What’s the Difference Between Progressives and the KKK?

Who was he referring to? The Unite the Right march was organized by white supremacists.

It was organized by white supremacist but much of their publicity was dishonest about what the rally was about ie focusing almost solely on the historical statues in question, while not explicitly stating that there was to be white supremacists speakers and events, such as the tiki torch march.

Many, if not most of the people who showed up, were not white supremacists and were not there to support white supremacy.

That at this late date, you have not heard this, is quite the condemnation of your chosen sources of news.

RW implicitly admitted that he knew this because when he was called on it, instead of denying what I said about what Trump said, he attacked Trump's sincerity.

He did not state what Trump said, and then express his doubts, he misquoted what Trump said, in order to give the impression that Trump was talking about people that Rightwinger knew very well that Trump was NOT talking about.
Our President played the usual Trumpian game when called on his support of racists

He tries to take neither side.....just like he does with Putin, Kim Jong Un and Prince Salaman

You already admitted that he did not "support the racists" when you attacked the sincerity of his condemnation on them.

YOu don't to accuse him of not being sincere in his condemnation, AND claim that he supported them in the same thread.

THat is twice in one day you have been stone cold busted lying. You are getting more and more sloppy.

Our President supports the KKK

Just like you Klan Boy

Says the man busted lying today, three times.

Do you realize that if you have to lie to attack me, and/or Trump, that that means that on some level, you know that you are on the wrong side?
Self declared victories are so shallow

1. You failed to address the points made in my post, completely.

2. NOthing in your linked article, actually supports your claim. It makes a lot of accusations but without any supporting arguments or, god forbid, evidence.

I grew up in the South from the back in of Jim Crow until today, so I don't really need anyone to tell me what has happened in the South. I watched if from first hand experience.

Hard historical voting records trump personal observations.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

You're right, because it has never changed. The only thing that has changed is instead of being Democrats they are now Republicans.

Except that EVERYTHING has changed.

Nope a lot is still the same, it just seems as though it has changed.
Our President played the usual Trumpian game when called on his support of racists

He tries to take neither side.....just like he does with Putin, Kim Jong Un and Prince Salaman

Obungles: "If I had a son..."

Sit your stupid ass down clown
Travon Martin was murdered by a vigilante

Even SmellyIrishAss knows it

Martin was witnessed sitting on top of Zimmerman, beating him, "MMA style".

Yea MMA style, funny how all of that just came into play perfectly.

Your denial of facts you have been informed of many times, is another lie. Third time busted today.

The fact is that a coward with a gun got away with killing a black teenager.

1. An eyewitness looked out his window and saw Martin beating the shit out of Zimmerman. What about that is "funny" to you?

How convenient that no one else looked out their window, funny that the eyewitness just happened to look out his window when he claims that Trayvon was grounding and pounding this coward.

2. Self defense, is not getting away with anything.

Self-defense, that's a joke. If I need a gun for a 160lb teenager then I am a bitch.
Who was he referring to? The Unite the Right march was organized by white supremacists.

It was organized by white supremacist but much of their publicity was dishonest about what the rally was about ie focusing almost solely on the historical statues in question, while not explicitly stating that there was to be white supremacists speakers and events, such as the tiki torch march.

Many, if not most of the people who showed up, were not white supremacists and were not there to support white supremacy.

That at this late date, you have not heard this, is quite the condemnation of your chosen sources of news.

RW implicitly admitted that he knew this because when he was called on it, instead of denying what I said about what Trump said, he attacked Trump's sincerity.

He did not state what Trump said, and then express his doubts, he misquoted what Trump said, in order to give the impression that Trump was talking about people that Rightwinger knew very well that Trump was NOT talking about.

They communicated who the speakers were

The evening before the rally they were out with their tiki torches, it was widely broadcasted before the official racist rally even began.

Who was attending and who organized it was no secret. The fact is, the right doesn't care who they associate with as long as they agree with them.

David Duke even tweeted his approval.


They will not what?

Some very fine people my ass.

1. Those speakers have very little name recognition. Other than richard spencer I don't know any of them.

2. I didn't hear of the tiki torch march until after the death the next day. Most people don't care about the antics of the few white supremacists in the nation.

3. Your own post shows Duke's tweet getting retweeted TWO HUNDRED AND FIVE TIMES. That you present it as "evidence" that everyone must have known who was behind the rally, actually proves that your claim is obviously false.

How come over a dozen white nationalist groups showed up? Where were all these other protesters? When they saw these obvious racists with their uniforms would they have stuck around? Why is it the Charlottesville police department knew these hate groups were going to be there and nobody else?

