What’s the Difference Between Progressives and the KKK?

They do have ONE example. Ask him to name TWO.
so far he hasnt named one,

Hell there are plenty. Strom Thurmond was a Democrat that became a Republican, Jesse Helms was a Democrat that became a Republican, Jeff Sessions, Trent Lott. Remember this change took place during the 70s.

Your party banned the flag of Mississippi at the DNC and flew the flag of Palestine but you keep preaching....

My party, didn't realize I had one. Neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant.

Your avatar says otherwise.

How so?
Bunch of angry white men
Trump voters

There were like 200 people in Charlottesville. How
Many in Ferguson? A bunch of angry Democrats looting?
Protesting a murder?

Looting innocent store owners and their property? That’s protest? And the police officers were found innocent. You see what you want to see.

99.9% of the time they are found innocent, but history in America shows that the system protects them and allows them to get away with murder.

If you researched that particular case, they were innocent.

No they weren't innocent.
They do have ONE example. Ask him to name TWO.
so far he hasnt named one,

Hell there are plenty. Strom Thurmond was a Democrat that became a Republican, Jesse Helms was a Democrat that became a Republican, Jeff Sessions, Trent Lott. Remember this change took place during the 70s.

Jesse Helms

In domestic affairs, Helms promoted industrial development in the South, seeking low taxes and few labor unions so as to attract northern and international corporations to relocate to North Carolina.

Jesse Helms was a straight up racist.

What does that have to do with him delivering manufacturing jobs?


Yea nobody minds him being a racist because he might be manufacturing jobs for white folks.
What's the difference between the KKK and liberals? We don't march in racist rallies, that kind of shit is for the modern day Republican.

That is very true, the left plays nice, however the racism is there, I have seen it, they look down upon other races and believe that without their help, they will fail because they aren’t as smart as they are.

Sure, bud. I know you want to think that, it's simply not true. But thanks for agreeing that Republicans (Conservatives really) have a ton of racists.

Hillary called black teenagers super predators, Biden made a comment of Obama being the first clean black candidate for President. Biden also praised Obama’s speaking ability even though he was black.

Again lots of proof that Democrats are racist, they are more diplomatic than Republicans.

One was his vice president and the other his secretary of state and endorsed Obama for president. Older generations still tend to say not great things about minorities. And then there is the right who say tings like "Jews will not replace us" and then the president says some of those are fine people and then the right (young and old) carry water for him.

Like I said, they aren’t going to do it openly and the left just defends it anyway.
What's the difference between the KKK and liberals? We don't march in racist rallies, that kind of shit is for the modern day Republican.

That is very true, the left plays nice, however the racism is there, I have seen it, they look down upon other races and believe that without their help, they will fail because they aren’t as smart as they are.

Sure, bud. I know you want to think that, it's simply not true. But thanks for agreeing that Republicans (Conservatives really) have a ton of racists.

Hillary called black teenagers super predators, Biden made a comment of Obama being the first clean black candidate for President. Biden also praised Obama’s speaking ability even though he was black.

Again lots of proof that Democrats are racist, they are more diplomatic than Republicans.

Yep the Democratic Party is full of bigots, but the hardcore racist run republican.
That is very true, the left plays nice, however the racism is there, I have seen it, they look down upon other races and believe that without their help, they will fail because they aren’t as smart as they are.

Sure, bud. I know you want to think that, it's simply not true. But thanks for agreeing that Republicans (Conservatives really) have a ton of racists.

Hillary called black teenagers super predators, Biden made a comment of Obama being the first clean black candidate for President. Biden also praised Obama’s speaking ability even though he was black.

Again lots of proof that Democrats are racist, they are more diplomatic than Republicans.

One was his vice president and the other his secretary of state and endorsed Obama for president. Older generations still tend to say not great things about minorities. And then there is the right who say tings like "Jews will not replace us" and then the president says some of those are fine people and then the right (young and old) carry water for him.

Like I said, they aren’t going to do it openly and the left just defends it anyway.
What's the difference between the KKK and liberals? We don't march in racist rallies, that kind of shit is for the modern day Republican.

That is very true, the left plays nice, however the racism is there, I have seen it, they look down upon other races and believe that without their help, they will fail because they aren’t as smart as they are.

Sure, bud. I know you want to think that, it's simply not true. But thanks for agreeing that Republicans (Conservatives really) have a ton of racists.

Hillary called black teenagers super predators, Biden made a comment of Obama being the first clean black candidate for President. Biden also praised Obama’s speaking ability even though he was black.

