What’s the Difference Between Progressives and the KKK?

Do you want to start a thread about Sanger wanting to destroy the population of Switzerland?
Yes, please! Progressive societal engineers have a long history of knowing what is best for the poor feeble minded masses and then forcing them, like livestock, into pens where they can be managed or destroyed...whichever is easiest and most convenient. Sanger has been made a hero by people like Hillary Clinton, who herself is a dangerous defective minded cow who should have long ago gotten the pneumatic bolt stunner right between her eyes.

I think like most people Sanger, Lincoln, FDR it's complicated. What is their legacy? Usually comes down to what was their greater impact. For Sanger it was easier access to birth control for women, for FDR it was...well, not being Hoover, The New Deal and WWII, Lincoln, the civil war and many who consider him to be the greatest president we've had, certainly the best Republican. However none of these people were perfect, far from it.

SO, when someone praises FDR they aren't endorsing Japanese internment camps. Or Lincoln, when they speak highly of the emancipation proclamation or his Gettysburg address doesn't mean they support his actions on Native American genocide. Same with Sanger, nobody is celebrating the lady's crazy views on eugenics.

You need to look at the time in which she lived. Racism was rampant, women had no rights, eugenics was a new concept being discussed, birth control was not talked about
I think like most people Sanger, Lincoln, FDR it's complicated. What is their legacy? Usually comes down to what was their greater impact. For Sanger it was easier access to birth control for women, for FDR it was...well, not being Hoover, The New Deal and WWII, Lincoln, the civil war and many who consider him to be the greatest president we've had, certainly the best Republican. However none of these people were perfect, far from it.

SO, when someone praises FDR they aren't endorsing Japanese internment camps. Or Lincoln, when they speak highly of the emancipation proclamation or his Gettysburg address doesn't mean they support his actions on Native American genocide. Same with Sanger, nobody is celebrating the ladies crazy views on eugenics.
The problem is some people do indeed hold up Margaret Sanger as some sort of secular saint and much more often than not that comes out as uncritical adulation and a yearning for unfettered abortion which borders on infanticide.

Lincoln did much more good than not. FDR decidedly less so and Sanger simply was a zealot whose wish to emancipate women from unwanted pregnancies was noble and good but her views on eugenics made her more of a fanatic than reformer.

The difference....there are millions of silly people who call themselves "progressives' while there are about 10 people who call themselves kkk.........and the progressives created the kkk after the civil war to supress Blacks......whereas today, the progressives supress blacks with their policies instead of outright violence...

You seem to misunderstand what a progressive is

Progressives were the abolitionists
Conservatives were the slave holders

Wrong again

You're welcome to join the debate, but this is a pot luck so you actually have bring something to the table.
Sanger was a racist and she wanted to do away with minorities. Yes the Ford corporation still sells cars, but I'm sure the owner still doesn't think the same as the original owner did. But Sanger's vision is still going on at planned parenthood. More black babies killed than born.

The current leader of PP does believe in Eugenecs and fyi, once again Sanger was not an advocate for abortion.
She was a racist and Hillary's mentor. A recent representative of your party.

Everyone was a racist back then, Sanger didn't advocate for killing/ending or destroying any race, not a single time.

Clinton praised Sanger for her work in ensuring women of all races had access to birth control, not eugenics.
Back peddling I see. Let's see, Trent Lott had to step down as leader because he said Strong Thurmond would've been a great president. When he tried to make an old man feel good on his birthday. So by liberal thinking Hillary is also a racist.

Strom Thurmond was a racist.

Trent Lott should have known better.

Hillary was not racist.
Got it Lott tried to make an old man feel better so he had to be punished, but Hillary's mentor was a racist and wanted to exterminate the black race. But she isn't a racist? Lol
No birth control is a good thing, but killing more black babies than are being born is racist.

Back then Sanger was advocating for birth control, not abortion. So, she was doing a good thing then, right?
She wanted to exterminate the black race and her wishes are coming true. What part of that can't you realize?
Where did she say she wanted to exterminate blacks?
You must be making shit up
Like I asked happy, if Trump said the same thing about blacks as she did. You wouldn't call him racist?
You are wrong about what you think Sanger said. You've been told.
Nope, she hated the black race and she wasn't shy about it.

equal rights for women, LGBTQ and minorities. Differences in the confederate flag and basically the civil war. Progressives come from all religious backgrounds. I suppose the KKK is against any kind of legal immigration from south of the border and of course they are white nationalists.

