What’s the Difference Between Progressives and the KKK?

Leftists are:

1) Anti Free Speech. To them speech may be violence.

2) Anti Israel and overtly antisemitic. Not one Democrat attended the embassy opening in Jerusalem. They flew the flag of Palestine at the DNC and burned the Israeli flag outside of it. They elected open antisemites to Congress.

3) Anti women. To them men may identify as women as compete vs women and young girls in sports. I experienced this first hand coaching my 6th grade daughter’s AAU team.

4) Do not believe there is a crisis at the border because they are willfully ignorant. Even left leaning 60 Minutes dedicated a segment to this.

5) Racist vs African Americans. They provide incentives for single motherhood via the welfare program. Affirmative Action means they believe black persons would not succeed without Government aid. Planned Parenthood has killed 19mil black babies since inception.


1) Only number maybe 10k.

2) Believe they make America better by keeping it white Protestant. Don’t hate Israel but want all Jews in the US to move there.

3) Overtly racist toward non whites and Catholics.

4) Anti Immigration unless from Scandinavian countries. Maybe.

5) Have zero influence on US politics.
Straw....meet man

LOL, his post is a fire hazard.

The Wizard of Oz wants to give it a brain.
I totally agree with you. Eugenics, spiritualism, some crazy shit people were into in the early 20th century. Sanger made birth control OK and I haven't seen a shred of evidence that her motives were race based. She did want to try to get feeble minded people not to breed however that was not based on race and it's where I tend to draw the line with her, but like I said in my post, our heroes are complicated.
Sanger made speeches to KKK women in secret locations so you have to say she treated both ends of the racial spectrum equally, also meeting with black communities. She was only concerned with the problem of unwanted pregnancies though many of her views on race were troubling to say the least.

Her eugenics becomes extremely messy and dangerous when you start to advocate who should be bred out of existence and who is fit to go on.
Where did she say she wanted to exterminate blacks?
You must be making shit up
Like I asked happy, if Trump said the same thing about blacks as she did. You wouldn't call him racist?
You are wrong about what you think Sanger said. You've been told.
Nope, she hated the black race and she wasn't shy about it.
Show us where she said that

That is like asking someone to show proof that Hitler hates Jews? Odd.

You're an idiot.

race-tuberculosis of the peoples - A. Hitler 1919.
I totally agree with you. Eugenics, spiritualism, some crazy shit people were into in the early 20th century. Sanger made birth control OK and I haven't seen a shred of evidence that her motives were race based. She did want to try to get feeble minded people not to breed however that was not based on race and it's where I tend to draw the line with her, but like I said in my post, our heroes are complicated.
Sanger made speeches to KKK women in secret locations so you have to say she treated both ends of the racial spectrum equally, also meeting with black communities. She was only concerned with the problem of unwanted pregnancies though many of her views on race were troubling to say the least.

Her eugenics becomes extremely messy and dangerous when you start to advocate who should be bred out of existence and who is fit to go on.

So, she was trying to exterminate KKK women then?

Guys, pick a lane and stick with it.

The difference....there are millions of silly people who call themselves "progressives' while there are about 10 people who call themselves kkk.........and the progressives created the kkk after the civil war to supress Blacks......whereas today, the progressives supress blacks with their policies instead of outright violence...

You seem to misunderstand what a progressive is

Progressives were the abolitionists
Conservatives were the slave holders

Wrong again

You're welcome to join the debate, but this is a pot luck so you actually have bring something to the table.

You loons have been schooled on that BS more times than I can count. It's obvious you were either taught wrong or your media masters hoodwinked you. Best just to mock you at this point.

It's like that crap you spew eating shellfish is a sin and abomination you use. Clueless bastards get schooled and turn right around and spew it again. You're a stupid lot

The difference....there are millions of silly people who call themselves "progressives' while there are about 10 people who call themselves kkk.........and the progressives created the kkk after the civil war to supress Blacks......whereas today, the progressives supress blacks with their policies instead of outright violence...

You seem to misunderstand what a progressive is

Progressives were the abolitionists
Conservatives were the slave holders

Wrong again

You're welcome to join the debate, but this is a pot luck so you actually have bring something to the table.

You loons have been schooled on that BS more times than I can count. It's obvious you were either taught wrong or your media masters hoodwinked you. Best just to mock you at this point.

It's like that crap you spew eating shellfish is a sin and abomination you use. Clueless bastards get schooled and turn right around and spew it again. You're a stupid lot

So, you're not going to bring the hot dog buns?
So, she was trying to exterminate KKK women then?

Guys, pick a lane and stick with it.
I didn't say that but if you want to draw that conclusion let it be on you.
The logical conclusion of that line of thought is she wanted to exterminate everyone she preached her birth control message to.

I never said that.
So, she was trying to exterminate KKK women then?

Guys, pick a lane and stick with it.
I didn't say that but if you want to draw that conclusion let it be on you.

She reaches out to blacks and she's trying exterminate their race. She reaches out to women of the kkk and now she's one of them? Logical fallacy there, can you spot it?

Now, there is actually only one account of her speaking to kkk women and this was what she wrote about it:

I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan at Silver Lake, New Jersey, one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing.

Do us all a favor and find the photoshopped image of Sanger with the kkk, I always get a kick out of that.
Ok, I'm taking a trip to the mountains today, y'all have fun now.
She reaches out to black and she's trying exterminate their race. She reaches out to women of the kkk and now she's one of them? Logical fallacy there, can you spot it?
Yes, I can. It's in your assumption that I said she wanted to wipe out all blacks and that I ever thought, implied or inferred that she was in cahoots with the Klan.Two fallacies right there though neither one is logical or supported by facts.