Again lots of proof that Democrats are racist, they are more diplomatic than Republicans.

Yep the Democratic Party is full of bigots, but the hardcore racist run republican.

how so ???
so far he hasnt named one,

Hell there are plenty. Strom Thurmond was a Democrat that became a Republican, Jesse Helms was a Democrat that became a Republican, Jeff Sessions, Trent Lott. Remember this change took place during the 70s.

Jesse Helms

In domestic affairs, Helms promoted industrial development in the South, seeking low taxes and few labor unions so as to attract northern and international corporations to relocate to North Carolina.

Jesse Helms was a straight up racist.

What does that have to do with him delivering manufacturing jobs?


Yea nobody minds him being a racist because he might be manufacturing jobs for white folks.

You are the one posting racist, you can't figure out the younger generation started voting republican for manufacturing jobs and they delivered?

What's the difference between the KKK and liberals? We don't march in racist rallies, that kind of shit is for the modern day Republican.

That is very true, the left plays nice, however the racism is there, I have seen it, they look down upon other races and believe that without their help, they will fail because they aren’t as smart as they are.

Sure, bud. I know you want to think that, it's simply not true. But thanks for agreeing that Republicans (Conservatives really) have a ton of racists.

Hillary called black teenagers super predators, Biden made a comment of Obama being the first clean black candidate for President. Biden also praised Obama’s speaking ability even though he was black.

Again lots of proof that Democrats are racist, they are more diplomatic than Republicans.

Hillary called some black teens super predators. What conservatives have claimed for generations

Biden was correct about Obama .......he was different from the typical black candidate. The only way he could have won

More apologies from the left, like I have said, they hide it well and the base excuses and defend the conduct. It is what the left has done for a long long time.

No apologies and no outrage
That is very true, the left plays nice, however the racism is there, I have seen it, they look down upon other races and believe that without their help, they will fail because they aren’t as smart as they are.

Sure, bud. I know you want to think that, it's simply not true. But thanks for agreeing that Republicans (Conservatives really) have a ton of racists.

Hillary called black teenagers super predators, Biden made a comment of Obama being the first clean black candidate for President. Biden also praised Obama’s speaking ability even though he was black.

Again lots of proof that Democrats are racist, they are more diplomatic than Republicans.

One was his vice president and the other his secretary of state and endorsed Obama for president. Older generations still tend to say not great things about minorities. And then there is the right who say tings like "Jews will not replace us" and then the president says some of those are fine people and then the right (young and old) carry water for him.

Like I said, they aren’t going to do it openly and the left just defends it anyway.
What's the difference between the KKK and liberals? We don't march in racist rallies, that kind of shit is for the modern day Republican.

That is very true, the left plays nice, however the racism is there, I have seen it, they look down upon other races and believe that without their help, they will fail because they aren’t as smart as they are.

Sure, bud. I know you want to think that, it's simply not true. But thanks for agreeing that Republicans (Conservatives really) have a ton of racists.

Hillary called black teenagers super predators, Biden made a comment of Obama being the first clean black candidate for President. Biden also praised Obama’s speaking ability even though he was black.

Again lots of proof that Democrats are racist, they are more diplomatic than Republicans.

Yep the Democratic Party is full of bigots, but the hardcore racist run republican.

If that is what you need to believe, however we all know racists are on both sides.
That is very true, the left plays nice, however the racism is there, I have seen it, they look down upon other races and believe that without their help, they will fail because they aren’t as smart as they are.

Sure, bud. I know you want to think that, it's simply not true. But thanks for agreeing that Republicans (Conservatives really) have a ton of racists.

Hillary called black teenagers super predators, Biden made a comment of Obama being the first clean black candidate for President. Biden also praised Obama’s speaking ability even though he was black.

Again lots of proof that Democrats are racist, they are more diplomatic than Republicans.

Hillary called some black teens super predators. What conservatives have claimed for generations

Biden was correct about Obama .......he was different from the typical black candidate. The only way he could have won

More apologies from the left, like I have said, they hide it well and the base excuses and defend the conduct. It is what the left has done for a long long time.

No apologies and no outrage

Yes, you did. As long as we make excuses we call all feel better, right?
Sure, bud. I know you want to think that, it's simply not true. But thanks for agreeing that Republicans (Conservatives really) have a ton of racists.

Hillary called black teenagers super predators, Biden made a comment of Obama being the first clean black candidate for President. Biden also praised Obama’s speaking ability even though he was black.

