice of birth control is to produce a “cleaner race.” Sanger’s vision for birth control was to prevent the birth of individuals whom she believed were unfit for mankind“

Which race? All of them? Just blacks? If so demonstrate that.

Yes, Sanger didn't want morons to breed. I don't want morons to breed, do you? I disagree with her philosophy as if anyone should be able to decide who can pro create other than making that decision for yourself which ultimately is what birth control does.

If Sanger is racist and becuase of that you derive that abortion is racist (even though that really wasn't her bag) then how come birth control isn't racist?
I am not a Democrat shit for brains, so I don't need to embrace a damn thing.
/——/ Embrace whatever the fu*k heritage you wish. Now read the link

GFY Assclown, read that.
/—-/ I did.
We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, 1939
Sanger had a concern that offering birth control into black areas would be interpreted as trying to cut down on the black population instead of offering women the freedom to choose.

Only a really stupid fuck like you would be so dishonest to try to twist it to mean something else Fuck you ignorant Trumpettes..
/——/ And If Donald Trump had said : “Birth control is nothing more or less than…weeding out the unfit.” You’d be oK with it.
The idea Trump is alive disproves that statement.

But back to your "quote"

Lots of ".............". Uhmmmmmmm. What did you leave out?

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