I thought since I made it very clear she reached out to racial polar opposites when she preached her birth control message no one could possibly think I was putting out what you are trying to hang on me but I guess I gave you too much credit for good sense. It just shows you shouldn't talk to anyone for long because they will inevitably disappoint you.

You seemed momentarily bright and reasonable but I guess the strain of keeping that up was too much for you.

Now, there is actually only one account of her speaking to kkk women and this was what she wrote about it:

I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan at Silver Lake, New Jersey, one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing.

Do us all a favor and find the photoshopped image of Sanger with the kkk, I always get a kick out of that.
You are now confirming exactly what I mentioned so should we now think you are agreeing she was one of the Klan?
Get a hold of yourself, will you? You are babbling.
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Where did she say she wanted to exterminate blacks?
You must be making shit up
Like I asked happy, if Trump said the same thing about blacks as she did. You wouldn't call him racist?
You are wrong about what you think Sanger said. You've been told.
Nope, she hated the black race and she wasn't shy about it.
Show us where she said that
The links are provided in this forum. Happy Joy said her comments were taken out of context.
Saw them
They are all out of context

Want to discuss any of them?
She reaches out to black and she's trying exterminate their race. She reaches out to women of the kkk and now she's one of them? Logical fallacy there, can you spot it?
Yes, I can. It's in your assumption that I said she wanted to wipe out all blacks and that I ever thought, implied or inferred that she was in cahoots with the Klan.Two fallacies right there though neither one is logical or supported by facts.

I thought since I made it very clear she reached out to racial polar opposites when she preached her birth control message so no one could possibly think I was putting out what you are trying to hang on me but I guess I gave you too much credit for good sense. It just shows you shouldn't talk to anyone for long because they will inevitably disappoint you.

You seemed momentarily bright and reasonable but I guess the strain of keeping that up was too much for you.

Now, there is actually only one account of her speaking to kkk women and this was what she wrote about it:

I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan at Silver Lake, New Jersey, one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing.

Do us all a favor and find the photoshopped image of Sanger with the kkk, I always get a kick out of that.
You are now confirming exactly what I mentioned so should we now think you are agreeing she was one of the Klan?
Get a hold of yourself, will you? You are babbling.
She was not a member of the klan

She talked to them about birth control..... a good thing

Keeping klan members from procreating
Some documentation please. How about provide a list of all Democrat legislators who switched to the Republican Party following Robert Byrd's 14-hour filibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Democrats' subsequent defeat on the issue due to Republican Everett Dirksen corralling up the Republican votes.

What documentation do you need, Southern states are totally dominated by republicans today.
/—-/ A different generation you idiot. Notice how we have to have this same conversation every 3 or 4 weeks? Stupid libtards

Coming from a dumbass Trump Humper, Reagan got racist democrats to become racist republicans ass clown.
/—-/ The didn’t change parties, they voted for Reagan. I was one of them.

Bullshit, why in the hell do you think the Republican Party dominates Southern states.

Common sense.
Leftists are:

1) Anti Free Speech. To them speech may be violence.

2) Anti Israel and overtly antisemitic. Not one Democrat attended the embassy opening in Jerusalem. They flew the flag of Palestine at the DNC and burned the Israeli flag outside of it. They elected open antisemites to Congress.

3) Anti women. To them men may identify as women as compete vs women and young girls in sports. I experienced this first hand coaching my 6th grade daughter’s AAU team.

4) Do not believe there is a crisis at the border because they are willfully ignorant. Even left leaning 60 Minutes dedicated a segment to this.

5) Racist vs African Americans. They provide incentives for single motherhood via the welfare program. Affirmative Action means they believe black persons would not succeed without Government aid. Planned Parenthood has killed 19mil black babies since inception.


1) Only number maybe 10k.

2) Believe they make America better by keeping it white Protestant. Don’t hate Israel but want all Jews in the US to move there.

3) Overtly racist toward non whites and Catholics.

4) Anti Immigration unless from Scandinavian countries. Maybe.

5) Have zero influence on US politics.
Straw....meet man

LOL, his post is a fire hazard.

The Wizard of Oz wants to give it a brain.

It is just my opinion. How can an opinion be wrong? This is the problem. We dismiss opinions rather than debate them.
Leftists are:

1) Anti Free Speech. To them speech may be violence.

2) Anti Israel and overtly antisemitic. Not one Democrat attended the embassy opening in Jerusalem. They flew the flag of Palestine at the DNC and burned the Israeli flag outside of it. They elected open antisemites to Congress.

3) Anti women. To them men may identify as women as compete vs women and young girls in sports. I experienced this first hand coaching my 6th grade daughter’s AAU team.

4) Do not believe there is a crisis at the border because they are willfully ignorant. Even left leaning 60 Minutes dedicated a segment to this.

5) Racist vs African Americans. They provide incentives for single motherhood via the welfare program. Affirmative Action means they believe black persons would not succeed without Government aid. Planned Parenthood has killed 19mil black babies since inception.


1) Only number maybe 10k.

2) Believe they make America better by keeping it white Protestant. Don’t hate Israel but want all Jews in the US to move there.

3) Overtly racist toward non whites and Catholics.

4) Anti Immigration unless from Scandinavian countries. Maybe.

5) Have zero influence on US politics.
Straw....meet man

Try to refute any of the 10 opinions I just posted.
Like I asked happy, if Trump said the same thing about blacks as she did. You wouldn't call him racist?
You are wrong about what you think Sanger said. You've been told.
Nope, she hated the black race and she wasn't shy about it.
Show us where she said that

That is like asking someone to show proof that Hitler hates Jews? Odd.

You're an idiot.

race-tuberculosis of the peoples - A. Hitler 1919.

ad hominems. Lovely. Would you call me an idiot to my face? No. So debate intelligently. You missed my point. Sanger thought blacks were inferior. Period. End of story.

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