Again lots of proof that Democrats are racist, they are more diplomatic than Republicans.

Hillary called some black teens super predators. What conservatives have claimed for generations

Biden was correct about Obama .......he was different from the typical black candidate. The only way he could have won

More apologies from the left, like I have said, they hide it well and the base excuses and defend the conduct. It is what the left has done for a long long time.

No apologies and no outrage

Yes, you did. As long as we make excuses we call all feel better, right?
Fake outrage from Conservatives gets you nowhere
Hillary called black teenagers super predators, Biden made a comment of Obama being the first clean black candidate for President. Biden also praised Obama’s speaking ability even though he was black.

Again lots of proof that Democrats are racist, they are more diplomatic than Republicans.

Hillary called some black teens super predators. What conservatives have claimed for generations

Biden was correct about Obama .......he was different from the typical black candidate. The only way he could have won

More apologies from the left, like I have said, they hide it well and the base excuses and defend the conduct. It is what the left has done for a long long time.

No apologies and no outrage

Yes, you did. As long as we make excuses we call all feel better, right?
Fake outrage from Conservatives gets you nowhere

No outrage, it has been going on for decades and the fact the left makes excuses is fine by me. I just choose to see right through the BS.
Hillary called some black teens super predators. What conservatives have claimed for generations

Biden was correct about Obama .......he was different from the typical black candidate. The only way he could have won

More apologies from the left, like I have said, they hide it well and the base excuses and defend the conduct. It is what the left has done for a long long time.

No apologies and no outrage

Yes, you did. As long as we make excuses we call all feel better, right?
Fake outrage from Conservatives gets you nowhere

No outrage, it has been going on for decades and the fact the left makes excuses is fine by me. I just choose to see right through the BS.
Sure you do
Bunch of angry white men
Trump voters

There were like 200 people in Charlottesville. How
Many in Ferguson? A bunch of angry Democrats looting?
Protesting a murder?

Looting innocent store owners and their property? That’s protest? And the police officers were found innocent. You see what you want to see.

99.9% of the time they are found innocent, but history in America shows that the system protects them and allows them to get away with murder.
Cops are given wide latitude in shooting incidents
Doesn’t mean they are innocent

In that specific case they didn’t do anything wrong and people looted innocent businesses. Dude, you need to return that diploma to the U of B.
so far he hasnt named one,

Hell there are plenty. Strom Thurmond was a Democrat that became a Republican, Jesse Helms was a Democrat that became a Republican, Jeff Sessions, Trent Lott. Remember this change took place during the 70s.

Your party banned the flag of Mississippi at the DNC and flew the flag of Palestine but you keep preaching....

My party, didn't realize I had one. Neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant.

Your avatar says otherwise.

How so?

Take a guess
More apologies from the left, like I have said, they hide it well and the base excuses and defend the conduct. It is what the left has done for a long long time.

No apologies and no outrage

Yes, you did. As long as we make excuses we call all feel better, right?
Fake outrage from Conservatives gets you nowhere

No outrage, it has been going on for decades and the fact the left makes excuses is fine by me. I just choose to see right through the BS.
Sure you do

I do, I watch and observe, Ben Carson and Herman Cain will tell you about racism.
"Jews will not replace us", "Blood and soil". It's like apple pie and baseball with those fucks that showed up.
Some of them are good people

He specifically stated, twice, that he was not referring to those people.

SO, why you lie about that?

Who was he referring to? The Unite the Right march was organized by white supremacists.

It was organized by white supremacist but much of their publicity was dishonest about what the rally was about ie focusing almost solely on the historical statues in question, while not explicitly stating that there was to be white supremacists speakers and events, such as the tiki torch march.

Many, if not most of the people who showed up, were not white supremacists and were not there to support white supremacy.

That at this late date, you have not heard this, is quite the condemnation of your chosen sources of news.

RW implicitly admitted that he knew this because when he was called on it, instead of denying what I said about what Trump said, he attacked Trump's sincerity.

He did not state what Trump said, and then express his doubts, he misquoted what Trump said, in order to give the impression that Trump was talking about people that Rightwinger knew very well that Trump was NOT talking about.

They communicated who the speakers were

The evening before the rally they were out with their tiki torches, it was widely broadcasted before the official racist rally even began.

Who was attending and who organized it was no secret. The fact is, the right doesn't care who they associate with as long as they agree with them.

