What's the Difference between Socialists and Communists?

What's the Difference between Socialists and Communists?

By: Reaganite Republican
18 December 2012

Joke from communist-era Poland still rings-true...

Teen: 'Father, what's the difference between socialists and communists?'

Dad: 'The communists shoot you right in the head, while socialists torment you through your whole life.'


Read more:
RR: What's the Difference between Socialists and Communists?

What's the difference between a inbred redneck and someone educated by right-wing bloggers?

People educated by right-wing bloggers have no excuse for eating their own shit.

Be thahkful for the freedom loving 'right wing' which is dedicated to protecting liberties.

In Iran, you fags don't even exist.

Neither do you in China.
And many can't seem to know the difference.

Why should they? They don't even know the difference between fascism and nazism, let along fascism and communism. Knowing the difference between theoretical communism, Soviet communism and political communism would be too far a stretch.

Just slight variations of a theme, as has been demonstrated to you repeatedly.

Only to people who got F's in "reads with understanding" back in grammar school.

Communism: Centrally planned economies, military dictatorship, social stratification via political affiliation, vast propaganda machines with strict censorship, oppressive police state, and concentration/slave labor camps (if not summary execution) for dissenters and other "undesirables".

Fascism: Centrally planned economies, military dictatorship, social stratification via political affiliation, vast propaganda machines with strict censorship, oppressive police state, and concentration/slave labor camps (if not summary execution) for dissenters and other "undesirables".

Yup...There's a whooooole lotta difference between those two forms of authoritarian tyranny!

Quoted for the truth which 'Oldguy' can't handle.
Statism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism...give 'em whatever name you like.

We've got to stop heading in that direction...'cuz big government ain't right.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Cz2nBGovHs]Less is In - YouTube[/ame]

Similarity between the hard left & racism and the hard right & communism, specifically:

Yes, it does exist; yes, there are clearly people who support it; but constantly screaming about it, constantly accusing "those other guys" of perpetrating it at every freaking opportunity, finding it under every single rock, ultimately just makes you look hypersensitive and turns you into the boy who cried wolf, less than credible, and may hurt your cause more than help it.


Communism: Centrally planned economies, military dictatorship, social stratification via political affiliation, vast propaganda machines with strict censorship, oppressive police state, and concentration/slave labor camps (if not summary execution) for dissenters and other "undesirables".

Fascism: Centrally planned economies, military dictatorship, social stratification via political affiliation, vast propaganda machines with strict censorship, oppressive police state, and concentration/slave labor camps (if not summary execution) for dissenters and other "undesirables".

Yup...There's a whooooole lotta difference between those two forms of authoritarian tyranny!

You're confusing an economic system with totalitarianism. The supposition is that neither economic model can exist outside a repressive government and that's not so.

Don't feel bad, though. Most people don't know the difference.
I'm confusing noting....Economic totalitarianism is one of the central features of both communism and fascism....You don't have all the rest in the absence of such economic central control.

Don't feel bad though...Most lolberals are too dense to make that connection too.
So after all these posts, it seems few even know what communism is, much less the difference between socialism and communism. Perhaps somewhere along the way we should have had a few comparative economic and political system classes being taught in the schools? We invested so much money in arms and wars fighting communism, yet we seemed to have kept the American people ignorant of what the system was we were fighting. To this day I could label my paper boy a communist and most people would know what I meant. The boy was remiss in delivering the paper on time.
The "differences" amount to little more than your Mao jacket only being available in gray under one regime and available in navy, black and gray in another.

But if y'all really get off on such navel gazing, have at it.
What's the Difference between Socialists and Communists?

By: Reaganite Republican
18 December 2012

Joke from communist-era Poland still rings-true...

Teen: 'Father, what's the difference between socialists and communists?'

Dad: 'The communists shoot you right in the head, while socialists torment you through your whole life.'


Read more:
RR: What's the Difference between Socialists and Communists?

What's the difference between a inbred redneck and someone educated by right-wing bloggers?

People educated by right-wing bloggers have no excuse for eating their own shit.
That's rich, coming from someone who eats Obama's shit and says it's yummy.
For almost 100 years the American people have lived in dread of communism, have spent billions of dollars, thousands of lives to fight communism, and in fact, are still living in a cold war economic era, trying to figure it out, before the cliff. Politicians have used it to gain votes, spend money, scare us, yet no one seems to know what communism really is. First, came the trivial definitions, then a few real attempts, but the bottom line seems to be that none of us really seem to know. Is communism just a label to raise the fear level, or is it real?
Considering that Communism ALWAYS turns into a dictatorship, there is no reason to believe that "pure" Communism could ever work.


No, I doubt pure communism would work because it denies human nature.

And, we don't know if it would always turn into a dictatorship because we didn't give it time to develop in democratic Chile.
Uh huh. Never heard that before. "Communism never worked because the US always interfered!!"
So after all these posts, it seems few even know what communism is, much less the difference between socialism and communism. Perhaps somewhere along the way we should have had a few comparative economic and political system classes being taught in the schools? We invested so much money in arms and wars fighting communism, yet we seemed to have kept the American people ignorant of what the system was we were fighting. To this day I could label my paper boy a communist and most people would know what I meant. The boy was remiss in delivering the paper on time.
So, hey, let's try Communism in the US!! It'll work this time! No, really!!

So after all these posts, it seems few even know what communism is, much less the difference between socialism and communism. Perhaps somewhere along the way we should have had a few comparative economic and political system classes being taught in the schools? We invested so much money in arms and wars fighting communism, yet we seemed to have kept the American people ignorant of what the system was we were fighting. To this day I could label my paper boy a communist and most people would know what I meant. The boy was remiss in delivering the paper on time.
So, hey, let's try Communism in the US!! It'll work this time! No, really!!


Anyone that has read even a little on Marx realizes that it can't work. The Russians tried the introductory course for a time and dumped it. It has been tried with a small group in New Harmony Ind. and it was a bomb.
No country has made communism work but it's value has been as a lure to create new dictatorships. It has also been used in the United States not as a lure but as fear to sway s votes. Fear is a biggie in elections. Read the posts, and see the number of fear arguments.
So after all these posts, it seems few even know what communism is, much less the difference between socialism and communism. Perhaps somewhere along the way we should have had a few comparative economic and political system classes being taught in the schools? We invested so much money in arms and wars fighting communism, yet we seemed to have kept the American people ignorant of what the system was we were fighting. To this day I could label my paper boy a communist and most people would know what I meant. The boy was remiss in delivering the paper on time.
So, hey, let's try Communism in the US!! It'll work this time! No, really!!


Anyone that has read even a little on Marx realizes that it can't work. The Russians tried the introductory course for a time and dumped it. It has been tried with a small group in New Harmony Ind. and it was a bomb.
No country has made communism work but it's value has been as a lure to create new dictatorships. It has also been used in the United States not as a lure but as fear to sway s votes. Fear is a biggie in elections. Read the posts, and see the number of fear arguments.
Fear? No. Acknowledging reality.
If the obama admin has it's way with the gun control measures it's proposing and supporting you'll see the difference with your own eyes when the socialist left takes off it's disguise and reveals themselves as the communists they truly wish to be.
Considering that Communism ALWAYS turns into a dictatorship, there is no reason to believe that "pure" Communism could ever work.


No, I doubt pure communism would work because it denies human nature.

And, we don't know if it would always turn into a dictatorship because we didn't give it time to develop in democratic Chile.
Uh huh. Never heard that before. "Communism never worked because the US always interfered!!"

A brief history lesson for the uninformed:

Salvador Allende : Biography

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