Who marches along with racists and is not a racist? Where are they?

I mean other than people like this guy trolling the klan like thisl (different conservative rally)

At a certain point, you look around and say......these are not the people I want to associate with

That is what good people do

Agree. The defense is down to Hellen Keller types living in bunkers. The ones which had zero touch with the outside world, weren't able to see that Nazi's and Klan members were welcomed in and welcomed to start their chants, who ignored that the speakers weren't actual historians on the Civil War but rather leaders of Nazi and Klan groups...

At this point it's like defending the guy for murder because he didn't know if he loaded the gun and took off the safety and pulled the trigger while pointing it at someone else it would shoot.
It was organized by white supremacist but much of their publicity was dishonest about what the rally was about ie focusing almost solely on the historical statues in question, while not explicitly stating that there was to be white supremacists speakers and events, such as the tiki torch march.

Many, if not most of the people who showed up, were not white supremacists and were not there to support white supremacy.

That at this late date, you have not heard this, is quite the condemnation of your chosen sources of news.

RW implicitly admitted that he knew this because when he was called on it, instead of denying what I said about what Trump said, he attacked Trump's sincerity.

He did not state what Trump said, and then express his doubts, he misquoted what Trump said, in order to give the impression that Trump was talking about people that Rightwinger knew very well that Trump was NOT talking about.
Our President played the usual Trumpian game when called on his support of racists

He tries to take neither side.....just like he does with Putin, Kim Jong Un and Prince Salaman

You already admitted that he did not "support the racists" when you attacked the sincerity of his condemnation on them.

YOu don't to accuse him of not being sincere in his condemnation, AND claim that he supported them in the same thread.

THat is twice in one day you have been stone cold busted lying. You are getting more and more sloppy.

Our President supports the KKK

Just like you Klan Boy

Says the man busted lying today, three times.

Do you realize that if you have to lie to attack me, and/or Trump, that that means that on some level, you know that you are on the wrong side?
Self declared victories are so shallow

If a self declared victory is shallow,then what is it when you lie about what the President said, in order to support your accusation against him?

At least my self declared victory was not based on something I know was a lie.

Seriously dude. Considering the hate you show for me, I don't understand how you call allow yourself to be defined by me.

Have you tried to find a way to be a liberal, without being the incredibly unpleasant person you have become?
1. You failed to address the points made in my post, completely.

2. NOthing in your linked article, actually supports your claim. It makes a lot of accusations but without any supporting arguments or, god forbid, evidence.

I grew up in the South from the back in of Jim Crow until today, so I don't really need anyone to tell me what has happened in the South. I watched if from first hand experience.

Hard historical voting records trump personal observations.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

You're right, because it has never changed. The only thing that has changed is instead of being Democrats they are now Republicans.

Except that EVERYTHING has changed.

Nope a lot is still the same, it just seems as though it has changed.

You are living in the past.
Obungles: "If I had a son..."

Sit your stupid ass down clown
Travon Martin was murdered by a vigilante

Even SmellyIrishAss knows it

Martin was witnessed sitting on top of Zimmerman, beating him, "MMA style".

Yea MMA style, funny how all of that just came into play perfectly.

Your denial of facts you have been informed of many times, is another lie. Third time busted today.

The fact is that a coward with a gun got away with killing a black teenager.

1. An eyewitness looked out his window and saw Martin beating the shit out of Zimmerman. What about that is "funny" to you?

How convenient that no one else looked out their window, funny that the eyewitness just happened to look out his window when he claims that Trayvon was grounding and pounding this coward.

2. Self defense, is not getting away with anything.

Self-defense, that's a joke. If I need a gun for a 160lb teenager then I am a bitch.

1. Guy heard something and looked out the window. Other people didnt' hear it, or ignored it. What part of that seems "convenient" to you? Do you have any reason to doubt him, other than you WANT to believe that America is terribly racist?

2. If you say so. But "Bitches" have the right to self defense too. Or are you pushing the "Might Makes Right" philosophy?
It was organized by white supremacist but much of their publicity was dishonest about what the rally was about ie focusing almost solely on the historical statues in question, while not explicitly stating that there was to be white supremacists speakers and events, such as the tiki torch march.

Many, if not most of the people who showed up, were not white supremacists and were not there to support white supremacy.

That at this late date, you have not heard this, is quite the condemnation of your chosen sources of news.

RW implicitly admitted that he knew this because when he was called on it, instead of denying what I said about what Trump said, he attacked Trump's sincerity.

He did not state what Trump said, and then express his doubts, he misquoted what Trump said, in order to give the impression that Trump was talking about people that Rightwinger knew very well that Trump was NOT talking about.