On top of that I would assume that most kkk members voted for Trump.
You left out making sure women can never again hope to compete to win in athletic events.

Are you referring to transgendered women in sports? That's out of left field and in an odd way you just disproved your own OP. Good Job!
No, I’m referring to the left wanting men to compete in women’s sports so women can’t win

Don’t suppose you can prove that.

Didn’t think so.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No birth control is a good thing, but killing more black babies than are being born is racist.

Back then Sanger was advocating for birth control, not abortion. So, she was doing a good thing then, right?
She wanted to exterminate the black race and her wishes are coming true. What part of that can't you realize?
Where did she say she wanted to exterminate blacks?
You must be making shit up
Like I asked happy, if Trump said the same thing about blacks as she did. You wouldn't call him racist?

Yes, if Trump called blacks "negroes" then yeah, I would think that's racist. Can you tell the difference?
But Sanger wasn't?
Leftists are:

1) Anti Free Speech. To them speech may be violence.

2) Anti Israel and overtly antisemitic. Not one Democrat attended the embassy opening in Jerusalem. They flew the flag of Palestine at the DNC and burned the Israeli flag outside of it. They elected open antisemites to Congress.

3) Anti women. To them men may identify as women as compete vs women and young girls in sports. I experienced this first hand coaching my 6th grade daughter’s AAU team.

4) Do not believe there is a crisis at the border because they are willfully ignorant. Even left leaning 60 Minutes dedicated a segment to this.

5) Racist vs African Americans. They provide incentives for single motherhood via the welfare program. Affirmative Action means they believe black persons would not succeed without Government aid. Planned Parenthood has killed 19mil black babies since inception.


1) Only number maybe 10k.

2) Believe they make America better by keeping it white Protestant. Don’t hate Israel but want all Jews in the US to move there.

3) Overtly racist toward non whites and Catholics.

4) Anti Immigration unless from Scandinavian countries. Maybe.

5) Have zero influence on US politics.
Back then Sanger was advocating for birth control, not abortion. So, she was doing a good thing then, right?
She wanted to exterminate the black race and her wishes are coming true. What part of that can't you realize?
Where did she say she wanted to exterminate blacks?
You must be making shit up
Like I asked happy, if Trump said the same thing about blacks as she did. You wouldn't call him racist?
You are wrong about what you think Sanger said. You've been told.
Nope, she hated the black race and she wasn't shy about it.
Show us where she said that
Do you want to start a thread about Sanger wanting to destroy the population of Switzerland?
Yes, please! Progressive societal engineers have a long history of knowing what is best for the poor feeble minded masses and then forcing them, like livestock, into pens where they can be managed or destroyed...whichever is easiest and most convenient. Sanger has been made a hero by people like Hillary Clinton, who herself is a dangerous defective minded cow who should have long ago gotten the pneumatic bolt stunner right between her eyes.

I think like most people Sanger, Lincoln, FDR it's complicated. What is their legacy? Usually comes down to what was their greater impact. For Sanger it was easier access to birth control for women, for FDR it was...well, not being Hoover, The New Deal and WWII, Lincoln, the civil war and many who consider him to be the greatest president we've had, certainly the best Republican. However none of these people were perfect, far from it.

SO, when someone praises FDR they aren't endorsing Japanese internment camps. Or Lincoln, when they speak highly of the emancipation proclamation or his Gettysburg address doesn't mean they support his actions on Native American genocide. Same with Sanger, nobody is celebrating the lady's crazy views on eugenics.

You need to look at the time in which she lived. Racism was rampant, women had no rights, eugenics was a new concept being discussed, birth control was not talked about

I totally agree with you. Eugenics, spiritualism, some crazy shit people were into in the early 20th century. Sanger made birth control accessible and that is her legacy and I haven't seen a shred of evidence that her motives were race based. She did want to try to get feeble minded people not to breed however that was not based on race and it's where I tend to draw the line with her, but like I said in my post, our heroes are complicated.
Leftists are:

1) Anti Free Speech. To them speech may be violence.

2) Anti Israel and overtly antisemitic. Not one Democrat attended the embassy opening in Jerusalem. They flew the flag of Palestine at the DNC and burned the Israeli flag outside of it. They elected open antisemites to Congress.

3) Anti women. To them men may identify as women as compete vs women and young girls in sports. I experienced this first hand coaching my 6th grade daughter’s AAU team.

4) Do not believe there is a crisis at the border because they are willfully ignorant. Even left leaning 60 Minutes dedicated a segment to this.

