"What's The Frequency, Kenneth?"

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Dan Rather (not) has never explained what the guy who was supposedly beating the crap out of him on a NYC street meant by "the frequency" or calling him "Kenneth". And who really cares since it probably never happened, given Dan's penchant for inventing stories. He probably fell down a flight of stairs after a night of double-martinis. :uhoh3:


Now he's back in the news for giving the WSJ editor the what-for over the editor's refusal to call Trump a "liar". Dan knows something about lying alright...and it cost him his job at CBS. You might recall Dan presenting forged TANG documents claiming Bush had gone AWOL from his Texas Air National Guard squadron. The tale fell apart when the documents in question were typed in a font that didn't exist at the time. Bush let it slide but Rather never recovered his reputation or his dignity. But Dan doesn't need either as he clearly shows here:

Dan Rather
19 hrs ·
A lie, is a lie, is a lie. Journalism, as I was taught it, is a process of getting as close to some valid version of the truth as is humanly possible. And one of my definitions of news is information that the powerful don't want you to know.
So this statement (see attached article) from the editor in chief of the Wall Street Journal about how his paper will report on Donald Trump’s potential (likely?) future lies is deeply disturbing. It is not the proper role of journalists to meet lies—especially from someone of Mr. Trump’s stature and power—by hiding behind semantics and euphemisms. Our role is to call it as we see it, based on solid reporting. When something is, in fact, a demonstrable lie, it is our responsibility to say so.

Dan Rather - A lie, is a lie, is a lie. Journalism, as I... | Facebook
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