They communicated who the speakers were

The evening before the rally they were out with their tiki torches, it was widely broadcasted before the official racist rally even began.

Who was attending and who organized it was no secret. The fact is, the right doesn't care who they associate with as long as they agree with them.

David Duke even tweeted his approval.


They will not what?

Some very fine people my ass.

1. Those speakers have very little name recognition. Other than richard spencer I don't know any of them.

2. I didn't hear of the tiki torch march until after the death the next day. Most people don't care about the antics of the few white supremacists in the nation.

3. Your own post shows Duke's tweet getting retweeted TWO HUNDRED AND FIVE TIMES. That you present it as "evidence" that everyone must have known who was behind the rally, actually proves that your claim is obviously false.

How come over a dozen white nationalist groups showed up? Where were all these other protesters? When they saw these obvious racists with their uniforms would they have stuck around? Why is it the Charlottesville police department knew these hate groups were going to be there and nobody else?

Who marches along with racists and is not a racist? Where are they?

I mean other than people like this guy trolling the klan like thisl (different conservative rally)

At a certain point, you look around and say......these are not the people I want to associate with

That is what good people do

Agree. The defense is down to Hellen Keller types living in bunkers. The ones which had zero touch with the outside world, weren't able to see that Nazi's and Klan members were welcomed in and welcomed to start their chants, who ignored that the speakers weren't actual historians on the Civil War but rather leaders of Nazi and Klan groups...

At this point it's like defending the guy for murder because he didn't know if he loaded the gun and took off the safety and pulled the trigger while pointing it at someone else it would shoot.

How many showed up the NEXT year, for the NEXT unite the right rally?
It was organized by white supremacist but much of their publicity was dishonest about what the rally was about ie focusing almost solely on the historical statues in question, while not explicitly stating that there was to be white supremacists speakers and events, such as the tiki torch march.

Many, if not most of the people who showed up, were not white supremacists and were not there to support white supremacy.

That at this late date, you have not heard this, is quite the condemnation of your chosen sources of news.

RW implicitly admitted that he knew this because when he was called on it, instead of denying what I said about what Trump said, he attacked Trump's sincerity.

He did not state what Trump said, and then express his doubts, he misquoted what Trump said, in order to give the impression that Trump was talking about people that Rightwinger knew very well that Trump was NOT talking about.

They communicated who the speakers were

The evening before the rally they were out with their tiki torches, it was widely broadcasted before the official racist rally even began.

Who was attending and who organized it was no secret. The fact is, the right doesn't care who they associate with as long as they agree with them.

David Duke even tweeted his approval.


They will not what?

Some very fine people my ass.

1. Those speakers have very little name recognition. Other than richard spencer I don't know any of them.

2. I didn't hear of the tiki torch march until after the death the next day. Most people don't care about the antics of the few white supremacists in the nation.

3. Your own post shows Duke's tweet getting retweeted TWO HUNDRED AND FIVE TIMES. That you present it as "evidence" that everyone must have known who was behind the rally, actually proves that your claim is obviously false.

How come over a dozen white nationalist groups showed up? Where were all these other protesters? When they saw these obvious racists with their uniforms would they have stuck around? Why is it the Charlottesville police department knew these hate groups were going to be there and nobody else?

Who marches along with racists and is not a racist? Where are they?

I mean other than people like this guy trolling the klan like thisl (different conservative rally)

At a certain point, you look around and say......these are not the people I want to associate with

That is what good people do

Agree. The defense is down to Hellen Keller types living in bunkers. The ones which had zero touch with the outside world, weren't able to see that Nazi's and Klan members were welcomed in and welcomed to start their chants, who ignored that the speakers weren't actual historians on the Civil War but rather leaders of Nazi and Klan groups...

At this point it's like defending the guy for murder because he didn't know if he loaded the gun and took off the safety and pulled the trigger while pointing it at someone else it would shoot.

That assembly quickly turned to hate and violence

Why would good people stick around?
Our President played the usual Trumpian game when called on his support of racists

He tries to take neither side.....just like he does with Putin, Kim Jong Un and Prince Salaman

You already admitted that he did not "support the racists" when you attacked the sincerity of his condemnation on them.

YOu don't to accuse him of not being sincere in his condemnation, AND claim that he supported them in the same thread.

THat is twice in one day you have been stone cold busted lying. You are getting more and more sloppy.

Our President supports the KKK

Just like you Klan Boy

Says the man busted lying today, three times.