5) Racist vs African Americans. They provide incentives for single motherhood via the welfare program. Affirmative Action means they believe black persons would not succeed without Government aid. Planned Parenthood has killed 19mil black babies since inception.


1) Only number maybe 10k.

2) Believe they make America better by keeping it white Protestant. Don’t hate Israel but want all Jews in the US to move there.

3) Overtly racist toward non whites and Catholics.

4) Anti Immigration unless from Scandinavian countries. Maybe.

5) Have zero influence on US politics.
Straw....meet man
No birth control is a good thing, but killing more black babies than are being born is racist.

Back then Sanger was advocating for birth control, not abortion. So, she was doing a good thing then, right?
She wanted to exterminate the black race and her wishes are coming true. What part of that can't you realize?
Where did she say she wanted to exterminate blacks?
You must be making shit up
Like I asked happy, if Trump said the same thing about blacks as she did. You wouldn't call him racist?

Where did she say she wanted to exterminate blacks?
That's what she wanted to do, but we know facts doesn't matter to you if the person is a liberal.

The difference....there are millions of silly people who call themselves "progressives' while there are about 10 people who call themselves kkk.........and the progressives created the kkk after the civil war to supress Blacks......whereas today, the progressives supress blacks with their policies instead of outright violence...

You seem to misunderstand what a progressive is

Progressives were the abolitionists
Conservatives were the slave holders

Wrong again

You're welcome to join the debate, but this is a pot luck so you actually have bring something to the table.
Above her pay grade
Back then Sanger was advocating for birth control, not abortion. So, she was doing a good thing then, right?
She wanted to exterminate the black race and her wishes are coming true. What part of that can't you realize?
Where did she say she wanted to exterminate blacks?
You must be making shit up
Like I asked happy, if Trump said the same thing about blacks as she did. You wouldn't call him racist?

Yes, if Trump called blacks "negroes" then yeah, I would think that's racist. Can you tell the difference?
But Sanger wasn't?

I'm pretty sure almost everyone in 1916 was a racist by today's standard. I'd expect someone to use the word "negro" back then, not so much today.

I would say you don't understand nuance, but there would need to be some nuance in what I'm saying to begin with. This is pretty basic stuff.
She wanted to exterminate the black race and her wishes are coming true. What part of that can't you realize?
Where did she say she wanted to exterminate blacks?
You must be making shit up
Like I asked happy, if Trump said the same thing about blacks as she did. You wouldn't call him racist?
You are wrong about what you think Sanger said. You've been told.
Nope, she hated the black race and she wasn't shy about it.
Show us where she said that
The links are provided in this forum. Happy Joy said her comments were taken out of context.
She wanted to exterminate the black race and her wishes are coming true. What part of that can't you realize?
Where did she say she wanted to exterminate blacks?
You must be making shit up
Like I asked happy, if Trump said the same thing about blacks as she did. You wouldn't call him racist?
You are wrong about what you think Sanger said. You've been told.
Nope, she hated the black race and she wasn't shy about it.
Show us where she said that

That is like asking someone to show proof that Hitler hates Jews? Odd.
She wanted to exterminate the black race and her wishes are coming true. What part of that can't you realize?
Where did she say she wanted to exterminate blacks?
You must be making shit up
Like I asked happy, if Trump said the same thing about blacks as she did. You wouldn't call him racist?

Yes, if Trump called blacks "negroes" then yeah, I would think that's racist. Can you tell the difference?
But Sanger wasn't?

I'm pretty sure almost everyone in 1916 was a racist by today's standard. I'd expect someone to use the word "negro" back then, not so much today.

I would say you don't understand nuance, but there would need to be some nuance in what I'm saying to begin with. This is pretty basic stuff.

Yes. There were a lot of racists and sexists back then. Just because it was par for the course doesn’t make it right.
She wanted to exterminate the black race and her wishes are coming true. What part of that can't you realize?
Where did she say she wanted to exterminate blacks?
You must be making shit up
Like I asked happy, if Trump said the same thing about blacks as she did. You wouldn't call him racist?

Yes, if Trump called blacks "negroes" then yeah, I would think that's racist. Can you tell the difference?
But Sanger wasn't?

I'm pretty sure almost everyone in 1916 was a racist by today's standard. I'd expect someone to use the word "negro" back then, not so much today.
Like I said Lott just said Thurmond would've made a great president and he was a racist, but Hillary praises Sanger and she is applauded. No bias there.
Show us where she said that

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