David Duke even tweeted his approval.


They will not what?

Some very fine people my ass.

1. Those speakers have very little name recognition. Other than richard spencer I don't know any of them.

2. I didn't hear of the tiki torch march until after the death the next day. Most people don't care about the antics of the few white supremacists in the nation.

3. Your own post shows Duke's tweet getting retweeted TWO HUNDRED AND FIVE TIMES. That you present it as "evidence" that everyone must have known who was behind the rally, actually proves that your claim is obviously false.
Some of them are good people

He specifically stated, twice, that he was not referring to those people.

SO, why you lie about that?

Who was he referring to? The Unite the Right march was organized by white supremacists.

It was organized by white supremacist but much of their publicity was dishonest about what the rally was about ie focusing almost solely on the historical statues in question, while not explicitly stating that there was to be white supremacists speakers and events, such as the tiki torch march.

Many, if not most of the people who showed up, were not white supremacists and were not there to support white supremacy.

That at this late date, you have not heard this, is quite the condemnation of your chosen sources of news.

RW implicitly admitted that he knew this because when he was called on it, instead of denying what I said about what Trump said, he attacked Trump's sincerity.

He did not state what Trump said, and then express his doubts, he misquoted what Trump said, in order to give the impression that Trump was talking about people that Rightwinger knew very well that Trump was NOT talking about.

They communicated who the speakers were

The evening before the rally they were out with their tiki torches, it was widely broadcasted before the official racist rally even began.

Who was attending and who organized it was no secret. The fact is, the right doesn't care who they associate with as long as they agree with them.

David Duke even tweeted his approval.


They will not what?

Some very fine people my ass.

1. Those speakers have very little name recognition. Other than richard spencer I don't know any of them.

2. I didn't hear of the tiki torch march until after the death the next day. Most people don't care about the antics of the few white supremacists in the nation.

3. Your own post shows Duke's tweet getting retweeted TWO HUNDRED AND FIVE TIMES. That you present it as "evidence" that everyone must have known who was behind the rally, actually proves that your claim is obviously false.

How come over a dozen white nationalist groups showed up? Where were all these other protesters? When they saw these obvious racists with their uniforms would they have stuck around? Why is it the Charlottesville police department knew these hate groups were going to be there and nobody else?

Who marches along with racists and is not a racist? Where are they?

I mean other than people like this guy trolling the klan like thisl (different conservative rally)

Yep, its like they say, Dimocrats haven't been this mad since Republicans took away their ability to rape black kids whenever they wanted under slavery.
He specifically stated, twice, that he was not referring to those people.

SO, why you lie about that?

Who was he referring to? The Unite the Right march was organized by white supremacists.

It was organized by white supremacist but much of their publicity was dishonest about what the rally was about ie focusing almost solely on the historical statues in question, while not explicitly stating that there was to be white supremacists speakers and events, such as the tiki torch march.

Many, if not most of the people who showed up, were not white supremacists and were not there to support white supremacy.

That at this late date, you have not heard this, is quite the condemnation of your chosen sources of news.

RW implicitly admitted that he knew this because when he was called on it, instead of denying what I said about what Trump said, he attacked Trump's sincerity.

He did not state what Trump said, and then express his doubts, he misquoted what Trump said, in order to give the impression that Trump was talking about people that Rightwinger knew very well that Trump was NOT talking about.

They communicated who the speakers were

The evening before the rally they were out with their tiki torches, it was widely broadcasted before the official racist rally even began.

Who was attending and who organized it was no secret. The fact is, the right doesn't care who they associate with as long as they agree with them.

David Duke even tweeted his approval.


They will not what?

Some very fine people my ass.

1. Those speakers have very little name recognition. Other than richard spencer I don't know any of them.

2. I didn't hear of the tiki torch march until after the death the next day. Most people don't care about the antics of the few white supremacists in the nation.

3. Your own post shows Duke's tweet getting retweeted TWO HUNDRED AND FIVE TIMES. That you present it as "evidence" that everyone must have known who was behind the rally, actually proves that your claim is obviously false.

How come over a dozen white nationalist groups showed up? Where were all these other protesters? When they saw these obvious racists with their uniforms would they have stuck around? Why is it the Charlottesville police department knew these hate groups were going to be there and nobody else?

Who marches along with racists and is not a racist? Where are they?

I mean other than people like this guy trolling the klan like thisl (different conservative rally)

At a certain point, you look around and say......these are not the people I want to associate with

That is what good people do

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