Do you realize that if you have to lie to attack me, and/or Trump, that that means that on some level, you know that you are on the wrong side?
Self declared victories are so shallow

If a self declared victory is shallow,then what is it when you lie about what the President said, in order to support your accusation against him?

At least my self declared victory was not based on something I know was a lie.

Seriously dude. Considering the hate you show for me, I don't understand how you call allow yourself to be defined by me.

Have you tried to find a way to be a liberal, without being the incredibly unpleasant person you have become?
No need to lie about what our President said

All you need to do is roll tape Klan Boy
I grew up in the South from the back in of Jim Crow until today, so I don't really need anyone to tell me what has happened in the South. I watched if from first hand experience.

Hard historical voting records trump personal observations.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

You're right, because it has never changed. The only thing that has changed is instead of being Democrats they are now Republicans.

Except that EVERYTHING has changed.

Nope a lot is still the same, it just seems as though it has changed.

You are living in the past.

No I am living in today.
Travon Martin was murdered by a vigilante

Even SmellyIrishAss knows it

Martin was witnessed sitting on top of Zimmerman, beating him, "MMA style".

Yea MMA style, funny how all of that just came into play perfectly.

Your denial of facts you have been informed of many times, is another lie. Third time busted today.

The fact is that a coward with a gun got away with killing a black teenager.

1. An eyewitness looked out his window and saw Martin beating the shit out of Zimmerman. What about that is "funny" to you?

How convenient that no one else looked out their window, funny that the eyewitness just happened to look out his window when he claims that Trayvon was grounding and pounding this coward.

2. Self defense, is not getting away with anything.

Self-defense, that's a joke. If I need a gun for a 160lb teenager then I am a bitch.

1. Guy heard something and looked out the window. Other people didnt' hear it, or ignored it. What part of that seems "convenient" to you? Do you have any reason to doubt him, other than you WANT to believe that America is terribly racist?

Yea everybody else just ignored it, but not this concerned citizen. Yea because we have seen this shit too many times. He claims he saw Trayvon pounding on the cowards head and yet the coward had not Mark's and bruises on his grill. Trayvon had one scratch on his ring finger. Was Trayvon shadow punching him.

2. If you say so. But "Bitches" have the right to self defense too. Or are you pushing the "Might Makes Right" philosophy?

No I am applying something called "common sense". You have yet to explain how a man sliding in wet grass had no stains on his clothes. I'm sorry, if you ate a grown man and you need a gun for a 160lb teenager in a altercation you started, you are a bitch.
Hard historical voting records trump personal observations.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

You're right, because it has never changed. The only thing that has changed is instead of being Democrats they are now Republicans.

Except that EVERYTHING has changed.

Nope a lot is still the same, it just seems as though it has changed.

You are living in the past.

No I am living in today.

Nope. Totally ignoring the last 50 or 60 years of change, especially in the South.
Martin was witnessed sitting on top of Zimmerman, beating him, "MMA style".

Yea MMA style, funny how all of that just came into play perfectly.

Your denial of facts you have been informed of many times, is another lie. Third time busted today.

The fact is that a coward with a gun got away with killing a black teenager.

1. An eyewitness looked out his window and saw Martin beating the shit out of Zimmerman. What about that is "funny" to you?

How convenient that no one else looked out their window, funny that the eyewitness just happened to look out his window when he claims that Trayvon was grounding and pounding this coward.

2. Self defense, is not getting away with anything.

Self-defense, that's a joke. If I need a gun for a 160lb teenager then I am a bitch.

1. Guy heard something and looked out the window. Other people didnt' hear it, or ignored it. What part of that seems "convenient" to you? Do you have any reason to doubt him, other than you WANT to believe that America is terribly racist?

Yea everybody else just ignored it, but not this concerned citizen. Yea because we have seen this shit too many times. He claims he saw Trayvon pounding on the cowards head and yet the coward had not Mark's and bruises on his grill. Trayvon had one scratch on his ring finger. Was Trayvon shadow punching him.

2. If you say so. But "Bitches" have the right to self defense too. Or are you pushing the "Might Makes Right" philosophy?

No I am applying something called "common sense". You have yet to explain how a man sliding in wet grass had no stains on his clothes. I'm sorry, if you ate a grown man and you need a gun for a 160lb teenager in a altercation you started, you are a bitch.

1. You are ignoring the fact of this particular instance because of your belief that America is soooo racist. This is not fair to the accused. He needs to be considered based on the facts of THIS case. There is nothing suspicious about the fact that only one person looked out of their window.

2. Attacking Zimmerman for not being manly, is not "common sense" but the type of thing you do, when you know that you are being unfair to him, and are trying to justify it to yourself.

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